(Ken Jackson) (11/07/88)
NA Digest Sunday, November 6, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 44 Today's Editor: Cleve Moler Today's Topics: Who is Working on Moving Boundary Problems? Representation in Terms of Vertices Stability of Block Toeplitz algorithms Knuth's Spectral Test Loss of Significance Register Optimal Coefficient Lookup Special Issue of LAA on Image Reconstruction GAMM Meeting in Karlsruhe Conference Announcement IFIP WG 2.5 Conference Scheduled in 1991 ------------------------------------------------------- From: George Wilson <wilson@msr.EPM.ORNL.GOV> Date: Tue, 1 Nov 88 11:58:55 EST Subject: Who is Working on Moving Boundary Problems? I have been asked by a student from Argentina if I knew of anyone in the Boston, MA, area who does mathematical and computational work on moving and/or free boundary problems (examples include: porous media problems, dam problems, contact problems, phase change processes ...). She is considering a post doc position at MIT working with an engineering faculty member, but she is interested in also interacting with a more mathematically oriented person. Are any of you interested in such problems? Do you know someone in the (greater) Boston area who is? Incidentally, the student is bright, energetic and speaks excellent English. George Wilson bitnet: dgw@ornlstc arpanet: ------------------------------ From: Michael Todd <> Date: Tue, 1 Nov 88 20:44:35 EST Subject: Representation in Terms of Vertices Last month there were a couple of questions about representing a point in a polyhedron in terms of its vertices. An easy solution solves at most n+1 LP's. Let the polyhedron be given by Ax >= b, and assume it is bounded (otherwise, the claimed result is not necessarily true). Let x-bar be the given point, and assume it satisfies the subsystem Bx >= c with equality. Now solve the LP of minimizing d.x subject to Ax >= b, Bx = c, to get a vertex x-hat. Find the point on the line through x-hat and x-bar that is on the boundary of the face Ax >= b, Bx = c, say x-tilde. Now x-tilde satisfies at least one more inequality at equality. If it is a vertex, you're done. Otherwise, use an inductive argument to express x-tilde as a convex combination of vertices, whence such a representation for x-bar can easily be found. ------------------------------ From: Kletsky Jeff <KLETSKY@GIZMO.SRI.COM> Date: Thu 3 Nov 88 09:40:18-GMT Subject: Stability of Block Toeplitz algorithms We have been using the Block Toeplitz solver TGSLD from the Argonne Toeplitz Package for some time now on a class of problems containing 128x128 blocks with a block size of 16x16. As our blocks are symmetric indefinite, the LINPACK routines DSIFA and DSISL have been substituted for the general routines DGEFA and DGESL. Recently, we were tasked by an "informed" source to demonstrate that double precision (VAX Fortran) was sufficient. (He could only obtain results using quad precision with his own implementation of his personal pet algorithm.) A quick edit of the Argonne and LINPACK codes yielded quad precision versions. When we compared results on a case with moderate conditioning, the solution vectors agreed exactly, save for the least significant bit in one element. However, when we examined closely related problem that was poorly conditioned, although the solution obtained from the double precision version of the code seemed to be stable and reasonable, the quad precision version became unstable and yielded unreasonable results, beginning at the 38th block/iteration. It seems strange to me that improving the numerical precision should reduce the stability of such an algorithm. Any advice or experience that others might have on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jeff Kletsky (415) 859-3948 ------------------------------ From: Ajay <dukempd!> Date: 2 Nov 88 16:30:21 GMT Subject: Knuth's Spectral Test I was wondering if anyone had a program (machine readable or otherwise) in FORTRAN or C for Knuth's Spectral Test, as described in his book "The Art of Computer Programming" for testing Random Number Generators. I would be extremely grateful if someone could help me out. If you can, please send me e-mail( Thanks. Ajay Ajay 1-919-684-8236 Duke University Dept. of Physics ajay@dukempd.uucp Durham, N.C. 27706 mcnc!duke!dukempd!ajay ------------------------------ From: Paul L Schauble <portal!!> Date: 5 Nov 88 03:51:25 GMT Subject: Loss of Significance Register Looking through some old paperwork brought back to mind a very old machine I used to work on. This machine contained an interesting feature. It has a register that stored the maximum postnormalizing shift performed. This was updated for each floating point add or subtract. There was an instruction to store and clear this register. This seems like a useful feature. You could run a data item through an algorithm, then store this register and see what precision was actually maintained through the algorithm. My question is that I haven't seen this feature or any equivalent in any modern hardware. Why? Has experience shown it to be useless? Is there some non-obvious problem with it? -- Paul Schauble The Portal System ------------------------------ From: Peter Mikes <under!