(Ken Jackson) (03/21/88)
NA Digest Sunday, March 20, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 12 Today's Editor: Cleve Moler Today's Topics: A Double Series Fredholm Equations of First Kind IEEE Floating Point Routines Bill Pell SIAM's New Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications Madison Linear Algebra Meeting/Van Vleck Celebration Madison Matrix Meeting/SIAM Matrix Journal Argonne Parallel Programming Class IMACS Conference on Expert Systems for Numerical Computing Conference on Iterative Methods for Large Linear Systems Tromsoe Conference on Vector and Parallel Computing SPIE Conference on Signal Processing III Domain Decomposition Workshop ------------------------------------------------------- From: A.P.Magnus <> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1988 10:51:02 +0100 Subject: A Double Series In signal processing applied to computer music, the following power spectrum P corresponds to a modified FM (Frequency Modulation) algorithm using two opera- tors in "cascade". +inf. +inf. 2 2n 2k P(r ,r ,x ,x ) = SUM SUM ( J (x ) J (nx ) ) r r 1 2 1 2 k=-inf. n=-inf. n 1 k 2 1 2 where J (x) is the cylindrical Bessel function of order n. n When x =0 , the power spectrum is reduced to the single sum: 2 +inf. 2 2n SUM (J (x )) r = I (x (r -1/r )) n=-inf. n 1 1 0 1 1 1 where I is the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order 0. 0 Is it possible to write P in a closed form? In general (r ,r !=1) or in some 1 2 particular cases (r and/or r =1). 1 2 Andre Ronveaux, Jean-Pierre Palamin, Philippe Palamin Dept. of Math. Physics, Facultes Univ. N.D. de la Paix Namur, Belgium Send answer,comments to and/or and/or RONVEAUX@BNANDP10.BITNET ------------------------------ From: Tom Williams <vtcf@ncsc.ARPA> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 88 10:56:48 CST Subject: Fredholm Equations of First Kind Does anyone have a routine to solve the Fredholm equations of the first kind? I have no idea what this is, someone just wants me to ask the net. Please respond directly to me, as I am not a subscriber to this mailing list. Thanks in advance Tom Williams Code 4210 Naval Coastal Systems Center Panama City, FL 32407-5000 (904) 234-4699 ------------------------------ From: Scott Huddleston <tektronix!tekcrl!scott@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> Date: 16 Mar 88 00:00:24 GMT Subject: IEEE Floating Point Routines I'm looking for code to add/subtract/multiply/divide IEEE format floating point numbers on a 32-bit integer processor. Speed is not critical. Only single precision is required. Double precision and full conformance with the IEEE standard are desirable, but optional. Language preference is 1) C, 2) other HLL, 3) NS 32000 assembly. Any code or pointers will be appreciated. ------------------------------ From: Al Thaler <> Date: Thu, 17 Mar 88 13:05:56 -0500 Subject: Bill Pell You may already be aware of the unfortunate recent passing of Bill Pell, who was for a time Section Head for Mathematical Sciences at the NSF. Bill played a major role in making known, within the Foundation, the unique needs of the mathematical sciences, and the mathematical scientists as well. Those of us who knew and worked with him will miss his kindness, integrity, intellectual breadth and good humor. -- Al Thaler ------------------------------ From: SIAM <> Date: Tue, 15 Mar 88 15:38 EST Subject: SIAM's New Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications SIAM's new journal on matrix analysis and applications will be available in approximately three weeks. This new journal contains papers on matrix analysis that are relevant to applications such as signal processing, control theory, statistics, markov chains, and mathematical biology. In addition, papers that are of a theoretical nature but have a possible impact in application will also be published. There is no restriction on the length of papers. Papers for SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications should be sent to: SIAM Publications, Box 7541, Philadelphia, PA 19101. Requests for subscription information should be sent to SIAM@WHARTON.UPENN.EDU. Following are the papers in the first two issues: Papers to appear in SIMAX, Vol. 9, No. 1: Equality Classes of Matrices Daniel Hershkowitz and Hans Schneider Some Sign Patterns Which Preclude Matrix Stability Clark Jeffries and Charles Johnson A Tree Model for Sparse Symmetric Indefinite Matrix Factorization Joseph W. H. Liu On the Spectral Decomposition of Hermitian Matrices Subjected to Indefinite Low Rank Perturbations with Applications Peter Arbenz and Gene H. Golub Superfast Solution of Real Positive Definite Toeplitz Systems Gregory S. Ammar and William B. Gragg A Pencil Approach for Embedding a Polynomial Matrix into a Unimodular Matrix T. Beelan and P. Van Dooren An Analog of the Schur Triangular Factorization for