(Mario Barbacci) (06/27/87)
- - CALL FOR ABSTRACTS SECOND WORKSHOP ON LARGE GRAINED PARALLELISM OCTOBER 11-14, 1987 HIDDEN VALLEY, PENNSYLVANIA Organized by the Software Engineering Institute and the Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, with the cooperation of the Computer Society of the IEEE (Technical Committee on Distributed Processing.) The Second Workshop on Large Grained Parallelism is being organized to bring together researchers in the areas of programming languages, methodologies, and formalisms for loosely-coupled computer networks, and developers of applications who would benefit from such work. Issues of interest within these areas include, but are not limited to, performance, fault tolerance, real-time execution, and heterogeneity of the environment. Attendance is by invitation only. Researchers interested in participating must submit five (5) copies of a short (1 or 2 pages long) abstract describing their activities in the areas of interest outlined above. The workshop technical sessions will consist of a combination of formal presentations, panel sessions, and working group meetings. Only a subset of the participants will address the audience in the formal sessions. All of the abstracts will be published as conference proceedings and will be available to the participants upon arrival. The participants will have the option of submitting a revised version of their abstracts a few weeks prior to the meeting. Submit abstracts to: Relevant dates: Professor Jeannette M. Wing Deadline for Abstracts: July 15, 1987 Department of Computer Science Invitation to Authors: August 14, 1987 Carnegie Mellon University Deadline for Registration and Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 Revised Abstracts: September 11, 1987 Telephone: (412) 268-3068 ArpaNet: WING@K.CS.CMU.EDU Workshop Committee: Mario Barbacci (Carnegie Mellon University), Maurice Herlihy (Carnegie Mellon University), Paul Leach (Apollo Computer), Jack Stankovic (University of Massachusetts), and Jeannette Wing (Carnegie Mellon University) Location: The Hidden Valley Resort Community and Conference Center is located in the scenic Allegheny mountains, 60 miles east of Pittsburgh, and is easily reachable via the Pennsylvania Turnpike. - -