> Date: 2 Nov 88 18:38:22 GMT Subject: Optimal Coefficient Lookup I would like references and or pointers to any work which is addressing the question described below as OCL (it already may have a name - I just made the OCL up, not knowing any better) It is a mundane problem, but it is quite ubiquious and general - so it may deserve some name and optimalization study: The OCL problem: I am writing an PDE solver ( PDE = Partial Differential Equation) in which the coefficients c depend in various ways on the both dependent and independent variables. Since these functions tend to be evaluated over and over again, in the course of the solution and iterations, they are often pre-calculated and stored in the look-up tables. That is one extreme solution - taking lot of memory and memory lookup time. On the other extreme, one may store nothing, but original few coefficients and recalculate the value of the coefficient each time when it is neeeded. The optimum seems to be somewhere in between - for example, one can break the coeficient domain in the regions - and each region aproximate with sufficient precision the coeficient i = c[i] with some simple function, e.g with linear or polynomial or rational function with parameters a[...], e.g.: c[i] = SUM.over.j a[i,j,l] *X[l]^j where j (the powers ) range from j.min to j.max. For example, one would have D(T) = a0 + a2 /T for a temperature dependent Diffusion coeficient - and in this case j.min= -1,j.max=0 , etc OCL problems asks: what is the optimal j.min and j.max, given .. well given all that affects the optimum : relative cost of CPUtime and memory, memory latency (or latencies), number N of evaluations needed, etc Extended OCL question deals with the fact that coefficients may not be exactly known (the often are not) and so we a)only want to have them aproximated with certain precision and b) we may want to know the sensitivity of the solution (without repeating the whole solution with the second set of values). Iin this case we have a range of coefficients c[i] +/- delta c[i] and want to obtain the 'class of the solutions' which corresponds to this range. The question again is : what is the numerically 'best' way for representing the functions c[i]( X[l] ), where X represents physical space and fields (e.g. temperature) variables, so that MINIMAL TIME T is spent in multiple (=N.times) evaluation of these functions? The time T(N) represents essentially the CPU time - but we may include the memory cost by adding a memory latency time T.mem as =cost of retrieving a precalculated value... So, in summary, the OCL problem asks: Find J.min,Jmax (for given N) which will minimize T[J.min, J.max] needed to aproximate (within epsilon) class of functions c[i](X[l]), which are continuous (except at small number of the 'phase transition' boundaries) and otherwise 'reasonable'. Since N >>>1, the cost of computing the aproximation (preparation of look-ups) is neglected and does not enter the T. the Time T however includes the time Tc 'cost of checking whether we are crossing the region boundary' N-times - to keep the number of regions reasonably small. Any suggestions, references, pointers will be appreciated and those e-mailed will be summarized. Peter O. Mikes Supercomputer R&D Project, LLNL ------------------------------ From: Hans Schneider <> Date: Wed, 2 Nov 88 19:09:41 cst Subject: Special Issue of LAA on Image Reconstruction LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Special Issue on LINEAR ALGEBRA IN IMAGE RECONSTRUCTION FROM PROJECTIONS Reminder This special special issue of LAA is still open for submissions. It is intended to include papers in linear algebra and optimization theory which are related to computerized tomography and other image reconstruction techniques for medical and other purposes. See LAA, Vol.99 (1988), for the full announcement of the issue and see Censor's article in SIAM News, Vol.21 (#4, July 1988) pp.14-15, for a general description of the area. The special editors wish to encourage you to submit your paper for consideration. Yair Censor, Haifa, Israel. (e-mail: rsma403@haifauvm.bitnet). Gabor T. Herman, Philadelphia, PA, USA (e-mail: Tommy Elfving, Linkoping, Sweden (e-mail: ------------------------------ From: Goetz Alefeld <AE02%DKAUNI48.