Complex Orthogonal Similarity and Consimilarity Dipa Choudhury and Roger A. Horn Parallel Processing in the Adaptive Control of Linear Systems Roberto Cristi Sensitivity Analysis of Digital Filter Structures Victor E. DeBrunner and A. A. Beex Accurate Solutions of Ill-Posed Problems in Control Theory James Demmel and Bo Kagstrom Papers to Appear in SIMAX, Vol. 9, No. 2: A Note on the Shorted Operator C. A. Butler and T. D. Morley Inequalities for the Trace of Matrix Exponentials Dennis S. Bernstein Completion of Toeplitz Partial Contractions Charles R. Johnson and Leiba Rodman Semi-Iterative and Iterative Methods for Singular M-Matrices G. P. Barker and S. J. Yang Toeplitz Systems Associated with the Product of a Formal Laurent Series and a Laurent Polynomial William F. Trench Permanental Inequalities for Correlation Matrices Robert Grone and Stephen Pierce On the Evaluation of Matrix Functions Given by Power Series Heinrich Bolz and Wilhelm Niethammer An Algorithm for Subspace Computation with Applications in Signal Processing Daniel R. Fuhrmann A Symplectic Orthogonal Method for Single Input or Single Output Discrete Time Optimal Quadratic Control Problems Volker Mehrmann A Determinant Identity and Its Application in Evaluating Frequency Response Matrices P. Misra and R. V. Patel On Minimizing the Maximum Eigenvalue of a Symmetric Matrix Michael L. Overton Hyperbolic Householder Transformers Charles M. Rader and Allan O. Steinhardt Numerical Solution of the Eigenvalue Problem for Symmetric Rationally Generated Toeplitz Matrices W. F. Trench ------------------------------ From: Dick Brualdi <> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 88 05:55:43 PST Subject: Madison Linear Algebra Meeting/Van Vleck Celebration The third SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra will take place in Madison, Wisconsin on May 23-26, 1988. It will be preceded on Sunday, May 22,1988 by a short course on Linear Algebra in Statistics given by Ingram Olkin, George P. H. Styan and Douglas Bates. There have now been scheduled over 200 talks, which includes 8 invited talks, 54 talks in minisymposia, and about 140 contributed talks. It should be a super meeting. A preliminary program for the conference can be obtained by writing to SIAM at 1405 Architects Building, 117 South 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA. The final program will be available at the conference. On May 19-21, 1988 right before the conference, the Mathematics Department of the University of Wisconsin will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the opening of Van Vleck Hall which houses the Mathematics Department. On Saturday afternoon, May 21, of the celebration a miniconference entitled "Matrix and Combinatorial Theory-25 years at Van Vleck" is being organized by Richard A. Brualdi and Hans Schneider. They have invited all their former students and colleagues of matrix and combinatorial theory to participate and speak. However everyone is invited to attend the miniconference. Those atttending the SIAM conference might wish to take advantage of this opportunity while at the same time taking advantage of reduced airfares for staying over a Saturday night. For more information contact Richard A. Brualdi( or Hans Schneider( ------------------------------ From: Gene Golub <> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 88 05:55:43 PST Subject: Madison Matrix Meeting/SIAM Matrix Journal Dear Colleague, The preceding item describes a meeting on Linear Algebra in Madison in May. We would be pleased to consider your contribution for the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. Hope to see you in Madison, Gene ------------------------------ From: Michael Levine <> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 88 09:20:27 CST Subject: Argonne Parallel Programming Class Argonne National Laboratory has set up an Advanced Computing Research Facility (ACRF) for the study of parallel computing. It currently features an 8-processor Alliant FX/8, a 20-processor Encore Multimax, a 24-processor Sequent Balance 21000, a 32-processor Intel iPSC hypercube, a 16-processor Intel iPSC-VX hypercube with vector processors and a 1024-processor Active Memory Technology DAP. Local projects utilizing the ACRF include investigations in parallel logic programming and parallel linear algebra and the development of portable parallel programming methodologies. To encourage the use of the ACRF as a national facility, Argonne is sponsoring classes to familiarize potential users with the ACRF multiprocessors and parallel programming in general. The next class will be held on April 27-29, 1988. Topics to be covered include parallelizing compilers, the Monitor and Schedule packages for portable parallel programming, hypercube programming and programming the DAP. A portion of the third day will be devoted to consideration