(Ken Jackson) (08/04/89)
NAgMAg Thursday, August 3 1989 Volume 89 Issue 19 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% The official electronic digest of the NAG Users Association %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Today's Topics Numeric-symbolic interface to NAG Plotting text vertically NAGUA Conference programme Request for back issues A problem with random numbers Query about D03EEF %% Today's guest editor is David Morse ( Tim was going to %% send this issue out before he went on holiday, but the computer was down %% with a memory fault so he couldn't. Therefore he had to leave sending %% it in my incapable hands -- no problems yet, all the magic runes have %% worked! He will be back on 16th August, and will probably send out the %% next digest between then and the NAGUA conference. --------------------------- Date: Fri, 21 Jul 89 08:52 EET From: "HEIKKI APIOLA, PUH 4572731" <> Subject: Numeric-symbolic interface to NAG It was interesting to read David Foulser's notice about CLAM. I have been working for quite some time on a project which has similar goals, which I might briefly describe as a combination of a high level vector and matrix language, symbol manipulation and both numerical and graphical subroutine libraries. I have chosen some of the best representatives of each type as the main building blocks of the environment but the design is open in the sense that none of them is unreplaceable. I have taken two high level systems as the "host systems" which either generate code for calling NAG or other library routines or execute the generated codes in a completely transparent manner. My choices for the symbol manipulation system and the matrix-vector language are Macsyma and APL respectively. The hardware environment is also as open as possible including PC-workstation-mainframe-supercomputer-combination. Most of the development has been done on a VAX-8650 in the Centre for Scientific Computing (CSC) but at the moment the whole Finnish supercomputing environment with UNIX workstations,CRAY X-MP,IBM3090+VF, etc. is under active consideration. I will give more details in my presentation in the NAGUA-meeting in September. David, I am of course interested in more details about CLAM also in the sense of possibly aquiring it as one of the software tools for the users of the CSC-facilities. Heikki Apiola Centre fo Scientific Computing Finnish State Computer Centre PO-BOX 40 SF-02101 Espoo Finland e-mail: tel: +358-0-4572731 --------------------------- Date: Mon, 24 JUL 89 15:15:46 GMT From: Subject: Reply to issue 18 Reply to issue 18 ----------------- Re : Plotting text, vertically and otherwise --------------------------------------- Following my explanation of how to plot text vertically (Nag Mag 18) there was a request by David Morse, for software that would plot labels for a vertical axis in a more 'professional' way, with the text running at 90 degrees to the horizontal. The short answer to that is that such software will not be provided at the new Mark 3 Graphics Library; The software has already been frozen, and as such no further changes can be made at this stage. Having said that, one of the new Mark 3 routines, for contouring of scattered data, has the option of plotting labels along the contour line, and text will therefore be plotted in arbitrary text direction (if the plotting package and graphics device you are using has the capability to support this). We will look into the possibility of using the underlying mechanisms to draw vertical text labels; we will let you know the outcome in a future edition of the Nag Mag. As for David's remarks about the clearness of documentation, Mark 3 will be accompanied by a completely revised User Handbook. We have made changes to many routine documents, in an effort to increase the clarity of explanations; diagrams have been included to aid in the understanding of the functionality of routines. (routine J06YHF will have a diagram!) Also included is a new section on how to use the interface routines to tailor graphical output to your specific needs. Again, one of the subjects in this section is how to plot text, using J06YHF or J06ZAF. We believe that the new Handbook will