[ut.na] NA Digest Volume 88 : Issue 31

krj@na.toronto.edu (Ken Jackson) (08/08/88)

NA Digest   Sunday, August 7, 1988   Volume 88 : Issue 31

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:
     Precise Origin of Quote
     Cubic Spline
     Exp Function Needed
     Scientific Applications of the Connection Machine
     Conference on Iterative Methods for Large Linear Systems
     Bergen Scientific Centre Petroleum Competence Group
     SIAM Conference on Sparse Matrices


From: Eric Grosse <ehg@research.att.com>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 88 08:15:59 EDT
Subject: Precise Origin of Quote

Andrew Odlyzko is looking for the source of the following.
It may be from Gauss, father of scientific computing.
   "The lack of mathematical insight shows itself through
   nothing as clearly as through unbounded precision in
   mathematical calculations."
Can anyone help?


Date: Wed, 3 Aug 88 01:31:34 PDT
Subject: Cubic Spline

Organisation:   Institut Laue Langevin
Postal-address: BP156x 38042 GRENOBLE, France
Phone:          (33)7648-7111 [switchboard]

DOES somebody know subroutine IFCS,
and how to obtain the FORTRAN source code


From: Paul Schauble <portal!cup.portal.com>
Date: 4 Aug 88 11:33:10 GMT
Subject: Exp Function Needed

I'm looking for an exponential function (e**X), good to 15 digits, that takes
the time/space trade as far toward time as possible. I need it fast, and
dont't really care how big it is. Is there anything available I could have??


From: Horst D. Simon <simon@orville.nas.nasa.gov>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 88 00:17:29 PDT
Subject: Scientific Applications of the Connection Machine

        Scientific Applications of the Connection Machine
          Second Announcement and Preliminary Program

        NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035
                      September 12-14, 1988

                          Organized by
             Numerical Aerodynamics Systems Division, 
                    NASA Ames Research Center 

                        With Support from
                 Thinking Machines Corporation

                        PROGRAM COMMITTEE

                Bruce Blaylock    -- NASA Ames Research Center
                Paul Frederickson -- RIACS
                Creon Levit       -- NASA Ames Research Center
                Jill Mesirov      -- Thinking Machines Corporation
                Oliver McBryan    -- University of Colorado, Boulder
                Horst Simon       -- NASA Ames Research Center

                      ORGANIZING COMMITTEE

                Carol Bee-Latty -- Thinking Machines Corporation
                Lyz Dunham      -- NASA Ames Research Center
                Judy McWilliams -- NASA Ames Research Center



NASA's Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) Program, located at NASA
Ames Research Center near Mountain View, California, will be sponsoring
a conference on Scientific Applications of the Connection Machine from
September 12 to September 14, 1988. Focus of this conference will be the
application of the Connection Machine to the solution of large scale
computational problems in physics, in particular computational fluid
dynamics, chemistry, and engineering.


Monday, September 12

		Data Parallel computing methods compute thousands of
		answers at once.  We have all been taught since elementary
		school to compute in ways that keep only one answer active
		at a time.  The difference between the two styles of
		computing, and example applications that fit well with
		each, are reviewed.

		The Connection Machine system is a data parallel
		computing system with 65,536 processors, a high-speed
		communications router, floating-point hardware, the
		DataVault mass storage system, high resolution display,
		front-end, and base systems software.  The role and 
		characteristics of each of these subsystems is introduced.

10:15-10:30	BREAK


		There are several fundamentals of good data parallel
		programming practice that are independent of the 
		programming language used.  These overall fundamentals
		are introduced.

10:45-11:30	DATA PARALLEL LANGUAGES:  FORTRAN 8x		Guy Steele

		Fortran 8x is the first industry standard data parallel
		programming language.  The array extensions provide a
		direct way to compute on parallel data structures.  The
		data parallel extensions of Fortran 8x are reviewed.
		Familiarity with Fortran 77 is assumed.

11:30-12:15	DATA PARALLEL LANGUAGES:  C*			Guy Steele

		The pointer structure of C makes it an ideal base for 
		data parallel programming.  C* extends the language, in a 
		manner consistent with C++, to include parallel data
		structures.  The C* language is reviewed.  Familiarity
		with C is assumed.

12:15- 1:15	LUNCH


		A variety of data movement and reduction primitives
		underlie efficient data parallel programs.  These 
		underlying operations are reviewed.  The role of the
		CM-2 Sequencer in optimizing the performance of these
		primitives is introduced.


