[ut.na] NA Digest Volume 88 : Issue 21

krj@csri.toronto.edu (Ken Jackson) (05/23/88)

NA Digest   Sunday, May 22, 1988   Volume 88 : Issue 21

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:

     3rd Parallel Circus
     Professorship in Lund
     Need Sparse SVD Code
     LAA Special Issue on Matrix Valued Functions
     October Workshop on Iterative Methods
     Supercomputing Conference in France

From: Greg Astfalk <astfalk%c1east%pruxd@Princeton.EDU>
Date: Wed, 18 May 88 11:07:50 edt
Subject: 3rd Parallel Circus

The 3rd Parallel Circus was held at IBM in Kingston on May 6-7.  There
were no clowns nor elephant dropings but lots of good discussions on
parallel processing.  Approximately 50 people attended during the two
days of the Circus.  The first day, chaired by Gene Golub, was devoted
to linear algebra.  Martin Schultz chaired the second day sessions
which finished up the linear algebra talks and covered particle methods.

Gene has set-up a NAnet address for the Parallel Circus	so that comments,
questions, etc. can be sent to parallel_circus@na-net.stanford.edu.

Following are some comments, a list of the talks and list of attendees.
Any omissions or typos in names or addresses are unintentional; flames to

	Greg Astfalk
	Convex Computer Corp.

--- C O M M E N T S ---

Comments made by attendees during the course of the circus were
favorable and unanimously in favor of continuation of the circus in
the future.  Some distinct advantages are the exposure to as yet
unpublished work or work that will not be seen for some time.  As a
specific example Craig Douglas's presentation covered material that is
accepted for publication but will not appear until December.

The informal nature of the Circus did not at all detract from the
quality of the presentations.  Future meetings should consider having
shorter talks combined with longer breaks.  Having non-stop talks is
too 'intense' and precludes the ability to talk one-on-one to
colleagues, which in many cases is more informative than the talks

The next Circus is tentativley being planned for this Fall at Rutgers
with a spring '89 meeting at RPI.  Stay tuned to na-net for details.

Thanks are to be extended to the IBM Center for Scientific Engineering
Computations and Enrico Clementi for providing the facilities for the
meeting.  A special thanks goes to Vijay Sonnand for tending to the
organizational details.

--- T A L K S ---

Ravi Mirchandaney, Yale Univ, "The architecture of the PARTY runtime

David Keyes, Yale University, "Domain decomposition techniques for
nonsymmetric systems"

Joel Saltz, Yale University, "Runtime techniques for parallel
execution of sparse matrix computations"

Bo Kagstrom, University of Umea, "Parallel algorithms for solving the
triangular Sylvester equation on a Hypercube multiprocessor"

Robert van de Geijn, Univ of Texas at Austin, "A new storage scheme for
parallel implementation of eigenvalue algorithms"

Apostolos Gerasoulis, Rutgers, "Gaussian elimination and Gauss Jordan
on MIMD architectures"

Wei-Pai Tang, Univ. of Waterloo, "Wavefront elimination,
renormalization and fractals"

Stefano Foresti, IBM - Kingston, "Parallel multilevel iteration for a
p-version of finite elements"

Steve Hammond, "Solution of large, sparse, linear systems using ICCG
on a linear systolic array"

Gautam Shroff, RPI, "Convergence proofs for parallel block Jacobi

Christian Bischof, Cornell, "A pipelined QR algorithm with variable

Anita Mayo, IBM, "Volume integrals and particle methods"

Josh Barnes, IAS, "Multiple-timestep Parallel Algorithms"

Enrico Clementi, IBM - Kingston, "Parallelism in physics, chemistry
and simple engineering"

Craig Douglas, IBM - Kingston, "Parallel multigrid and domain
reduction methods: The direct method case"

Anne Greenbaum, Courant Inst., "Optimal preconditioners of a given
sparsity pattern"

Willy Miranker, IBM - Yorktown Heights, "Memory intensive computation"

Hungwen Li, IBM - Yorktown Heights, "Sparse matrix vector
multiplication on polymorphic-torus"

