[ut.na] ILAS 61 - haifa conference

krj@na.toronto.edu (Ken Jackson) (11/10/89)

Subject: ILAS 61 - haifa conference

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9 November 1989
ILAS-NET Message No. 61
Editor: Danny Hershkowitz

FROM: Avi Berman and Danny Hershkowitz
SUBJECT: The 6th Haifa Matrix Conference - 3rd announcement

   On behalf of the  organizing  committee  of  the  Sixth  Haifa
Matrix Conference we are pleased to invite you to participate  at
the conference.

   The conference will be held at the Technion - Israel Institute
of Technology, Haifa, Israel, in the week of June 10th, 1990.  It
is  sponsored  by  the  Israel   Mathematical   Union   and   the
International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS).

   The organizers will be glad to help find accommodation and  to
assist with the local  arrangements.  The  participants  will  be
responsible for their expenses.

   There will be no registration fee. The cost of the  (optional)
conference banquet, scheduled for Tuesday, June 12, 1990, will be
announced in a later stage. However, it is not expected to exceed
$25 per  person.  At  that  time  we  shall  also  provide  hotel

   Conference proceedings will  appear  as  a  special  issue  of
"Linear Algebra and its Applications". This  issue  will  contain
only papers that meet the publication standards of  the  journal,
and that will be approved by normal refereeing procedure.  Papers
should be submitted in triplicate by October 31, 1990, to one  of
the special editors of this issue, who are Abraham Berman,  Moshe
Goldberg and Daniel Hershkowitz.

   In addition, there will be an opportunity to publish  synopses
of talks in a Conference Report that will  form  a  part  of  the
Proceedings (the full paper may be submitted to this or any other
journal). These synopses should in general be from 2 to  6  typed
pages in length. They  should  not  be  abstracts  of  papers  or
research  announcements,  but  should  contain   at   least   50%
expository material giving  background  and  motivation  for  the
problem. Proofs to be  published  elsewhere  should  be  omitted.
References should be included, and open problems and  conjectures
are encouraged. Synopses prepared  for  publication  should  also
conform to the style of the  journal  and  should  be  sent  (two
copies) to one of the special editors.

   We would appreciate it if you could let us know by January  15
if you are planning to participate. Please send your response  on
the enclosed form. If you wish to give a talk in the  conference,
please send us an abstract, typed on one page only, by April  15,

   We very much hope that you can accept this invitation.

         Abraham Berman               Daniel Hershkowitz
                     The Organizing Committee
             The Sixth Haifa Matrix Theory Conference



             The Sixth Haifa Matrix Theory Conference
     Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
                            June 1990

Please return this form by January 15, 1990, to:

                  The Organizing Committee
                  The Sixth Haifa Matrix Theory Conference
                  Department of Mathematics
                  Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
                  Haifa 32000, ISRAEL

NAME: _________________________________________

ADDRESS: ______________________________________




PHONE:  _______________________________________

E-MAIL: _______________________________________


      ________   I plan to attend the The 6th Haifa Matrix Conference


      I shall arrive on _______  and depart on _______.

       ________  Please make hotel reservations for me.

       ________  I shall make my own reservations.

3. TALK:

      ________   I wish to give a talk on



                 Abstract, typed on one page only, should be
                 sent by April 15, 1990, to the organizing committee.

      ________   I don't wish to give a talk.


      ________   I plan to attend the conference banquet.

      ________   I don't plan to attend the banquet.


Reposted by

Prof. Kenneth R. Jackson,      krj@na.toronto.edu   (on Internet, CSNet, 
Computer Science Dept.,                              ARPAnet, BITNET)
University of Toronto,         krj@na.utoronto.ca   (on CDNnet and other 
Toronto, Ontario,                                    X.400 nets (Europe))
Canada   M5S 1A4               ...!{uunet,pyramid,watmath,ubc-cs}!utai!krj
(Phone: 416-978-7075)                               (on UUCP)
(FAX: 416-978-4765)