		Solvers and lattice-based algorithms (such as finite
		differences) are pervasive in scientific computing.
		Examples of these routines on the CM-2 are reviewed.

 3:15- 3:30	BREAK


		The acoustic wave equation is a simple example of a 
		scientific simulation that operates on a lattice.  A simple
		two-dimensional finite difference solution, coded in 
		Fortran 8x, is introduced.  Modifications to implement
		fourth dimension in space, and to implement a 
		three-dimensional model are introduced.


		A graphics environment for real time visualization of
		the results of numerical simulations of Computational 
		Fluid Mechanics will be discussed.  Within this 
		environment the researcher may interactively perform
		real time flow visualization experiments.  Ideas for
		the future will be introduced.  Session will include
		demonstrations on the CM-2 by Jamie Sethian.

                (hosted by Thinking Machines Corporation)

Tuesday, September 13

 8:30 - 8:35    Welcome
 8:35 - 9:30    Interactive Scientific Visualization and Parallel
                Display Techniques
                James A. Sethian -- University of California, Berkeley
 9:30 -10:30    Techniques for the Interactive Visualization of Vector
                and Scalar Fields Defined on Finite Difference Grids
                Creon Levit -- NASA Ames Research Center
10:30 -11:00    Break
11:00 -12:00    Contributed Papers
12:00 - 1:30    Lunch
 1:30 - 2:30    Sparse Distributed Memories
                David Rogers - RIACS
 2:30 - 3:30    Application of the Connection Machine to a Rendering
                Gary Demos -- IBM
 3:30 - 4:00    Break
 4:00 - 5:00    Contributed Papers
 6:00 - 7:00    No Host Cocktails
 7:00 - 9:00    Dinner (speaker TBA)

Wednesday, September 14

 8:30 - 9:30    Scientific Applications of the CM-2 at United Technologies
                Research Center
                T.Alan Egolf -- United Technologies Research Center
 9:30 -10:30    Connection Machine: Performance on Model Problems and
                Oliver McBryan -- University of Colorado, Boulder
10:30 -11:00    Break
11:00 -12:00    Contributed Papers


Development of an Euler Code on the Connection Machine
Ramesh K. Agarwal (McDonnell Douglas Research Laboratories) and
John Richardson (Thinking Machines Corporation)

Data Parallel Approach to Job Shop Scheduling
David Andrews (General Electric Research Laboratories) and Eric Barszcz (NASA
Ames Research Center)

Computational Electromagnetics on the Connection Machine
V.P. Cable (Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Company)

Large Scale Nonlinear Dynamic Finite Element Simulations on the Connection
Charbel Farhat (University of Colorado, Boulder)

Totally Parallel Multilevel Algorithms
Paul Frederickson (RIACS, NASA Ames Research Center)

FFT Algorithm Design and Tradeoffs on the CM2
Raymond Kamin and George B. Adams (RIACS and Purdue University)

A 3-D Navier-Stokes Method for the Connection Machine
Lyle N. Long (Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Company)

Benchmarking and Performance Analysis of the CM2 
David Myers and George B. Adams III (RIACS and Purdue University)

Spectral Solution of the INcompressible Navier-Stokes Equations on the
Connection Machine 2
Sherryl Tamboulian, Craig Streett, and Michele Macaraeg (ICASE, NASA Langley)

The Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method on the CM
Charles Tong (University of California, Los Angeles)

Negotiations are in progress to publish proceedings of the meeting as a
special issue of refereed journal.  Speakers will be asked 
to submit a copy of their paper by October 1, 1988.

                        GENERAL INFORMATION

  All technical sessions will be held at the NASA Ames Research Center,
  Moffett Field, CA 94035.  


  40 minutes from San Francisco International Airport
  20 minutes from San Jose International Airport
	Direct or connecting flights to every major city in the
	United States.


  Bay Area temperatures in the fall range from warm days (75 degrees F) 
  to cool nights (47 degrees F), with the average daytime temperature
  about 62 degrees F.


  The following Hotels are conveniently located within NASA Ames Research
  Center area. Arrangements should be made directly with the Hotel of 
  your choice.

