[comp.os.research] Heterogenous Helios Networks

birger@diku.dk (Birger Andersen) (05/30/91)

Any expert in Helios on heterogenous Helios networks out there? If
there is I should like some help.

We are researching in parallel object-oriented languages for heteroge-
nous networks and we should like to do some experiments on a Helios
network. We hope to establish a network at least consisting of the
following components:

   two or four T800 transputer nodes
   two i860 nodes
   one Ethernet connection node
   one SCSI controller node

I see two hardware solutions, 1) Purchasing an Atari Transputer
Workstation and put the components in that or, 2) Purchasing an INMOS
IMS B300 Network Connection Device and put the components in that.

Now to our problems/questions:

1) Can we expect to run Helios simultaneously on all four different
types of nodes?

2) We want to place the Ethernet and SCSI nodes in central positions in
the network in order to obtain the best I/O performance. How good I/O
performance can we expect?

3) Can we expect to run Helios in X-windows from workstations on our
local Ethernet network?

A great problem is that most hardware are to be purchased from Atari
and/or INMOS, whereas most software are to be purchased from Perihelion
(or DSL). How to make sure that hardware and software will actually

If anyone should have a good e-mail address to a guy at Perihelion then
I should like to know it. Help is acknowledged with pleasure.


#       Ass. Prof. Birger Andersen        E-mail: birger@diku.dk              #
#       Dept. of Comp. Science               or   dikuba@uts.uni-c.dk         #
#       Univ. of Copenhagen               Phone:  +45 31 39 64 66 (200)       #
#       Universitetsparken 1              Office: +45 31 39 33 11 +200        #
#       DK-2100 Copenhagen                Fax:    +45 31 39 02 21             #