[ut.na] NA Digest 87:26

krj@utcsri.UUCP (Ken Jackson) (03/26/87)

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NA Digest   Wednesday, March 25, 1987   Volume 87 : Issue 26

This weeks Editor: Gene Golub

Today's Topics:

                    parallel computation workshop


Date: Wed, 25 Mar 87 14:58:16 MST
From: Steve McCormick <stevem%boulder.colorado.edu@RELAY.CS.NET>

                           April 5-10, 1987
                       Copper Mountain, Colorado

     Sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research 

     Organized by the Computational Mathematics Group,  CU-Denver

Following is a schedule with lectures listed by authors names,  a list of
authors and titles, and a description of the tutorial and clinic. For further
information, contact Steve McCormick at (303) 556-4812 or 442-0724 or use
e-mail at na.mccormick@score or stevem@boulder.csnet.

                         * * * SCHEDULE * * *

Sunday April 5th
 4:00 - 7:00   Registration
 7:30 - 9:30   Reception

Monday April 6th
 7:30 - 12:30  Registration
 7:45 - 12:00  Tutorial          -  B. Briggs
 1:30 - 3:00   Clinic            -  A. Brandt
 3:30 - 5:30   Registration
 4:00 - 7:45   General Topics    
                                 -  P. Bjorstad
                                    R. Brower, K. Moriarty, E. Meyers, C. Rebbi
                                    J. Goodman
                                    H. Mittelmann
                                    S. Ta'asan
                                    P. Wesseling
                                    A. Brandt

Tuesday April 7th
 7:30 - 11:30  Registration
 7:30 - 11:45  Adaptive Techniques
                                -   K. Becker
                                    G. Chessire, W. Henshaw
                                    M. Frese
                                    K. Gustafson, R. Leben
                                    A. Jameson, D. Mavriplis
                                    S. McCormick
                                    M. Heroux, S. McKay, J. Thomas
                                    C. Lui

 4:30 - 8:15   Elliptic Problems
                                -   A. Bayliss, K. Jordan
                                    R. Chin, J. Hedstrom
                                    J. Dendy
                                    C. Goldstein
                                    D. Kamowitz
                                    U. Rude
                                    J. Ruge

Wednesday April 8th
 8:15 - 12:00  Supercomputing    
                                -   T. Chan, R. Tuminaro
                                    C. Douglas, W. Miranker
                                    L. Hart
                                    B. Holter
                                    O. McBryan
                                    D. Quinlan
                                    B. Steffen

 4:30 - 6:30   Special Session
                                -   R. Hempel
                                    H. Mierendorff
                                    C. Thole
                                    C. Thole

 7:30 - 9:30   Banquet
               Special Lecture  -   D. Nosenchuck

Thursday April 9th
 7:45 - 12:00  CFD              -   E. Dick
                                    S. Fulton
                                    D. Hanel, W. Schroder
                                    A. Jameson
                                    D. Jespersen
                                    G. Johnson
                                    B. Koren
                                    G. Leaf, C. Thompson, S. Vanka

 4:30 - 7:30   CFD              -   G. Erlebacher, T. Zang, M. Hussaini
                                    Y. Marx, J. Piquet
                                    N. Melson, E. von Levante
                                    W. Mulder
                                    G. Shaw, S. Sivaloganathan
                                    S. Spekreijse

Friday April 10th
 7:45 - 12:00  Analysis         -   R. Bank
                                    J. Bramble, J. Pasciak
                                    N. Decker
                                    N. Decker, J. Mandel, S. Parter
                                    P. Fredericksen 
                                    R. Hoppe
                                    R. Hoppe, R. Kornhuber
                                    J. Mandel, H. Ombe


                        * * * TITLES * * *

Bank, R., Yserentant, H., " Hierarchical bases for multigrid methods "

Bayliss, A., Jordan, K., " A multigrid preconditioner applied to a two-
dimensional convection-diffusion problem " 

Becker, K., " Multigrid acceleration of a 2-D full potential flow solver "

Bjorstad, P.,  to be announced

Bramble, J., Pasciak, J., " New convergence estimates for multigrid algorithms "

Brandt, A., " Recent developments at the Weizmann Institute "

Brower, R., Moriarty, K., Meyers, E., Rebbi, C., " Application of multigrid
methods to Fermion propigator calculations in quantum chromodynammics (QCD)"

