[news.announce.conferences] Workshop on AI and Organization Theory

michael@swivax.UUCP (Michael F. Masuch) (08/08/87)

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                              IN MANAGEMENT THEORY

A workshop on the perspectives of artificial intelligence in organization 
and management theory will be held at the Management Center, Unversity of 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 23-26, 1988. Papers and presentations that 
examine the potential of artificial intelligence for the administrative 
sciences are invited. Travel expenses of paper presenters will be covered. 
Papers presented at the workshop may be published.

Please contact Dr. Michael Masuch, 
email: michael@swivax.UUCP
address: The Management Center
         University of Amsterdam
         Oost Indisch Huis,
         Oude Hoogstraat 24,
         1012 CE Amsterdam (NL).
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