[comp.os.research] clarification re: Sprite paper

douglis@cs.vu.nl (Fred Douglis) (02/18/91)

The following is excerpted from a recent message in this newsgroup:

    From: steve@yoyodyne.mit.edu (Steve Jones)
    Subject: Summary: Getting info about Sprite over the Internet

	    First, there are several papers available for
    anonymous FTP on sprite.berkeley.edu. 
    amsp.ps.Z	4-Feb-1991 draft comparing Sprite vs. Amoeba
		    Douglis, Kaashock [sic], Tanenbaum, Ousterhout
    Also be aware that I have no affiliation that I know of with UCB or
    DECWRL, and what I've done may be completely against their wishes. If
    I am informed that they prefer I not do any of this specifically or
    generally, the offending act shall be remedied swiftly. 

It was actually not my intention to publicize the availability of the
paper comparing Amoeba and Sprite -- the paper was available via FTP
because I was soliciting feedback from other former members of the
Sprite group, and I didn't expect too many other people to stumble
across it.

However, now that the cat's out of the bag, I thought I should clarify
something.  Namely, the paper that's there now should be a more recent
version, not dated 4 Feb.  Also, Steve said:

    I've taken all of these publications and made them available
    for anonymous FTP on yoyodyne.mit.edu.

So, if you get that copy, please make sure it's not dated 4 Feb. either.

Finally, the current version will shortly be available as a VU tech
report, with the following (BibTeX) citation:

    AUTHOR = {F. Douglis and M. F. Kaashoek and A. S. Tanenbaum
	      and J. K. Ousterhout},
    TITLE = {A Comparison of Two Distributed Systems: {A}moeba and {S}prite},
    INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, 
		   Vrije Universiteit}, 
    YEAR = {1990},
    MONTH =	DEC, 
    NUMBER = {IR--230},
    TYPE =	{Report}, 
    ADDRESS = {Amsterdam}

     Fred Douglis, Vrije Universiteit, douglis@cs.vu.nl +31 20 548-5777