help you to make more effective use of the Graphics Library! Astrid van Maanen 24 July 1989 --------------------------- Date: Tue, 25 JUL 89 10:52:36 GMT From: Subject: Replaces earlier item - programme updated again NAGUA'89 - Conference latest -------- Just to tempt those of you who have not yet booked, below is the conference programme in full. The closing date for bookings is 18 August, but where bookings have already been recieved, confirmations will be sent out from the beginning of August. Tuesday 5 September Tutorial "Human Computer Interfaces" Professor Ernest Edmonds, LUTCHI Group, University of Loughborough Wednesday 6 September 9.00 Introductory Remarks Dr. M. Dowell, Chairman, NAGUA 9.05 NAG Announcements and Future Plans Dr. B. Ford, Director, NAG Limited, United Kingdom 9.45 The Rise and Fall and Rise of Portable Programs Dr. S.I. Feldman, Division Manager, Bell Communications Research, USA 10.30 COFFEE Industrial Applications of NAG Software 11.00 Title to be confirmed Ms. V. Scadeng, Ryan MacFarland Ltd, London, United Kingdom 11.45 Differential Equation Software in the Petrochemical Industry: Requirements and Needs Mr. R.M. Furzeland, Koninklijke/Shell-Laboratorium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 12.30 LUNCH 14.00 The NAG Turbo Pascal Library and the NAG Modula-2 Library Mr. T. Haarmann and Mr. H. Frese, University of Osnabrueck, West Germany 14.30 New Developments for the PC Graphics Interface Dr. G. Baszenski, University of Bochum, West Germany 15.00 AGAPE: A Screen Management Library for Fortran Programmers Mr. T. Engels, Solvay, Brussels, Belgium 15.30 TEA 16.00 The NAG Mark 14 Fortran Library Mr. J.J. Du Croz, NAG Limited, United Kingdom 16.45 Library Management in a Network Mr. J. Gallop, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, United Kingdom Thursday 7th September 9.00 The SERC/DTI Engineering Applications of Transputers Initiative Dr. M. Jane, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, United Kingdom 9.45 IBM Vector/Parallel Experience Dr. P. Mayes, NAG Limited, United Kingdom 10.30 COFFEE 11.00 Solving Problems with Transputers : Background and Experience Dr. D. Prior, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom 11.30 NAG Software at the Danish Supercomputer Centre, UNI*C Mr. J. Wasniewski, UNI*C, Lyngby, Denmark 12.00 Signal Processing Dr. J. McWhirter, RSRE, Malvern, United Kingdom 12.30 LUNCH 14.00 APL-MACSYMA-NAG Interface Dr. H. Apiola, Finnish State Computer Centre, Espoo 14.30 GLIMPSE Dr. C. O'Brien, NAG Limited, United Kingdom 15.00 The NAG HELP System Dr. M. O'Donohoe, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom 15.30 TEA 16.00 Software Product Demonstrations Friday 8 September 9.00 Fortran 8X Dr. J. Reid, UKAEA Harwell, United Kingdom 9.40 The Mark 3 Graphics Library Dr. A.E.P.M. van Maanen, NAG Limited, United Kingdom 10.00 Accessing NAG Library routines from the IBM Expert System Shell ESE Dr. B. Sueselbeck, Westfaelische Willhelms University, West Germany 10.30 COFFEE 11.00 NAGUA Business Session 11.20 User Forum Mr. N. Mooljee, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom 12.20 Closing Remarks Dr. M. Dowell 12.30 LUNCH --------------------------- Date: Fri, 28 Jul 89 10:22:27 BST From: Subject: NAGMAG NO 15 I don't seem to have received NAgMAg no X. Could you please send me a copy? Thanks, Dr A.N. Other %% Requests such as these probably ought to go to, %% rather than to the digest ( -- it makes it easier %% to comply with the request, and these messages don't then have to be %% filtered out of the digest. (David) --------------------------- Date: Mon, 31 Jul 89 14:20 EET From: Hannu Karttunen TLP 90-457 2709 <> Subject: A problem with random numbers Dear Sirs, I'm writing about a problem with Nag's (version 12) random numbers. One of our customers complained about a program running on our Cray X-MP EA/14 se; the program seemed to run correctly except early in the morning. The traceback indicates that the Nag-routine g05ccf might be the reason for the problem. To study this rather curious behaviour I made a small test program, compiled and linked it with the following UNICOS commands: cft77 -es test.f segldr -o test -l nag test.o The following compiler listing shows the program and the defaults of the compiler options: 1TEST PAGE 1 Cray FORTRAN CFT77 3.0X265 04/18/89 13:40:59 07/20/89 08:35:50 PAGE 1 TEST ( -C CRAY-XEA,noema,cigs,vpop -e Bpqrs -d ADISacfghjmoxz -o full,nozeroinc -i 46 -a stack -t 00 ) 1 1. program test 2 2. call g05ccf 3 3. s=0.0 4 4. do 1 i=1,1000 5 5. s=s+g05caf(x) 6 6. 