[ut.na] NA Digest Volume 89 : Issue 47

krj@na.toronto.edu (Ken Jackson) (12/04/89)

NA Digest   Sunday, December 3, 1989   Volume 89 : Issue 47

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:

     7th Parallel Circus
     1990 ACM International Conference on Supercomputing
     Int. Workshop Algorithms/Architectures
     Research Grant/CERFACS
     Neural Networks Conference at Wang Institute
     Neural Networks Short Course at Wang Institute


From: Steve Hammond <hammonds@riacs.edu>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 89 09:18:29 PST
Subject: 7th Parallel Circus

               Seventh Parallel Circus
                 March 30-31, 1990

Continuing the tradition that began at Yale in 1986, the
Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS)
and Stanford University are jointly  hosting the Seventh
Parallel Circus at Stanford on Friday and Saturday,
March 30-31, 1990.

This is the first time the Circus will be held outside of
the Northeast, and we hope to have  many  attendees  from
around the  country  as  well  as  those  who  have  been
"regulars".    The circus is unique  in  that  it has one
and  only one focus,  scientific  computing  on  parallel
machines.  Another strength is that there  has  been lots
of informal discussion and a very healthy mix  of  indus-
trial and academic participants.

Organizers: Gene Golub,  Steve Hammond and  Rob Schreiber

For further information please contact:

  Cathy Salazar
  RIACS   Mail Stop 230-5
  NASA Ames Research Center
  Moffett Field, CA 94035


From: E. Gallopoulos <stratis@s6.csrd.uiuc.edu>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 89 21:48:16 CST
Subject: 1990 ACM International Conference on Supercomputing

Here follows the updated call for papers for the 1990 ACM
International Conference on Supercomputing.  It is hoped that
the dates (June 11-15) and location (Amsterdam) are convenient
for all those planning to attend the Householder Symposium
(due to take place June 18--22 in Sweden).

  Stratis Gallopoulos


		     June 11-15, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
        Vrije Universiteit and Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica

		    Sponsored by ACM SIGARCH
	  in association with AICA, BCS-PPG, CTI, CSRD, CWI,

		     Conference Co-Chairmen
		Ahmed Sameh, Univ of Illinois
	Henk van der Vorst, Delft Univ of Technology &CWI

		 	Program Director
	John R. Sopka, Digital Equipment Corporation, USA

                  Program Committee Organizers
        J. R. Gurd 	Chairman Europe and Africa
        Y. Muraoka      Chairman Japan and Far East
        E. Gallopoulos  Chairman North and South America

			Local Arrangements
   	H. TeRiele, CWI, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The fourth ACM International Conference on Supercomputing
is soliciting papers on significant new research results
in the development and use of supercomputing systems.
Contributions should emphasize the novel aspects of the
work being reported and should discuss their implications
for future supercomputing development.  Papers are solicited
in the following areas:

	Architectural Design of Supercomputer Systems:
		Heterogeneous use of MIMD, SIMD and Data Flow
		Systems Designs, Memory System Organization
		(Distributed, Shared or Hierarchical), Bus,
		Network and Communication Systems, Instruction
		Architecture (RISC, CISC, etc.)
	Software Systems Support for Supercomputing.
        	Operating Systems Support Features,
        	Programming Languages, Compilers and Analysis Tools,
        	Performance Evaluation Tools, Methods and Modeling,
        	Programming Environments and High Level
		Problem Solving Systems.
	Applications of Supercomputing.
        	Circuit and Semiconductor Device Simulation,
        	Computational Chemistry,
        	Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation,
        	Graphics and Visualization,
        	Other new or nontraditional applications.
	Supercomputing Algorithms and Performance Analysis.
		Numerical and Non-Numerical Algorithms,
		Performance Studies.

			Invited Presentations

The list of invited speakers includes:
Tony Chan (UCLA), Wolfgang Fichtner (ETH), Anthony Hey
(Southampton U.), Piet van der Houwen (CWI), Ahmed Noor
(George Washington U.), Burton Smith (TERA Inc.),
Toshitsugu Yuba (MITI), William Wulf (NSF).

