krj@utcsri.UUCP (11/13/87)
NA Digest Thursday, November 12, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 78 This weeks Editor: Cleve Moler Today's Topics: Supercomputing Conference, France, July, 1988 1988 Conference on the Numerical Solution of IVPs for ODEs. CERFACS -- European Centre for Supercomputing Corrected Announcement of the L. Fox Prize Wanted: BFGS routine with Cholesky updates Gordon Bell Award ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 5 Nov 87 17:10:16 +0100 From: Bernard Philippe <mcvax!irisa!philippe@uunet.UU.NET> To: Subject: Supercomputing Conference, France, July, 1988 CALL FOR PAPERS & ANNOUNCEMENT 1988 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUPERCOMPUTING (ICS88) JULY 4-8, 1988. SAINT MALO, FRANCE SPONSORED BY Association for Computing Machinery (ACM-SIGARCH) IN COOPERATION WITH Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA, France) Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systemes Aleatoires (IRISA, France) Center for Supercomputing Research and development (CSRD, USA) Computer Technology Institute (CTI, Greece) Purdue Center for Vector and Parallel Computing (USA) Information Society of Japan CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN: PROGRAM CHAIRMAN: D. J. Kuck (Illinois) J. Lenfant (Rennes) PROGRAM VICE-CHAIRMEN: Europe & Middle East : W. Jalby (INRIA) Japan & Far East : H. Terada (Osaka) North and South America: C. D. Polychronopoulos (Illinois) Local Arrangements: B. Philippe (IRISA) Publicity : J. Erhel (IRISA) Proceedings : D. DeGroot (TI) Secretary : Y. Jegou (IRISA) Treasurer : M. Raynal (IRISA) Registration: P. Quinton (IRISA) COMMITTEES EUROPE I. Duff (Harwell) A. Lichnewsky (INRIA) E. Gelenbe (ISEM) T. Papatheodorou (CTI) W. Giloi (GMD/TUB) R.H. Perrott (Belfast) J. Gurd (Manchester) P. Sguazzero (ECSEC) F. Hossfeld (KFA) U. Trottenberg (Suprenum) P. Lallemand (DRET) J.P. Verjus (Grenoble) JAPAN M. Amamyia (NTT) H. Tanaka (Tokyo) K. Fuchi (ICOT) T. Yuba (EL) Y. Muraoka (Waseda) USA F. Allen (IBM) K. Kennedy (Rice) Arvind (MIT) Y. Patt (Berkeley) E. S. Davidson (Illinois) G. Pfister (IBM) J. Dongarra (Argonne) J. Rice (Purdue) G. Fox (Caltech) Y. Saad (Illinois) D. Gannon (Indiana) J. Sopka (DEC) E. N. Houstis (Purdue) INVITED SPEAKERS G. Bell (NSF) C. Ledbetter (ETA) M. Farmwald (MIPS) G. Paul (IBM) R. Glowinski (INRIA/Houston) A. Sameh (Illinois) H. T. Kung (CMU) SCOPE Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) supercomputer architectures, technology, software (compilers, operating systems), performance evaluation, languages, parallel numerical analysis, applications. PAPERS Deadline for submission of contributed papers is FEBRUARY 1st, 1988. Send five copies of complete paper to (Europe, Middle east, Africa): W. JALBY INRIA BP 105 78153 LE CHESNAY CEDEX FRANCE or, (Japan and Far East): H. TERADA Dep. Electrical Engineering OSAKA UNIVERSITY YAMADAOKA 2-1 SUITA OSAKA JAPAN 565 or, (North and South America): C. D. POLYCHRONOPOULOS CSRD UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 104 SOUTH WRIGHT STREET URBANA IL 61801 USA Proceedings will be published by ACM. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Nov 87 20:36:38 EST From: Ken Jackson <> To: na@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: 1988 Conference on the Numerical Solution of IVPs for ODEs. Preliminary Announcement for The 1988 Conference on The Numerical Solution of IVPs for ODEs 20-24 June 1988 Organized by Professors W. H. Enright and K. R. Jackson, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 1A4. ( or This is a preliminary announcement for The 1988 Conference on the Numerical Solution of Initial-Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations to be held in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto, 20-24 June 1988. (To facilitate travel arrangements, the conference will close at noon of the final day.) The language of the conference will be English. The previous conference in this series was held in Albuquerque in July of 1986, and its programme included talks on both Initial- Value Problems (IVPs) and Boundary-Value Problems (BVPs) for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). Because of the large number of researchers working in these two areas and the modest number of them active in both fields, we chose to emphasize IVPs at the Toronto meeting, although talks related to BVPs with a significant IVP content will not be excluded. The following distinguished researchers have agreed to present 50-minute invited lectures at the Toronto meeting: J. C. Butcher, P. Deuflhard, J. Dormand and P. J. Prince, C. W. Gear, R. Jeltsch, S. P. Norsett, and L. F. Shampine. In addition, we are still waiting to receive acceptances from a few other invited speakers. We hope to attain a balance between the practical and theoretical aspects associated with the numerical solution of IVPs for ODEs in the talks at this conference. In part, the invited speakers were chosen with this in mind. In addition, since there are so many distinguished researchers working in this field, we decided to avoid an overlap between the invited speakers at the Toronto meeting and those who gave ``highlighted'' talks at the 1986 ODE Conference in Albuquerque. Titles and abstracts for 30-minute