[comp.os.research] Distributed OS ftp sites

schmidt@crimee.ICS.UCI.EDU (Douglas C. Schmidt) (06/07/91)


	A while back I posted a request for on-line V kernel TR'S.
Though I never did come across any of those, here are some FTP sites
that have TR'S on other distributed OS systems.  I make no guarantees
as to completeness or consistency, but if anyone wants to add to this
list please let me know!



Sprite  (sprite.berkeley.edu or yoyodine.mit.edu)
ISIS    (ftp.cs.cornell.edu)
Mach    (wb1.cs.cmu.edu)
Amoeba  (midgard.ucsc.edu pub/amoeba)
Chorus  (cse.ogi.edu pub/chorus-reports)
Clouds  (helios.cc.gatech.edu pub/papers)
Xkernel (cs.arizona.edu pub/xkernel)
His life was gentle, and the elements so            | Douglas C. Schmidt
Mixed in him that nature might stand up             | (schmidt@ics.uci.edu)
And say to all the world: "This was a man."         | (714) 856-4101
   -- In loving memory of Terry Williams (1971-1991)|

shapiro@xombul.inria.fr (Marc Shapiro) (06/17/91)

The Tech reports of the SOR group of INRIA (doing research in distributed 
object-suuport operating systems) is available by anonymous FTP.  More information is given below.

The following publications are available by anonymous FTP:
        Host:      nuri.inria.fr []
        Login:     ftp
        Password:  your own e-mail address
        Directory: INRIA/publication/SOR
You may also ask for hardcopy versions by sending e-mail to Nelly
Maloisel <nelly@sor.inria.fr>

SOR.ps.Z		Short intro to the SOR group.

FOG-UsenixC++-90.ps.Z	"FOG/C++: a fragmented-object generator".
			Gourhant, Shapiro. Usenix C++ Workshop San
			Francisco 1990. 

OSOS-wooos90.ps.Z	"Object-support operating systems". Shapiro.
			Workshop on Operating Systems and Object
			Orientation, Ottawa 1990.

PrsC++-ecoop89.ps.Z	"Persistence and migration for C++ objects".
			Shapiro, Gautron, Mosseri. ECOOP, Nottingham
			GB, 1989.

RR-1404.ps.Z		"Structuring distributed applications as
			fragmented objects". Makpangou, Gourhant, Le
			Narzul, Shapiro. Rapport de Recherche INRIA,
			Jan. 1991.

RR-INRIA-1320.ps.Z	"A garbage detection protocol for a realistic
			distributed object-support system". Shapiro,
			Gruber, Plainfoss\'e. Rapport de Recherche
			INRIA, Nov. 1990. 

SOUL-os90b.ps.Z		"Soul: An object-oriented OS framework for
			object support". Shapiro. Workshop on
			Operating Systems for the Nineties and Beyond,
			Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, July 1991.

			"SOS: An object-oriented operating system ---
			assessment and perspectives". Shapiro et al.
			Computing Systems 2(4), Fall 1989.

cool-ecoop-oopsla90.ps.Z "COOL: Kernel support for Object-oriented
			environments" Habert, Mosseri, Abrossimov.
			Joint ECOOP/OOPSLA Conference, Ottawa 1990.

GVM-12sosp90.ps.Z       "Generic Virtual Memory Management in
                        Operating Systems Kernels",  V. Abrossimov, M.
                        Rozier, M. Shapiro, 12th ACM Symposium on
                        Operating Systems Principles, Austin TX (USA),
                        December 1989.  Appears in Operating Systems
                        Review 23(5), p. 123--136.

						Marc Shapiro

M. Shapiro, INRIA, B.P. 105, 78153 Rocquencourt Cedex, France.  Tel.:
+33(1)39-63-53-25; fax: +33(1)39-63-53-30; e-mail: shapiro@sor.inria.fr