guy@CS.UCLA.EDU (02/14/91)
The following bibliography contains work related to "distributed time." It is a compilation of recommendations from sixteen people who responded to Tom Page's recent request for pointers, totalling twenty-eight papers. Colin Plumb noted that the work generally falls into one of two categories: abstract (Lamport clocks, etc.) and concrete (at the tone, the time ...). This bibtex-format bibliography more or less follows the abstract vs concrete division; it is based on an initial set of entries provided by Keith Marzullo. Contributors include: (Ed Vielmetti) Craig Partridge <> (Mustaq Ahamad) (Gil Neiger) (Rick Bubenik) reiher@onyx.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Peter Reiher) pgraham@gold.cs.UManitoba.CA Alan Downing <> fdm@WLV.IMSD.CONTEL.COM (Frank D. Malczewski) (Benny Yih) (Keith Marzullo) STROM@IBM.COM (Rob Strom) Doug McCallum <> Colin Plumb <> Friedemann Mattern <> (Vera M) (warning: some entries include locally-defined strings, i.e. 'acm-toplas') Abstract/logical time/clocks: @article{lamport78 author = "Leslie Lamport", title = "Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System", journal = "Communications of the ACM", year = 1978, volume = 21, number = 7, month = "July", pages = "558--565", keywords = "classic paper on logical clocks" } @article{morgan85 author = "C. Morgan", title = "Global and Logical Time in distributed algorithms", journal = "Information Processing Letters", year = 1985, volume = 20, pages = "189--194", keywords = "good example on the use of logical clocks" } @article{Jefferson85, author = "David R. Jefferson", title = "Virtual Time", journal = acm-toplas, year = 1985, volume = 7, number = 3, pages = "404-425", month = jul, keywords = "virtual time, simulation, time warp", } @incollection{mattern89 author = "Friedemann Mattern", title = "Virtual Time and Global States of Distributed Systems", booktitle = "Parallel and Distributed Algorithms: proceedings of the International Workshop on Parallel & Distributed Algorithms", editor = "M. Cosnard et. al.", year = 1989, publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.", pages = "215--226", keywords = "summary about the current rage in logical clocks (vector clocks)" } @article{sy:OR, author = "Robert E. Strom and Shaula A. Yemini", title = "Optimistic Recovery in Distributed Systems", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = "1985", volume = "3", number = "3", pages = "204--226", month = "August", keywords = "combines the optimistic principle underlying Jefferson's work with the time-as-partial-order ideas of Lamport" } @conference{peterson87, author = "Larry L. Peterson", title = "Preserving Context Information in an {IPC} Abstraction", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 6th symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems", month = "March", year = 1987, pages = "22--31", keywords = "example on the use of vector clocks" } Concrete/synchronization of "real" clocks: (cf. comp.protocols.time.ntp and ftp-able archives on @conference{Cristian86, author = "F. Cristian, H. Aghili and R. Strong", title = "Clock synchronization in the presence of omission and performance faults, and processor joins", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing", year = 1986, pages = "218-223", month = "July", } @article{Cristian89, author = "F. Cristian", title = "A probabilistic approach to distributed clock synchronization", journal = "Distributed Computing", year = 1989, volume = "3", pages = "146-158", } @conference{Lundelius84, author = "J. Lundelius and N. Lynch", title = "A new fault-tolerant algorithm for clock synchronization", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third ACM SIGACT/SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing", year = 1984, pages = "75-88", month = "August", } @conference{Dolev83, author = "D. Dolev and N. Lynch and S. Pinter and E. Stark and W. Weihl", title = "Reaching approximate agreement in the presence of faults", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems", year = 1983, pages = "145-154", month = "October", } @techreport{schneider87, author = "Fred B. Schneider", title = "Understanding Protocols for {B}yzantine Clock Synchronization", institution = "Cornell University", address = "Dept. of Computer Science, Upson Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853", month = "August", number = "TR 87--859" year = 1987, keywords = "survey on clock synchronization algorithms, including lots of references" } @conference{marzullo83, author = "Keith Marzullo