[comp.os.research] call for papers

boykin@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Joe Boykin) (11/30/88)


			      Second Workshop On


    Sponsored by: The  IEEE  Computer  Society  Technical  Committee  on
    Operating Systems

    Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific  Grove,  CA.   September  27-30,

    The Second Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems (WWOS-II)  will
    bring together a number of researchers  and  developers  to  discuss
    their work and experiences in  workstation  operating  systems.   As
    workstation  technology  and  man-machine  interfaces  advance,  the
    operating system must evolve.  Potential topic areas include:

	  o New workstation operating systems

	  o OS changes for the workstation environment
	    (e.g. graphical interfaces)

	  o Scheduling and resource management

	  o Workstation architectures

	  o Multi-processor considerations

    To facilitate the dialog that is so valuable in a workshop  setting,
    attendance will be limited  to  60  active  workers  in  the  field.
    Registration requests should be  addressed  to  Joseph  Boykin,  the
    General Chair.  This request should  include  a  1-3  page  position
    paper describing the participant's interest  and  future  directions
    related to workstations and workstation operating systems as well as
    insights and lessons  gained  from  recent  research  and  practical

    Those interested in presenting the results  of  their  research,  or
    current work-in-progress, should submit a 3-5  page  paper  to  Luis
    Felipe Cabrera.   Papers  must  be  submitted  by  April  15,  1989.
    Acceptance will be made by June 1 and final copy is due  by  July 1,
    1989.  Selection of papers will be made by the program committee:

	David Anderson,  UC Berkeley
	Kenneth Birman,  Cornell University
	Anita Borg,  DEC WRL
	Luis-Felipe Cabrera,  IBM (chair)
	Sam Chanson,  U. of British Columbia
	Robert Hagmann,  Xerox Parc
	Paul Leach,  Apollo Computers
	Paul McJones,  DEC SRC
	Sape Mullender,  CWI, Amsterdam
	Ike Nassi,  Encore Computer
	Mike Powell,  SUN Microsystems
	David Presotto,  AT&T Bell Laboratories
	Bud Tribble,  Next Computers
	John Wilkes,  Hewlett Packard

    General Chairman:   Joseph Boykin
    Encore Computer Corp.
    257 Cedar Hill Street
    Marlborough, MA 01752
    (508) 460-0500 x2720
    ARPA: boykin@encore.com
    UUCP: encore!boykin

    Program Chairman:   Luis Felipe Cabrera
    IBM Almaden Research Center
    650 Harry Road
    San Jose, CA 95120
    (408) 927-1838
    ARPA: cabrera@ibm.com
    UUCP: ucbvax!cabrera

    Registration, including a copy of the proceedings:
				Pre-registration	On-site
    Computer Society Member		$160		$215
    Non-member				$210		$275
    Student Member			 $95		$125
    Lodging:	$55 per night for double occupancy room, breakfast, lunch,
			and dinner.

ray@unix.SRI.COM (Ray wong) (02/02/89)

I am organizing a session on "Security in Distributed Operating
Systems" at the Fifth Aerospace Computer Security Conference
to be held in Tucson, Arizona (Dec. 4-8, 1989).

We would welcome a paper from the Athena Project at MIT
on the Kerberos Authentication system.  Papers on other
projects related to protection or authentication are also

Examples of papers we expect to have in this session include
a paper on Trusted MACH and protection in Cronus.

Papers are due by May 19, 1989.  Individuals interested in
submitting a paper can either send a paper directly to

   Raymond Wong
   Odyssey Research Associates
   525 Middlefield Road, Suite 250
   Menlo Park, CA. 94025

or contact me before submitting a paper to get additional
information on the session or determine appropriateness of the

perform@vuse.vanderbilt.edu (Performance Mailing List) (12/12/89)

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

Fifth International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools
            for Computer Performance Evaluation

    TURIN, Italy, February 13-15, 1991 (***note new dates!!!***)

Authors are invited to submit papers describing recent and original
developments on techniques, tools, and applications in the area of
performance modelling of computer and network systems.  Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:

  - advances in MODELLING TECHNIQUES for the solution of large scale
    or complex models: local and long distance networks, parallel
    systems, and hardware architectures

  - efficient COMPUTATIONAL and NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES for the exact or
    approximate solution of queueing network models, Markovian models,
    and Petri net models

  - STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES and TOOLS for simulation output analysis,
    experiment planning, and performance measurement

