[news.announce.conferences] CFP: Frontiers in Computer Communications Technology

garcia@tsca.istc.sri.com (J.J. Garcia-Luna) (04/17/87)

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We are seeking participation from the ARPANET community for the ACM
SIGCOMM Workshop on Frontiers in Computer Communications Technology.
Anyone interested is cordially invited to contact me for more
information.  More details of the workshop follow.

                            CALL FOR PARTICIPATION                       

                           ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on
                Frontiers in Computer Communications Technology

                             August 11-13, 1987
                      Stoweflake Resort, Stowe, Vermont

Sponsored by ACM SIGCOMM, with the cooperation of the Information
Sciences and Technology Center of SRI International, and Cybertree Inc.

The ACM SIGCOMM workshop on frontiers in computer communications
technology is intended as an international forum where those interested
in the theory, development, and applications of computer communications
can meet to discuss the state of the art and future directions in
computer communications, and to further each other's work through
shared information.

Contributions in the form of 20 to 30 minute presentations are sought
in any research and development area in computer communications, in

	TCP/IP interoperability
	Gateway protocols and internetworking
	High-speed networks
	High-speed packet switching 
	New applications and future directions of packet switched networks
	Local area networks and metropolitan area networks
	Routing and congestion control in integrated-services networks
	Advances in protocol verification, testing, and analysis
	Large-scale computer networks
	Naming in large distributed systems
	Networking for scientific computing
	Networking for personal computers	
	Computer-supported collaborative work
        Distributed desktop publishing and graphics applications
	Impact of standards in the future of computer communications

Attendees wishing to contribute to the program are requested to submit
a one to two-page abstract or full papers (about 20 pages) by June 15,
1987 to:

	J.J. Garcia-Luna
        SRI International
        333 Ravenswood Ave., EK-319
        Menlo Park, CA 94025
        (415) 859-5647
	ARPANET: garcia@istc.sri.com
        Telex: 334486

Abstracts can be submitted by electronic mail to the program chair.
Notification of acceptance will be given by July 10, 1987.  The record
of the workshop will be published as a special issue of the ACM
Computer Communication Review. 

For more information about the workshop, please contact the program
chair, or Dr. Walter Kosinsky, Workshop Chair (203/869-6322).


Please indicate your interest in the workshop here and return this
portion to:

        Prof. John Trono
        Computer Sciences Dept.
	Saint Michael's College
	P.O. BOX 243
        Winooski, Vermont 05404

(if done by electronic mail, please send it to garcia@istc.sri.com)

______ I intend to submit an abstract on the subject of

______ I am interested in attending the workshop, please send me
additional information.

Street Address:
City, State, Country:
Electronic Mail:

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