and Susan Owicki", title = "Maintaining the Time in a Distributed System", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing", year = 1983, organization = {ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS}, pages = "295--305", keywords = "example of a practical clock synchronization service" } @conference{lamport84, author = "Leslie Lamport and Peter M. Melliar-Smith", title = "Byzantine clock synchronization.", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing", year = 1984, organization = {ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS}, pages = "68--74" } @conference{neiger87, author = "Gil Neiger and Sam Toueg", title = "Substituting for Real Time and Common Knowledge in Asynchronous Distributed Systems", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing", year = 1987, organization = {ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS}, pages = "281--293", keywords = "to appear in JACM" } @article{Welch87, author = "Jennifer Lundelius Welch", title = "Simulating Synchronous Processors", journal = "Information and Computation", year = 1987, month = aug, volume = 74, number = 2, pages = "159--171", keywords = "similar results to Neiger and Toueg" } @conference{halpern84, author = "Joseph Halpern and Barbara Simons and Ray Strong and Danny Dolev", title = "Fault-tolerant clock synchronization", booktitle = "Proceedings of Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing", month = "August", year = 1984, organization = {ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS}, pages = "89--102" } @conference{Zhang90, author = "Lixia Zhang", title = "VirtualClock: A new traffic control algorithm for Packet switching networks", booktitle = "SIGCOMM '90 Symposium: Communications Architectures & Protocols", year = 1990, month = sep, pages = "19--29" } @article{Kopetz87, author = "Hermann Kopetz and Wilhelm Ochsenreiter", title = "Clock synchronization in distributed real-time computer systems", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computers", volume = "C-36", number = 8, year = 1987, month = aug, pages = "933--940" } @article{Ramanathan90, author = "P Ramanathan and D. D. Kandlur and K. G. Shin", title = "Hardware-assisted software clock synchronization for homogeneous distributed systems", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computers", volume = "C-39", number = 4, year = 1990, month = apr, pages = "514--524" } @article{srikanth87, author = "T. K. Srikanth and Sam Toueg", title = "Optimal Clock Synchronization", journal = "Journal of the ACM", year = 1987, volume = 34, number = 3, month = "July", pages = "626--645" } @misc{RFC1165, author = "J. Crowcroft and J. P. Onions", title = "Network Time Protocol (NTP) over the OSI Remote Operations Service", howpublished = "{Network Working Group Request for Comments: 1165}", year = 1990, month = jun, pages = "1--10" } @misc{RFC1129, author = "Dave L. Mills", title = "Internet time synchronization: The Network Time Protocol", howpublished = "{Network Working Group Request for Comments: 1129}", year = 1989, month = oct, pages = "1--29" } @misc{RFC1128, author = "Dave L. Mills", title = "Measured performance of the Network Time Protocol in the Internet system", howpublished = "{Network Working Group Request for Comments: 1128}", year = 1989, month = oct, pages = "1--20" } @misc{RFC1119, author = "Dave L. Mills", title = "Network Time Protocol (version 2) specification and implementation", howpublished = "{Network Working Group Request for Comments: 1119}", year = 1989, month = sep, pages = "1--64", keywords = "(Obsoletes RFC 1059, RFC 958)" } @misc{RFC1059, author = "Dave L. Mills", title = "Network Time Protocol (version 1) specification and implementation", howpublished = "{Network Working Group Request for Comments: 1059}", year = 1988, month = jul, pages = "1--58", keywords = "(Obsoleted by RFC 1119)" } @misc{RFC958, author = "Dave L. Mills", title = "Network Time Protocol (NTP)", howpublished = "{Network Working Group Request for Comments: 958}", year = 1985, month = sep, pages = "1--14", keywords = "(Obsoleted by RFC 1119)" } @misc{RFC957, author = "Dave L. Mills", title = "Experiments in network clock synchronization", howpublished = "{Network Working Group Request for Comments: 957}", year = 1985, month = sep, pages = "1--27" } @misc{RFC956, author = "Dave L. Mills", title = "Algorithms for synchronizing network clocks", howpublished = "{Network Working Group Request for Comments: 956}", year = 1985, month = sep, pages = "1--26" } ---------- Richard Guy UCLA Computer Science Department