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Date: 11/03/88 14:00:50 CET Subject: GAMM Meeting in Karlsruhe The Gesellschaft fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik invites you to attend its Annual Scientific Conference at Karlsruhe University from March 28 to March 31, 1989 The regular General Assembly of GAMM will be held on Thursday, March 30, 1989, at 12:00 a.m. in Gerthsen-Hoersaal. Plenary Lectures E.Hoerbst, Siemens AG Muenchen Methoden des Halbleiterentwurfs - eine Aufgabe fuer den Mathematiker ? G.C.Hsiao, University of Delaware, Newark The Coupling of Boundary Element and Finite Element Methods E.Krause, TH Aachen Anwendungen numerischer Integrationsverfahren in der Stroemungsmechanik P.C.Mueller, Universitaet Wuppertal Parameteridentifikation in mechanischen Systemen F.Obermeier, Max-Planck-Institut Goettingen Ausbreitung schwacher Stosswellen - Stossfokussierung und Stossreflexion M.L.Overton, Courant Institute New York Numerical Methods for Inverse and Extremal Eigenvalue Problems S.B.Savage, McGill University Montreal Dynamics of Avalanches of Granular Materials J.W.Schmidt, TU Dresden Monotonie und Einschliessung in der Numerik H.R.Schwarz, Universitaet Zu The Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Luft und Raumfahrt, and the Gesellschaft fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik invite you to the 32nd Ludwig Prandtl Memorial Lecture Professor Dr.K.Gersten, Universitaet Bochum, will lecture on "The Significance of Prandtl's Boundary Layer Theory after 85 years" (in German). Public Lecture A public lecture titled "High Tech = Math Tech" will be held by Professor Dr.H.Neunzert, Universitaet Kaiserslautern. This lecture will be given in Gerthsen-Hoersaal. Additional Information If you are interested in attending the conference send your mailing address to the Organizing Committee ( We will send you the registration form and the necessary information. G. Alefeld, Local Organizer ------------------------------ From: Claudio Canuto <MAT7%ITOPOLI.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Date: Sat, 5 Nov 88 11:34 N Subject: Conference Announcement I C O S A H O M '8 9 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SPECTRAL AND HIGH ORDER METHODS FOR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Villa Olmo (Lake of Como, Italy) - June 26-29, 1989 TOPICS : Theory, algorithms, applications of Spectral Methods, h-p version of Finite Element Methods, high-order Finite Difference Methods, etc. Applications to Fluid Mechanics, Continuum Mechanics, Turbulence, Combustion and Engineering Sciences in general. The Conference will try to answer the following question: When, why and to what extent it is preferable to use high-order methods in the numerical approximation of differential problems. SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE : I.Babuska, C.Canuto, M.Deville, D.Gottlieb, M.Y.Hussaini, Y.Maday, R.Peyret, A.Quarteroni. LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTE : C.Canuto and A.Quarteroni FORMAT : The Conference will host 45-minute invited lectures (approximately 16), and 20-minute contributed talks (up to about 30). INVITED LECTURERS : I.Babuska (University of Maryland), M.Deville (Universite' Catholique de Louvain), D.Gottlieb (Brown University), M.Y.Hussaini (ICASE), N.F.Knight (NASA Langley), Y.Maday (Universite' de Paris VI), S.A. Orszag (Princeton University), S.Osher (UCLA), A.Patera (MIT), R.Peyret (Universite' de Nice), P.Sguazzero (IBM-ECSEC, Rome), B.A.Szabo (Washington University), E.Tadmor (Tel Aviv University), L.N.Trefethen (MIT), T.A.Zang (NASA Langley). PROCEEDINGS : The proceedings of the Conference will be published by Elsevier- North-Holland (Amsterdam). LOCATION : The Conference center is in Villa Olmo, a beautiful neo-classic building of the 18th century facing the lake, located in Como, a restful town surrounded by green hills and mountains, close to Milan and the Swiss border. Como is served by the European railways and motorways system, and by nearby Milan and Zurich airports. Participants will find the right atmosphere of calm and peacefulness necessary to ensure successful working. REGISTRATION : People who wish to attend the Conference are requested to send ----------- IMMEDIATELY ------------- an e-mail message at the following address: mat7@itopoli.bitnet (att/n : Claudio Canuto) in which they say whether they will just participate or also submit the abstract of a contributed talk (see below). The registration fee is Lit. 250,000 (Italian Lira) if paid before April 30, 1989, or Lit. 300,000 if paid later on. The fee include the scientific material as well as daily buffet during the Conference. Graduate students will pay half the fee. CALL FOR PAPERS : Researchers in the areas of interest of the Conference are invited to contribute by submitting an abstract of a possible talk. The abstracts, not exceeding two typewritten pages, shoud be sent as soon as possible to the following address: The Organizers of ICOSAHOM'89 IAN-CNR, Corso Carlo Alberto,5 27100 PAVIA, Italy Tel.: (39)-382-303740 e-Mail: cqa04@ipvian.bitnet or : mat7@itopoli.bitnet All the abstracts will be examined by the Scientific Committee by January 31, 1989, and authors will be promptly informed about acceptance of their talk. Contributed papers, not exceeding 8 typewritten pages, should be sent to the address above by April 30, 1989, and should conform to the typing instructions which will accompany the acceptance notices. ------------------------------ From: Bo Einarsson <B_EINARS%SELIUC51.