(Don Smith) (04/07/91)
FINAL CALL FOR REGISTRATION [Note: If you plan to attend TriComm'91, please send the registration information (below) immediately by express mail, FAX or email. Payment can be made when you pick up your registration material at the conference. Registrations made after Monday, April 15, 1991, cannot be guaranteed lunch and dinner tickets.] TriComm'91 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE: COMMUNICATIONS FOR DISTRIBUTED APPLICATIONS AND SYSTEMS Chapel Hill, NC April 18-19, 1991 (Registration & Reception April 17, 6 pm) An International Conference Sponsored by the IEEE Communication Society, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and MCNC The decade of the 1980s was a period of rapid advances in communications technology (both hardware and software) and of pioneering deployment of distributed systems and applications. At the beginning of the 1990's, new communications technologies and new distributed applications are emerging that will have far-reaching impact on communications software. Very high-speed networks (e.g., from FDDI to Gigabit technologies), multi- and continuous-media communications, interconnection of workstations and supercomputers, visualization and image applications, and computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) are just a few examples. Participation in the conference by both developers of advanced distributed applications or systems and researchers interested in communications software will provide a mutually beneficial dialogue. FEATURED SPEAKERS Ken Birman, Cornell University, "Group Communication in Operating System Microkernals" Roger Bushnell, Bell Northern Research, "Subscriber Service Evolution" J. L. Felton, IBM, "Directions in Information Systems in the 1990s" John Morris, Open Software Foundation, "Distributed Systems: Meeting the Needs of the 90s" Dave Sincoskie, Bellcore, "Gigabit Testbed Activities at Bellcore" SESSIONS COMMUNICATIONS FOR MULTIMEDIA "Multimedia TeleConferencing over International Packet Switched Networks," J. Crowcroft, University College-London "On the Synchronization and Display of Multiple Full-Motion Video Streams," Howard Katseff, AT & T Bell Laboratories "Delay Jitter Control for Real-Time Communication in a Packet Switching Network," Dinesh C. Verma, University of CA-Berkeley & International Computer Science Institute "New Virtual Time CSMA/CD Protocols for Real-Time Communication," Jaideep Srivastava, University of Minnesota APPLICATIONS AND ARCHITECTURES "The Design and Implementation of the MONTAGE Multimedia Mail System," Keith Edwards, Georgia Institute of Technology "A Proposed Extension of the ODA Document Model for the Processing of Multimedia Documents," Hannes P. Lubich, ETH-Zurich "The Andrew File System on OS/2 and SNA," Neil Sullivan, IBM-RTP "Vector Processor Services for Local Area Networks," Scott Midkiff, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University COMPUTER CONFERENCING "Evaluating Alternative Display Sharing System Architectures," Nina Rosson, Southwest Research Institute "XTV: A Framework for Sharing X Window Clients in Remote Synchronous Collaboration," Hussein Abdel-Wahab, Old Dominion University "Control Issues in Multimedia Conferencing," S. R. Ahuja, AT & T Bell Laboratories "System Design for Workstation-Based Conferencing with Digital Audio and Video." Kevin Jeffay, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill NETWORK PROTOCOLS AND IMPLEMENTATIONS "A Communication Protocol for a Multi-level Secure Network," Andrew Mazeikis, Queen's University-Ontario "Heirarchial Network Routing," Alan Fekete, University of Sydney "A Parallel Implementation of the ISO 8802-2.2 Protocol," Matthias Kaiserswerth, IBM Research-Zurich "A Layered Communication System Generator," Gen-Huey Chen, National Taiwan University PERFORMANCE AND MEASUREMENT "The Effects of Long Delay and Transmission Errors on the Performance of TP-4 Implementation," Randy C. Mitchell, The MITRE Corp. "HiPPI Link Data Analysis System," Dan Winkelstein, MCNC "Tingle: Suite for Monitoring Networks," J. Dean Brock, University of North Carolina-Asheville "Capability Analysis of Distributed Switching Systems in Interprocessor Communications," Serap Savari, MIT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Alan Blatecky, General Chairman Jurg Nievergelt, International Chairman MCNC, USA ETH, Switzerland Peter Calingaert Andre Fournier UNC-Chapel Hill, USA BNR, USA David May Joe Rusnak BNR, USA IBM, USA Dan Stevenson MCNC, USA PROGRAM COMMITTEE F. Donelson Smith Chairman Yutaka Matsushita IBM & UNC-Chapel Hill, USA Keio University, Japan Steven Bellovin Najah Naffah AT & T Bell Laboratories, USA Bull, France Rich Chilausky Erich Neuhold BNR, USA GMD-IPSI, Germany Brian Coan Bernhard Plattner Bellcore, USA ETH, Switzerland Flaviu Cristian Tom Rodeheffer IBM Research-Almaden, USA DEC System Research Center, USA Carla Ellis Beverly Sanders Duke University ETH, Switzerland Rong-Chin Fang M. Satyanarayanan Northern Telecom, USA Carnegie Mellon U., USA Domenico Ferrari H.T. Smith U. of CA-Berkeley, USA Nottingham University, UK James P. Gray Jorgen Stanstrup IBM-RTP, USA Technical University, Denmark Fukuya Ishino Liba Svobodova NTT, Japan IBM Res.