	The County Inn	(415) 961-1131
	850 Leong Drive, Mountain View, CA
	Rates*:  Government - $57.00  Corporate - $65.00/$67.00

	Sundowner Inn	(408) 734-9900
	504 Ross Drive, Sunnyvale, CA  94089
	Rates*:  Government - $57.00	Corporate - $72.00

	Comfort Inn	800-228-5150
	1561 El Camino Real West, Mountain View, CA  94040
	Rates*:  Government/Corporate - $55.00

	Best Western Sunnyvale Inn	800-528-1234
	940 Weddell Drive, Sunnyvale, CA  94089
	Rates*: Government - $54.00  Corporate - $51.00  Regular - $56.00

* All rates based on room availability

  The regular registration fee is $75. This fee includes the tutorial and 
  conference, lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday, a dinner on Tuesday
  evening, and refreshments during the breaks. 


                        ADVANCE REGISTRATION

  Please use this form or a facsimile to pre-register.  Advance
  registration closes August 15, 1988.  Early registration is encouraged,
  since available space is limited. Participants will be registered on
  a first come basis.  Late registration is based on a space available
  basis and subject to a $25 late fee.

  Please mail your completed form with check or international money order 
  (US funds) payable to "Connection Machine Conference" to:

                     Connection Machine Conference
                       NASA Ames Research Center
                        c/o Ms. Lyz Dunham
                          Mail Stop 258-6
                      Moffett Field, CA 94035

  Requests for refunds will be honored until September 1, 1988.

  For further information, please call (415) 694-4370, or send
  electronic mail to:  dunham@prandtl.nas.nasa.gov


                          Registration Form

        Scientific Applications of the Connection Machine

  Name (last name first) ________________________________

  Affiliation ___________________________________________

  Address _______________________________________________


  City _______________________ State ____________________

  Zip/Postal Code ____________ Country __________________

  Phone number __________________________________________

  Electronic mail address (if applicable) _______________

  I will attend      _____    conference and tutorial

                     _____    tutorial only

                     _____    conference only

  Total enclosed:

                    $ ______  U.S.


From: David Kincaid <kincaid@cs.utexas.edu>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 88 09:30:52 CDT
Subject: Conference on Iterative Methods for Large Linear Systems

                    October 19-21, 1988
                Center for Numerical Analysis
              The University of Texas at Austin

                    Co-sponsored by
          Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
      Special Interest Groups for Linear Algebra and Supercomputing

           Celebrating the Sixty-fifth Birthday of
                  David M. Young, Jr.

              ******IMPORTANT NOTE *****
Early registration deadline is September 1, 1988.
Also, hotel space is limited so make your reservations soon!
All conference events (meetings and social)
will be held at the Austin Marriot at the Capitol,
701 E. 11th St., Austin, Texas 78701.
The hotel is located in downtown Austin at the corner of 11th Street
and Interstate 35.

Tuesday (October 18, 1988)

5:30p-7:00p   Pre-Conference Social (Cash Bar)
5:30p-7:00p   Pre-Conference Registration

Wednesday  (October 19, 1988)

8:00a          Registration
8:20a-8:30a    Opening Remarks
8:30a-9:20a    G. Birkhoff*{speaker} (Harvard University)  
		R. Lynch (Purdue University)
                ``ELLPACK and ITPACK as Research Tools for Solving Elliptic 
9:20a-9:50a     R. Lynch (Purdue University)
                ``A New HODIE-G Module for Treating Boundary Conditions in
9:50a-10:20a    Coffee Break
10:20a-11:00a   D. Young* (University of Texas at Austin)
		 T. Mai (University of Alabama)
                   ``The Search for Omega''
11:00a-11:40a   O. Axelsson (University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
                 ``Some Optimal Order Preconditioning Methods for 
		   Diffusion Problems Based on Algebraic Decompositions''
11:40a-12:00n   J. Whiteman (Brunel University, U.K.)\cr
                 ``Finite Element Treatment of Singularities in Elliptic
                   Boundary Value Problems''
12:00n-1:30p    Luncheon
1:30p-2:10p     M. Wheeler (University of Houston)
                 ``Domain Decomposition --- Multigrid Algorithms for Mixed
		   Finite Element Methods for Elliptic PDE's''
2:10p-2:50p     O. Widlund (New York University)
                 ``Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Elliptic Problems''
2:50p-3:10p     R. Wyatt (University of Texas at Austin)
                 ``Iterative Methods in Molecular Collision Theory''
3:10p-3:20p     Stretch Break
3:20p-3:40p     Coffee Break                            
3:40p-4:00p     D. Rose (Duke University)
                 [to be announced]
4:00p-4:20p     D. Evans*  C. Li (Loughborough University of 
		Technology, U.K.)
                 ``D{1/2}-Norms of the SOR and Related Method for a
		   Class of Nonsymmetric Matrices''
4:20p-4:40p     M. Dryja (University of Warsaw, Poland) W.
                Proskurowski* (University of Southern California)
                 ``Composition Method for Solving Elliptic Problems''
4:40p-5:00p     S. Lee, G. Dulikravich* 
		D. Dorney (Pennsylvania State University)
                  ``Distributed Minimal Residual (DMR) Method for
                    Explicit Algorithms Applied to Nonlinear Systems''  
5:15p-6:45p     Reception (Light Hors D'oeuvres)
8:00p-10:00p    Tennis Doubles-Mixer