of each attendee's particular project. Fortran will be emphasized as the primary programming language. This will be a hands-on class; at its completion participants will have written and run programs on each machine, and should be familiar with the ACRF environment. Those interested in the classes should contact Teri Huml Mathematics and Computer Science Division Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, IL 60439-4844 (312) 972-7163 There will be a $25.00 charge for this class, no financial support for attendees is available. ------------------------------ From: John R. Rice <> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 88 12:19:33 EST Subject: IMACS Conference on Expert Systems for Numerical Computing Announcement and Call for Papers IMACS CONFERENCE ON EXPERT SYSTEMS FOR NUMERICAL COMPUTING December 5-8,1988 Purdue University "Computing About Physical Objects" Laboratory West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 USA RATIONALE : Many diverse groups have started work on projects to aid in the use of complex software systems, and to guide non-specialists in the many choices that have to be made when they want to use computers for scientific applications. This international conference is aimed at bringing together active researchers working in those areas, to allow for an exchange of ideas , viewpoints and techniques. TOPICS OF INTEREST : These include, but are not limited to : * AI and Expert Systems for Numerical Computing (e.g for the Numerical Solution of Ordinary or Partial Differential Equations, Integral Equations, Linear Systems,...), * Knowledge based systems for scientific applications, * Expert systems for mapping applications to parallel architectures, * Expert systems to support parallel processing, * Advisory expert systems to support general purpose software libraries, * Sophisticated user interfaces for scientific/engineering software systems. PAPERS : The conference will include invited and contributed papers. Authors who wish to contribute papers should submit 3 copies of an extended abstract (2-3 pages, typed single spaced on 8 by 11 in. sheets), no later than July 31, 1988 (address given below). All papers submitted will be reviewed. Authors will be notified regarding acceptance of their contribution no later than September 15, 1988. PUBLICATIONS : Preprints consisting of a collection of the abstracts will be available to the attendees at the Conference. Proceedings will be typeset as a special issue of the journal MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION (Transactions of IMACS)- North Holland , consisting of papers from the conference selected by the conference committee. Final manuscripts for these selected papers will be due no later than November 30, 1988. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE John R. RICE , Purdue University, USA (Co-Chairman) Robert VICHNEVETSKY, Rutgers University, USA (Co-Chairman) Elias HOUSTIS, Purdue University, USA and Greece (Conference Coordinator) W. SCHONAUER, Univ. Karlsruhe , West Germany Joe OLIGER , Stanford University , USA Requests for information are to be addressed, and abstracts are to be sent no later than July 31, 1988 , to: Dr. Elias Houstis Dept. of Computer Science Purdue University West Lafayette Indiana 47907 USA tel (317) 494 6003 ARPANET : ------------------------------ From: David Kincaid <> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 88 17:08:43 CST Subject: Conference on Iterative Methods for Large Linear Systems Second Announcement and Registration Form CONFERENCE ON ITERATIVE METHODS FOR LARGE LINEAR SYSTEMS October 19, 20 and 21, 1988 Celebrating the 65th birthday of David M. Young, Jr. OBJECTIVE: This conference will be dedicated to providing an overview of the state of the art in the use of iterative methods for solving sparse linear systems with an eye to contributions of the past, present, and future. The emphasis will be placed upon identifying current and future research directions in the mainstream of modern scientific computing. Recently, the use of iterative methods for solving linear systems has experienced a resurgence of activity as scientists attack extremely complicated three dimensional problems using vector and parallel supercomputers. Many research advances in the development of iterative methods for high-speed computers over the past forty years will be reviewed as well as focusing on current research. INVITED SPEAKERS: L. Adams (Washington University) O. Axelsson (University of Nijmegen, Netherlands) G. Birkhoff (Harvard University) P. Concus (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory) L. Ehrlich (John Hopkins University) H. Elman (University of Maryland) G. Golub (Stanford University) L. Hageman (Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory) R. Lynch (Purdue University) T. Manteuffel (Los Alamos National