--- A T T E N D E E S ---

Gerasoulis Apostolos	Rutgers			gerasoulis@rutgers.edu
Greg Astfalk		Convex Computer Corp.	ihnp4!convex!astfalk
Josh Barnes		Inst. Advanced Study	josh@iassns.bitnet
Doug Baxter		Yale			baxter@yale.edu
Messaoud Benantar	RPI			benantar@cs.rpi.edu
Christian Bischof	Cornell			bischof@svax.cs.cornell.edu
Rupak Biswas		RPI			biswasr@csv.rpi.edu
Zaphiris Christidis	IBM - Yorktown		zaphiri@yktumh
Enrico Clementi		IBM - Kingston		-
Craig Douglas		IBM - Yorktown		bells@ibm.com
Karen Dragon		RPI			dragonk@cs.rpi.edu
Joe Flaherty		RPI			flaherje@cs.rpi.edu
Stefano Foresti		IBM - Kingston		for14@ipvian.bitnet
Robert van de Geijn	Univ of Texas		rudg@sally.utexas.edu
Bhaskar Ghosh		Rutgers			ghosh@paul.rutgers.edu
Gene Golub		Stanford		na.golub@na-net.stanford.edu
Anne Greenbaum		Courant Inst		greenbau@nyu.arpa
Steve Hammond		RPI			hammonds@cs.rpi.edu
Lars Hernquist		Inst. Advanced Study	hernquist@iassns.bitnet
Bo Kagstrom		Univ of Umea		na.kagstrom@na-net.stanford.edu
Jacob Katzenelson	MIT			jacob@ai.ai.mit.edu
David Keyes		Yale			keyes@cs.yale.edu
Shahin Khan		FPS			vfxy@cornelld.bitnet
Kincho Lain		RPI			-
Hungwen Li		IBM - Yorktown		hwli@ibm.com
Ray Ludwig		RPI			ludwigr@cs.rpi.edu
Anita Mayo		IBM			amayo@ibm.com
Willard Miranker	IBM - Yorktown		wizard@yktvmv
Ravi Mirchandaney	Yale			mirchandaney@cs.yale.edu
Ramesh Natarajan	IBM - Yorktown		ramesh@ibm.com
Isreal Nelken		Rutgers			isreal@paul.rutgers.edu
David Pruett		IBM - Kingston		-
Laisal Saied		Yale			saied@yale.arpa
Joel Saltz		Yale			saltz@cs.yale.edu
Dave Schneider		IBM - Kingston		H2SJ@cornelld.bitnet
Martin Schultz		Yale			schultz@yale.edu
Gautam Shroff		RPI			shroff@twing.cs.rpi.edu
Mark Smith		IBM			hpay@cornelld.bitnet
Vijay Sonnad		IBM - Lingston		vijay@ibm.com
Wei-Pai Tang		Univ of Waterloo	na.tang@na-net.stanford.edu
Jordan Taylor		IBM - Kingston		-
Terbjorn Wiberg		Univ of Umea		TVW@cs.umu.se
Shahrokh Zargham	Cornell			sdzj@cornelld.edu
Feng Zhao		MIT			zhao@ai.ai.mit.edu


From: Axel Ruhe <ruhe%cs.chalmers.sunet%chalmers.se@relay.cs.net>
Date: 19 May 88 11:28 +0200
Subject: Professorship in Lund

Announcing a tenured chair as professor in


at the University of Lund Sweden.

Lund University founded 1668 has a rich academic profile.
Let me only mention that the successful applicant will get
distinguished colleagues in neighbouring subjects :
   Lars Hormander, Mathematics
   Georg Lindgren, Mathematical Statistics
   Karl Johan Astrom, Automatic Control
   Bjorn Roos, Quantum Chemistry
to mention a few.

Applications will be screened by 3 experts and decided by
the Swedish Government (Yes we are pompous here) on suggestion
of a committe from the faculty.

Deadline for application is June 1, 1988. A written application
addressed to the Government must have reached the University of
Lund at that time.

Postal address:  Office of the registrar, Lund University, Box 117,
   S-22100 Lund, Sweden

Street address: Paradisgatan 5, Lund

Telex: 33533 LUNIVER S

Telefax: int-46-46104720

The application should be supported by a c.v., list of publications,
copies of relevant publications and a short description of the
applicants research achievments and future plans. This supporting
material may arrive 3 weeks after the application date, and should
be sent in 4 copies.

Information can be obtained from Sten Henriksson 
email: stenh@dna.lu.se
Telephone int-46-46108035

and of course from myself who graduated from Lund back in 1970. 

