[ut.na] NA Digest v87 #69

krj@utcsri.UUCP (09/07/87)

NA Digest   Sunday, September  6, 1987   Volume 87 : Issue 69

This weeks Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:

                          Positions at RIACS
                 SIAM meeting, Denver, October 12-15
                       Re: Random Vortex Method
              Junior visiting 1 year position in Aachen
                         Ron Dembo's address
            Help interpolating function of three variables
            New phone and Fax numbers for Philips Research
                          Response to Sadler


To: na@score.stanford.edu
Subject: Positions at RIACS
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 87 09:25:37 -0700
From: raugh@riacs.edu

POSITIONS AT RIACS: in Advanced Algorithms and Architectures Project

The Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS), located forty
miles southeast of San Francisco at NASA Ames Research Center, is seeking
two scientists to join the Advanced Algorithms and Architectures
(AAA) project.  

The AAA project is a collaborative effort between NASA and RIACS to explore
the use of new parallel computer architectures for scientific applications,
primarily computational fluid dynamics and computational chemistry.  The
research is being conducted jointly with NASA's Numerical Aerodynamic
Simulation Program (a national pathfinder for supercomputing in fluid-
dynamics research) and with the Ames Research Center's Computer Systems and
Research Division, which provides supercomputing resources for many of
NASA's scientific programs.

Scientific objectives of the AAA project include development and
implementation of kernel parallel algorithms for scientific applications,
comparative performance analysis of different architectures for NASA
applications, and study of languages for parallel computing.  Information
acquired through our studies will be used in the design of future machines.

The AAA staff currently consists of the project leader, 4 visiting
scientists, and 3 Stanford University graduate students.  NASA physicists,
chemists, and computer scientists are collaborating with this group.
Current research topics include parallel multigrid techniques for solving
Navier-Stokes equations, parallel kernel algorithms using methods from
domain decomposition, parallel solutions of incompressible flows, and
parallel particle-method tools for hydrodynamics.

If you are interested in joining this project, send us your resume, reprints
of significant papers or reports, and names of references.  Both visiting
and long-term positions are available.  Preference will be given to
scientists who have a Ph.D. in computer science or a related field and who
have demonstrated success in working in a multidisciplinary research
environment.  Address applications and requests for further information to

	Dr. Michael R. Raugh
	AAA Project Leader
	NASA Ames Research Center, MS 230-5
	Moffett Field, CA 94035
	(e-mail address: raugh@riacs.edu)

RIACS is an institute of Universities Space Research Association (USRA).
RIACS' charter is to conduct computer-science research in collaboration with
NASA scientists.  


Date: 3 Sep 87 14:57:00 EDT
From: "SIAM" <siam@wharton.upenn.edu>
Subject: SIAM meeting, Denver, October 12-15
To: "na" <na@score.stanford.edu>
Reply-To: "SIAM" <siam@wharton.upenn.edu>

            Computational Sciences to be featured at the  
                   SIAM 35th Anniversary Meeting                 
Computational science will be a major theme of SIAM's annual meeting in l987, 
according to Hans Weinberger, program chair for the meeting from the 
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.  The meeting, which will be held in 
Denver, October 12-15, marks SIAM's 35th anniversary.  Weinberger and his 
committee have assembled an impressive group of speakers who will focus on 
problems in the computational sciences as well as on other areas of current 
broad interest to applied mathematicians.  Weinberger and others observe that 
computational science seems to mean different things to different people, but 
in the aggregate, it can be said to include scientific computing, computer 
science, discrete mathematics, computational mathematics, numerical analysis 
and algorithm development all of which will be covered at the Denver meeting. 

In addition to the regular sessions, there will be two special presentations. 

The John von Neumann Lecture will be presented by Richard M. Karp from the 
University of California at Berkeley,  who will speak on the complexity of 
parallel computation.  The  George Polya Prize recipient, Andrew Yao from 
Princeton University, will speak on boolean circuits and computational 
complexity.  Additional topics to be covered are robust control, and inverse 
Invited Presentations 
Modeling the Earth System                    Robust Control Theory and Matrix 
Francis P. Bretherton, National              Perturbation Problems 
Center for Atmospheric Research              John Doyle, California Institute 
                                             of Research 
Computational Hypersonic Aerodynamics        
Douglas L. Dwoyer, NASA Langley Research     Liquid Crystal Theory 
Center                                       Jerry L. Ericksen, University 
                                             of Minnesota 
Viscoelastic Properties of Rodlike        
Polymers in Solution                         Inverse Scattering and Guy C. 
Berry, Carnegie Mellon University            Applications to Nonlinear  
                                             Evolution Equations 
Recent Progress in Theoretical Reflection    Mark J. Ablowitz, Clarkson 
Seismology: Identifying Partial              University 
Differential Equations from Attributes of     
Their Solutions                              Graph Minor Algorithms: Path  
William W. Symes, Rice University            Routing and Coloring 
                                             Paul D. Seymour, Bell    
                                             Communications Research          