Chan, T., Tuminaro, R., " Implementation and evaluation of multigrid algorithms
on hypercubes "

Chesshire, G., Henshaw, W., " Multigrid on composite meshes "

Chin, R., Hedstrom, J., " Ray-mode-multigrid methods for a singularly
perturbed convection-diffusion equation "

Decker, N., " Convergence bounds for a k-grid V-cycle in the unit square "

Decker, N., Mandel, J., Parter, S.,  to be announcedd

Dendy, J., " Two multigrid methods for 3-D problems with discontinuous and
anisotropic coefficients "

Dick, E., " A multigrid method for steady incompressible Navier-Stokes
equations based on flux-vector splitting "

Douglas, C., Miranker, W., " Some nontelescoping parallel algorithms based on
serial multigrid/aggregation/disaggregation techniques "

Erlebacher, G., Zang, T., Hussaini, M., " Time-dependent Navier-Stokes
simulations using spectral multigrid methods "

Frese, M., " Multiblock multigrid solution of the implicit time advance
equations for magnetic resistive diffusion in geometrically complex regions "

Fredericksen, P., " Fast psuedo-inverse algorithms on hypercubes "

Fulton, S., " Multigrid acceleration of semi-implicit time differencing for
hyperbolic systems "

Goldstein, C., " Multigrid preconditioners applied to singularly perturbed
boundary value problems "

Goodman, J., " Multigrid Monte Carlo "

Gustafson, K., Leben, R., " Multigrid localization and multigrid grid 
generation for the computation of vortex structures and dynamics of flow in
cavities and about airfoils "

Hanel, D., Schroder, W., " A multigrid-relaxation scheme for the Navier-Stokes
equations "

Hart, L., " Asynchronous adaptive methods on parallel computers "

Hempel, R., " Parallel multigrid algorithms for the biharmonic and the 
Stokes equations, implementation and performance "

Heroux, M., McKay, S., Thomas, J., " Adaptive FAC algorithms and applications "

Holter, B., " Vectorized multigrid solvers for the two-dimensional diffusion equation "

Hoppe, R., " Multigrid methods for obstacle problems "

Hoppe, R., Kornhuber, R., " Multigrid solution of the two-phase Stefan problem "

Jameson, A., " Multigrid smoothing characteristics for hyperbolic equations "

Jameson, A., Mavriplis, D., " Multigrid solution of the Euler equations on
unstructured and adaptive meshes "

Jespersen, D., " Multilevel methods for inviscid flow problems "

Johnson, G., " Multigrid for parallel processing on supercomputers "

Kamowitz, D., " Experimental results for multigrid and transport problems 

Koren, B., " Defect correction and multigrid for the steady Navier-Stokes
equation "

Leaf, G., Thompson, C., Vanka, S., " Application of a multigrid code to a 
buoyancy-induced flow problem "

Lui. C., " FAC and grid generation for transonic flows "

Marx, Y., Piquet, J., " Multigrid solution of the 2-D compressible Navier-
Stokes equations "

Mandel, J., Ombe, H., " Fourier analysis for a multigrid method for three-
dimensional elasticity "

McBryan, O., " Multigrid methods on massively parallel machines "

McCormick, S., " Adaptive multilevel algorithms on advanced computers "

Melson, N., von Levante, E., " Multigrid acceleration of the isenthalpic
form of the compressible flow equations "

Mierendorff, H., " Parallelization of multigrid methods with local refine-
ments for a class of non-shared memory systems "

Mittelmann, H., " Parameterized non-linear equations and variational
inequalities "

Mulder, W., " Analysis of a multigrid method for the Euler equations of gas
dynamics in two dimensions "

Nosenchuck, D., Krist, S., Zang, T., " On multigrid methods for the Navier-
Stokes computer "

Quinlan, D., " Multilevel load balancing for multiprocessors "

Rude, U., " On the accurate computation of singular solutions of Laplace's
and Poisson's equation "

Ruge, J., " AMG for problems in structural analysis "

Shaw, G., Sivaloganathan, S., " The 'Simple' pressure-correction method as a 
non-linear smoother "

Spekreijse, S., " Multigrid and defect correction for the efficient solution
of the steady Euler equations "

