[news.announce.conferences] CFP: ACM SIGCOMM '88

garcia@tsca.istc.sri.com (J.J. Garcia-Luna) (09/04/87)

Enclosed is the call for papers for the 1988 SIGCOMM Symposium on
communications architectures and protocols. Please note our student-paper
award contest.

J.J. Garcia-Luna
General Chair, SIGCOMM '88

                              CALL FOR PAPERS
                         ACM SIGCOMM '88 SYMPOSIUM*
               Communications Architectures and Protocols

                            August 16-18, 1988
                     Stanford University, California
The symposium provides an international forum for the presentation and
discussion of communication network applications and technologies, as
well as recent advances and proposals on communication architectures,
protocols, algorithms, and performance models.  Authors are invited to
submit full papers concerned with both theory and practice.  The areas
of interest for the symposium include, but are not limited to the
following: analysis and design of computer network architectures and
algorithms, innovative results in local area networks,
computer-supported collaborative work, network interconnection and
mixed-media networks, high-speed networks, resource sharing in
distributed systems, distributed operating systems and databases,
protocol specification, verification, and analysis.

Papers should be about 20 double-spaced pages long and should have an
abstract of 100-150 words.  All submitted papers will be reviewed and
will be judged with respect to their quality and relevance.  Authors of
selected papers will be expected to sign an ACM copyright release form.
The Proceedings will be distributed at the symposium and published as a
special issue of SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review.  A few of the
submitted papers will be selected for publication in the ACM
Transactions on Computer Systems.  

Submit 5 copies of each paper to the program chairman: Dr. Lawrence H.
Landweber, Computer Sciences Department, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1210 West Dayton Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53706,
USA; Telephone: (608) 262-1204; EMAIL: lhl@parmesan.wisc.edu.

For more information about the symposium, contact 
Dr. J.J. Garcia-Luna, General Chair, SRI International, 333
Ravenswood Ave., EK 319, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA; Tel: (415)
859-5647; EMAIL: garcia@tsca.istc.sri.com; telex: 33486.

                         STUDENT PAPER AWARD

Papers submitted by students will enter a student-paper award contest.
Among the accepted papers, a maximum of four outstanding papers will be
awarded (1) full conference registration and (2) a travel grant of
$500.00 US dollars.

                          IMPORTANT DATES

Deadline for paper submission: February 19, 1988 
Notification of acceptance:  April 20, 1988 
Camera-ready manuscript due: May 18, 1988 

                         SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE

General Chair:  J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, SRI International, USA 
Program Chair:  L.H. Landweber, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA 
Local Arrangements: E. Feinler, SRI International, USA, and 
                    D. Cheriton, Stanford University, USA
Tutorials Chair: N. Shacham SRI International, USA

* ACM approval pending