Representatives of ICEMAP, the Interagency Committee for Extramural 
Mathematics Programs of the federal government, will give an overview of 
federal funding for mathematical research, with a discussion of the funding 
patterns that are evolving in their agencies. 
Scientific Computing 
Computational Advances at the NSF Supercomputer Centers 
John Connolly, National Science Foundation 
Supercomputing Research: Scientific Results on the Cornell National 
Supercomputing Facility 
Lawrence Lee, Cornell University, and Linda Morris, Cornell University 
Science, Supercomputing and Graphics/Imaging 
Robert B. Wilhelmson, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, 
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 
Optimization and Supercomputing 
Michael J. Healy, Boeing Computer Services 
Numerical Methods for Viscous, Incompressible Flow 
John B. Bell, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Alan E. Berger, 
Naval Surface Weapons Center 
Ship Wave and Floating Body Problems 
Ralph Kleinman, University of Delaware 
Methods for Compressible Fluid Computations 
Phillip Colella, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; James G. Glimm,  
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences; and David Sharp, Los Alamos 
National Laboratory 
Solitons and Coherent Structures 
David K. Campbell, Los Alamos National Laboratory  
Algorithm Development 
Dense Matrix Computation on Vector and Parallel Computers 
Danny Sorensen, Argonne National Laboratory 
Sparse Matrix Computation on Vector and Parallel Computers 
J. Alan George, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee,

Integrated Environments for Scientific Computing 
Guy William Cherry, Tektronix, Inc. 
New Vector Algorithms for the IBM 3090 Vector Facility 
Fred G. Gustavson, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center 
Multigrid and Related Methods 
Domain Decomposition Methods for Partial Differential Equations 
Roland Glowinski, University of Houston 
Adaptive Mesh Refinements in Finite Element Methods 
James H. Bramble, Cornell University 
Finite Element Method in Meteorological and Oceanographic Flows 
Beny Neta, Naval Postgraduate School 
Multigrid Methods 
A special four-part session organized by Stephen S. McCormick, University of 
Colorado, Denver 
Discrete Mathematics/Computer Science 
Computational Geometry  
Bernard Chazelle, Princeton University 
Combinatorial Optimization and Applications  
Bernhard Korte, Universitat Bonn 
Intersection Graphs and Their Applications 
F. R. McMorris, Office of Naval Research, and William T. Trotter, Jr., Arizona

State University 
Complexity of Parallel and Distributed Computation 
Eli Upfal, IBM Almaden Research Center 
Control Theory and Robotics 
Research Issues in Robotics 
John E. Hopcroft, Cornell University 
Mathematics of Robust Control Theory 
John Doyle, California Institute of Technology 
Applications of Robust Control Theory 
John Doyle, California Institute of Technology 
Inverse Scattering 
Inverse Scattering Problems 
Roger G. Newton, Indiana University 
Math Education 
The l987 Mathematical Contest in Modeling 
Ben Fusaro, Salisbury State College 
If you are interested in attending the meeting and would like further 
information, you can respond through e-mail: SIAM@Wharton.Upenn.edu 
or you may fill out and return the attached form to: Conference Coordinator, 
SIAM ll7 South l7th Street, l4th Floor, Philadelphia, PA  l9l03-5052. 
Telephone 215-564-2929.  
SIAM 35th Anniversary Meeting 
October 12-l5, l987 
Marriott Center City, Denver, Colorado 
I am interested in attending the meeting please send me the following 
[] Advance registration material 
[] Preliminary meeting program 
[] Information on the short course 
[] Please send me information about SIAM 
[] I am interested in exhibiting software/hardware products 
                First                Middle Initial            Last 

Phone (  )                                                                    


Date: 4 Sep 87 00:18:04 GMT
From: lbl-csam.arpa!baden@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU  (Scott B. Baden)
Subject: Re: Random Vortex Method
To: na@score.stanford.edu

In reply to Arun's note:

Erik Tiemroth wrote a Thesis in Naval Architecture,
that Chorin has told me he thinks gives a reasonably
good overview.  I have read parts of this myself,
and thought it quite good.  Here is the reference:

Erik C. Tiemroth
The Simulation of the Viscous Flow Around a Cylinder
  by the Random Vortex Method
Ph. D. Dissertation
Department of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering
University of California
Berkeley, CA
MAY 1986

A few years ago Tony Leonard wrote a survey for JCP, and
you may want to look that, too:

A. Leonard
Vortex Methods for Flow Simulation
Journal of Computational Physics
Vol. 37, pp 289-335, 1980

Scott Baden
Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Mathematics

[Editor's Note: The contributor, Scott Baden, has also written
a Ph. D. thesis about the implementation of the random vortex
method on parallel computers.]