  - exploitation of EXPERT SYSTEM techniques in the area of system
    modelling, configuration, and monitoring

  - MODELLING TOOLS providing support for the modelling process and
    integration within system design environments

  - experiences in WORKLOAD CHARACTERIZATION for databases, distributed
    systems, parallel systems, and artificial intelligence applications
  - CASE STUDIES in the area of system design evaluation, performance
    management, and capacity planning

   Papers should be written in English and no longer than 20 double-spaced
   typed pages.  Send 5 copies to:
                     Prof. Gianfranco Balbo
                     Dipartimento di Informatica - Universita' di Torino 
                     Corso Svizzera, 185 - 10149 Torino - Italy

   June 15, 1990           Deadline for submission of full papers
   October 1, 1990         Notification of acceptance
   December 1, 1990        Camera ready copy due
   December 31, 1990       Deadline for pre-registration

General Chairman
   D. Potier (France)

Program Chairmen
   G. Balbo (Italy)
   G. Serazzi (Italy)

Program Committee
   A. Agrawala (USA)
   F. Baccelli (France)
   H. Beilner (W. Germany)
   S. Bruell (USA)
   D. Ferrari (USA)
   E. Gelenbe (France)
   G. Haring (Austria)
   U. Herzog (W. Germany)
   P. Hughes (G. Britain)
   G. Iazeolla (Italy)
   P. Kritzinger (S. Africa)
   J. Labetoulle (France)
   E. MacNair (USA)
   R. Marie (France)
   R. Muntz (USA)
   B. Plateau (France)
   R. Pooley (G. Britain)
   R. Puigjaner (Spain)
   G. Pujolle (France)
   M. Reiser (Switzerland)
   C. Saguez (France)
   H. Schwetman (USA)
   O. Spaniol (W. Germany)
   Y. Takahashi (Japan)
   S. Tripathi (USA)
   K. Trivedi (USA)
   R. Walstra (USA)
   J. Zahorjan (USA)

Organizing Chairman
   M. Calzarossa (Italy)

Organizing Committee
   G. Chiola (Italy)
   S. Donatelli (Italy)
   G. Franceschinis (Italy)

darrell@midgard.ucsc.edu (Darrell Long) (06/12/90)

                      CALL FOR PAPERS


                      is announcing a

                       SPECIAL ISSUE

                     scheduled for 1991



Papers reporting significant research in the areas  of  dis-
tributed file systems and data base systems are invited.  Of
particular interest are papers describing simulations of the
performance,  fault-tolerance,  or scalability of these sys-
tems.  Specific topics of interest include, but are not lim-
ited to:

      * Replication          * Performance
      * File Migration       * Transaction Processing
      * Scalability          * Concurrency Control
      * I/O Architectures    * View Management
      * Caching Strategies   * Partitionable Systems

Prospective authors are invited to submit four copies of the
complete manuscript by September 1, 1990 to the Guest Editor:

Dr. Darrell D. E. Long, Guest Editor   Dr. George W. Zobrist, Editor
Computer & Information Sciences        Department of Computer Science
University of California               University of Missouri-Rolla
Santa Cruz,  CA  95064                 Rolla,  MI  65401

Phone: (408) 429-2616                  Phone:  (314) 341-4836
Internet: darrell@cis.ucsc.edu         Internet: c2816@umrvmb.umr.edu


                Ablex Publishing Corporation
                    355 Chestnut Street
                     Norwood, NJ 07648

perform@vuse.vanderbilt.edu (Performance Mailing List) (07/17/90)

Announcement and Call for Papers

International Conference on the Performance of
Distributed Systems and Integrated Communication Networks

September 10-12, 1991, Kyoto, Japan

IFIP WG7.3   IBM Japan   Kyoto University
University of Paris VI   TIMS Japan Chapter

T.Hasegawa(Kyoto Univ., Japan), H.Takagi(IBM, Japan)

Program Chairman:
Y.Takahashi(Kyoto Univ., Japan)

North American Representative:
H.Kobayashi(Princeton Univ., USA)

European Representative:
G.Pujolle(Univ. Paris VI, France)

Scope of the Conference:
As distributed processing systems and integrated communication networks
are becoming realities, understanding their performance characteristics
properly is a key to the success of technology.  We consolidate our
knowledge in this field, and further explore novel ideas and techniques
of performance evaluation.

