[news.announce.conferences] Sun User Group Conference

users@sun.COM (The Sun User Group) (11/03/87)

The Sun User Group invites you to attend the Sun User Group 5th Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibit.  This is the largest gathering of Sun
workstations, Catalyst vendors, and Sun users in the WORLD.  With this
year's conference in Sun's "backyard", it will surely be our biggest and
best ever.  Join Sun users from around the globe to disseminate information
about Sun Workstations, Sun Products, and related software.

  WHO - The Sun User Group (SUG),
        The International Organization of Sun Users

 WHAT - Fifth Annual Technical Conference and Exhibit

 WHEN - December 7-9, 1987

WHERE - San Jose, CA (Fairmont Hotel)

  WHY - Exhibit:
 	  100 Sun Workstations and third-party "Catalyst"
	  vendors demonstrating their most advanced products
	  for the Sun environment.

        Technical Conference:
	  Three days of Technical Workshops (presentations and
	  open discussions with Sun's top engineers), User and
	  Vendor Application Talks, Special Interest Group
          discussions covering today's most interesting
          applications and topics, Sun factory tours, and
          user donated software exchange (Sun specific public-
          domain software).
        Registration fees include -
	  Access to the exhibits and technical sessions, conference
	  material, breakfast snack and lunch (Monday, Dec. 7th &
          Wednesday, Dec. 9th), two cocktail receptions, and Sun
	  factory tour.  We will also include a "free" SUG T-Shirt
	  to any attendee who registers by November 15th:

				SUG Member	Non-Member
				----------	----------
		 In advance:	  $175		   $250
		At-the-door:	  $250		   $350
		NOTE: Advance registration ends November 30th.  An
                      individual membership in the Sun User Group
		      is ONLY $30.  We will accept the "SUG Member"
		      fee from a non-member if the $30 membership
 		      fee is included.

You can register by email (sun!users) or call the Sun User Group
conference "hot-line" at (415)691-4112.  We accept VISA or MasterCard.

For attendee discounts on transportation arrangements and hotel
accomodations, call Kathy or J.R. at Hickory-TravelForum:

			Outside CA	(800)222-1035
			 Within CA	(408)749-9883

For additional information about Sun User Group membership,
activities and products - call (415)691-4343.  Thank you.

	Sanford "Sandy" Meltzer
	Executive Director, SUG
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