Laboratory) J. Ortega (University of Virginia) J. Rice (Purdue University) P. Saylor (University of Illinois) R. Varga (Kent State University) W. Wachspress (University of Tennessee) M. Wheeler (Rice University) O. Widlund (Courant Institute) D. Young (University of Texas) ORGANIZATION: The host organization is the Center for Numerical Analysis (CNA) of The University of Texas at Austin. The members of the local organizing committee are D. Kincaid, L. Hayes, G. Carey and W. Cheney. The conference is being co-sponsored by the Special Interest Groups for Linear Algebra and Supercomputing of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. ACCOMMODATIONS: To make reservations call the Austin Marriott at the Capital [(512) 478-1111 or (800) 228-9290] or mail the enclosed card for rooms at the special conference rate of $55 for single or double rooms. All reservations are handled on a first-come-first-served basis. Reservations must be received by October 4, 1988. Reservations made after this date are subject to room availability. REGISTRATION: Conference advanced registration is $95 (SIAG/LA or SIAG/SC member $85), if received by September 1, 1988. If paid after this date or at the conference, the registration fee is $125. This fee includes morning and afternoon coffee breaks, a reception, a banquet honoring Professor Young, and other activities. The student registration fee is $15 which allows admission to the technical sessions and coffee breaks only. To register, detach and mail the registration form below. For additional information, contact the CNA at the address below or at Tel: (512) 471-1242; Arpanet:; Bitnet: sheri@uta3081. Mrs. Katy Burrell Conference Secretary Center for Numerical Analysis RLM Bldg 13.150 University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 78713-8510 .........................Detach and mail............................. Name: Organization: Address: Telephone: Email: Number of guest banquet tickets ($27.50 per person): Amount Enclosed: (Make checks payable to The University of Texas at Austin) ___ Yes, I plan to attend. Enclosed please find my registration fee of $_____ ___ I am not ready to register yet, but send me additional information as it becomes available. ------------------------------ From: Bergen Scientific Centre <FSCPG%NOBERGEN.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 88 11:34:49 EMT Subject: Tromsoe Conference on Vector and Parallel Computing BERGEN SCIENTIFIC CENTRE, IBM & SIAM/SIAG on Supercomputing & ACM SIGARCH announce THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VECTOR AND PARALLEL COMPUTING ISSUES IN APPLIED RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT JUNE 6 - 10, 1988 in Tromsoe, Norway FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT The Bergen Scientific Centre (BSC) is the principal host for the Second International Conference on Vector and Parallel Computing from June 6 through 10, 1988. The other joint partners in hosting the conference are the SIAM Special Interest Activity Group (SIAM/SIAG) on Supercomputing and the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture (ACM/SIGARCH). The conference themes are: Numerical Analysis, Pattern Recognition/Image Processing & Computer Vision Artificial Intelligence, Reservoir Simulation & Seismic Processing Parallel Programming Languages - such as ADA Large Scale Scientific Computations The programme consists of 17 invited papers, 6 student scholarship papers and over 140 contributed presentations that span the themes of the conference. In addition there will be supercomputer vendor demonstrations and 4 panel sessions. The conference is to be held in the Paris of the North - Tromsoe, Norway AGENDA: SUNDAY JUNE 5, 1988 A conference table will be available at Tromsoe airport for those attendees arriving on Sunday. Please check with the SAS people at this table and they will arrange for transport to your hotel. If you arrive in Tromsoe before Sunday, June 5 then please check with the SAS Hotel for information. Please register in the SAS Hotel as soon as you arrive 13.00 - 19.00 Registration in the SAS Hotel 20.30 - 22.30 Dinner 22.00 - 24.00 Registration in the SAS Hotel Coffee and Dancing MONDAY JUNE 6, 1988 Morning 08.45 - 12.30: KULTURHUSET 08.45 - 09.00 Opening Remarks 09.00 - 09.45 Keynote speaker - Irving Wladawsky-Berger INVITED PAPERS 09.45 - 10.30 Al Erisman (Boeing Computer Services) Supercomputing as a Tool for Product Development 10.30 - 11.00 Break for refreshments 11.00 - 11.45 Ulrich Trottenberg (GMD) On The Suprenum System 11.45 - 12.30 Tilak Agerwala (IBM) Highly Parallel Processing Research at IBM 12.30 - 12.35 Poster Introductions Axemen: Jack Dongarra (ANL) & Iain Duff (Harwell) 12.35 - 14.00 Lunch at the SAS Hotel Afternoon 14.00 - 17.50: KULTURHUSET POSTER SESSIONS SUPERCOMPUTER VENDOR DISPLAYS CONTRIBUTED PAPERS 14.00 - 15.15 