Modelling Methodologies            Models and Systems
-----------------------            ------------------
Large Markov Chains                Multi-processor Computers
Multi-queue Models                 Interconnection Networks
Queueing Networks                  Distributed Database
Performance Petri Nets             Concurrent Processing
                         Multi-media Local and Metropolitan Area Networks
Simulation Techniques and Tools    Broadband ISDN

Program Committee:
M.Ajmone Marsan(Univ. Milano, Italy)  F.Baccelli(INRIA, France)
O.J.Boxma(CWI, Netherlands)   P.-J.Courtois(Philips, Belgium)
L.F.M.de Moraes(IME/RJ, Brazil)   G.Fayolle(INRIA, France)
O.Hashida(Tsukuba Univ., Japan)   U.Herzog(Univ. Erlangen, FRG)
H.Kameda(Univ. Electro-Communications, Japan)   K.Kawashima(NTT, Japan)
L.Kleinrock(UCLA, USA)   U.Korner(Lund Inst. Tech., Sweden)
P.J.Kuehn(Univ. Stuttgart, FRG)   S.S.Lavenberg(IBM, USA)
E.D.Lazowska(Univ. Washington, USA)   D.Mitra(AT\&T, USA)
I.Mitrani(Univ. Newcastle, UK)   H.Miyahara(Osaka Univ., Japan)
T.Ott(Bellcore, USA)   H.Perros(North Carolina State Univ., USA)
D.Potier(Thomson, France)  R.Puigjaner(Univ. Illes Balears, Spain)
G.Pujolle(Univ. Paris VI, France)   M.Reiser(IBM, Switzerland)
H.Sanada(Osaka Univ., Japan)   K.C.Sevcik(Univ. Toronto, Canada)
O.Spaniol(Univ. of Aachen, FRG)   Y.C.Tay(Univ. Singapore, Singapore)
D.W.Tcha(KAIST, Korea)   K.S.Trivedi(Duke Univ., USA)
M.K.Vernon(Univ. Wisconsin, USA) R.Warfield(Telecom Australia, Australia)
T.S.Yum(Chinese Univ. of Hong-Kong, Hong-Kong)

Elsevier(North-Holland)(IFIP Series)

Submission deadline --- January 15, 1991
Notification --- May 1, 1991
Camera-ready manuscript --- July 1, 1991


Papers should be written in English and be not longer than 20 pages.
Send 5 copies of full paper to Prof. Y. Takahashi, Program Chairman.

All correspondence should be addressed to:
Prof. Yutaka TAKAHASHI
Dept. of Applied Math. and Phys.   Phone:+81.75.753.5493
Fac. of Engineering                Fax:+81.75.761.2437
Kyoto University                   Telex:5423115 ENG KU J
Kyoto 606, Japan                   E-mail:yutaka@kuamp.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Dr. Hideaki Takagi
Tokyo Research Laboratory, IBM Japan, Ltd.
5-11, Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102, Japan
phone: +, fax: +
e-mail: takagi@jpntscvm  (bitnet)

perform@vuse.vanderbilt.edu (Performance Mailing List) (12/18/90)

                             CALL FOR PAPERS


                             A Special Issue of
             ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation

Papers are solicited for a special issue of ACM TOMACS on all aspects
regarding the performance and/or modeling of concurrent (distributed
or parallel) simulation methods.  The special issue will appear in the
October 1992 issue of ACM TOMACS.

The purpose of this special issue is to highlight significant, recent
advances in this area.  The areas of interest for this special issue
include, but are not limited to:

+ Techniques, algorithms and tools for
       - Concurrent simulation (discrete, continuous or combined)
       - Concurrent real time simulation 
       - Conservative and optimistic methods

+ Characterizing the behavior and evaluating the performance of
       - Concurrent simulators
       - Machine architectures for concurrent simulation
       - Parallelizing compilers for simulation languages

Details concerning preparation of manuscripts are given in the first issue
of TOMACS (January 1991).  Please submit FIVE copies of the complete
manuscript, not to exceed 35 double-spaced pages, by SEPTEMBER 1, 1991
to one of the following two guest editors:

    Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz                Dr. Richard M. Fujimoto
    College of Computing                 College of Computing
     801 Atlantic Drive                   801 Atlantic Drive
Georgia Institute of Technology     Georgia Institute of Technology
  Atlanta, GA  30332-0280               Atlanta, GA  30332-0280
    ian@cc.gatech.edu                   fujimoto@cc.gatech.edu
      (404) 894-5141                       (404) 853-9384
   Fax: (404) 894-3188                  Fax: (404) 853-9378

paris@cs.uh.edu (Jehan-Francois Paris) (03/23/91)

