[comp.os.research] The EDEN System: Help/Guidance/Information Please

dtymon@cs.uq.oz.au (David Tymon) (06/04/91)

As part of my studies, I have to give a talk on the EDEN Distributed
System. I was wondering if anyone could guide me to some good research

So far I have obtained the following:
1) ACM Operating Systems Review: The Architecture of the Eden System
   Vol 15. Dec 1981

2) ACM Operating Systems Review: Supporting Distributed Applications
   Vol 19. Dec 1985

I have also been told to try and get a copy of the following:
1) Replication and Nested Transactions in the Eden Distributed System
   Author: C. Pu
   University of Washington
   Phd Dissertation 1986

2) Distributed Operating Systems: An Overview of Current Research
   Taken from USENET newsgroup comp.os.research
   June 1988.

Anyone (especially those from University of Washington) who believe
they might be of some assistance, could they PLEASE respond to my
desperate plea.


|  David Tymon,                    | Proposed addition to C compiler        |
|  dtymon@cs.uq.oz.au              | "Warning : No errors."                 |
|  University of Queensland,       |   - Ian Peake                          |
|  Queensland, Australia.          |    (Uni.Of.Qld "Philosopher")          |