Thursday (October 20, 1988)

8:20a-8:30a     Second Day Remarks
8:30a-9:10a     D. Harrar \& J. Ortega* (University of Virginia)
                 ``Solution of Three-Dimensional Generalized Poisson
                   Equations on Vector Computers''
9:10a-9:50a     P. Saylor (University of Illinois)
                 ``Iterative Methods for Complex Linear Algebraic Equations''
9:50a-10:20a    Coffee Break
10:20a-11:00a   R. Varga (Kent State University)
                   ``Remarks on k-Step Iterative Methods''
11:00a-11:40a   L. Ehrlich (John Hopkins University)
                   ``A Local Relaxation Scheme (Ad-Hoc SOR) Applied to
                     Nine Point and Block Difference Equations''
11:40a-12:00n   P. Concus (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)
                 [to be announced]
12:00n-1:30p    Luncheon
1:30p-2:10p     H. Elman (University of Maryland)
                 ``Uses of Reordering, Partial Elimination and Fourier
		   Methods for Sparse Iterative Solvers''
2:10p-2:50p     L. Adams (University of Washington)
                 ``Fourier Analysis of Two-Level Hierarchical Basis 
2:50p-3:10p     J. Kuo & T. Chan* (University of California, Los Angeles)
                 ``Two-color Fourier Analysis of Iterative
                   Methods for Elliptic Problems with Red-Black Ordering''
3:10p-3:20p     Stretch Break
3:20p-3:40p     Coffee Break
3:40p-4:00p     C. Jea* (Fu Jen University, Taiwan) & 
		D. Young (University of Texas at Austin)
                 ``On The Effectiveness of Adaptive Chebyshev Acceleration
		   for Solving Systems of Linear Equations''
4:00p-4:20p     A. Greenbaum (New York University)
                 ``Predicting the Behavior of Finite
                   Precision Lanczos and Conjugate Gradient Computations''
4:20p-4:40p     T. Mai* (University of Alabama) &
		D. Young (University of Texas at Austin)
                 ``On the Adaptive Determination of Iteration Parameters''  
4:40p-5:00p     K. Hwang* & J. Chen (Nanjing Normal University, P.R. China)
                 ``A New Class of Methods for Solving Nonsymmetric
                   Systems of Linear Equations --- Constructing and Realizing
                   Symmetrizable Iterative Methods''
5:15p-6:45p    Conference Social (Cash Bar)
7:00p          Banquet

Friday (October 21, 1988)