The Third IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Dallas, Texas - December 1-5, 1991

The symposium will provide a forum for the presentation and exchange
of current work on various topics in parallel and distributed
processing including, but not limited to, the following areas:

Computer Architecture	 	Programming Languages
Operating Systems		Neural Networks
Interconnection Networks   	Database and Knowledge-base Systems
Artificial Intelligence		Parallel Algorithms
VLSI Systems Design		Simulation and Performance Modeling
Distributed Computing		Image Processing

Authors are invited to submit complete, original, and previously
unpublished papers reflecting their current research results. Any
paper submitted to the Symposium should not be submitted to any other
conference.  All submitted papers will be refereed for quality and
originality.  The program committee reserves the right to accept a
submission as a long, short, or poster presentation paper.  All 
accepted papers will be published in the symposium proceedings.

Manuscripts should be double spaced, should include an abstract, and
should be limited to 5000 words (about 20 pages).  The contact authors
are requested to list e-mail addresses if available.  Please submit 10
copies of the complete paper to a program chair in your geographical
area listed below.  Papers should reach a program chair no later than
May 31, 1991.   Due to timing limitations, this deadline will be
strictly observed.  Papers received after May 31st will not be 
considered.  Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection of
their papers by August 9, 1991. Final camera-ready papers are due
September 9, 1991.

Tutorials & Panels: Please submit proposals including title, abstract,
biography, and a list of panel participants by May 31, 1991 to one of
the program chairs in your geographical area.

Co-Program Chairs

North and South America:

Vijaya Ramachandran               OR    Greg Pfister
Department of Computer Sciences         IBM Corporation
The University of Texas at Austin       11400 Burnet Road
Taylor Hall 2.124                       L45/820, 2812
Austin, TX 78712-1188                   Austin, TX 78758
U.S.A.                                  U.S.A.
(512) 471-9548                          (512)823-1589
spdp@cs.utexas.edu			pfister@austin.iinus1.ibm.com

Europe and Africa:

Ian Watson
Department of Computer Science
University of Manchester
Oxford Rd.
Manchester M13 9PL
+44 61 275 6248

Asia and Australia:

Makoto Amamiya
Department of Information Systems
Graduate School of Engineering Sciences
Kyushu University
6-1 Kasuga-koen Kasuga
Fukuoka, 816

Conference Officers:

Chair of Steering Committee:
Behrooz Shirazi, Univ of Texas-Arlington, USA

Steering Committee:
Said Bettayeb, LSU, USA 
Prasenjit Biswas, TI, USA
Eliezer Dekel, Univ of Texas-Dallas, USA
Ali R. Hurson, Penn State U, USA 
Krishna Kavi, Univ of Texas-Arlington, USA
Ioannis Tollis, Univ of Texas-Dallas, USA 

General Chair:
Sartaj Sahni, Univ of Florida, USA

Program Committee:
Hosame Abu-Amara, Texas A&M, USA
Tadashi Ae, Hiroshima Univ, Japan
Tilak Agerwala, IBM Corp, USA
Laxmi Bhuyan, Texas A&M, USA
Bill Carroll, Univ of Texas-Arlington, USA
Harvey Cragon, Univ of Texas-Austin, USA
John Feo, Lawrence Livermore, USA
Joydeep Ghosh, Univ of Texas-Austin, USA
Susanne Hambrusch, Purdue Univ, USA
A(Tony).J.Hey, Southampton Univ, England
Michael Merritt, AT&T Bell Labs, USA
Les Miller, Iowa State Univ, USA
Rikio Onai, NTT, Japan
Simin Pakzad, Penn State Univ, USA
Ian Parberry, Univ of North Texas, USA
Behrooz Parhami, Univ of California-SB, USA
Girish Pathak, Xerox, USA
Greg Plaxton, Univ of Texas-Austin
Donna Quammen, George Mason Univ, USA
Alejandro Schaffer, Rice Univ, USA
H.J. Siegel, Purdue Univ, USA
Barbara Simons, IBM Almaden, USA
Hal Sudborough, Univ of Texas-Dallas, USA
Kam-Fai Wong, ECRC GmbH, Germany
Yoshinori Yamaguchi, ETL, Japan
Yanjun Zhang, Southern Methodist Univ, USA

Finances: Randy Chow, CIS, Univ of Florida, USA
Publicity: Sanjay Ranka, Syracuse, USA
Local Arrangements: Y. Paul Chiang, Texas Instruments, USA
Registration: Pearl Wang, George Mason Univ, USA
Publications:  Sadegh Davari, Univ of Houston-Clear Lake, USA

jherath@gmuvax2.gmu.edu (J. Herath) (03/25/91)

                    CALL FOR PAPERS

Computer Architectures for Intelligent Systems has been selected
as the theme for the May 1992 special issue.  Manuscripts are 
sought reporting architectures, languages, dependable operating 
systems, communication schemes for intelligent systems, and 
performance analysis.