Steffen, B., " Multigrid methods for calculation of electromagnets and their
implementation on MIMD computers " 

Ta'asan, S., " Multigrid methods for bifurcation problems "

Thole, C., " Parallel multigrid algorithms on a message-based MIMD system "

Thole, C., " The SUPRENUM approach : MIMD architecture for multigrid
algorithms "

Wesseling, P., " Theory and practice of finite volume multigrid for interface
problems "

                  * * *  MULTIGRID TUTORIAL  * * *

                            Bill Briggs

This tutorial is designed for those who have some familiarity with traditional
methods for solving systems of linear equations and boundary value problems,
but who have no experience with multigrid methods. The tutorial will attempt to
present the essentials of multigrid methods. It will describe why they work so
effectively, how they are implemented and applied and how they compare with  
other methods. The tutorial will be informal with opportunities for questions
and experts on hand to answer them. The following topics will be covered.

             1.  Model problems

             2.  Basic iterative schemes
                 a.  Convergence properties
                 b.  Limitations and remedies

             3.  Coarse grid correction strategies
                 a.  Restriction and interpolation
                 b.  Standard multigrid cycles
                 c.  Convergence properties

             4.  Performance
                 a.  Implementation
                 b.  Complexity
                 c.  Experimental results

             5.  Extensions
                 a.  FAS schemes
                 b.  Adaptive schemes
                 c.  Nonlinear schemes

                 * * *  MULTIGRID CLINIC  * * *

                           A. Brandt

The purpose of this clinic is to discuss advanced topics and to provide a 
forum for discussion of implementation troubles and research problems.


Mail-From: GOLUB created at 25-Mar-87 15:43:19
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 87 14:57:08 MST
From: Bobby Schnabel <bobby%boulder.colorado.edu@relay.cs.net>
To: na.golub@score.stanford.edu
Subject: parallel computation workshop
ReSent-Date: Wed 25 Mar 87 15:43:18-PST
ReSent-From: Gene H. Golub  <GOLUB@Score.Stanford.EDU>
ReSent-To: NA@Score.Stanford.EDU


  Could you please distribute the following announcement to the nanet
mailing list.  It announces a two-week workshop in parallel computation
to be held this June at the University of Colorado.  It is intended
to introduce computer science students to the use of and research
issues in parallel computation.  We expect that it will be an excellent
experience for those students who are chosen to attend.

   Thanks for your assistance, and best wishes

        Bobby Schnabel



                     UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO
                   (Preliminary Announcement)

The Department of Computer Science  and  the  Academic  Computing
Center  will  hold a two-week Workshop in Parallel Computation on
the campus of the University of Colorado from 15 June 1987 to  26
June  1987.  The Workshop will consist of lectures by leading ex-
perts in parallel computation and laboratory work on local memory
and shared memory multiprocessors. The tentative list of speakers
includes Jim Browne (U. Texas), Oliver  McBryan  (Courant  Insti-
tute),  James  McGraw  (Livermore),  Cleve  Moler  (Intel), Danny
Sorensen (Argonne), David Waltz (Thinking Machines), Harry Jordan
(U.  Colorado),  Gary  Nutt  (U.  Colorado),  Bobby  Schnabel (U.
Colorado).  Lectures will cover a broad range of topics including
languages,  architectures,  numerical  and non-numerical applica-
tions.  The Workshop is intended for graduate students and recent
PhD's  in  computer  science as well as a smaller number of espe-
cially promising undergraduate students.   It  is  expected  that
these participants will bring with them a project to be worked on
during the laboratory sessions.

Participants may receive a stipend of approximately $500, the ex-
act  amount  depending  on the estimated costs of the workshop to
the participant and his or her need for support. The selection of
participants  will depend on the following criteria: brief state-
ment of research activities and interests; two letters of  recom-
mendation;  transcript  of  grades;  and, description of parallel
computation project for the Workshop.

It is anticipated that this workshop will be supported in part by
the  Office of Advanced Scientific Computing of the National Sci-
ence Foundation.

Inquiries should be addressed to:

        Professor Lloyd Fosdick
        Department of Computer Science
        Campus Box 430
        University of Colorado
        Boulder, CO 80309
        (303) 492-7507, lloyd@boulder.colorado.edu (csnet)


End of NA Digest