[news.announce.conferences] 2nd International Workshop on RealTime Ada Issues

andy@minster.york.ac.uk (Anthony Gargaro) (09/15/87)

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                     2nd INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP
                      ON REAL TIME ADA ISSUES
                  Devon, England, 1 - 3 June 1988
        (Sponsored by Ada UK in cooperation with ACM SIGAda)

                        ORGANIZING COMMITTEE

            Angel Alvarez   Ted Baker       John Barnes
          Mark Dowson     Gerry Fisher    Anthony Gargaro
                           Andy Wellings

   The first International  Workshop  on  Real  Time  Ada  Issues
   identified  a number of critical issues that impact on the use
   of Ada in embedded systems, particularly in  `hard'  real-time
   applications.  Interim  recommendations  for  addressing these
   issues appear in the Workshop proceedings  (ACM  Ada  Letters,
   October 1987).

   The 2nd Workshop will examine the critical issues  in  greater
   depth. It is expected that the participants will have specific
   proposals which can be analyzed during  the  workshop  with  a
   view  to  agreeing  recommended  courses  of action to various
   segments of the Ada community. The  issues  to  be  considered

   Scheduling mechanisms

   Hard real-time systems may combine periodic transactions which
   must  meet  regular  deadlines with sporadic transactions with
   defined worst-case response times. Such deadline scheduling is
   difficult  to program with Ada's existing  timing and priority

    What mechanisms are needed  for  satisfactory  handling  of
    deadlines for both periodic and sporadic transactions?

    What new or modified Ada language features  are  needed  to
    implement these mechanisms?

   Asynchronous transfer of control

   Rapid event driven mode shifts  and  certain  kinds  of  error
   recovery  require  a  task  asynchronously  to affect the flow
   control of another task in ways that  cannot  be  conveniently
   achieved  by  abort  alone.  Polling  strategies  reduce  task
   readability and do not, in general, guarantee fast response.

    Are additional  language  constructs,  such  as  a  FAILURE
    exception, needed?

    How can these constructs be defined so that anomalous cases
    eg when interacting with other exceptions, are minimized?

   Distributed execution: re-configuration and recovery

   Ada, in common  with  most  programming  languages,  does  not
   directly  address  the  problems  of distributed execution. In
   particular, Ada provides no mechanisms to support dynamic  re-
   configuration  of  a  distributed  system  in  case of partial
   hardware failure.

    Should re-configuration be achieved  transparently  by  the
    run-time   system,   by  a  separate  mechanism  eg  system
    generation and re-generation, or under the control  of  the
    application program?

    What additional language constructs, if any, are needed?

   The workshop, which will be held at  the  Manor  House  Hotel,
   Moretonhampstead,  Devon,  UK,  will  consist  of  three days'
   intensive consideration  of  these  issues  by,  at  most,  35
   participants. Prospective participants should submit a maximum
   3  page  position  paper  by  14  December  1987,   explicitly
   addressing  one  of  the  workshop  issues  and  suitable  for
   publication in the proceedings. A small number of participants
   will  be  requested  to prepare short keynote presentations to
   initiate discussion.  Position papers (6 copies or  electronic
   mail in UNIX troff form if possible) should be sent to:

                           Andy Wellings
             Computer Science Dept, University of York,
                 Heslington, York YO1 5DD ENGLAND.
                    Tel: +44 904 430000 ext 305
                   Email: andy@minster.york.ac.uk
                       (Electronic mail only)
                          Anthony Gargaro
                    Email: Gargaro@ada20.isi.edu

       Submission of papers by electronic mail is encouraged
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