bct@its63b.ed.ac.uk (Brian Tompsett) (07/30/87)
- - CALL FOR PAPERS 1988 ACM Symposium on Personal and Small Computers Hotel Montfleury, Cannes, France. May 4-6, 1988. The annual Symposium on small Systems provides an ongoing international overview of microcomputer and microprocessor theory, technology and applications. In 1988 the Symposium will concentrate upon recent advances in the development and use of Workstations. Areas of particular interest include: o Architectures - processor and system structures, hardware/software relationships, engineering design aids, operating systems, application of recent advances in underlying technology. o Artificial Intelligence - expert and knowledge based systems, interactive reasoning and inference. o Distributed Systems - networks, design and analysis, consistency and integrity, heterogeneous systems. o Standards - proposals, analysis, requirements, future directions. o Users Interfaces - iconic representations and graphical programming, dialog languages, ergonomic analysis, windowing and multiple displays. Five (5) copies of a copmleted paper in English (5000 words maximum) or a panel session proposal should be sent by September 1, 1987 to the Program Chairman: Dr. Fred Maryanski (address below). All papers will be refereed for publication in the conference proceedings. Authors of selected papers will be required to sign an ACM copyright form. A student paper competition will be held. Contact program chair for details. Important Dates: September 1, 1987 - Papers Due November 1, 1987 - Notification to Authors January 1, 1988 - Camara-Ready copy due May 4, 1988 - Conference begins The symposium will be preceded by a one-day workshop on the European Economic Community's ESPRIT project. Additional information on the Symposium may be obtained from: General Chair: Program Chair: Vice-Program Chair: Vania Joloboff Fred Maryanski Elizabeth Unger INRIA CSE Dept., U-155 Comp. Sci. Dept. Route des Lucides Univ. of Connecticut Nichols Hall 06560 VALBONNE Storrs, CT 06268 Kansas State Univ. FRANCE USA Manhattan, KS 66506 USA (Fred@UCONN.CSNET) - -