Submit a 300-word abstract by April 1, 1991, and 12 copies
of each manuscript by June 1, 1991, to 

Jayantha Herath
ECE Department
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone  : (215) 895-6758
Fax    : (215) 895-1695
Emaill : jheraz@ocs.drexel.edu

perform@vuse.vanderbilt.edu (Performance Mailing List) (04/03/91)

Performance BBoard Message #267

Subject: Call for Papers


                                CALL FOR PAPERS
                    1992 ACM SIGMETRICS and PERFORMANCE '92
                                June 1-5, 1992
                   Sheraton Islander Inn & Conference Center
                         Newport, Rhode Island, U.S.A.

Performance evaluation is fundamental to understanding the behavior of
computer systems and networks. This joint meeting of the ACM SIGMETRICS and
IFIP W.G. 7.3 will serve as a forum for work on all aspects of this topic -
both state-of-the-art theoretical work and applications. New techniques,
extensions to existing techniques, and practical original case studies are
welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
Understanding the behavior and evaluating the performance of:
o Communications networks     o Fast packet switching    o Memory systems
o Computer system achitecture o Fault-tolerant systems   o Operating systems
o Database and transaction    o File and I/O systems     o Parallel systems
  processing systems          o Interconnection networks o Real-time systems
o Distributed systems                                    o Scientific computers
Theoretical work in:                        Techniques for:
o Stochastic models of computer systems,    o Workload characterization
  e.g., queueing networks, stochastic       o System measurement
  ordering                                  o Experimental design of
o Simulation and statistical analysis         performance studies
o Performance optimization                  o Model verification and validation
o Reliability analysis                      o Network and systems performance/
                                              reliability management
Paper publication is very competitive; usually less than 25% of submissions
are accepted. All papers will be refereed by members of the program committee
who are most familiar with the topic and by outside referees. A limited
number of submitted papers will be accepted for a poster session.  Authors
wishing to have their work considered for only the poster session may submit
extended abstracts.  Extended abstracts of the poster sessions will be
included in the proceedings. We are also soliciting proposals for
1.5-hour and 4-hour tutorials on June 1 and 2. For more information
contact either the Program Co-Chairs or the Tutorial Chair.
Full paper submissions should not exceed 20 doubled-spaced pages; extended
abstracts for poster sessions should be 3-5 pages. Six copies of the full
papers and extended abstracts are required. Author identification, including
affiliation, address, phone number, and electronic mail address should appear
on a separate cover sheet and NOT within the paper itself.  Tutorial proposals
should be 1-2 pages and may be submitted electronically.
Submit papers by                           Submit tutorials proposals by
September 15, 1991 to:                     August 2, 1991 to:

Don Towsley, Program Co-Chair              James Bouhana, Tutorial Chair
Dept. of Computer & Information Science    Performance International
University of Massachusetts                P.O. Box 787
Amherst, MA 01002, U.S.A.                  Cambridge, MA 02238, U.S.A.
towsley@cs.umass.edu                       bouhana@tps.enet.dec.com
413-545-0207                               617-491-1462
Notification of acceptance/rejection of papers and posters will occur
December 20, 1991 and the camera ready copy will be due January 31, 1992.
Notification of acceptance/rejection of tutorials will occur on November 22,
1991 and extended abstracts will be due on January 17, 1992.
General Chair: Linda S. Wright, Digital Equipment Corp., 151 Taylor Street
(TAY1-2/J11), Littleton, MA  01460-1407 (508-952-4476, wright@tps.enet.dec.com)
Program Co-Chairs: Philip Heidelberger, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center,
Hawthorne, P.O. Box 704, Yorktown Heights, NY  10598 (914-784-7156,
berger@watson.ibm.com);  Don Towsley