8:20a-8:30a    Final Day Remarks
8:30a-9:10a    G. Golub* (Stanford University) &
               J. de Pillis (University of California, Riverside)
                 ``Toward an Effective Two-parameter SOR Method''
9:10a-9:50a    E. Wachspress (University of Tennessee)
                  ``The ADI Minimax Problem for Complex Spectra''
9:50a-10:20a   Coffee Break
10:20a-11:00a  T. Manteuffel* (University of Colorado at Denver & Los Alamos
               National Laboratories)
               W. Joubert (University of Texas at Austin)
                 ``Iterative Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems''
11:00a-11:40a  L. Hageman (Westinghouse --- Bettis Laboratory)
                  ``Relaxation Parameters for the IQE Iterative
                    Procedure for Solving Semi-Implicit Navier-Stokes
                    Difference Equations''
11:40a-12:00n  C. Douglas, J. Mandel & W. Miranker* (IBM Research, Yorktown
                ``Fast Hybrid Solution of Algebraic Systems''
12:00n-1:30p   Lunch (On-your-own)
1:30p-2:10p    D. Marinescu & J. Rice* (Purdue University)
                 ``Multilevel Asynchronous Iterations for PDE's''
2:10p-2:30p    A. Lin (Temple University)
                 ``Asynchronous Parallel Iterative Methods''
2:30p-2:50p    T. Oppe (University of Texas at Austin & Sandia National 
                ``Experiments with a Parallel Iterative Package''
2:50p-3:10     I. Navon* & H. Lu (Florida State University)
                 ``A Benchmark Comparison of the ITPACK Package on ETA-10 
                   and Cyber-205 Supercomputers''
3:10p-3:20p    Stretch Break
3:20p-3:40p    Coffee Break
3:40p-4:00p    J. Dancis (University of Maryland)
                 ``Diagonalizing the Adaptive SOR Iteration Method''
4:00p-4:20p    [to be announced]
4:20p-4:40p    A. Haegemans & J. Verbeke* (Katholieke Universiteit
               Leuven, Belgium)
                ``The Symmetric Generalized Accelerated Overrelaxation
                  (GSAOR) Method''
4:40p-5:00p    David R. Kincaid (University of Texas at Austin)
	        ``A Status Report on the ITPACK Project''
Conference Adjourns

This conference will be dedicated to providing an overview of the state of
the art in the use of iterative methods for solving sparse linear systems
with an eye to contributions of the past, present, and future.
The emphasis will be placed upon identifying current and future
research directions in the mainstream of modern scientific computing.
Recently, the use of iterative methods for solving linear systems
has experienced a resurgence of activity as scientists attack extremely
complicated three dimensional problems using vector and parallel
supercomputers.  Many research advances in the development of iterative 
methods for high-speed computers over the past forty years will be reviewed 
as well as focusing on current research.

The conference is organized by D. Kincaid, L. Hayes, G. Carey and W. Cheney, 
who are members of the host organization --- the Center for Numerical Analysis
(CNA) of The University of Texas at Austin.  This meeting is being 
co-sponsored by the Special Interest Groups for Linear Algebra and 
Supercomputing of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Support for this conference is provided, in part, by the Office of Naval 
Research, the Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, 
the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and The University of Texas 
at Austin.

To make reservations call the Austin Marriott at the Capitol,
[(512) 478-1111 or (800) 228-9290] or  mail the enclosed card for rooms at
the special conference rate of $55 for single or double rooms.
All reservations are handled on a first-come-first-served basis.
Reservations must be received by October 4, 1988.
Reservations made after this date are subject to guest room availability.

Many major airlines fly into Austin via Dallas or Houston with some
direct flights from other locations.  The primary air-carriers serving Austin 
are American, American-West, Continental, Delta, Northwest, Pan Am,
Southwest, TWA, United, and USAir.  Since airlines give discount rates for 
those staying over a Saturday night, plan to stay and enjoy the weekend 
in Austin!  An information desk operated by the City of Austin is located
in the airport and is a good source for free material on events and 
sights of interest in and around Austin.  (Just ask for a packet of 

A hotel courtesy-van is available for transportation between the 
airport and the hotel (a short 15 minute trip).
[Regular hours of operation are on the hour and half-hour from
6:00a-12:00n and by request 12:00n-12:00m with frequent trips
Tuesday evening before the conference and Friday evening after
the conference.]  The hotel also operates a free shuttle bus to 
The University of Texas at Austin which is ten blocks north.
The City operates the ``catch a'dillo bus'' (short for armadillo) 
for transportation around the downtown area.

On Wednesday evening, a tennis doubles-mixer will be arranged.
So bring your tennis gear!

Austin is the capitol of Texas with several points of interest
including the State Capitol Building, Governor's Mansion, Lyndon B.
Johnson Presidential Library and Museum, Zilker Park and Barton
Springs (spring-fed natural swimming pool always 68 degrees, and many
more.  Near to Austin are several scenic lakes, such as Lake Travis,
and the ``Texas hill country.''  Austin is in the center of Texas with 
historic San Antonio and the  Alamo only 70 miles  south, 
Dallas/Ft. Worth 200 miles north, and Houston 200 miles Southeast.
The weather is usually quite pleasant in Austin in October
but is known to change rapidly (October averages: 80 degrees high, 55 degrees 
low).  Many restaurants and night-spots are located on
``6th Street'' 	five blocks south of the hotel.  South of 1st Street 
is ``Town Lake'' with the popular ``hike-`n-bike'' trail for jogging, 
speed-walking, or an enjoyable stroll.  Austin also offers a host of other 
activities that participants can individually arrange.  Some information 
will be available at the conference table.