   Axel Ruhe
email: ruhe@cs.chalmers.se
Telephone  int-46-31721096 (office)
	   int-46-31483168 (home)


From: Tilak Ratnanather <NATILAK%VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Date: 19-MAY-1988 17:25:04 GMT
Subject: Need Sparse SVD Code

I would like to know if there is a code to determine the SVD of a large sparse
matrix of order 729 with 85000 non-zero entries. This is an unsymmetric
matrix stored as a vector of values, column pointer and row start pointer.

Replies to me on NATILAK@VAX.OX.AC.UK or Dan Howard on HOWARD@VO.RL.AC.UK.

Use of the code will be gratefully acknowledged in the usual form.


Tilak Ratnanather
Numerical Analysis Group
Oxford University Computing Lab
8-11 Keble Rd


From: Hans Schneider <hs@vanvleck.math.wisc.edu>
Date: Fri, 20 May 88 15:48:26 cdt
Subject: LAA Special Issue on Matrix Valued Functions

                  Special Issue on
Recently there has been considerable progress in the subject
of matrix valued functions. This advance has been motivated
by the intrinsic mathematical interest in such functions as
well as their use in such applied areas as linear systems
theory and signal processing.  The high level of current
activities in this subject is evident from the recent special
issues of LAA on Linear Systems and Control (volume 50 and a
forthcoming issue), the book Linear Algebra and its Role in
Systems Theory(AMS Contemporary Mathematics series, volume
47), the volume on Matrix Pencils (Springer Lecture Notes in
Mathematics, volume 973), a forthcoming issue of Operator
Theory : Advances and Applications, and from the perusal of
many mathematical and engineering journals.
Contributions for this special issue are invited on any
topic, theoretical or applied, in which matrix valued
functions and their structure play a significant role.
Besides linear systems theory and signal processing mentioned
above, these topics include numerical analysis(in particular
computation of structural invariants of matrix valued
functions), function and operator theoretic aspects of matrix
valued functions, and special classes of matrix valued
functions. Papers on operator valued functions will be
considered provided they have a finite dimensional flavor.
Papers should meet the usual publication standards of LAA and
will be refereed in the usual way. Both original research
papers and survey articles are invited. The deadline for
submission is July 1989 with expected publication in the
summer or fall of 1990. Papers may be sent to any of the
special editors of the issue:
Professor Joseph A. Ball       Professor Leiba Rodman
Department of Mathematics      Department of Mathematics
Virginia Polytechnic Institute College of William and Mary
Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA       Williamsburg, VA 23185 USA
Dr. Paul Van Dooren
Philips Research Laboratory
2 Ave. van Becelaere
B-1170 Brussels, Belgium


From: Daniel Boley <boley@umn-cs.cs.umn.edu>
Date: Tue, 17 May 88 17:34:11 CDT
Subject: October Workshop on Iterative Methods


Workshop on Practical Iterative Methods for Large Scale Computations
          Sun. Oct. 23 (evening) through Tues. Oct. 25, 1988
                University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

          Sponsored by the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together computer scientists,
applied mathematicians, physical scientists, and engineers to present
their latest results and discuss their computational approaches for
solving the largest and most computational intensive problems with
iterative methods.  The emphasis will be on large linear systems and
eigenvalue problems.  Some of the applications that will be represented
are chemical reactions, device simulation, electron scattering, fluid
dynamics, reservoir simulation, and structural engineering; and the
algorithms of interest include conjugate gradient and Lanczos methods,
domain decomposition, multigrid techniques, and preconditioning. 

Daniel L. Boley, Youcef Saad, Donald G. Truhlar, and Robert E. Wyatt.