-Zurich, Switzerland Kevin Jeffay Mladen Vouk UNC-Chapel Hill, USA NC State U., USA Rivka Laden Hussein Abdel-Wahab DEC CRL. USA Old Dominion University, USA Simon Lam William Weihl U. of Texas-Austin, USA MIT, USA Geovane Magalhaes Jennifer Welch CPqD/TELEBRAS, Brazil UNC-Chapel Hill, USA LOCATION TriComm '91 will take place in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at the University of North Carolina. The University of North Carolina is located at one corner of North Carolina's Research Triangle (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill) in the center of which is the Research Triangle Park and the Raleigh-Durham Airport. MCNC, a national resource in microelectronics, is located in the Research Triangle Park. MCNC is a non-profit corporation established to support and develop the education and research technology infrastructure in North Carolina. It has three divisions: microelectronics, supercomputing, and communications. All conference sessions and meals will be held at the Carolina Inn, a charming Chapel Hill landmark, located on the campus of the University of North Carolina just across the street from Sitterson Hall, the state-of-the-art building which houses UNC's Computer Science Department. On Wednesday night, April 17, pre-registration and the conference reception will take place in Sitterson Hall. Chapel Hill is a small community of about 40,000. In April the weather will generally be very pleasant with daytime temperatures in the upper 60's and nighttime temperatures in the 50's; however, you should be prepared for a shower. Many spring-flowering plants and shrubs should be in bloom at this time. TRANSPORTATION The local airport is Raleigh-Durham International. American Airlines is the official carrier of TriComm '91, offering special fares to North American conferees: 5% saving off published excursion fare within the US, or 40% (Canada 35%) off the full coach fare with a 7-day advance purchase valid from April 15-April 21, 1991. Call 1-800-433-1790 and refer to STAR FILE S0241GC to obtain the discount. Taxis, which you can take to the Carolina Inn or any other location in Chapel Hill for about $25.00, are generally waiting outside the airport terminals. Or you can arrange to be picked up by LTD Services. LTD operates by reservation. In order to be picked up, call LTD (1-800-787-4474 or 919-840-1829) at least one day in advance and give the time, flight number and airline you will arrive on. You may call after you arrive but you may have a substantial wait. The cost is $15.00 per person. Because all conference events will take place either at the Carolina Inn or Sitterson Hall just across the street, there is no need to rent a car. For those commuting, we have arranged for a shuttle bus to run from the southwest corner of the University Mall parking lot (near First Union Bank) beginning at 7:00 am on April 18 and 19. The Mall is located at the intersection of Estes Drive and US 15-501. Parking is not available on the UNC campus between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. The Carolina Inn provides free parking for registered guests only. -------------------------------------cut here--------------------------------- ADVANCE REGISTRATION FORM (Clip and mail to address below) Please make checks or money orders payable (in U.S. currency) to TriComm '91. We cannot accept credit cards. Mail with completed registration form to: Mary Ducker TriComm '91 CB #3175, Sitterson Hall University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175 USA 919-962-1869 FAX 919-962-1799 Conference registration includes a copy of the proceedings, coffee breaks, Wednesday evening reception, lunches Thursday and Friday, and the Thursday evening conference dinner. The basic student fee includes the technical sessions, proceedings, and coffee breaks. Students who register in advance may also purchase lunches. No refunds can be given after April 10. Please indicate the appropriate fee. IEEE member $225.00 Non-member $275.00 Full time student (basic) $35.00 Full-time student (including lunches) $55.00 Please print the following information. Name (for name badge) __________________________________________________ Affiliation (for name badge) ___________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________Email_______________________________ IEEE membership number __________________________________ I will attend the reception on Wed., April 17____yes ____no NOTE: Individuals whose registrations are received after Monday, April 15, cannot be guaranteed lunch and dinner tickets. If you have any special dietary needs, please let us know. We will make every effort to work with our caterers to honor those needs. ------------------------------------cut here------------------------------- HOTEL RESERVATIONS (Clip and mail to address below or phone for reservation) CAROLINA INN PO Box 1110 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 919-933-2001 1-800-962-8519 Please make reservations directly with the Carolina Inn and refer to TriComm '91 (Group #1960*1). Please complete all information and circle desired accommodation. TriComm '91 rates (not including tax): single $42-65 double $52-80 Guest name___________________________________________________________ Phone_______________ Address______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Arrival date _________________________Departure date_________________ Number in party__________ Share with ________________________________ _________________________________________________ Reservations will be held until 6:00 p.m. on the arrival date unless a one night deposit is received or is guaranteed with American Express, Visa, or Mastercard. Card name ____________________Expiration date ___________ Card number __________________________ Name on card (please print clearly) ___________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________________________