contributed talks will be solicited in the next conference announcement to be distributed early in 1988. To enable us to inform authors by 1 May 1988 whether their paper has been accepted for presentation at the conference, the deadline for receiving titles and abstracts will be 18 March 1988. However, if you require an early acceptance for your talk, mail its title, names of authors, their institutions, and a single- spaced typed abstract of at most 200 words to us and we may be able to give you an early acceptance. The collection of titles and abstracts for all accepted talks will be published as a technical report to be distributed to participants at the conference. No proceedings or special issue of a journal for this meeting is planned. We hope to keep the cost of attending this conference to a minimum. By holding the meeting on the university campus, we hope to keep the conference registration fee below $100, with a possible further reduction for students. Also, we have reserved a block of reasonably-priced rooms at one of the college residences, but, to accommodate those participants who prefer less Spartan quarters, we have also reserved a block of rooms in a nearby hotel. Details concerning the conference registration and accommodation reservation will be given in our next conference announcement. We hope that there will be some funds available to defray the expenses of those with no other means of travel support. If we are successful in obtaining such funds, guidelines for applying for travel assistance will be contained in our next conference announcement also. If you did not received an announcement similar to this one by regular post and you are interested in attending the 1988 Toronto ODE Conference, please send your name and address (regular and, if possible, electronic) to either one of the conference organizers at the address above. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Nov 87 03:35:40 cst From: Iain Duff <duff@anl-mcs.ARPA> To: Subject: CERFACS -- European Centre for Supercomputing CERFACS I am happy to report that the European Centre for Supercomputing based in Toulouse, France (CERFACS) is now a reality. It was established in February as an organization and was officially inaugurated as a centre on October 9th, 1987. As was conceived at the outset, CERFACS has twin aims of research in supercomputing and parallel computing and applications on such architectures, and advanced training in aspects of the same. The Centre is not planning to design machines, nor does it exist to provide the services of a computer bureau. Its twin aims of research and training will be conducted through projects in a multidisciplinary environment. There are currently three projects underway in the Centre. They are on "Parallel algorithms" (project leader Iain Duff), "Real flows" (project leaders Arthur Rizzi and Hieu Ha Minh), "Instabilities and Turbulence (project leader Maurice Meneguzzi). Each project has around 5-6 people, comprising senior research workers, post-docs, and graduate students. It is planned to start more projects (up to around ten) as funding permits. By the beginning of 1988, the equipment will include a biprocessor ETA Piper supercomputer, a MATRA X-MS 7020 (Encore Multimax),several IBM PCs, Macintoshes, SUNs, and high-speed links to a wide range of supercompouters including a CRAY-2, CRAY X-MP, CYBER 205, IBM 3090/VF, FACOM VP 100, SCS 40, CONVEX, and SEQUENT. A hypercube based machine will also be installed early in 1988. It is planned to encourage visits by prominnent reseach workers both of a short or long duration and some funding has been allocated for this purpose. In addition, CERFACS will hold "Training Cycles" which are conferences consisting principally of invited presentations designed partly as training for CERFACS participants and also as a regular conference for discussion of current research. The next will be on "Sparse Matrrices" in April (12-14) and I will shortly circulate a draft programme for this meeting which is open to anyone to attend. As you might expect, the parallel algorithm group's main interest lies in sparse matrix research. Currently I am spoending about one week a month at Toulouse but am still principally based at Harwell where our numerical analysis group is expanding and is still very active. -- Iain Duff Harwell ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Nov 87 08:19:34 cst From: Iain Duff <duff@anl-mcs.ARPA> To: Subject: Corrected Announcement of the L. Fox Prize Third L. Fox Prize [Ed. Note: This is a reposting of the announcement from a previous digest, with transatlantic transmission errors corrected.] If you will be under 31 years old on January 1st 1988 and have not already won a first Fox prize, why not enter for the 1988 competition? If you have such a student, please encourage him or her to enter. Calls for entries have already been published, but in case you missed them, here are the rules. Each entry should consist of three copies of a paper, describing some of the candidate's research, that is suitable for a 40 minute lecture at a numerical analysis symposium. Whether or not the work has been published or accepted for publication is irrelevant, but no person may submit more than one paper. Unsuccessful candidates