(Ken Jackson) (08/22/88)
NA Digest Sunday, August 21, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 33 Today's Editor: Cleve Moler Today's Topics: Cellular Automata,PDEs,Boundary Conditions Franke Joins ONR, London FFT for IBM PC Wanted Perturbation of singular vectors GAMM Conference on CFD ANSI C - Third Public Review NATO Advanced Study Institute in Leuven Program Director Needed at NSF Congratulations Joe Keller Differentiation Arithmetic: Examples & applications ------------------------------------------------------- From: Bracy Elton <!> Date: 18 Aug 88 00:51:49 GMT Subject: Cellular Automata,PDEs,Boundary Conditions Hi, I'm wondering whether anyone is doing or knows of any work in using cellular automata for modeling fluid flow problems. I'm particularly interested in any analysis into the realization of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions in cellular automata for fluid flow problems. Please respond via e-mail. Bracy Elton Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory or ------------------------------ From: Richard Franke <> Date: Thu, 18 Aug 88 8:42:06 BST Subject: Franke Joins ONR, London I am now at the Office of Naval Research in London, where my mailing address is: Office of Naval Rsearch OR Office of Naval Research Branch Office London, Box 39 223 Old Marylebone Road FPO New York 09510-0700 London NW1 5TH, England (telephone: 01-409-4471) Regards, Richard Franke ------------------------------ From: Walter Gander <> Date: 18 Aug 88 10:47 +0100 Subject: FFT for IBM PC Wanted A friend of mine (Luciano Molinari) is looking for a fast FFT programm for the IBM PC. Preferably written in C or Microsoft Assembler. Please let us know where we could get such a software. Many thanks. - Walter Gander ( postal address: ETH Zuerich, Inst. f. Informatik, CH-8092 Zuerich, Switzerland ------------------------------ From: Per Christian Hansen <mcvax!cuobs!pch@uunet.UU.NET> Date: Wed, 17 Aug 88 18:13:03 +0200 Subject: Perturbation of singular vectors I am interested in the following problem: Let R be an upper triangular matrix with 1's on the diagonal and elements R(i,j) that decrease in magnitude with the 'distance' from the diagonal. Example: R may be the inverse of the Cholesky factor of the matrix | 1 .25 | |.25 1 .25 | | .25 1 .25 | | . . . | | . . | which occurs in connection with spline approximations. Let A = U*Sigma*V' be an ill-conditioned matrix with ill-determined numerical rank derived from an ill-posed problem. Its singular values decay gradually towards zero, and the number of oscillations in the singular vectors U(:,i) and V(:,i) increase with i . Finally, let A~ = A*R = (U~)*(Sigma~)*(V~)' . What can then be said about the relations between the singular vectors or singular subspaces of A and A~ ? Experiments with MATLAB suggests that both U'*(U~) and V'*(V~) are close to identity matrices. Per Christian Hansen Copenhagen University Observatory, Denmark email to ------------------------------ From: Piet Wesseling <mcvax!dutinfh!piet@uunet.UU.NET> Date: 18 Aug 88 14:33:54 EST (Thu) Subject: GAMM Conference on CFD First announcement and call for papers The GAMM Committee for Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics organizes the EIGHTH GAMM CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL METHODS IN FLUID MECHANICS September 27-29, 1989 University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands The subjects of the conference are: 1. Theory of numerical methods in fluid mechanics: finite difference methods, finite element methods, spectral methods, etc. The emphasis will be on innovations in methods. 2. Application of numerical methods to fluid mechanical problems in aerodynamics,hydrodynamics, propulsion, fluid machinery, nuclear reactor technology, meteorology, biomechanics, etc. The duration of each presentation will be 20 minutes plus discussion. Talks on work in progress are welcome. Prospective contributors are invited to submit sufficiently detailed abstracts of 1 to 2 pages of text plus figures and tables by MARCH 7, 1989. The abstracts should include: field of study, definition of problem, approach, results and conclusions. The abstracts should concern unpublished work. A selection of papers will be made on the basis of these abstracts. Authors will be notified of acceptance by May 20, 1989. The proceedings will be published by Vieweg in the series Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics. A book of abstracts will be available at the time of the meeting. The conference language is English. Please write to the correspondence address below if you want to be put on the mailing list of the organizing committee. Conference chairman: P.Wesseling, Dept. of Technical Mathematics and Informatics Conference secretary: W.J.Bannink, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering Address all correspondence to: Mrs.R.Komen-Zimmerman Congresbureau TU Delft Stevinweg 1, 2628 DELFT, THE NETHERLANDS Telephone (015)781340 Telex 38151 butud nl Telefax (015)781855 CONFERENCE SPONSORS: Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences Shell International Petroleum Company Ltd. N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie Philips Research Laboratories Gesellschaft fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik IBM Nederland N.V. AKZO Delft University of Technology Please post ------------------------------ From: David Hough <dgh@Sun.COM> Date: Thu, 18 Aug 88 20:34:48 PDT Subject: ANSI C - Third Public Review The third public review of X3J11's Draft ANSI Standard C is nearing its close on 1 September 1988. This third review is based upon a draft dated 13 May 1988 which is little changed from earlier drafts except that the controversial "noalias" keyword was removed. Consequently the Draft still leaves a good deal to be desired from the numerical point of view. I have two documents available for electronic distribution. I will be glad to send you tbl/troff -ms source for these; please specify which if you only want the second one described below. Unfortunately the Draft ANSI Standard itself is not publicly available in electronic form. The first available document is my 29 March 1988 commentary prepared for the second public review period (30 pages), with X3J11's formal responses of 22 April interspersed. The following were co-conspirators: Greg Astfalk Larry Breed D. Burton W. J. Cody Iain Johnstone W. Kahan Zhishun Alex Liu David Mendel Jim Meyering K-C Ng Gene Spafford Philippe Toint Stein Wallace The second available document is a draft, subject to revision until about 25 August, of my commentary for the third public review. It's only about 10 pages since I generally avoided directly repeating what was in the earlier document. I'm looking for additional reviewers and conspirators on this one. The abstract follows: The proposed C standard suffers numerical shortcomings - many inherited from its precursors - in areas of interest to providers of portable mathematical software. I comment in detail upon the following aspects of the proposed standard: Comment #1, Section 3.9: encourage sound practices Comment #2, Section 3.9: disparage hazardous practices Comment #3, Section 1.1: emphasize surprises in rationale Comment #4, Section 1.1: anticipate supplemental standards Comment #5, Section use "significand" Comment #6, Section <float.h> has too many names, not enough information Comment #7, Section round conversions between floating types Comment #8, Section fix arrays Comment #9, Section 4.5: exceptions in mathematical functions Comment #10, Section 4.5: tell more in the rationale Comment #11, Section 4.5: standardize hypot Comment #12, Section delete modf Comment #13, Section 4.7: specify which signals can arise ------------------------------ From: Gene Golub <golub%kulesat.uucp%blekul60.bitnet@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> (Gene Golub in Leuven) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 88 10:43:36 GMT Subject: NATO Advanced Study Institute in Leuven REPORT of the NATO Advanced Study Institute The NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Linear Algebra, Digital Signal Processing and Parallel Algorithms" took place in Leuven from August 1 through August 12. There were over 90 participants (including the 15 invited speakers) from 16 countries and there was a significant industrial participation. The invited speakers included : M. Bellanger (TRT, France), B. Bitmead (ANU, Australia), A. Bjorck (Linkoping, Sweden), R. Brent (ANU, Australia), Y. Genin (PRLB, Belgium), S. Hammarling (NAG, England), I. Ipsen (Yale, USA), T. Kailath (Stanford, USA), F. Luk (Cornell, USA), J. McWhirter (RSRE, England), G. Meurant (CEL, France), D. Sorensen (Argonne, USA), J. Vandewalle (KUL, Belgium), and the codirectors G. Golub (Stanford, USA) and P. Van Dooren (PRLB, Belgium). The goal of this meeting was to synthesize the three topics mentioned in the title as there is currently a great deal of activity in each one of these areas. It was felt that there were many interactions at the meeting, not only between participants that were familiar with each one of these areas but also between people working in different areas of interest. The Proceedings will include the invited presentations, some of the contributed talks and all the abstracts. They will be published by Springer-Verlag in the NATO ASI Series and should appear early next year. The following areas emerged as major themes at the meeting : 1) Singular value and eigenvalue decompositions, including applications The current techniques used for the computation of the singular values and eigenvalues of matrices were addressed by several speakers. Modified singular value and eigenvalue problems were also discussed, especially in view of their application in various signal processing problems (e.g. total least squares, generalized SVD, time varying eigenvalue problems etc.) 2) Toeplitz matrices, including special algorithms and architectures Several speakers focussed on so-called fast or O(n**2) algorithms for computing L.L' and Q.R decompositions of a Toeplitz matrix. Special attention was given here to Levinson and Schur type algorithms as well as to their split version. The fast algorithms based on displacement ranks and on updating and downdating were also addressed. 3) Recursive least squares in linear algebra, digital signal processing and control The recursive least squares algorithms occurring in signal processing and control often have a specific structure, hence allowing for fast solutions. Various of these fast algorithms were explained and their potential numerical deficiencies were pointed out. Issues as error build-up, error feedback, exponential windowing, sliding windowing and so on, were addressed. 