Current list of Speakers - Titles tentative

Daniel L. Boley, Minnesota, Parallel Algorithm for Eigenvalue Problems
Tony Chan, UCLA, Fourier Analysis of Preconditioners for the
 Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method
William Coughran, AT&T Bell Labs, Iterative Methods in Semiconductor Simulation
Ernest R. Davidson, Indiana, Iterative Methods for Randomly Sparse Matrices
Howard C.  Elman, Maryland, The Effect of Ordering on Parallel Iterative Solvers
Michel Fortin, Cit Universitaire, Quebec, Iterative Methods for Stokes and
 Navier-Stokes Problems
Roland Glowinski, Houston, On the Iterative Aspects of Some Boundary Control
Gene H. Golub, Stanford, Banquet Speaker.
Anne Greenbaum, Courant Institute, Comparison of Linear System Solvers
 Applied to Diffusion-Type Finite Element Equations
Roger Haydock, Oregon, Applications of the Recursion Method in Solid State
David Keyes, Yale, Domain Decomposition Methods for the Parallel Computation
 of Reacting Flows
Donald J. Kouri, Houston, Robert E. Wyatt, Chemistry, Texas-Austin, and
 Donald G.  Truhlar, Minnesota, Iterative Methods for Large-Scale Quantum
 Mechanical Scattering Calculations on Chemical Reactions
John G. Lewis, Boeing Computer Services, Recent Research in Iterative Methods
 at Boeing
Mitchell Luskin, Minnesota, Relaxation and Gradient Methods for Molecular
 Orientation in Liquid Crystals
Thomas Manteuffel, Los Alamos, The Role of Boundary Conditions ini
 Preconditioning Elliptic Problems
Gerard Meurant, Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, Villeneuve St Georges, France,
 Preconditioners for the Conjugate Gradient Method on Supercomputers
Antonio Navarra, Council of National Research, Modena, Italy, Applications
 of Krylov Subspace Methods in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Problems
C. M. M. Nex, Cambridge, United Kingdom, The Block Lanczos Algorithm and the
 Calculation of Matrix Resolvents
Bahram Nour-Omid, Lockheed, Palo Alto, Applications of Lanczos ...
Allen H.  Olson, Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, A Chebyshev Method for Solving
 Huge Least Squares Problems
Gregory Parker, Oklahoma, and Joel D. Kress and Russell T Pack, Los Alamos,
 Comparison of Lanczos and Subspace Iterations for Reaction Path Calculations
Beresford N. Parlett, U C Berkeley, Toward a Block Lanczos Code
Youcef Saad, Illinois-Urbana, Numerical Methods for Large Nonsymmetric
 Eigenvalue Problems
Barry I.  Schneider and Lee A. Collins, Los Alamos, Variation/Iteration Method
 for the Solution of Scattering Problems
David S. Scott, Intel, Implementing Lanczos-like Algorithms on Hypercube
Tayfun Tezduyar, Minnesota, Adaptive Implicit-Explicit and Element-by-Element
 Iterative Schemes for Large-Scale Finite Element Computations
David Young, Texas-Austin, Opening Address of the Workshop.

We welcome contributions to our featured poster session and/or to the
proceedings.  An extended period Monday will be devoted to this featured
poster session.  The proceedings will be published in a special issue
of Computer Physics Communications, a North-Holland journal.
All papers for the proceedings will be refereed by other participants.

Poster abstracts (on special forms):                    July 22, 1988
Registration ($125 including preprints and many meals): July 22, 1988
Proceedings papers:                                   August 22, 1988

Ms. Angie Vail
Workshop Administrator
Minnesota Supercomputer Institute
1200 Washington Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: 612-624-1356

Lodging accommodations should be arranged directly with the hotel:
(We have a special rate for this workshop)
Whitney Hotel
150 Portland Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Phone: 612-339-9300.


From: Bernard Philippe <mcvax!paradoxe.irisa.fr!philippe@uunet.UU.NET>
Date: Wed, 18 May 88 08:51:55 +0200
Subject: Supercomputing Conference in France

                       Preliminary Program of the


                             July 4-8, 1988

                           Saint-Malo, FRANCE

Sponsored by : ACM (SIGARCH)
In cooperation with : INRIA, IRISA, CSRD and IPSJ.

To receive the registration form, please contact :
Jocelyne ERHEL - IRISA
                 Campus de Beaulieu
                 35042 RENNES Cedex

Telex  : UNIRISA 950 473F - Fax : (33) 99 38 38 32
e-mail : erhel@irisa.irisa.fr

           MONDAY, 4th JULY 1988


    KEYNOTE ADDRESS : Why Supercomputers ?
    Jacques-Louis Lions,  Professor, College de France
    and President, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales


    . Page Table Management in Local/Remote Architec-
      Mark A. Holliday, Duke University, USA

    . Measurement  and  Prediction of  Contention  in
      Multiprocessor Operating Systems with Scientific
      Application Workloads
      George E. Bier and Mary K. Vernon, University of
      Wisconsin, USA