from previous competitions are encouraged to enter. The entries will be considered by an Adjudicating Committee, its members being J.K. Reid (Harwell Laboratory), K.W. Morton (Oxford University) and J.C. Mason (Shrivenham). Particular attention will be given to the originality and quality of each paper, and to the suitability of the material for a 40 minute talk to a general audience of numerical analysts. About 5 papers will be selected by the Committee for presentation at a symposium that will be held at Imperial College, London on Monday March 28th 1988. Only the papers that are presented at the symposium will be eligible for awards, but, subject to this restriction, the Adjudicating Committee may award any number of first and secondary prizes. Entries should reach Dr. J.K. Reid (Computer Science and Systems Division, Building 8.9, Harwell Laboratory, Oxon OX11 ORA, England), not later than December 1st 1987. Each candidate should include a statement that his or her year of birth is not earlier than 1957, and should indicate whether he or she would be available to present his or her paper at the symposium. The Adjudicating Committee may allow a deputy to present a paper in a case of exceptional merit. The receipt of all entries will be acknowledged. It is unlikely that travel funds will be available to assist candidates who attend the symposium. Any questions should be addressed to a member of the Adjudicating Committee. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Nov 87 12:33:17 PST From: Art Owen <> Subject: Wanted: BFGS routine with Cholesky updates To: I am looking for a quasi-Newton subroutine which uses the BFGS update and maintains a Cholesky decomposition of the second order information and handles nondefiniteness in a reasonable way. If possible, I would like code that can be distributed freely. Thanks, Art Owen Dept of Statistics Stanford University Stanford CA, 94305 (415) 725-2232 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Nov 87 16:26:45 cst From: Jack Dongarra <dongarra@anl-mcs.ARPA> To: Subject: Gordon Bell Award The Gordon Bell Awards Guidelines for Judges Beginning in 1988, two $1000 awards will be given each year for 10 years to the person or team that demonstrates the greatest speedup on a multiple-instruction, multiple-data parallel processor. One award is for the most speedup on a general-purpose (multiple-application) MIMD, the other for most speedup on a special-purpose (single-application) MIMD. Speedup can be accomplished by hardware or software improvements, or by a combination of the two. The awards are intended to recognize the best, operational scientific or engineering program with the most speedup, not including vectorization on a vector processor. Speedup is measured against a similar program run sequentially on one processor of the same system. To be considered for the award, submitted programs must have a factor of two more speedup than a previous winning program. The program should run at near the peak speed of any computer available (including various supercomputers) and be a genuine, cost-effective solution; "toy" programs will not be considered. Hardware simulations are not permitted. The speedup must be demonstrated on a running piece of hardware. Definitions Speedup: The time taken to run an application on one processor using the best sequential algorithm divided by the time to run the same application on n processors using the best parallel algorithm. General-purpose: The parallel system should be able to run a wide variety of applications. For the purposes of this test, the machine must run three different programs that demonstrate its ability to solve different problems. Suggestions are a large, dynamic structures calculation; a transsonic fluid flow past a complex barrier; and a large problem in econometric modeling. Operational: A program used to produce a useful scientific or engineering result. Application: The problems run for this test must be complete applications; no computational kernels are allowed. They must contain all input, data transfers from host to parallel processors, and all output. The problems chosen should be the kind of job that a working scientist or engineer would submit as a batch job to a large supercomputer. Judging and Deadlines Contestants must submit documentation of their base system and their speedup by Dec. 1, 1987. Documentation should be in the form of verified timings, description of the application, and any other support data. Whether or not the application qualifies and verification of the results will be determined by the panel of judges. Judges will be selected by IEEE Software Editor-in-Chief Ted Lewis. Winners will be announced in the March issue of IEEE Software. Winners will be notified in advance and may be asked to submit a short summary of their program for publication. Send contest submissions to: Ted Lewis, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Software, c/o Computer Science Dept., Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. The judges for the 1988 awards are Alan Karp (chairman) of IBM Research, Jack Dongarra of Argonne National Laboratories, and Ken Kennedy of Rice University. ------------------------------ End of NA Digest ************************** -------