Session 1A Image Processing & Graphics Chairwoman: Linda Shapiro (University of Washington) Session 2A PDEs Chairman: Tony Chan (UCLA) 15.15 - 15.45 Break for refreshments 15.45 - 17.50 Session 1B Image Processing Chairman: Alvie Ray Smith (Pixar) Session 2B Parallel Solution of PDEs Chairman: Gerard Meurant (Centre d'Etudes de Limeil-Valenton) PANEL SESSION ON ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURES (Alberte Room SAS Hotel) Chairmen: Jack Dongarra (ANL) & Iain Duff (Harwell) Evening 18.30 - 24.00:& 18.30 - 19.30 Dark Cocktail Reception 19.30 - 20.00 Tromsoe-Tromsoe multimedia presentation 20.30 - 24.00 Norwegian Specialities and Local Beer Evening on the Fjord TUESDAY JUNE 7, 1988 Morning 08.30 - 12.05: KULTURHUSET INVITED PAPERS 8.30 - 9.15 Tony Jameson (Princeton University) Current Directions & Future Possibilities in Computational Fluid Dynamics 9.15 - 10.00 Tony Chan (UCLA) Domain Decomposition Algorithms and Applications to Computational Fluid Dynamics 10.00 - 10.30 Break for refreshments 10.30 - 11.15 Gerard Meurant (Centre d'Etudes de Limeil-Valenton) Domain Decomposition Methods for PDEs on Parallel Computers 11.15 - 12.00 Wolfgang Gentzsch (Fachhochschule Regensburg) Comparison of Super- & Mini-Supercomputers for Computational Fluid Dynamics 12.00 - 12.05 Poster Introductions Axemen: Jack Dongarra (ANL) & Iain Duff (Harwell) 12.05 - 13.30 Lunch at the SAS Hotel Afternoon 13.30 - 17.45: KULTURHUSET POSTER SESSIONS SUPERCOMPUTER VENDOR DISPLAYS CONTRIBUTED PAPERS 13.30 - 15.10 Session 1A Large Scale Vector & Parallel Computations Chairman: Tony Jameson (Princeton University) Session 2A Parallel Programming Languages Chairman: David Warren (University of Manchester) 15.10 - 15.40 Break for refreshments 15.40 - 17.45 Session 1B Software Environments Chairman: Ken Kennedy (Rice University) Session 2B Sparse Matrix Techniques Chairman: Iain Duff (Harwell) PANEL SESSION ON COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (Alberte Room SAS Hotel) Chairman: Mac Hyman (Los Alamos) Evening 18.30 - 24.00: 18.30 - 19.30 Organ Concert in the Arctic Cathedral 20.00 - 22.00 CONFERENCE BANQUET in the SAS Hotel 22.30 - 24.00 Trip to Floeyfjellet, Skiing, Champagne & Folkedans WEDNESDAY JUNE 8, 1988 Morning:Recovery Afternoon 13.00 - 16.50: KULTURHUSET INVITED PAPER Session Chairman: Gene Golub (Stanford University) 13.00 - 13.45 Cleve Moler (Ardent Computers) Images of Matrices STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP PAPERS Session Chairmen: Bill Gear (University of Illinois) & Gene Golub (Stanford University) 13.50 - 14.15 C. Bischof (Cornell University) Efficient Parallel Programs through Pipelined Block Algorithms. The QR Decomposition as an Example 14.15 - 14.40 J. Engels (Universitat Bonn) An OR-Parallel Execution Model for Full Prolog 14.40 - 15.10 Break for refreshments 15.10 - 15.35 V. E. Henson (University of Colorado) Parallel Compact Symmetric FFTs 15.35 - 16.00 M. Kiehl (Technische Universitat Munchen) Vectorizing the Multiple-Shooting Method for the Solution of Boundary-Value Problems and Optimal-Control Problems 16.00 - 16.25 E. G. Ong (University of Washington) The 3D Hierarchical Basis Preconditioner 16.25 - 16.50 H. Zhang (Temple University) A New Parallel Algorithm for LU Decomposition 17.30 - 18.45 Survival Dinner at the SAS Hotel Evening 19.00 - 00.45: KULTURHUSET CONTRIBUTED PAPERS 19.00 - 21.30 Session 1A Architectures Chairman: Tilak Agerwala (IBM) Session 2A Large Scale Vector Applications Chairman: Johnny Petersen (BSC, IBM) 21.30 - 21.55 Break for refreshments 21.55 - 23.35 Session 1B Issues in Vector & Parallel Computing Chairman: Jan Kok (CWI) Session 2B Large Scale Vector & Parallel Applications Chairman: Tomasso Poggio (MIT) 23.35 - 24.00 Eyeball refresher 24.00 - 00.45 THE MIDNIGHT SUN LECTURE (KULTURHUSET) Chairman: Cleve Moler (Ardent Computers) Alvie Ray Smith (Pixar) Visualization in Art Science & Technology THURSDAY JUNE 9, 1988 Morning 08.30 - 12.05: KULTURHUSET INVITED PAPERS 8.30 - 9.15 Tomasso Poggio (MIT) Parallel Integration of Vision Modules 9.15 - 10.00 Linda Shapiro (University of Washington) Programming Parallel Vision Algorithms: A Dataflow Language Approach 10.00 - 10.30 Break for refreshments 10.30 - 11.15 Johnny Petersen (BSC, IBM) Seismic Wave Propagation and Absorbing Boundary Conditions 11.15 - 12.00 Richard Ewing (University of Wyoming) Large Scale Computing in Reservoir Simulation 12.00 - 12.05 Poster Introductions Axemen: Jack Dongarra (ANL) & Iain Duff (Harwell) 12.05 - 13.30 Lunch at the SAS Hotel Afternoon 13.30 - 17.45: KULTURHUSET POSTER SESSIONS SUPERCOMPUTER VENDOR DISPLAYS CONTRIBUTED PAPERS 13.30 - 15.10 Session 1A Reservoir/Seismic Chairman: Richard Ewing (University of Wyoming) Session 2A Linear Algebra Chairman: Jack Dongarra (ANL) 15.10 - 15.40 Break for refreshments 15.40 - 17.45 Session 1B Large Scale