1 continue 7 7. print *,s 8 8. end I made a crontab entry to run the program every half an hour, each time appending its output to a log file. It worked well till midnight, but generated floating point exceptions between 0:00 and 9:30. The following list shows the critical parts of the log: ... ---------------------------- Wed Jul 19 23:30:00 EET 1989 479.1981447632 ---------------------------- Thu Jul 20 00:00:01 EET 1989 TB001 - BEGINNING OF TRACEBACK - $TRBK WAS CALLED BY f$sig AT 2257d (LINE NUMBER 280) - f$sig WAS CALLED BY CALLFUNC AT 50002a - CALLFUNC WAS CALLED BY G05CAF AT 132b - G05CAF WAS CALLED BY G05CCF AT 262c (LINE NUMBER 150) - G05CCF WAS CALLED BY TEST AT 57c (LINE NUMBER 2) - TEST WAS CALLED BY $START$ AT 45a TB002 - END OF TRACEBACK ---------------------------- ... ---------------------------- Thu Jul 20 09:30:01 EET 1989 TB001 - BEGINNING OF TRACEBACK - $TRBK WAS CALLED BY f$sig AT 2257d (LINE NUMBER 280) - f$sig WAS CALLED BY CALLFUNC AT 50002a - CALLFUNC WAS CALLED BY G05CAF AT 132b - G05CAF WAS CALLED BY G05CCF AT 262c (LINE NUMBER 150) - G05CCF WAS CALLED BY TEST AT 57c (LINE NUMBER 2) - TEST WAS CALLED BY $START$ AT 45a TB002 - END OF TRACEBACK ---------------------------- Thu Jul 20 10:00:02 EET 1989 492.8691542171 Obviously the random number initializer uses the wall-clock time and fails when the first digit is zero. Regards Hannu Karttunen Centre for Scientific Computing Espoo, Finland --------------------------- Date: Mon, 31 JUL 89 15:09:44 GMT From: Subject: Reply to issue 17 Further reply to issue 17 ------------------------- re: Queries about D03EEF -------------------- We would like to thank Professor Proskurowski for his comments on the NAG multigrid routine D03EEF and its documentation. Firstly a few words on the philosophy behind the example programs to be found in the NAG Library manual. These programs are really intended to give a simple example of how to set up a problem, call the routine and interpret the results. They are not designed to show the full capabilities of any particular routine, nor are they intended to show the behaviour of the routine on particularly "difficult" or "special" examples. In addition, they are not intended to test the implementation of the underlying numerical algorithm. For this we have a separate set of "stringent" test programs. Turning to the particular routine D03EEF, the example chosen has a quadratic solution, with zero truncation error for central differences. This has the unintentional advantage that it gives a demonstration of the correctness of the implementation in this case. In fact, the results given by Professor Proskurowski are in good agreement with the multigrid theory. However, the example has the disadvantage that it gives the wrong impression about what the user is likely to see from his/her own problem. It would have been better to give as an example a problem for which second-order differences gave only second-order accuracy. We are currently in the process of finalising code and documentation for Mark 14, and we will change the example to treat a less "special" case. Peter Mayes --------------------------- %% For further information about the NAG Users Association please contact: %% Janet Bentley, Administrator NAGUA, %% Shore Lane Farm, Blackstone Edge Old Road, %% LITTLEBOROUGH, Lancashire, OL15 0LQ, UK. %% %% or %% Caroline J Foers %% NAGUA and Service Coordinator, NAG Ltd, %% Wilkinson House, Jordan Hill Road, %% Oxford, OX2 8DR, U.K. %% %% e-mail %% %% Replies or submissions to %% Distribution changes to %% %% END OF ISSUE ------------------------------- Reposted by -- Prof. Kenneth R. Jackson, (on Internet, CSNet, Computer Science Dept., ARPAnet, BITNET) University of Toronto, (on CDNnet and other Toronto, Ontario, X.400 nets (Europe)) Canada M5S 1A4 ...!{uunet,pyramid,watmath,ubc-cs}!utai!krj