taylor@hplabsc.UUCP (06/02/87)
- - The 14th Annual INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Sheraton - Station Square Pittsburgh, PA USA June 2 - 5, 1987 ADVANCE PROGRAM TUESDAY - JUNE 2, 1987 Tutorials 10:00-6:00 Microprocessor Logic Design: The Flowchart Method N. Tredennick, Nexgen, Sunnyvale, CA or Highly Parallel Systolic Arrays: Theory, Implementation and Applications H. T. Kung, CMU, Computer Science Department WEDNESDAY - JUNE 3, 1987 8:00 Conference Registration 9:00 Branching Techniques Chair: Alan Smith, Univ of California, Berkeley Branch Folding in the CRISP Microprocessor: Reducing Branch Delay to Zero D. R. Ditzel, H. R. McLellan, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ An Evaluation of Branch Architecture Henry M. Levy, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 10:00 BREAK 10:30 Pipelining Chair: Edward S. Davidson, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne Checkpoint Repair for Out-of-Order Execution Machines Yale Patt, Univ. of California, Berkeley Instruction Issue Logic for High Performance Interruptable Pipeline Processors Gurindar S. Sohi, Sriram Vajapeyam, Univ. of Wisconsin Fast Temporary Storage for Serial and Parallel Execution John Swensen, Yale Patt, Univ. of California, Berkeley 12:00 LUNCH 12:45 Conference Welcome - Dr. Zary Segall, Chairman 1:00 Keynote Address - Dr. Raj Reddy 2:00 Special Purpose Hardware Chair: H. T. Kung, CMU Performance Analysis & Design of a Logic Simulation Machine Ken Wong and Mark A. Franklin Univ. of Washington, St. Louis, MO A Modular Systolic Architecture for Image Convolutions Kshitij Doshi and Peter Varman Rice University, Houston, TX A Template Matching Algorithm Using Optically-Connected 3D-VLSI Architecture Satoshi Fujita, Reiji Aibara, Masafuni Yamashita, and Tadashi Ae Hiroshima University, Japan Data Flow Chair: (to be announced) Mapping Data Flow Programs on a VLSI Array of Processors Bilha Mendelson and Gabriel M. Silberman Technion-Israel Inst. of Technology, Haifa, Israel Analytical Modeling and Architectural Modications of a Dataflow Computer D. Ghosal and L. N. Bhuayn Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA A Unified Resource Management and Execution Control Mechanism for Data Flow Machines Masaru Takesue N.T.T. Electrical Communications Lab, Tokyo, Japan 3:30 BREAK 4:00 Panels A. Are General Purpose Systolic Architectures for Real? B. The Future of Data Flow 5:30-7:00 RECEPTION SIGARCH Meeting THURSDAY - JUNE 4, 1987 8:30 Prolog Chair: Douglas Degroot, Xenologic High Performance Integrated Prolog Processor IPP S. Abe, T. Bandoh, S. Yamaguchi, K. Kurosawa, K. Kiriyama Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan Performance Studies of a Parallel Prolog Architecture Barry S. Fagin and A. M. Despain Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA An Experimental VLSI PROLOG Interpreter: Preliminary Measurements and Results P. L. Civera Politecnico de Torina, Italy Interconnection Networks Chair: Harold S. Stone, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Rearrangeability of Multistage Prolog Machine IPM A. Varma IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown, NY Optimized Mesh-Connected Networks for SIMD and MIMD R. Beivide, E. Herrada, J. L. Balcazar, and J. Labarta Universidad Politecnica de Cataluna, Barcelona, Spain Performance Evaluation of Reduced Bandwidth Multistage Interconnection Networks D. T. Harper III and J. R. Jump Rice University, Houston, TX 10:00 BREAK 10:30 Symbolic Architectures Chair: Alvin M. Despain, Univ. of California, Berkeley Deterministic and Stochastic Modeling of Parallel Garbage Collection - Towards Real-Time Criteria Oliver Ridoux IRISA/NRIA, Rennes, France The Sharing of Environment in and/or Parallel Execution of Logic Programs Sun Chengzheng, Tzu Yungui Changsha Institute of Technology, China Architectural Issues in Designing Symbolic Processors in Optics Aloke Guha and Raja Ramnarayan - Honeywell, Inc., Golden Valley, MN Matthew Derstine - Honeywell, Inc., Bloomington, MN Interprocessor Communications and Synchronization Chair: Michel Dubois, Univ. of Southern California Hardware Support for Interprocess Communication Umakishor Ramachandran - Georgia Institute of Technology Marvin Solomon and Mary Vernon - Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Architecture of a Message-Driven Processor William J. Dally M.I.T., Cambridge, MA Effect of Storage