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Date: Mon, 31 Oct 88 14:21 N Subject: IFIP WG 2.5 Conference Scheduled in 1991 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR INFORMATION PROCESSING Working Group 2.5 on Numerical Software Bo Einarsson, 31 October 1988 IFIP TC 2 WORKING CONFERENCE PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENTS FOR HIGH LEVEL SCIENTIFIC PROBLEM SOLVING First Announcement and Call for Interest A working conference on Programming Environments for High Level Scientific Problem Solving, will be arranged 23 - 27 September 1991 in the Karlsruhe area, Federal Republic of Germany. This will be the sixth working conference organized by the IFIP Working Group on Numerical Software (WG 2.5) on behalf of the IFIP Technical Committee on Programming (TC 2). This letter is an invitation to you from the preliminary programme committee to contribute your ideas for this conference. At present we are very interested in suggestions regarding the scope of the conference, who to invite to attend and who to invite as speakers, and on which specific topics, and whether you are interested in participating. The conference will concentrate on the construction of high-level scientific problem solving systems. We are particularly interested in DESIGN OF USER INTERFACES Techniques for problem description Presentation and interpretation of results Graphical, symbolic and numerical techniques Multiple modes of I/O (digital, analog, graphical, audio,...) TECHNIQUES FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Dynamic selection of algorithms Use of knowledge bases about problem solving Integration of numerical, symbolic and graphical methods User interaction and feedback Accuracy control and estimation, self-validating systems IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES Mixed language programming Declarative, dynamic and visual programming systems Integration of libraries and multiple problem solving systems Tools for integration and portability Efficient utilization of computing resources, parallel and distributed architectures, graphics engines The programme committee will encourage speakers to put together dynamic (live) talks, using the facilities being described. It is also intended to complement the presentations with a hardware and software exhibit, and to produce the proceedings not only as a book (published by Elsevier) but perhaps also as a video cassette or disk. The discussions will be recorded in the proceedings. All papers will be refereed. Previous working conferences arranged by WG 2.5 have focused on performance evaluation of numerical software, numerical computation and programming languages, software for partial differential equations, problem solving environments, and aspects of computation on asynchronous parallel processors. The number of participants will be limited, in order to preserve informality and allow substantial time for interaction. The preliminary programme committee consists of Michel Bercovier (Jerusalem, Israel), Jacques Calmet (Karlsruhe, Germany), Ifay Chang (IBM, New York), Bo Einarsson (Linkoping, Sweden), Stuart Feldman (Bell, New Jersey), Brian Ford (NAG, United Kingdom), Lloyd Fosdick (Boulder, Colorado), Patrick Gaffney (IBM, Norway), Morven Gentleman (Ottawa, Canada), Elias Houstis (Patras, Greece), Ulrich Kulisch (Karlsruhe, Germany), John Rice (West Lafayette, Indiana) and Mladen Vouk (Raleigh, North Carolina). For further information you are invited to contact the programme committee co-chairmen Bo Einarsson, Mathematics Department, University of Linkoping, S-581 83 Linkoping, SWEDEN. Telephone +46 13 281432 (office) or 151896 (home). Electronic mail BOGE@SELIUC51.BITNET or or Lloyd D. Fosdick, Department of Computer Science, Campus Box 430, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA. Telephone (303) 492 7507 (office) or 444 1065 (home). Electronic mail or We hope that you will join us in organizing a stimulating and enjoyable Working Conference on a challenging and new topic. Sincerely Bo Einarsson and Lloyd D Fosdick .............................................................................. Reply form (return to one of the above, either electronically or by the conventional mail) Name: Mailing Address: Telephone: Electronic Mail: Wishes to participate: Yes/No Wishes to give a talk: Yes/No Topic: Wishes to suggest that the following individuals are contacted (please give full mailing address and/or electronic mail address): ------------------------------ End of NA Digest ************************** ------- Reposted by -- Kenneth R. Jackson, (on Internet, CSNet, Computer Science Dept., ARPAnet, BITNET) University of Toronto, (CDNnet and other Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4 X.400 nets (Europe)) (416) 978-7075