Conference proceedings, published by Springer-Verlag in 1987
and ACM in 1988 and 1989, will again be published by ACM in 1990.
Authors should send five (5) copies of the full manuscript to the
Program Chairman of their region.
The deadline for submissions is January 10, 1990.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by March 10.
Final versions of accepted submissions will be due by April 15, 1990.
The addresses for submissions are:

Program Chair for Europe and Africa:
	Dr. John R. Gurd,
	Dept Computer Science, Univ of Manchester, Oxford Road,
	Manchester M13 9PL, UNITED KINGDOM.
	E-mail: jgurd@unix.computer-science.manchester.ac.uk

Program Chair for North and South America:
	Dr. E. Gallopoulos,
	CSRD, Univ of Illinois, 305 Talbot Laboratory,
	104 South Wright St, Urbana, IL61801-2932, USA.
	E-mail: stratis@uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu

Program Chair for Japan and the Far East:
	Dr. Yoichi Muraoka,
	Dept. of Elect. Eng., Waseda University,
	3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
	E-mail: muraoka@jpnwas00.bitnet


From: Alle-Jan van der Veen <dutentb!allejan@relay.EU.net>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 89 13:08:42 -0100
Subject: Int. Workshop Algorithms/Architectures

                        International Workshop on

                           June 10--16, 1990
                         Pont-a-Mouson, France

                    Announcement and Call for Papers


Ed Deprettere                          Patrick Dewilde
Dept. of Electrical Engineering        Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Delft University of Technology         Delft University of Technology
Delft, The Netherlands                 Delft, The Netherlands
email: ed@dutentb                      email: dewilde@dutentb

Thomas Kailath                         Sun-Yuan Kung
Information Systems Laboratory         Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Stanford University, USA               Princeton University, USA
email: tk@isl.stanford.edu             email: kung@princeton.edu

C.V.K. Prabhakara Rao                  Yves Robert
Dept. of Electrical Engineering        Laboratoire LIP/IMAG
Drexel University                      Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
Philadelphia, USA                      Lyon, France
email: rao@drexel                      e-mail: yrobert@ensl.ens-lyon.fr

The goal of the International Workshop on Algorithms and Parallel VLSI
Architectures is to bring together researchers, active in the fields
indicated below. The workshop is sponsored by EURASIP in cooperation with
the IEEE.


              Schur's Algorithm and its Applications
              Large Scale Modeling
              Multiscale Signal Processing
              Solving Large Systems of Linear Equations
              Array Forms of Fast Signal Processing Algorithms
              Architecture Design


  Signal Estimation                Architectures for Control & Communications
  Eigenvalues and Singular Values  Systolic Architectures
  Adaptive & Orthogonal Filtering  Artificial Neural Nets
  Modeling with Finite Elements    Microcoded Architectures
  Computer Graphics                Video Architectures

The courses will be given by eminent lecturers in the field (names
yet to be announced).  The workshops will consist of both plenary talks
by invited speakers and poster presentations.
At this moment, papers that contribute to the poster sessions are
solicited.  Authors are invited to submit four copies of a 4-page summary
of the paper to the workshop secretariat for review.
Papers will be severely reviewed -- the number of accepted papers is limited.
Authors of accepted papers will be asked to prepare a version for publication.
Please note that participation in the workshop is open to authors only.

                         AUTHORS' SCHEDULE

	      Submission of 4-page summary: February 19, 1990
	      Notification of Acceptance:   March 30, 1990

                       WORKSHOP SECRETARIAT

			Alle-Jan van der Veen
			Dept. of Electrical Engineering
			Delft University of Technology
			2628 CD  Delft
			The Netherlands
			  email: allejan@dutentb
		          tel.: +3115781442


Date: Fri, 01 Dec 89 13:36:11 GMT
Subject: Research Grant/CERFACS

                   C E N T R E   E U R O P E E N
       D E   R E C H E R C H E   E T   D E   F O R M A T I O N
                        A V A N C E E   E N
              C A L C U L   S C I E N T I F I Q U E

                 ( C . E . R . F . A . C . S . )


      The Centre Europeen de Recherche et de Formation Avancee
      en Calcul Scientifique (C.E.R.F.A.C.S) aims at developing
      new tools in parallel computing with a view to applying
      them to large scientific problems and techniques and to
      offer an advanced training in scientific computation.