Allocation/Reclamation Methods on Parallelism and Storage Requirements Manoj Kumar IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 12:00 LUNCH 12:45 Eckert-Mauchley Award 1:00 Featured Presentation C. Gordon Bell National Science Foundation 2:00 Memory Systems Chair: John Shen, CMU Cache Design of a Sub-Micron CMOS System/370 J. H. Chang, H. Chao, and J. Tang IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY An Architectural Perspective on a Memory Access Controller Martin Freeman Stanford University, Stanford, CA Organization and Analysis of a Gracefully-Degrading Interleaved Memory System Kifung Cheung, Gurinda Sohi, and Kewal Daluja University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 3:30 BREAK 4:00 Cache Design Chair: Thomas Eggers, Digital Equipment Corp. Correct Memory Operation of Cache Based Multiprocessors Michel Dubois University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Hierarchical Cache/Bus Architecture for Shared Memory Multiprocessor Andrew W. Wilson Encore Computer Corp., Marlboro, MA Multiprocessor Cache Design Considerations Roland L. Lee, Pen-Chung Yew, and Duncan H. Lawrie University of Illinois, Urbana, IL FRIDAY - JUNE 5, 1987 8:30 Register-Memory Hierarchy Chair: David Patterson, Univ. of California-Berkeley Performance Evaluation of Multiple Register Sets Richard Eickemeyer and Janak H. Patel University of Illinois, Urbana, IL A Performance Analysis of Automatically Managed Top of Stack Buffers Timothy J. Stanley, Digital Equipment Corp. Robert G. Wedig, Wedig Consulting Services Palo Alto, CA Tradeoffs in Vector Architecture Brian Moore, Andris Padegs, Ron Smith, Werner Buchholz Data Systems Div., IBM Corporation Poughkeepsie, NY 10:00 BREAK 10:30 Processor Architectures Chair: John Hennessy, Stanford University WISQ: A Restartable Architecture Using Queues A. R. Pleszkun, J. R. Goodman, W-C. Hsu, R. T. Joersz, G. Bier, P. Woest, P. B. Schechter University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Architectural Tradeoffs in the Design of MIPS-X Paul Chow and Mark Horowitz Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA The Hardware Architecture of the CRISP Microprocessor A. D. Berenbaum, D. R. Ditzel, and H. R. McLellan AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 12:00 ADJOURN 2:00 Visit and Demo at CMU -------TURORIAL INFORMATION------- Microprocessor Logic Design: The Flowchart Method Abstract: This tutorial will cover the logic design method used to design the Motorola MC68000 series and the IBM Micro/370 microprocessors. The "flowchart method" is an industrial logic design method for designing single chip microprocessors. The internal workings of a microprocessor will be covered and specific examples from the IBM Micro/370 and Motorola MC68000 designs will be given. Speaker: Nick Tredennick, currently the Director of Product Development at Nexgen Microsystems, designed the CPU logic and microcode for the Motorola MC68000 microprocessor and for the IBM Micro/370 microprocessor. He is the author of the forthcoming book "Microprocessor Logic Design: The Flowchart Method" (Digital Press). Highly Parallel Systolic Arrays: Theory, Implementation and Applications Abstract: This tutorial will cover advances in the theory and implementation of systolic arrays in applications areas including signal processing, computer vision and non-numeric algorithms. Examples will be drawn from work performed at Carnegie Mellon and elsewhere, incuding collaborative efforts with General Electric and Intel. Speaker: H. T. Kung is Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He is the originator of the systolic array approach to parallel computation, and currently leads several parallel supercomputer implementation projects. -------REGISTRATION------- Conference registration includes lunches, a copy of the proceedings, and a reception. The student fee does not include the reception. Tutorial registration includes notes, coffee breaks, and lunch. Registration for the tutorials is limited, and will be allotted on a first-come basis. Preregistration for the tutorials is required. -------LOCATION------- Both the Sheraton Hotel at Station Square and the Westin William Penn are located in Downtown Pittsburgh, about half an hour from the Pittsburgh Airport. There is a direct bus service between the airport and the two hotels. Busses leave every half hour. Parking is available at both hotels.