pierre@hslrswi.UUCP (Pierre Guenzburger) (11/19/87)
___________________________________________________________________ 1988 INTERNATIONAL ZURICH SEMINAR ON DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS "MAPPING NEW APPLICATIONS ONTO NEW TECHNOLOGIES" MARCH 7-10, 1988 ETH ZURICH/SWITZERLAND Organized and sponsored by IEEE Switzerland Section on Digital Communication Systems Co-sponsored by Digital Equipment Corporation AG Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich (ETH) Hasler AG SWISSAIR Schweiz. Bankgesellschaft Telekurs AG Universitaet Zuerich in cooperation with Associazione Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica Italiana (AEI) Convention of National Societies of Electrical Engineers of Western Europe (EUREL) Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (GI) IEEE Communications Society IEEE Computer Society IEEE Switzerland Section IFIP Technical Committee 6 (TC6) Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE (ITG), formerly: Nachrichtentechnische Gesellschaft ( NTG) Schweizerischer Elektrotechnischer Verein (SEV) and Informationstechnische Gesellschaft des SEV (ITG) Schweizer Informatiker Gesellschaft (SI) and Swiss Chapter of the ACM The tenth biennal International Zurich Seminar (IZS) will preserve the two unique aspects that have become IZS tradition since 1972: Its single session format and its focus on a selected theme within the field of digital commu- nications. The selected theme gives a unity to the program so that most participants will find virtually all presentations within the range of their interest. In addition, a one-day tutorial preceding the seminar is intended to provide an introduction to OSI concepts and applications. Technical Program Committee M.R. Aaron, AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA J. Atkins, British Telecom, United Kingdom R.H. Bourgonjon, Philips Research Laboratory Eindhoven, The Netherlands A. Danthine, Universite de Liege, Belgium M. Decina, Politecnico di Milano, Italy J.A. Granado, Banco Internacional de Credito, Portugal P. Guenzburger, Hasler AG , Switzerland J. Harms, Universite de Geneve, Switzerland J.-J. Jaquier, Generaldirektion PTT, Switzerland P. Kirstein, University College London, United Kingdom P.J. Kuehn, Universit A. Kuendig, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland N.H. Le, Bell Northern Research Ltd., Canada M. Medina, ETSE Telecom, Spain N. Naffah, BULL-Transac, France B. Plattner, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland H. Rudin, IBM Research, Switzerland P. Schicker, Zellweger Telecommunications, Switzerland O. Spaniol, RWTH Aachen, Federal Republic of Germany I. Toda, NTT, Japan S.B. Weinstein, Bell Communications Research, USA Organizing Committee President B. Plattner, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland Chairman P. Guenzburger, Hasler AG, Switzerland Treasurer M. Buser, Telekurs AG, Switzerland Local Organization R. Bandle, Universitaet Zuerich, Switzerland I. Meier, Hasler AG, Switzerland C. Dubois, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland J. Storrer, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland W. Zbinden, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland About the International Zurich Seminar The aim of the Seminar is to present recent advances in theory and in practical applications within the field of digital communications. Only new and previously unpublished work may be presented. About IZS 88 Like its predecessors, IZS 88 will concentrate on a selected topic within the field of digital communications. While previous seminars - most notably the IZS 86 - mainly concentrated on the technical aspects of providing reliable infrastructures for digital communications, the IZS 88 assumes that within the time frame of this century a high perfor- mance, fully connected infrastructure for the transport of information will be reality. Therefore, the key question the IZS 88 seeks to answer is: "Which applications will use future digital communications infra- structures, and how can they be implemented?". This question directly leads to the main theme of the IZS 88: Mapping New Applications Onto New Technlologies. Let us briefly explain this theme by looking at its three important keywords. In this context, technologies refers to ad- vanced communications infrastructures (ISDN, B-ISDN, high bandwidth packet switching, as well as local or metropolitan area networks) which future applications may take advantage of. Mapping implies that one important issue of the 1988 Seminar is the process of implementing appli- cations, i.e. it addresses concepts and hardware and software techniques related to the implementation of applications. In the last few years, the concept of Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and the associated reference model raised much interest and many expec- tations. Since we believe that OSI will frequently be referred to in the presentations, but assume that not all