Vector & Parallel Computations Chairman: Wolfgang Gentzsch (Fachhochschule Regensburg) Session 2B Linear Algebra Chairman: Danny Sorensen (ANL) PANEL SESSION ON RESERVOIR MODELLING (Alberte Room SAS Hotel) Chairman: Trond Steihaug (Statoil) Evening 19.30 - 01.30: 19.30 - 02.00 Havets Festbord at Hella FRIDAY JUNE 10, 1988 Morning 08.30 - 12.05: KULTURHUSET INVITED PAPERS 8.30 - 9.15 Ken Kennedy (Rice) PARASCOPE: A Parallel Programming Environment 9.15 - 10.00 David Warren (Manchester) Parallel Logic Programming 10.00 - 10.30 Break for refreshments 10.30 - 11.15 Jan Kok (CWI) Parallel Programming with Ada 11.15 - 12.00 John Hertz (NORDITA) Introduction to Neural Computation 12.00 - 12.05 Poster Introductions Axemen: Jack Dongarra (ANL) & Iain Duff (Harwell) 12.05 - 13.30 Lunch at the SAS Hotel Afternoon 13.30 - 17.00: KULTURHUSET POSTER SESSIONS SUPERCOMPUTER VENDOR DISPLAYS CONTRIBUTED PAPERS 13.30 - 15.10 Session 1A AI & Neural Computing Chairman: John Hertz (NORDITA) Session 2A Linear Algebra Chairman: Sean McKee (University of Strathclyde) 15.10 - 15.40 Break for refreshments 15.40 - 16.55 Session 1B Linear Algebra Chairman: Al Erisman (Boeing Computer Services) Session 2B Parallel Multigrid Applications Chairman: Ulrich Trottenberg (GMD) PANEL SESSION ON NEURAL COMPUTING (Alberte Room SAS Hotel) Chairman: John Hertz (NORDITA) 17.00 CONCLUSION CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS The invited papers from the conference will be published as a special issue of the International Journal of Supercomputer Applications. In addition, the invited papers, a number of selected contributed papers, and the six student scholarship papers will be published by MIT Press in the form of a book that will follow the basic format of the Journal of Supercomputer Applications. This book will serve as the proceedings of the conference. REGISTRATION FEES AND SCHEDULES The registration fee covers the cost of all social activities including dinner on Sunday evening. If an attendee does not wish to participate in an evening social event then the registration fee covers the cost of dinner in the SAS hotel. In addition each participant will receive a copy of the conference proceedings. The registration fee before April 29, 1988 is NOK 2,200 or the equivalent in US Dollars or Pounds Sterling. After April 29, 1988 the registration fee is: NOK 3,500 or the equivalent in US Dollars or Pounds Sterling. The registration fee will be forfeited for cancellations received after April 29, 1988. PLEASE REGISTER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BECAUSE THE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS MUST BE LIMITED TO 450 PEOPLE. Payment of fees MUST be received before May 27, 1988. COMPANIONS PROGRAMME: The social activities in the agenda are available to companions of conference participants at the following subsidized rates, Monday evening: total cost NOK 150, Tuesday evening: Banquet NOK 300, Organ Concert and trip to Floeyfjellet no charge, Thursday evening: no charge. The lively and exciting town of Tromsoe also offers a host of other activities that can be arranged upon request. TRAVEL: The conference will be held at the SAS Royal Hotel in the city of Tromsoe, Norway. It has not been possible to obtain from Scandinavian airlines a guaranteed and convenient charter flight to Tromsoe. Moreover, it seems likely that attendees can obtain reasonable air fares if they book the complete journey in their home country. Our enquiries show that travel agents should have no difficulty in arranging regular scheduled flights to and from Tromsoe. For example, on Sunday June 5, 1988 the following flights are available: NEW YORK - OSLO SK902 - Gardermoen 07.10 TW826 - Gardermoen 08.50 PAA098 (via London) - Fornebu 13.05 BA644 (via London) - Fornebu 16.55 Note there are 2 airports in Oslo, Gardermoen and Fornebu. LONDON (HEATHROW) - OSLO ARRIVAL TIMES IN FORNEBU BA642 - 11.05 SK512 - 13.45 BA644 - 16.55 SK510 - 20.15 BA646 - 20.25 OSLO - TROMSOE DEPARTURE TIMES FROM FORNEBU SK372 - 08.10 SK354 - 14.25 SK376 - 15.05 SK368 - 17.00 SK378 - 18.40 SK358 - 19.30 SK360 - 20.25 LONDON (GATWICK) - BERGEN ARRIVAL TIMES IN BERGEN SK516 - 13.50 SK518 - 22.50 LONDON (HEATHROW) - BERGEN ARRIVAL TIMES IN BERGEN BA662/BU277 - 16.45 BERGEN - TROMSOE DEPARTURE TIMES FROM BERGEN BU271 - 10.10 BU273 - 13.50 BU277 - 17.10 In addition on Sunday there are 16 scheduled flights between Copenhagen and Oslo, and 3 scheduled flights between Copenhagen and Bergen. REMEMBER, THERE WILL BE 450 PEOPLE WISHING TO GET TO TROMSOE ON SUNDAY| THEREFORE, TO GUARANTEE A PLACE ON ONE OF THE FLIGHTS TO TROMSOE, ATTENDEES ARE STRONGLY RECOMMENDED TO MAKE THEIR TRAVEL BOOKINGS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. For assistance with these bookings travellers may contact Bennett Reisebureau A/S, Karl Johansgate 3, 0154 Oslo 1, telephone: 