4) Updating and downdating techniques in linear algebra and signal processing The two main techniques of updating and downdating are low rank corrections and low norm corrections. Low rank corrections are used in divide and conquer methods for eigenvalue and singular value computations and were shown to yield powerful parallel computational methods. They can also efficiently be used for computing new least squares solutions for modified data fitting problems using the theory of orthogonal polynomials and modified moments. Low norm corrections are used in slowly time varying problems as encountered in various signal processing problems. 5) Error analysis and stability of algorithms and sensitivity analysis of special recursive least squares problems Error propagation in linear algebra is a well established discipline but insufficiently known to the signal processing community. Their basic principles were explained and their application to specific problems in signal processing were addressed (fast recursive least squares, Toeplitz solvers, Kalman filtering, and so on). The relevance of special forms of stability (weak, strong, mixed stability) was also emphasized in problems of signal processing and linear algebra with special structure. 6) Special architectures (including supercomputers and distributed processor arrays) for linear algebra and signal processing Exploiting the parallelism of present (and future) computer architectures is an area of significant interest the last few years. The state of the art in computational algorithms for supercomputers and distributed arrays of processors (such as systolic arrays) were widely covered. Also special problems in linear algebra and signal processing were given full attention. Although most of the presentations can easily be classified in one of the above "themes", it became apparent during the meeting that there was a strong interconnection between several of the themes. This lead to lively discussions both during lectures and breaks. Several of the contributed talks focussed on specific applications of these topics. In particular we mention here radar technology, medical applications and robotics. For the organizing committee, Gene Golub Paul Van Dooren ------------------------------ From: Melvyn Ciment <> Date: Fri, 19 Aug 88 17:44:53 -0400 Subject: Program Director Needed at NSF The DIVISION OF ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING, NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, invites applications for the position of Program Director, Centers. This program is responsible for the management and development of the five NSF National Supercomputer Centers. The current Program Director, Paul Rotar, will be returning to NCAR as of December 1, 1988. Interested persons should contact; Dr. Melvyn Ciment, Acting Director DASC, NSF, 1800 G Street, N. W. Washington D.C. 20550 Phone 202-357-7558. E-mail; ------------------------------ From: Gene Golub <prlb2!kulcs!kulesat!golub@uunet.UU.NET> (Gene Golub in Leuven) Date: Thu, 11 Aug 88 14:31:42 GMT Subject: Congratulations Joe Keller Joe Keller, Professor at Stanford and a former VP of SIAM, was awarded the National Medal of Science on July 15. Keller was cited for "his outstanding contribution to the geometrical theory of diffraction....." Congratulations, Joe, for this award; it's further recognition of your great contributions. Gene Golub ------------------------------ From: George Corliss <> Date: Fri, 19 Aug 88 10:59:43 CDT Subject: Differentiation Arithmetic: Examples & applications We are currently compiling a bibliography on automatic differentiation (differentiation arithmetic) and its applications. If you know of 1. work on computing numerical values of derivatives or partial derivatives from recurrence relations, or 2. applications which would benefit from the ability to compute derivatives accurately and efficiently, please e-mail or surface mail citations to either of us. For those people who are unfamiliar with differentiation arithmetic, it is the calculation of the VALUES of derivatives of a function using recurrence relations derived from the rules of calculus. It is neither symbolic (no formula for derivatives is formed) nor numeric (no finite differences are computed). An N-term Taylor series can be computed accurately in O(N^2) time. Two basic references are: Rall, "Automatic Differentiation: Techniques and Applications", and Kagiwada, et al., "Numerical Derivatives and Nonlinear Analysis". Applications include optimization, solving nonlinear systems, Taylor series solutions of ordinary differential equations, and interval techniques for bounding remainder terms. Thank you in advance. George Corliss Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science Marquette University Milwaukee, WI 53233 USA UUCP: ...!uwvax!marque!georgec INTERNET: BITNET: 6591CORL@mucsd NANET: na.corliss phone: (414) 224-6599 Paul Davis School of Mathematics University of Bristol University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TW, England JANET:!DavisPH BITNET: ukacrl!!DavisPH ------------------------------ End of NA Digest ************************** ------- Reposted by -- Kenneth R. Jackson, (on Internet, CSNet, Computer Science Dept., ARPAnet, BITNET) University of Toronto, (CDNnet and other Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4 X.400 nets (Europe)) (416) 978-7075