    . OPTIMUL : An Optical Interconnect for Multipro-
      cessor Systems
      Norman S.  Matloff,  Stephen Kowel,  and Charles
      Eldering, University of California at Davis, USA

    . Optical Link in the Delft Parallel Processor
      L.  Dekker,  E.E.E.  Frietman,  W. Smit and J.C.
      Zuidervaart,  University of  Technology,  Delft,
      The Netherlands

           MONDAY, 4th JULY 1988

    INVITED  PRESENTATION :  A Robust Parallel  Solver
    for Sparse Linear Systems
    Ahmed Sameh,  Center for Supercomputing Research &
    Development, University of Illinois, USA

    . PERCOLA : A Special-Purpose Programmable 64-bit
      Floating-Point Processor
      J.M. Normand,Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Saclay,
    . Multiple-transform Pipelines for Image Coding
      Anna Antola, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
    . System  Architecture  of   Parallel  Processing
      System -Harray-
      Hayato  Yamana,  Toshikazu  Marushima,  Takashi
      Hagiwara and Yoichi Muraoka,  Waseda University,
    . DYPP : A VLSI Dynamic-Graph Ensemble Machine
      Marius V.A.Hancu,Bell Northern Research,Canada ;
      Kenneth C. Smith, University of Toronto, Canada
    . BVE  :  A Wafer-Scale Engine  for  Differential
      Equation Computation
      Jose G. Delgado-Frias,University of Oxford, UK ;
      Douglas M. Green, Dowell-Schlumberger, UK
    . From  Mathematical Specifications  to  Parallel
      Programs on a Message-Based System
      Th.  Ruppelt and G. Wirtz, Rheinische Friedrich-
      Wilhelm Universitt, FRG
    . Interactive Program Improvement Via EAVE  :  an
      Expert Adviser for Vectorization
      Pradip Bose, IBM Thomas J. Watson R.C., USA
    . Parasight  :  A  High-Level  Debugger/Profiler
      Architecture for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
      Ziya Aral and Ilya Gertner, Encore Computer, USA
    . The  Automated  Crystal  Runtime  System  :  A
      Joel H. Saltz, Ravi Mirchandaney, Roger M. Smith
      and Kay Crowley, Yale University, USA ;
      David M. Nicol, College of William and Mary, USA

          TUESDAY, 5th JULY 1988

    INVITED PRESENTATION :  Who Needs Supercomputers ?
    Mike Farmwald,  Center for Supercomputing Research
    & Development, University of Illinois, USA

    . The   "Bussing   Freeway":   A   Technological
      Hanan Potash and  Steve  L.  Adams,  Scientific
      Computer Systems, USA
    . The Gould NP1 System Interconnection
      Duc  J.  Vianney,  James H.  Thomas  and  Vicki
      Rabaza, Gould, USA
    . Cluster Oriented Architecture for the Mapping of
      Parallel Processor Networks to High  Performance
      Falk D. Kbler, Parsytec, FRG
    . Micro-Analysis of the Titan's Operation Pipe
      John Sanguinetti,Ardent Computer Corporation,USA
    . High-speed Processing Schemes for Summation Type
      and   Iteration  Type  Vector  Instructions   on
      HITACHI Supercomputer S-820 System
      Hideo Wada,  Koichi Ishii, Masakazu Fukagawa and
      Shun Kawabe, Hitachi, Japan
    . Determining Useful Parallelism
      Fran Allen,  Michael Burke,  Ron Cytron,  Jeanne
      Ferrante and Vivek Sarkar,  IBM Thomas J. Watson
      R.C., USA
      Wilson  Hsieh,   Massachusetts  Institute   of
      Technology, USA
    . Partitioning Programs for Parallel Execution
      Milind Girkar, University of Illinois, USA
    . Requirements for Optimal Execution of Loops with
      Augustus K. Uht, University of California at San
      Diego, USA
    . On the Problem  of Optimizing Parallel  Programs
      for Hierarchical Memory Systems
      Dennis Gannon, Indiana University, USA

          TUESDAY, 5th JULY 1988

    INVITED PRESENTATION :  Supercomputing in  Control
    and Fluid Dynamics
    Roland Glowinski,  University of Houston, USA, and
    INRIA, France

