[news.announce.conferences] IFIP TC6 WG6.4A LAN Management Workshop

taylor@hplabsc.UUCP (06/05/87)

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                            IFIP TC6 WG6.4A

                         Berlin (West), Germany
                          July 2nd - 3rd, 1987

                          Organising Committee

Brian Spratt           University of Kent, UK. (Chairman, IFIP WG6.4A).
Berthold Butscher      FOKUS GMD/HMI-Berlin (West), Germany.
Jean-Pierre Cabanel    Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France.
Birgitta Carlson       Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
Ian Dallas             University of Kent, UK. (Secretary).
Andre Danthine         Universite de Liege, Liege, Belgium.
Kim Kappel             DCA Inc, Alpharetta, Georgia, USA.  (Chairperson,
                       IFIP WG6.6).
Piercalo Ravasio       Italtelematica, Milan, Italy.
Otto Spaniol           Technical University, Aachen, West Germany.
Liba Svobodova         IBM  Zurich  Research   Laboratory,   Ruschlikon,
Steve Wilbur           University College, London, UK.
Wolfgang Zimmer        FOKUS GMD/HMI-Berlin (West), Germany.
Reigo Yatsuboshi       Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd, Kawasaki, Japan.

                               Hosted By

      Forschungszentrum fuer Offene Kommunikationssysteme (FOKUS)
          Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung /
                     Hahn-Meitner-Institute Berlin

Provisional Programme (Only Minor Timing Changes Likely)

                           Thursday 2nd July

08:15         Shuttle bus departs city centre for HMI
09:00         Welcome Address

09:15 - 10:45 Session 1 - Management Functions and their Implications I

09:15         Internet Layer and Management Design for a  Backbone  Net-
              B. Hauzeur & A. Danthine, University of Liege, Belgium
09:45         Distributed Systems Management
              M. Sloman, Imperial College, London, UK
10:15         Integrated LAN Management
              R. Yatsuboshi, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd, Japan

11:15 - 12:45 Session 2 - Managing the Bandwidth in High Speed Networks

11:15         An Algorithm for  Distributed  Management  of  Traffic  on
              Interconnected Networks
              F. Grandoni, L. Lenzini & L. Strigini,  IEI-CNR/CNUCE-CNR,
              Pisa, Italy
11:45         Management of a Video Transmission Network
              R. Castanet & M. Pallard, ENSERB, Talence, France
12:15         Design Issues of OSI Layers in Integrated Services  Metro-
              politan and Regional Area Networks
              A. Fioretti  &  C.  A.  Rocchini,  FACE  Research  Centre,
              Pomezia, Italy

14:00 - 15:00 Session 3 - The Role  of  Gateways  in  Managing  Multiple
              Domain Internet Environments

14:00         Gateways and Management in an Internet Environment
              J. Hall, R.  van  Renesse  &  H.  van  Staveren,  Hatfield
              Polytechnic, UK & Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Nether-
14:30         Operational Experiences in Managing a LAN/WAN Gateway
              I. N. Dallas, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK

15:30 - 17:00 Session 4 - Workshop Discussions

17:00 - 18:00 Boat Trip (Optional)
18:30         Dinner (Optional)
21:00         Shuttle bus departs HMI for city centre

                            Friday 3rd July

08:15         Shuttle bus departs city centre for HMI

09:00 - 09:30 Session 5 - Reports from the Workshop Discussions

09:30 - 11:00 Session 6 - Different Aspects of  Network  Management  and
              their Coordination

09:30         SABRINA - Integration of Data Security by means of Network
              F-J. Kauffels, University of Bonn, West Germany
10:00         The Scope of Network Configuration Management
              Y. Murayama, G. Knight & J. Malcolm,  University  College,
              London, UK
10:20         Towards Network and Distributed System  Performance  Meas-
              S. Wilbur & M. Merabti, University College, London, UK
10:40         Recnik - A Virtual Database for the Coordination  of  Dis-
              tributed Network Management Services
              D. Sirovica & J. Malcolm, University  of  London  Computer
              Centre & University College, London, UK

11:30 - 12:30 Session 7 - Name and Address Management

11:30         LAN-WAN Interconnection and Management
              L. Henckel & R. Reinhard, FOKUS GMD/Hahn-Meitner-Institut,
              West Berlin, Germany
12:00         Reliable Name Service for Hierarchical Campus Networks
              A. R. Quirt, Bell-Northern Research, Ottawa, Canada

13:30 - 15:00 Session 8 - Management Functions and their Implications II

13:30         Managing the Interconnection of LANS
              J. Crowcroft, University College, London, UK
14:00         Object Oriented Port Based Distributed Operating Medium
              L. Manasiev, R. Stainov & K. Boyanov, Bulgarian Academy of
              Sciences, Bulgaria
14:30         Distributed System Kernel and  Interprocess  Communication
              in a LAN Environment
              P. Magura-Witkowski, T. Walasek & K. Zielinski, University
              of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow, Poland

15:00 - 16:00 Session 9 - HMINET Presentation
16:00         Shuttle bus departs HMI for airport

Workshop Language and Proceedings

All presentations will be held in English. It is hoped to have preprints
of the papers at the Workshop.