General Chair: Linda S. Wright, Digital Equipment Corp.(wright@tps.enet.dec.com)
Program Co-Chairs: Philip Heidelberger, IBM (berger@watson.ibm.com)
                   Don Towsley, Univ. of Massachusetts (towsley@cs.umass.edu)
Program Committee:    M. Ajmone Marsan (Italy)  O.J. Boxma (Netherlands)
E.G. Coffman (USA)    H. Garcia-Molina (USA)    A.G. Greenberg (USA)
U. Herzog (Germany)   G. Iazeolla (Italy)       R. Jain (USA)
G. Latouche (Belgium) S.S. Lavenberg (USA)      E.D. Lazowska (USA)
J. Lehoczky (USA)     G. Le Lann (France)       D. Mitra (USA)
I. Mitrani (UK)       R. Muntz (USA)            P. Nain (France)
R. Nelson (USA)       D.M. Nicol (USA)          T.J. Ott (USA)
B. Plateau (France)   D.A. Reed (USA)           K.C. Sevcik (Canada)
S. Shenker (USA)      M. Sidi (Israel)          G.S. Sohi (USA)
J.A. Stankovic (USA)  D. Thiebaut (USA)         M.K. Vernon (USA)
Conference Committee: J.P. Bouhana (USA)        P. De Smedt (USA)
D. Finkel (USA)       W.H. Kohler (USA)         A. Langowitz (USA)
T.L. Lo (USA)         R.D. Nelson (USA)         A.S. Wight (UK)

cert-tools-request@cert.sei.cmu.edu (CERT Tools) (04/11/91)

                               Call for Papers

             Third Workshop on Computer Security Incident Handling

Location and Dates:

Hyatt Dulles                                     August 6-8, 1991
At Dulles International Airport
Herndon, Virginia


The Third Workshop on Computer Security Incident Handling will consist
of tutorials, invited addresses, paper sessions, and workshop/
discussion sessions on topics relevant to responding to computer
security incidents. The presentations will provide a forum to discuss
advances in theory and practice that improve the state of this field.
Theoretical, applied, tutorial, or descriptive papers selected for
presentation will appear in the conference proceedings to be published
after the Workshop.  The Third Workshop on Computer Security Incident
Handling is sponsored by Carnegie Mellon University's Software
Engineering Institute.  Submissions are solicited for the following

Tutorials (half-day):

Tutorials should cover topics such as network security and
methodologies/strategies for incident handling.  The purpose of each
tutorial should be to allow someone who has little or no knowledge
about incident handling to learn the basic issues/concepts in this

Paper Sessions:

Proposals for paper sessions (approximately 30 minutes in length)
should address one of the following areas:

   o Network intrusions (including case studies, etiologies, and 
       intrusion detection efforts)
   o Vendor activities
   o Procedures and policies for responding to incidents
   o Threats (including threat and attack models, descriptions of 
       coordinated efforts to intrude into networks, and cracking tools)
   o Legal issues
   o Tools
   o Vulnerabilities and malicious code
   o Ethical issues

Workshops (half-day):

Proposals to lead workshop sessions covering topics such as network 
security, relationships between incident response teams, and lessons 
learned from responding to incidents are also solicited.


Proposals should be 300 - 500 words in length. Please do not send
submissions that are significantly shorter or longer.  Papers must not
have been previously presented or published, nor currently submitted
for journal publication. Each manuscript will be submitted to a
rigorous refereeing process.  Proposals should have a title page that
includes the title of the paper, full name of its author(s),
affiliation(s), complete physical and electronic address(es), telephone
number(s), and a 300-500 word description of the purpose and major
ideas to be presented.


May 17, 1991
Deadline for receipt of proposal

June 7, 1991 
Notification of accepted proposals

July 15, 1991
Camera-ready manuscripts must be received

Address for Submissions:

Send all submissions and questions to one of the Workshop Co-Chairs:

Richard Pethia
Computer Emergency Response Team
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA  15213-3890
E-mail:  rdp@cert.sei.cmu.edu
Phone:  (412) 268-7739


Eugene Schultz
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
P.O. Box 808, L-303
Livermore, CA  94550
E-mail:  gschultz@cheetah.llnl.gov
Phone:  (415) 422-7781

 **CERT-Tools Information:****************************************************
 * Submissions                         : cert-tools@cert.sei.cmu.edu         *
 * Address additions/deletions/changes : cert-tools-request@cert.sei.cmu.edu *
 * Moderator                           : tools@cert.sei.cmu.edu              *