[ont.events] Colloquium - Feb 23, Dept of CS, UWO

ling@ria.ccs.uwo.ca (Charles X. Ling) (02/08/90)

Friday, February 23, 1990. 2:00 pm. Middlesex College, Room 316

			Dr. V.S. Lakshmanan
		    Department of Computer Science 
			Concordia University 
			  Montreal, Quebec

		              will speak on:


	    		      A B S T R A C T

The problem of evaluating queries on a relational database which is allowed 
to contain null values has been extensively studied. In general, most of the 
schemes to query evaluation in the literature fall into two categories. 
Those in the first guarantee that answers to queries can be efficiently 
computed ({\it i.e.} in time that is a polynomial in the database size), 
while being {\it incomplete} in the sense that they do not compute 
all {\it valid} answers to certain queries. 
The second kind guarantee {\it completeness} but unfortunately suffer from 
{\it intractability}. In this talk, we reexamine the proof-theoretic approach 
proposed by Reiter [Reiter 86] (which, as proposed, is incomplete) and present 
a ``natural'' interpretation of null values using the notion of {\it null 
assignment functions}. We show that while this approach leads to 
a complete evaluation scheme, there are ``simple'' queries whose evaluation 
under this scheme is co-NP-complete, and thus intractable. 
We next propose the notion of {\it feasible completeness}  and ask 
``is it possible to develop a notion of completeness  that is feasible?" 
We then propose an approach based on intuitionistic logic,  
for query evaluation with nulls. We adapt the intuitionistic notion of 
completeness in a way that is relevant to the database context. 
We show that this approach is at once feasible ({\it i.e.} all queries 
are polynomial time doable under this approach) and complete (in the 
sense above). We provide a nonprocedural query language based on the 
logic and its procedural counterpart -- an algebra -- and show their 
equivalence. The advantages are: our inference system 
is extremely simple compared to the inference systems in related 
works;  the algebra reduces to the traditional relational 
algebra when there are no nulls in the database. Thus our system 
can be directly implemented on top of existing data management systems 
with little fuss. 

Coffee and cookies will be served after the colloquium in room 300