47-2-209090, or Bennett Reisebureau in Tromsoe, telephone: 47-83-85040. NOTE FOR THE TRAVEL UNCONSCIOUS: You are advised to fly to Tromsoe rather than take a cab or a train. If you decide to take either of the latter then you may have the opportunity to spend the winter somewhere in Norway| CLOTHES: Please remember that the conference takes place above the Arctic Circle. You should be prepared for both warm and cool weather, and have some extra warm clothing for the evening boat trips. ACCOMMODATION: Main accommodation will be at the SAS Royal Hotel with additional rooms provided by other hotels in the town. The conference will be limited to 450 participants and therefore early reservations are necessary to guarantee a room. Room reservations will be handled on a first come first served basis. In order to make a room reservation please complete the form below and return it to the conference secretary. DO NOT CONTACT THE HOTELS DIRECTLY I wish to attend the conference Name: .......................................................... Address: .......................................................... .......................................................... Telephone: ........................................................ Electronic Mail: .................................................. The registration fee is Enclosed ........YES..........NO........... The registration fee is transferred by my bank to Account No. 6511.05.25278 in Christiania Bank, Bergen, Norway ................. Daily Rates, Half Pension (Breakfast & Lunch): ADULTS: Please reserve a single room for a conference attendee ................ NOK 850 I am willing to share a room: Please reserve a place in a double room for one conference attendee ... NOK 550 Please reserve a place in a double room for one conference attendee ... NOK 850 + a non-conference companion ............................. NOK 250 CHILDREN (Under 16 years): Under 10 years - accommodation is free. Between 10 and 16 years ............................................... NOK 185 Date of ARRIVAL at Hotel: Date of DEPARTURE from Hotel: TO RESERVE A ROOM YOU MUST COMPLETE THE FORM AND ENCLOSE A DEPOSIT OF NOK 1000 (if sending a cheque then make it payable to: The Conference Secretary), AND RETURN THE FORM TO THE CONFERENCE SECRETARY: BERIT HILT, Bergen Scientific Centre, Allegaten 36, 5007 Bergen, NORWAY. ------------------------------ From: Frank Luk <> Date: Thu, 17 Mar 88 17:37:09 EST Subject: SPIE Conference on Signal Processing III What follows is the Program for the SPIE Conference on Advanced Algorithms and Architectures for Signal Processing III. It will be a 2-1/2 day Conference from August 15 to 17, and will be followed by an SPIE Conference on Real Time Signal Processing on August 18 and 19, in San Diego. The Conference Chair and Co-Chairs are Boualem Boashash, Ed Deprettere, Simon Haykin, Franklin Luk and Jeffrey Speiser. For further information, please send message to either or Session 1. Matrix Computations Chair: Richard Lau, Office of Naval Research 1. R.P. Brent, ( Keynote Speech ) Australian National U., Fast Algorithms for Signal Processing. 2. C.J. Anfinson, F.T. Luk, Cornell U., Fast Toeplitz Orthogonalization Algorithms. 3. J. Chun, V. Roychowdhury, T. Kailath, Stanford U., Systolic Array for Solving Toeplitz Systems of Equations. 4. A. Bojanczyk, Cornell U., Matrix Downdating Techniques for Signal Processing. 5. S. Qiao, Ithaca College, Fast Adaptive RLS Algorithms: a Generalized Inverse Unification. 6. J.P. Reilly, W.G. Chen, K.M. Wong, McMaster U., A Fast, QR-based Array Processing Algorithm. 7. H. Nelis, E.F. Deprettere, P. Dewilde, Delft U. of Technology (Netherlands), Hierarchical Approximate Inversion of Multi Dimensional Covariance Matrices. Session 2. Signal Processing Techniques Chair: Jeff Speiser, Naval Ocean Systems Center 8. M.D. Zoltowski, Purdue U., Generalized Minimum Norm and Constrained Total Least Squares with Applications to Array Signal Processing. 9. A.L. Swindlehurst, T. Kailath, Stanford U., Near Field Source Parameter Estimation Using a Spatial Wigner Distribution Approach. 10. V. Kezys, S. Haykin, McMaster U., Multi-frequency Angle-of-arrival Estimation: an Experimental Evaluation. 11. G.E. Martin, Martin Analysis Software Technology, Inc., Signal Subspace Processing of Experimental Radio Data. 12. B. Arambepola, Marconi Research Centre, U.K., Data Processor Architecture for Real-time Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imaging. 13. A.J. De Groot, S.G. Azevedo, D.J. Schneberk, S.R. Parker, Lawrence Livermore National Lab., A Systolic Array for Efficient Execution of the Radon and Inverse Radon Transforms. 14. D.J. Gingras, Ruhr-U., W. Germany Use of homomorphic Signal Processing Techniques for the Estimation of Absorbance Spectra as encountered in Fourier Transform Spectroscopy. 