Date:     Fri,  04 Sep 87 11:10:44 CET
From: Rolf Jeltsch <JELTSCH%DACTH51.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
To: NA@score.stanford.edu
Subject:  Junior visiting 1 year position in Aachen

The Institue for Geometry and Practical Mathematics of the
RWTH Aachen will have a junior level 1 year visiting position.
We are interested in a young scientist who has finished his Ph.D.
in numerical analysis and who would like to work on numerical
problems arising in climate modelling. We investigate energy
balance models in one and two space dimensions. Hence it
would be advantagous if the candidate has experience in one or more of
the fields: boundary value problems in ODEs, parabolic problems , bifur-
cation problems. Teaching duties are 2 hours of an excercise session each
week in numerical analysis.
Starting date is somewhere in October or early November, 1987.
The Institute has approximately 20 scientists. Most are working
in numerical analysis and only a few are working in
geometry and computer aided geometry.
For more information call Rolf Jeltsch (49) 241 803950
or write to Rolf Jeltsch
            Institut fuer Geometrie und Praktische Mathematik
            Templergraben 55
            RWTH Aachen
          D-5100 Aachen, Fed. Rep. of Germany


Date:         Fri, 04 Sep 87 13:33:33 SET
From: Toint Philippe <PHTOINT%BNANDP10.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject:      Ron Dembo's address
To: People on NaNet <NA@score.stanford.edu>

Does anyone know an address (postal or e-mail) where Ron Dembo can
EFFECTIVELY be reached ?  I would be delighted if you could forward
it to me...

Many thanks

                    Philippe Toint
                    Department of Mathematics
                    Facultes Universitaires ND de la Paix
                    61, rue de Bruxelles
                    B-5000 Namur (BELGIUM)
                    e-mail : PHTOINT@BNANDP10.BITNET


Date: 3 Sep 87 21:31:43 GMT
From: ecsvax!urjlew@mcnc.org  (Rostyk Lewyckyj)
Subject: Help interpolating function of three variables
To: na@score.stanford.edu

I am looking for code, preferably in FORTRAN, or references to code,
or a cookbook description for an algorithm, to do interpolation for
a function F(x,y,z) of three variables, given F tabulated on a regular,
i.e. xl,(dx),xh; yl,(dy),yh; zl,(dz),zh, grid.
The F that I am immediately concerned with is nicely continuous and
smooth, but I may want to handle Fs that are less well behaved.
The IMSL subroutine package has routines IBCCCU,IBCEVL and IBCIEU
to do BiCubic spline interpolation for functions G(x,y)
of two variables, but there is nothing for three variables.
                                            Thank you in advance
  Reply-To:  Rostyslaw Jarema Lewyckyj
             urjlew@ecsvax.UUCP ,  urjlew@tucc.bitnet
     or      urjlew@tucc.tucc.edu    (internet)


Mail-From: GOLUB created at  4-Sep-87 13:32:45
From: prlb2!prlb.DECNET!courtois@seismo.CSS.GOV
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 87 19:54:49 +0100
To: seismo!score.stanford.edu!golub@seismo.CSS.GOV
Subject: New phone and Fax numbers for Philips Research

  Since September 3, the telephone and fax numbers of the Philips Research
Laboratory in Brussels are changed:

 New phone  numbers:  Central: 32 2 674 22 11
                      My direct line: 32 2 674 22 69
 Fax number:  32 2 674 22 99.

 P.-J. Courtois


Date:         Fri, 4 Sep 1987 22:22 EDT
From: Richard M. Heiberger <V5807E%TEMPLEVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
To: <sadler@BUCKNER-EMH.ARPA>, <NA@score.stanford.edu>
Subject: Response to Sadler

Regarding the query by Sadler in v87, #67, let me recommend:
William G. Cochran and Gertrude M. Cox, Experimental Designs, Second Edition.
Wiley, 1957.

In addition to being an excellent text on the subject, they also include a
very comprehensive collection of designs.  Plan 10.11 provides 3 weeks of the
12 in your example. Reassigning numbers to individuals and replicating the
entire plan four times will give you 12 weeks.  It won't come out even in the
example, however, because person number one must be paired with three others
each week and the remaining 19 are not divisible by three.  If you have some
freedom in the choice of number of treatments (persons), and block sizes
(number at each table), you can get a balanced design.

   Richard M. Heiberger
   Temple University


End of NA Digest