[comp.os.research] CFP: Distributed and parallel simulation

perform@vuse.vanderbilt.edu (Performance Mailing List) (06/21/91)


                             CALL FOR PAPERS
                            A Special Issue of
             ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation

Papers are solicited for a special issue of ACM TOMACS on all aspects
regarding the performance and/or modeling of concurrent (distributed
or parallel) simulation methods.  The special issue will appear in the
October 1992 issue of ACM TOMACS.

The purpose of this special issue is to highlight significant, recent
advances in this area.  The areas of interest for this special issue
include, but are not limited to:

+ Techniques, algorithms and tools for
       - Concurrent simulation (discrete, continuous or combined)
       - Concurrent real time simulation 
       - Conservative and optimistic methods

+ Characterizing the behavior and evaluating the performance of
       - Concurrent simulators
       - Machine architectures for concurrent simulation
       - Parallelizing compilers for simulation languages

Details concerning preparation of manuscripts are given in the first issue
of TOMACS (January 1991).  Please submit FIVE copies of the complete
manuscript, not to exceed 35 double-spaced pages, by SEPTEMBER 1, 1991
to one of the following two guest editors:

    Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz                Dr. Richard M. Fujimoto
    College of Computing                 College of Computing
     801 Atlantic Drive                   801 Atlantic Drive
Georgia Institute of Technology     Georgia Institute of Technology
  Atlanta, GA  30332-0280               Atlanta, GA  30332-0280
    ian@cc.gatech.edu                   fujimoto@cc.gatech.edu
      (404) 894-5141                       (404) 853-9384
   Fax: (404) 894-3188                  Fax: (404) 853-9378