    . Parallelization  and  Performance Evaluation  of
      Circuit Simulation on a Shared Memory  Multipro-
      P. Sadayappan, Ohio State University, USA
      V. Visvanathan, AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA
    . Three-Dimensional  Numerical Simulations of  the
      Czochralski   Bulk   Flow   on   a   CRAY   X-MP
      Multiprocessor Architecture
      Wolfgang   E.   Nagel  and   Kurt   Wingerath,
      Kernforschungsanlage Jlich, FRG
    . Tests on Parallel Machines of a Domain Decomposi-
      tion Method for a Composite  Three-Dimensional
      Structural Analysis Problem
      Franois-Xavier Roux, O.N.E.R.A., France
    . Block-Iterative Finite Element Computations for
      Incompressible Flow Problems
      T.E.   Tezduyar  and  J.  Liou,  University  of
      Minnesota, USA
      R. Glowinski,T. Nguyen and S. Poole, Houston,USA
    . Performance  Evaluation  for an  Ocean  General
      Circulation Model:Vectorization and Multitasking
      Patrick Andrich and Gurvan Madec,  Universite de
      Paris VI, France
    . Performance Study of a Clustered  Shared-Memory
      Keki B.  Irani and Ahmed R.  Naji, University of
      Michigan, USA
    . Performance  of  a Shared  Memory  System  for
      Vector Multiprocessors
      Stephen W.  Turner and Alexander V.  Veidenbaum,
      University of Illinois, USA
    . A  Two-Tier  Memory  Architecture  for  High-
      Performance Multiprocessor Systems
      Tan  M.  Nguyen,Vason  P.  Srini  and  Alvin  M.
      Despain, University of California at  Berkeley,
    . A   Cache   Coherence   Approach   For   Large
      Multiprocessor Systems
      James K Archibald,Brigham Young  University, USA
    . Hierarchical Registers for Scientific Computers
      John A.  Swensen and Yale N. Patt, University of
      California at Berkeley, USA

         WEDNESDAY, 6th JULY 1988

    INVITED  PRESENTATION :  Why is the  Supercomputer
    Debate  on  Technology when the  Future  is  with
    Software ?
    Carl Ledbetter, President, ETA Systems, USA

    . Hyperswitch Network for the Hypercube Computer
      E.   Chow,   H.  Madan  and  J.  Peterson,  Jet
      Propulsion Laboratory, USA
      D. Grunwald and D. Reed, University of Illinois,
    . Performance   Evaluation   of   a    Formally
      Supercomputer-based  Monte Carlo Program  on  a
      T800 Transputer Network
      M. Luckas, Universitat Duisburg, FRG
    . A Parallel Spline Collocation-Capacitance Method
      for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
      C.C.  Christara,  E.N.  Houstis and  J.R.  Rice,
      Purdue University, USA
    . Pipelined Data Parallel Algorithms - Concept and
      Chung-Ta King,  Wen-Hwa Chou and Lionel  M.  Ni,
      Michigan State University, USA

    . Introducing Symbolic Problem Solving Techniques
      in the Dependence Testing phases of a Vectorizer
      A. Lichnewsky and F. Thomasset,  INRIA, France
    . The  Importance  of  Direct  Dependences   for
      Automatic Parallelization
      Thomas Brandes, Universitat Marburg, FRG
    . Dependence of Multi-Dimensional Array References
      D.R. Wallace, Alliant Computer Systems, USA
    . Array Expansion
      Paul Feautrier, Universite Paris VI, France

         WEDNESDAY, 6th JULY 1988

     Visit  of  Le Mont Saint-Michel and its  abbey.

          THURSDAY, 7th JULY 1988


    . Code Scheduling and Register Allocation in Large
      Basic Blocks
      James R.  Goodman and Wei-Chung Hsu,  University
      of Wisconsin, USA
    . Optimization of Horizontal Microcode Generation
      for Loop Structures
      Christine Eisenbeis, INRIA, France
    . Optimizing   Horizontal   Microprograms   for
      Vectorial Loops with Timed Petri Nets
      C. Hanen, Universite de Paris VI, France