There are several activities on The University of Texas at
Austin campus on the Monday and Tuesday precedings this conference.
The following events may be of interest:
(1) a ``Workshop on Parallel and Vector Computing'' hosted by
the Texas Institute of Computational Mechanics 
[contact: Dr. Graham Carey, WRW 305G, TICOM, UT Austin, Austin, TX
78712 or call Pat Bozman (512) 471-4676]
(2) the fifth annual ``Computing Science Research Review'' hosted by
the Department of Computer Sciences [contact: Joanne Click
(512) 471-9729, click@ratliff.cs.utexas.edu]
(3) the ``Robert Todd Gregory Memorial Lecture'' by
Professor Garrett Birkhoff on late Tuesday afternoon in the Department
of Mathematics.

The long papers from the conference will be published by Academic
Press in book form and will appear in 1989.
Pre-publication orders can be placed during the conference.
In addition, authors of short papers are being encouraged to submit
their papers to the one or two selected journals for possible publication
as special issues.

Conference advanced registration fee is $95 
(SIAG/LA or SIAG/SC members $85), if received by September 1, 1988.
If paid after this date or at the conference, the registration fee is $125.
This fee includes morning and afternoon coffee breaks,
two luncheons, a reception, and a banquet honoring Professor Young.
The student registration fee is $18, which allows admission to the technical
sessions and coffee breaks only.  The evening social activities of the 
conference are available to companions of conference participants at the 
following rates: $10.75 reception (Wednesday night), $27.50 banquet 
(Thursday night), no charge for conference socials (cash bar).
To register, detach and mail the registration form below.  For additional 
information, contact the CNA at the address below or at Tel: (512) 471-1242; 
Arpanet: sheri@sally.cs.utexas.edu; Bitnet: sheri@uta3081.  

(detach and mail)






Number of guest banquet tickets ($27.50 per person):

Amount Enclosed:
(Make checks payable to The University of Texas at Austin.)
[]Yes, I plan to attend.  Enclosed please find my registration fee of $

[]Yes, please sign me up to play in the tennis doubles-mixer.

Mrs. Katy Burrell
Conference Secretary
Center for Numerical Analysis
RLM Bldg 13.150
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78713-8510


Date: Fri, 05 Aug 88 12:50:45 EMT
Subject: Bergen Scientific Centre Petroleum Competence Group

                    BERGEN SCIENTIFIC CENTRE

The mission of the Bergen Scientific Centre has been expanded to
include a  Petroleum  Competence  Group (PCG) which  will  be  the
European  Focal  Point  for the  Technical  Computing  activities
characteristic of the petroleum industry.

The group concentrates on developing total solutions for  seismic
processing  and  reservoir  modelling,  and will  provide  market
support in these areas.

The PCG will participate in joint projects with leading  European
based companies involved in petroleum exploration and production.

The  PCG  will be primarily located in Stavanger and  managed  by
Knut  Korsell.  The  staff  for  the group  will  be  located  in
Stavanger  and  in  Bergen.  The  full resources  of  the  Bergen
Scientific Centre will be available to the group.  In particular,
the Centre's IBM 3090 computing power will be available and there
will  be  close  interaction  and  support  from  the   technical
computing expertise already available in BSC.

For  further  information  please  contact:

The Centre  Manager: Patrick  Gaffney  (NA.GAFFNEY AT SCORE.STANFORD.EDU
                                        or PAT at BSCVM)


From: John Lewis <jglewis%priapus@BOEING.COM>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 88 16:16:15 PDT
Subject: SIAM Conference on Sparse Matrices

                  SIAM Conference on Sparse Matrices
        Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra
                           Salishan Resort
                        Gleneden Beach, Oregon
                           May 22-24, 1989
OBJECTIVE:  The quickening pace of increasing computer power and
decreasing cost has made feasible the solution of new, larger, and
more complex problems.  Their solution requires new or improved
algorithms, while the architectural constraints imposed by the need
for high performance pose new difficulties in implementation.  The
research and applications community have responded to these needs with
a number of advances in the solution of sparse problems.