         Based in Toulouse, C.E.R.F.A.C.S. has researchers and
      engineers from many countries in Europe.

      C. E. R. F. A. C. S.    o f f e r s,  for February 1990
               a   r e s e a r c h   g r a n t
     for building interactive interface systems for sculptured
                surfaces and mesh generation.


The applicant should show a high        The research grant covers
level of proficiency in some of         a period of 1 year minimum
the following topics:                   (renewable) and the salary
  * Interactive Graphics                is open for discussion.
  * CAD-systems
  * Geometrical design
  * Solid modelling
He, or she, should also have a
strong knowledge of C and object
oriented programming.

   Applications including your CV and copies of your publication
          must be made before the 1st of January 1990 to:


       42, avenue G. Coriolis * 31057 TOULOUSE CEDEX (France)
         Tel.: (33) 61 07 96 96 * Telefax: (33) 61 07 96 13
                       E-mail: CROS @ FRTLS12


From: Michael Cohen <mike@bucasb.BU.EDU>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 89 02:21:02 EST
Subject: Neural Networks Conference at Wang Institute

                              CALL FOR PAPERS

                              MAY 11--13, 1990

Sponsored by the Center for Adaptive Systems,
the Graduate Program in Cognitive and Neural Systems,
and the Wang Institute of Boston University
with partial support from
The Air Force Office of Scientific Research

This research conference at the cutting edge of neural network science and
technology will bring together leading experts in academe, government, and
industry to present their latest results on automatic target recognition
in invited lectures and contributed posters. Invited lecturers include:

JOE BROWN, Martin Marietta, "Multi-Sensor ATR using Neural Nets"

GAIL CARPENTER, Boston University, "Target Recognition by Adaptive
Resonance: ART for ATR"

NABIL FARHAT, University of Pennsylvania, "Bifurcating Networks for
Target Recognition"

STEPHEN GROSSBERG, Boston University, "Recent Results on Self-Organizing
ATR Networks"

ROBERT HECHT-NIELSEN, HNC, "Spatiotemporal Attention Focusing by
Expectation Feedback"

KEN JOHNSON, Hughes Aircraft, "The Application of Neural Networks to the
Acquisition and Tracking of Maneuvering Tactical Targets in High Clutter
IR Imagery"

PAUL KOLODZY, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, "A Multi-Dimensional ATR System"

MICHAEL KUPERSTEIN, Neurogen, "Adaptive Sensory-Motor Coordination
using the INFANT Controller"

YANN LECUN, AT&T Bell Labs, "Structured Back Propagation Networks for
Handwriting Recognition"

CHRISTOPHER SCOFIELD, Nestor, "Neural Network Automatic Target Recognition
by Active and Passive Sonar Signals"

STEVEN SIMMES, Science Applications International Co., "Massively Parallel
Approaches to Automatic Target Recognition"

ALEX WAIBEL, Carnegie Mellon University, "Patterns, Sequences and Variability:
Advances in Connectionist Speech Recognition"

ALLEN WAXMAN, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, "Invariant Learning and
Recognition of 3D Objects from Temporal View Sequences"

FRED WEINGARD, Booz-Allen and Hamilton, "Current Status and Results of Two
Major Government Programs in Neural Network-Based ATR"

BARBARA YOON, DARPA, "DARPA Artificial Neural Networks Technology
Program: Automatic Target Recognition"

CALL FOR PAPERS---ATR POSTER SESSION: A featured poster session on ATR
neural network research will be held on May 12, 1990. Attendees who wish to
present a poster should submit 3 copies of an extended abstract
(1 single-spaced page), postmarked by March 1, 1990, for refereeing. Include
with the abstract the name, address, and telephone number of the corresponding
author. Mail to: ATR Poster Session, Neural Networks Conference, Wang
Institute of Boston University, 72 Tyng Road, Tyngsboro, MA 01879. Authors
will be informed of abstract acceptance by March 31, 1990.

SITE: The Wang Institute possesses excellent conference facilities on a
beautiful 220-acre campus. It is easily reached from Boston's Logan
Airport and Route 128.

REGISTRATION FEE: Regular attendee--$90; full-time student--$70.
Registration fee includes admission to all lectures and poster session,
one reception, two continental breakfasts, one lunch, one dinner, daily
morning and afternoon coffee service. STUDENTS FELLOWSHIPS are available.
For information, call (508) 649-9731.