15. Y. Lee, J. Litva, McMaster U., Adaptive Interference Cancelling in Multiple Beamforming Network for Coherent Signals and Interference. Session 3. Time-Frequency Analysis and the Wigner-Ville Distribution Chair: Boualem Boashash, U. of Queensland ( Australia ) 16. Leon Cohen, City University of New York. LOCAL MEAN QUANTITIES IN TIME-FREQUENCY SIGNAL ANALYSIS. 17. Boualem Boashash, University of Queensland, SIGNAL ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS USING THE WIGNER-VILLE DISTRIBUTION: APPLICATION TO THE IDENTIFICATION OF MACHINE NOISE. 18. Harper J. Whitehouse, Naval Ocean Systems Center, INTERPRETATION OF RADAR IMAGING IN TERMS OF THE WIGNER-VILLE DISTRIBUTION. 19. Nenad Marinovic, City College,University of New-York, TIME-FREQUENCY ANALYSIS OF TRANSIENTS (tentative title). 20. Jeffrey Speiser, Naval Ocean Systems Center, HIGH RESOLUTION WIGNER-VILLE DISTRIBUTION: COMPUTATIONAL ISSUES AND SYSTOLIC ARCHITECTURES. 21. G. Boudreaux-Bartels, University of Rhode Island, PATTERN RECOGNITION IN THE TIME-FREQUENCY DOMAIN (tentative title). 22. M. Amin et al., Univ. of Villanova, APPLICATION OF WIGNER-VILLE DISTRIBUTION TO TRACKING OF SPECTRAL VARIATIONS (tentative title). 23. F. Harris, H. Abusalem, San Diego State U., Performance Comparison of Wigner-ville based Techniques to Standard FM-discriminators for estimating instantaneous Frequency of a Rapidly Slewing FM Signal Session 4. Fault Tolerance and Processor Implementation Techniques Chair: Ed Deprettere, Delft U. of Technology ( Netherlands ) 24. V.S.S. Nair, J.A. Abraham, U. of Illinois, A methodology for the Analysis and Design of Fault-Tolerant Signal Processing Architectures. 25. H. Park, U. of Minnesota, Multiple Error Algorithm-based Fault Tolerance for Matrix Triangularizations. 26. F.T. Luk, E.K. Torng, Cornell U., Array Reconfiguration Techniques in Fault Tolerance. 27. N.G. Azari, A.W. Bojanczyk, S-Y. Lee, Cornell U., Matrix Transposition and its Application to Image Rotation on MCAP. 28. A.J. van der Veen, E.F. Deprettere, Delft U. of Technology (Netherlands), A VLSI Direction Finding Algorithm using Floating Point Pipeline CORDIC Processors with 10**7 rotations per second Throughout. 29. M.D. Ercegovac, T. Lang, UCLA, Singular Value Decomposition: Using Redundant and On-line CORDIC. 30. M.A.G. Abushagur, H.J. Caulfield, U. Alabama, Adaptive Phased Array Data Processing Using the Bimodal Optical Computer. 31. E.J. Baranoski, D.P. Casasent, Carnegie Mellon U., Recursive Matrix Inverse Update on an Optical Processor. Session 5. High Resolution Beamforming and Estimation Chair: Simon Haykin, McMaster U. ( Canada ) 32. R. Cohn, H.T. Kung, O. Menzilcioglu, S.W. Song, Carnegie-Mellon U., A Highly Reconfigurable Array of Powerful Processors. 33. I.J. Clarke, Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, High Discrimination Detection Bound and Model Order Control. 34. K.M. Wong, Q.T. Zhang, J.P. Reilly, P. Yip, McMaster U., A New Criterion for the Detection of the Number of Signals in Array Processing. 35. R. Roy, Stanford U., Invariant Techniques of High Resolution Null Steering. 36. J. Litva, McMaster U., Super-resolution and Deterministic Modelling. 37. K.M. Buckley, X.L. Xu, U. of Minnesota, Reduced-Dimension Beam-Space Broad-Band Source Localization: Preprocessor Design. 38. B. Friedlander, SAXPY Computer Corp., Self-calibration Techniques for High Resolution Array Processing. 39. T. Shepherd, J.G. McWhirter, Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, Efficient MVDR Beamforming using a Systolic Array. ------------------------------ From: Petter Bjorstad <gran!petter@NTA-ODIN.ARPA> Date: Sun, 20 Mar 88 16:31:50 +0100 Subject: Domain Decomposition Workshop WORKSHOP on DOMAIN DECOMPOSITION ALGORITHMS. Aug. 1. to Aug. 26. UNIVERSITY of BERGEN, NORWAY Following the initial workshop on domain decomposition methods at Cornell University in 1986, the international meeting in Paris Jan. 1987, and the international meeting in Los Angeles 1988, leading researchers in this field are invited to Bergen, NORWAY in August 1988. Scientists with an active interest in this field are invited to participate. Both short and long term visits during the period is possible. There will be several lectures, but the emphasis will be on informal exchange of ideas and knowledge and possible joint projects among participants. Unfortunately, financial support will be extremely limited. For further information, Contact: Professor Petter Bjorstad Institutt for Informatikk Allegt. 55, N-5007 BERGEN NORWAY email: na.bjorstad phone: +475-212866 ------------------------------ End of NA Digest ************************** ------- Reposted by -- Kenneth R. Jackson, (csnet) Department of Computer Science, uunet!!krj (uucp) University of Toronto, krj@csri.toronto.cdn (ean x.400) Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4 (arpa) (416) 978-7075 krj@csri.utoronto (bitnet)