Location and Transportation

The workshop will be held at the Hahn-Meitner  Institute  (HMI),  Berlin
(West).   This  is situated in "Berlin-Wansee" about 20 km from the city
centre, and so a free shuttle bus will  be  provided  each  morning  and
evening to transport delegates to and from HMI.

To travel to HMI from the airport in "Berlin-Tegel" take the public  bus
"No.9",  which  runs  to the city centre and main railway station "Zoo".
Before    reaching    the    city    centre    however,    change     at
"Kantstrasse/Stuttgarter Platz" to the S-Bahn: "S3" and take this to the
destination "Wannsee". From there take the bus  "No.18E",  to  the  stop
"HMI".  The journey takes more than an hour, and the fare is DM 2.30. By
taxi it takes approximately 30 minutes and costs about DM 40.--.

Workshop fee and Registration

The registration fee for the workshop of DM 100.-- includes  a  copy  of
the preprints as well as the refreshments and lunches. Payments are only
accepted in cash at the registration desk. Please fill out the registra-
tion form and return it as soon as possible.

Social Events

A  boat  trip  lasting  one  hour  has  been  arranged  for   the   late
afternoon/early  evening  of  July 2nd, and this is followed by a common
dinner. The cost of these two events is DM 50.--.

Hotel Reservations

It is assumed that delegates will make  their  own  reservations.  These
should  be  made as soon as possible, since early July is a busy time in
Berlin, particularly with its 750th celebrations. A list of some  hotels
follows below, together with the address of the tourist information cen-
tre, in case any are fully booked, or if you wish to choose  some  other


Hotel Mondial     Kurfuerstendamm 47           Telephone: +49 30 88411-0
                  D-1000 Berlin 15

                  Single room with shower  or  bath:  DM  150.--  to  DM
                  170.--, (buffet breakfast included).

Hotel Berlin      Kurfuerstenstr. 62           Telephone: +49 30 269291
                  D-1000 Berlin 30

                  Single room with shower  or  bath:  DM  150.--  to  DM
                  180.--, (buffet breakfast included).

Hotel Kardell     Gerviniusstr. 24             Telephone: +49 30 3241066
                  D-1000 Berlin 12

                  Single room with shower or bath: DM 85.-- to DM 95.--,
                  (buffet breakfast included).

Hotel Franke      Albrecht-Achilles-Str. 57    Telephone: +49 30 8921097
                  D-1000 Berlin 31

                  Single room with shower or bath: DM 88.-- to DM 94.--,
                  (breakfast DM 7.50 to DM 10.50 extra).

Hotel Savigny     Brandenburgische Str. 21     Telephone: +49 30 8813001
                  D-1000 Berlin 31

                  Single room, several with shower/bath: DM 47.-- to  DM
                  70.--, (breakfast included).

Tourist Information
                  Berlin Tourist Information   Telex: 01-83356 VBER D
                  Europa Center                Telephone: +49 30 2626031
                  D-1000 Berlin 30

For further information please contact either:

               Mr Wolfgang Zimmer or
               Mr Berthold Butscher,
               Glienicker Strasse 100,
               1000 Berlin 39,

               Telephone:    +49 30 8009-2524

               Telex:        185763 hmi d

               Telefax:      +49 30 8009 2596

               Electronic Mail:


               Mr Ian Dallas,
               Computing Laboratory,
               University of Kent,
               CT2 7NF.

               Telephone:    +44 227 764000, Extension 3633.

               Telex:        965449 UKCLIB G

               Electronic Mail ..... mcvax!ukc!ind   (USENET)
                               ind@UK.AC.UKC         (JANET)
                               74:SKK008             (Telecom Gold/Dialcom)

                           Registration Form

Family Name:
First Name:

Electronic Mail:

Please register me for the workshop (DM 100.--)    [   ] Yes
and the social event on July 2nd (DM 50.--)        [   ] Yes     [   ] No

I will stay at the following hotel: _____________________

and would like to use the shuttle bus              [   ] Yes     [   ] No



Return to:

     Mr Wolfgang Zimmer,
     IFIP Workshop,
     Glienicker Strasse 100,
     1000 Berlin 39,
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