TO REGISTER: By phone, call (508) 649-9731; by mail, write for further
information to: Neural Networks, Wang Institute of Boston University, 72 Tyng
Road, Tyngsboro, MA 01879.


From: Michael Cohen <mike@bucasb.BU.EDU>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 89 02:24:17 EST
Subject: Neural Networks Short Course at Wang Institute

                           NEURAL NETWORKS:
                           May 6--11, 1989

Sponsored by the Center for Adaptive Systems,
the Graduate Program in Cognitive and Neural Systems,
and the Wang Institute of Boston University
with partial support from
The Air Force Office of Scientific Research

This in-depth, systematic, 5-day course is based upon the world's leading
graduate curriculum in the technology, computation, mathematics, and biology
of neural networks. Developed at the Center for Adaptive Systems (CAS) and
the Graduate Program in Cognitive and Neural Systems (CNS) of Boston
University, twenty-eight hours of the course will be taught by six CAS/CNS
faculty. Three distinguished guest lecturers will present eight hours of
the course.

                           COURSE OUTLINE

MAY 7, 1990

   Morning Session (Professor Stephen Grossberg)
Historical Overview, Content Addressable Memory, Competitive Decision Making,
Associative Learning

   Afternoon Session (Professors Michael Jordan (MIT) and Ennio Mingolla)
Combinational Optimization, Perceptrons, Introduction to Back Propagation,
Recent Developments of Back Propagation

MAY 8, 1990

   Morning Session (Professors Gail Carpenter and Stephen Grossberg)
Adaptive Pattern Recognition, Introduction to Adaptive Resonance Theory,
Analysis of ART 1

   Afternoon Session (Professor Gail Carpenter)
Analysis of ART 2, Analysis of ART 3, Self-Organization of Invariant Pattern
Recognition Codes, Neocognitron

MAY 9, 1990

   Morning Session (Professors Stephen Grossberg and Ennio Mingolla)
Vision and Image Processing

   Afternoon Session (Professors Daniel Bullock, Michael Cohen, and
Stephen Grossberg)
Adaptive Sensory-Motor Control and Robotics, Speech Perception and Production

MAY 10, 1990

   Morning Session (Professors Michael Cohen, Stephen Grossberg, and
John Merrill)
Speech Perception and Production, Reinforcement Learning and Prediction

   Afternoon Session (Professors Stephen Grossberg and John Merrill and
Dr. Robert Hecht-Nielsen, HNC)
Reinforcement Learning and Prediction, Recent Developments in the
Neurocomputer Industry

MAY 11, 1990

   Morning Session (Dr. Federico Faggin, Synaptics Inc.)
VLSI Implementation of Neural Networks

TO REGISTER: By phone, call (508) 649-9731; by mail, write for further
information to: Neural Networks, Wang Institute of Boston University,
72 Tyng Road, Tyngsboro, MA 01879. For further information about registration

REGISTRATION FEE: Regular attendee--$950; full-time student--$250.
Registration fee includes five days of tutorials, course notebooks, one
reception, five continental breakfasts, five lunches, four dinners, daily
morning and afternoon coffee service, evening discussion sessions.

STUDENT FELLOWSHIPS supporting travel, registration, and lodging for the
Course are available to full-time graduate students in a PhD program.
Applications must be postmarked by March 1, 1990. Send curriculum vitae,
a one-page essay describing your interest in neural networks, and a letter
from a faculty advisor to: Student Fellowships, Neural Networks Course,
Wang Institute of Boston University, 72 Tyng Road, Tyngsboro, MA 01879.


End of NA Digest

Reposted by

Prof. Kenneth R. Jackson,      krj@na.toronto.edu   (on Internet, CSNet, 
Computer Science Dept.,                              ARPAnet, BITNET)
University of Toronto,         krj@na.utoronto.ca   (on CDNnet and other 
Toronto, Ontario,                                    X.400 nets (Europe))
Canada   M5S 1A4               ...!{uunet,pyramid,watmath,ubc-cs}!utai!krj
(Phone: 416-978-7075)                               (on UUCP)
(FAX: 416-978-4765)