[news.announce.conferences] Announcement: The Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop

peter@usenix.UUCP (Peter Salus) (09/03/87)

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                    Fourth USENIX Computer Graphics Workshop
                               October 8-9, 1987
                   Boston Marriott Cambridge - Cambridge, MA
Get you hotel reservations soon!  October is "leaf time" in New England.  
Call the Marriott toll free (1-800-228-9290) before September 16 and tell the 
Reservation Desk that you are a USENIX Conference attendee.  $115/night, 
single or double.

USENIX is sponsoring its 4th Annual limited enrollment workshop on current 
and future developments in computer graphics and related topics.  The program 
is as follows:

Wednesday night, 7:30 - 11:30, No-host Reception

Thursday 9:30 - 10:00 AM: Coffee

Session I (10:00 - noon)

More Music Software for UNIX
--Michael Hawley  (MIT)

An Integrated Package for Viewing and Editing 3D Microworlds -
Cliff Brett, Steve Pieper & David Zeltzer (MIT)

A System for Algorithm Animation - 
B. Kernighan and John Bentley (Bell Labs)

noon - 1:30 PM, Lunch break

Session II (1:30 - 3:00 PM)

Distributed Computation for Computer Animation -
John W. Peterson (Utah)

Ray tracing on the Connection Machine System - Hubert C. Delaney (MIT)

3:00 - 3:30 PM, coffee break

Session III (3:30 - 5:00 PM)

Hairy Brushes -
Steve Strassman (MIT)

Dynamics for Everyone -  
Jane Wilhelms (UCSC)

It's all done with Smoke and Mirrors - The FaceSaver Project -
David Yost & Lou Katz (Consultants)

Friday 9:30 - 10:00 AM: Coffee

Session IV (10:00 - noon)

The BRL CAD Package - 
Michael John Muuss & Phillip Dykstra (BRL)

The Definition and Ray-tracing of B-Spline Objects in a Combinatorial
Solid Geometry Modeling System - 
Paul R. Stay (BRL)

REMRT - A Network Distributed and Parallel Ray-Tracer - 
Michael John Muuss (BRL)

noon - 1:30 PM, Lunch break

Session V (1:30 - 3:00 PM)

Description and discussion of work in progress by conference participants

3:00 - 3:30 PM, coffee break

Session VI (3:30 - 5:00 PM)

Paint System and Real Time Issues Panel:

Real-time -  Donald Day (CCAC)

Images of Arbitrary Size and Shape - Ken Knowlton & Lou Katz (Consultants)

Inadequate image memory - Steve Upstill (Pixar)

The Workshop will be structured to facilitate in-depth discussions of 
technical issues and will have presentations in a number of formats with 
ample time for questions and responses.  It is expected that attendees will 
participate actively in the program.

A visit to the MIT Media Laboratory is planned for Thursday evening.

A Conference Proceedings will be produced from material submitted to the
Program chairman and received by August 28, 1987.  

Attendees are encouraged to submit a one-page precis of their research.


Reidar J. Bornholdt (Columbia University)
Tom Duff (Bell Laboratories) -- Program Chair
Michael Hawley (MIT)
Lou Katz (Metron Computerware) -- General Chair


For registration and hotel information, contact:
	USENIX Conference Office

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