This conference will provide a forum for the presentation of the most
significant achievements in meeting these new challenges.  Theoretical
algorithms, new applications and implementations for vector and
parallel architectures will be presented.  We expect to have
contributions in all of the traditional areas of sparse linear
algebra, linear equations, eigenvalue problems, and least squares
problems, as well as recent developments in such areas as sparse
control problems and sparse optimization.  The conference is organized
to promote interchange of new ideas between the developers, the users
and the implementors of sparse matrix algorithms.  We encourage the
participation of users of sparse matrix algorithms in structural
engineering, computational fluid dynamics, computational chemistry and
other fields, as well as the participation of algorithm developers.

FORMAT:  The conference will be limited by the availability of hotel
rooms to approximately 150 participants.  There will be no invited
speakers.  Instead, 18 of the contributors will be chosen to give 45
minute presentations in non-parallel sessions over the three days of
the conference.  In addition, there will be opportunity in 12 informal
workshops, scheduled in four periods, for the other contributors to
present their accomplishments and to discuss with their colleagues the
needs and directions for future work.  All accepted abstracts, whether
for formal or informal presentation, will be distributed in the
conference program.

DEADLINE FOR PAPERS:  In keeping with the goal of presenting the most
current advances, the deadline for submissions is not until Feb. 1,
1989.  In selecting speakers, the committee will evaluate most
positively novel and unpublished work.  Promising work in progress is
appropriate for submission.

LOCATION:  The Salishan Resort is a first-class resort in an
attractive and secluded location on the beautiful Oregon Coast.
Contrary to usual anti-tourism propaganda, the weather at Salishan in
May is usually warm, sunny and dry.  The resort provides easy walking
access to the beach, and has a wide range of exercise facilities.  Its
location is ideal for exploring the Oregon Coast for those who may
want to arrive earlier or stay after the meeting.  Transportation from
the Portland International Airport (approximately 90 miles) will be
available at specified times.

PROCEEDINGS:  The SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis will publish a
partial proceedings in a specially designated issue(s), consisting of
refereed contributions solicited from presentations at this


Potential contributors should submit an extended abstract of no more
than two pages (approximately 800 words).  Abstracts should be
submitted to:

     John G. Lewis
     Mail Stop 7L-21
     Boeing Computer Services
     P.O. Box 24346
     Seattle WA 98124
     email:  jglewis@boeing.com  or  na.lewis@score.stanford.edu

We prefer to receive abstracts by electronic mail, where we will be
prepared to process plain ascii, plain TEX, LATEX or TROFF files.

materials will be sent automatically on receipt of abstracts.
However, participants who do not intend to give presentations and
participants who wish to ensure a reservation for one of the limited
hotel rooms are invited to register prior to the abstract deadline.
Registration materials can be obtained by completing the coupon
attached to this announcement and mailing it to:

     Mr. Richard Porth
     Conference Director
     117 South 17th Street, 14th Floor
     Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA
Alternatively, you may send an electronic mail message including all
the information requested on the coupon, and the header (message for
Richard Porth, SIAM Conference on Sparse Matrices), to:

     SIAM@wharton.upenn.edu  or  na.siam@score.stanford.edu

     John Lewis, Boeing
     Horst Simon, Boeing and NASA Ames
     Loyce Adams, Washington
     David Scott, Intel
     Iain Duff, AERE Harwell
     Stan Eisenstat, Yale
     Alan George, Waterloo
     Gene Golub, Stanford
     Beresford Parlett, Berkeley
     Ahmed Sameh, Illinois
     Bob Ward, Oak Ridge

SIAM Conference on Sparse Matrices

Please send me registration materials for the SIAM Conference on
Sparse Matrices.

Name __________________________________________________

Affilation ____________________________________________

Department ____________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________

City ______________________________  State ____________

Postal Code _________________  Country ________________

Phone _______________________

I (plan / do not plan) to submit an abstract.

Return the completed coupon to:

     Mr. Richard Porth
     Conference Director
     117 South 17th Street, 14th Floor
     Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA


End of NA Digest

Reposted by

Kenneth R. Jackson,            krj@na.toronto.edu   (on Internet, CSNet, 
Computer Science Dept.,                              ARPAnet, BITNET)
University of Toronto,         krj@na.utoronto.ca   (CDNnet and other 
Toronto, Canada  M5S 1A4                             X.400 nets (Europe))
(416) 978-7075