    . Parallel  and  Vector  Conjugate  Gradient-like
      Algorithms  for  Sparse  Nonsymmetric   Linear
      C. Radicati di Brozolo and Y. Robert, IBM ECSEC,
    . Arnoldi-Tchebychev for Large Scale Matrices and
      Its Vectorizability
      Diem Ilo, F. Chatelin and J.C. Patau, IBM,France
    . Boundary  Integral  Domain  Decomposition   on
      Hierarchical Memory Multiprocessors
      E.   Gallopoulos  and  D.  Lee,  University  of
      Illinois, USA


    . A   Benchmark   Package  for   Sparse   Matrix
      Youcef Saad and Harry A.G.  Wijshoff, University
      of Illinois, USA
    . An   Evaluation  of  Cray-1  and   Cray   X-MP
      Performance on Vectorizable  Livermore  Fortran
      Ju-ho Tang and Edward S. Davidson, University of
      Michigan, USA
    . Performance  Evaluation of Static  and  Dynamic
      Memory Systems on the Cray-2
      D.A. Calahan, University of Michigan, USA

      THURSDAY, 7th JULY 1988

    INVITED PRESENTATION :  Future Directions of High-
    Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing
    Gordon Bell, ARDENT Computer Corporation, USA

    INVITED   PRESENTATION   :   Yes,   We   can   map
    Computations onto a Parallel Computer Efficiently
    H.T. Kung, Carnegie-Mellon University, USA

    SESSION 8 :  PANEL :  Recent Advances and  Futures
    Session  chairman  :   David  J.  Kuck,  CSRD  and
    University of Illinois, USA

    Cocktail  in the Casino of Dinard,  on  the  other
    bank of the Rance estuary (crossing in motorboat)

           FRIDAY, 8th JULY 1988

    INVITED PRESENTATION:Parallel Applications on RP3
    George Paul, IBM, Thomas J. Watson R.C., USA


    . PARCEL : Project for the Automatic Restructuring
      and Concurrent Evaluation of Lisp
      W.  Ludwell Harrison,III and  David  A.  Padua,
      University of Illinois, USA
    . Vectorization Techniques for Prolog
      Yasusi Kanada, Keiji Kojima and Masahiro Sugaya,
      HITACHI, Japan
    . A Hybrid Scheme for Detecting AND-Parallelism in
      Prolog Programs
      Hong Xia and Wolfgang K. Giloi, GMD-FIRST and TU
      Berlin, FRG
    . Lazy Evaluation and the Logic Variable
      Keshav K. Pingali, Cornell University, USA


    . An  Approach  to Synchronization  for  Parallel
      V.P.  Krothapalli and P.  Sadayappan, Ohio State
      University, USA
    . Generating Sequential Code from Parallel Code
      J.  Ferrante,  M.  Mace and B.  Simons, IBM, USA
    . Impact of Self-Scheduling Order on  Performance
      of Multiprocessor Systems
      P.  Tang,  P.C.  Yew and C.Q. Zhu, University of
      Illinois, USA

           FRIDAY, 8th JULY 1988

    INVITED PRESENTATION :  Using Silicon and  Gallium
    Arsenide Technologies for New Supercomputer Design
    Stephen Nelson, CRAY Research, USA


    . Towards a Large Number of Pipeline Processors in
      a Tightly Coupled Multiprocessor Using no Cache
      A. Seznec and Y. Jegou, IRISA/INRIA, France
    . A  Simple  Solution  to  Lamport's  Concurrent
      Programming Problem with Linear Wait
      B.K. Szymanski,Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
    . Synchronization Using Counting Semaphores
      Vivek Sarkar, IBM Thomas J. Watson, USA


    . Givens Elimination on Systolic Arrays
      B.  Louka and M.  Tchuente, Faculte des Sciences
      de Yaounde, Cameroon
    . Nonlinear  Network Optimization on a  Massively
      Parallel Connection Machine
      S. A. Zenios, University of Pennsylvania, USA
      R. A. Lasken, Perkin-Elmer, USA
    . Ray Tracing on a Connection Machine
      H. C. Delany, MIT Media Laboratory, USA


End of NA Digest

Reposted by

Kenneth R. Jackson,                   krj@csri.toronto.edu (csnet)
Department of Computer Science,       uunet!csri.toronto.edu!krj (uucp)
University of Toronto,                krj@csri.toronto.cdn (ean x.400)
Toronto, Canada  M5S 1A4              krj%csri.toronto.edu@relay.cs.net (arpa)
(416) 978-7075                        krj@csri.utoronto (bitnet)