participants will be familiar with the philosophy of OSI, an introduction to OSI will be given in a one-day tutorial preceding the Seminar. The IZS 88 will be a forum for the exchange of new concepts and the dis- cussion of key technologies relevant to the implementation of applications. It will not be a conference for the presentation or description of commer- cial products. Conference Language The conference language for all papers and presentations is English. Conference Proceedings One copy of the proceedings is included in the registration fee; additional copies may be ordered on the registration form. After the conference, copies of the proceedings may be ordered from IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA Conference Location The confernce will be held at ETH Zurich, Hoenggerberg Campus, located about 4 km northwest of the center of Zurich. A special bus service to the main station will be offered for participants. Registration The registration fee is sFr. 450.-- for the full Seminar. It is also possible to register for single days, with a corresponding reduction of the regist- ration fee (consult the conference registration form for details). The fee for the tutorial on OSI concepts and applications is sFr. 350.-- Advance registration before January 22, 1988 is strongly recommended in order to avoid queueing at the registration desk ou March 7 and 8, 1988. The deadline of December 31, 1987 is mandatory for those participants who wish to take advantage of our hotel registration service. After this date we cannot guarantee for desired accommodation as booked on the registration from. Registration at the conference location will open on Manday, March 7, 1988 from 8 a.m. on. PLEASE CONTACT THE CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT AT THE ADRESS SHOWN BELOW TO RECEIVE THE 'IZS 88 PROGRAM AND REGISTRATION BROCHURE' WHICH CONTAINS FULL INFORMATION AND THE REGISTRATION FORM. Secretariat IZS 88 Miss A. Petrac Hasler AG, TDS1 Belpstrasse 23 CH-3000 Bern 14, SWITZERLAND Phone: +41-31-633 917 Fax: +41-31-633 607 Telex: 912 675 hare ch e-mail: izs88@ethz.uucp Tutorial Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), Concepts and Applications ********************************************************************** Monday, March 7, 1988, ETH Hoenggerberg, HPH Building In the last few years, the concept of Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and the associated reference model raised much interest and many expec- ations. Since it is believed that OSI will frequently be referred to in the seminar presentations, but assumed that not all participants will be familiar with the concepts of OSI, an introduction to OSI will be presented in a one-day tutorial preceding the seminar. The tutorial will be given by four competent speakers and will cover the basic concepts of the ISO Refe- rence Model and review the ongoing standardization process and the develop- ment of systems conforming to OSI. Much of the available time will be devoted to the topics of applications of OSI standards (selection of OSI protocols and options, MAP/TOP) and the implementation of services and protocols (interpretation of standards, interworking with the operating system, efficiency considerations). The tutorial is open to anyone interested in the topic, registration is not limited to participants of IZS 88. Tutorial Programme Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), Concepts and Applications 9.00 1. Introduction L. Pouzin, Centre des Etudes en Telecommunication (CNET), France - Relevance of Communications Systems in Current Society - History - Basic Functions of Communications Systems 9.30 2. The ISO-OSI Reference Model: Basic Concepts J. Larmouth, Salford University, United Kingdom 10.30 3. Overview on OSI Standardization J. Larmouth 11.15 4. Applying the OSI Reference Model (1) T. Saydam, University of Delaware, USA - Selection of OSI Protocols and Options - MAP/TOP 14.30 5. Applying the OSI Reference Model (2) L. Svobodova, IBM Research, Switzerland -Implementation Considerations 15.30 6. Wrap-up Session, Conclusions L. Pouzin - Political Impact - Economical Impact - Impact on Users and Implementors - Pending Problems (Testing, Security, Management) 16.30 End of Tutorial IZS 88 Technical Sessions ************************** Tuesday, March 8 to Thursday, March 10, 1988, ETH Hoenggerberg, HPH Building Tuesday Morning, 09.15-12.30 09.15 Opening Addresses: B. Plattner, President of the IZS 88. 09.30 Session A: Exploring New Services Chairman: S. Weinstein, Bell Communications Research, USA A1 Coping with Complexity: Service Specification for a Network Services Testbed C.-H. Chow, G. Herman, Ch. Riley, Bell Communications Research, Morristown, N.J., USA A2 Multiparty Desktop Conference System Based on Integrated Group Communication Architecture S. Sakata, T. Ueda, NEC Corporation, Kanagawa , Japan A3 Multipoint Communication Control for Document Oriented Teleconferencing H. Tanigawa, Y. Hayashi, M. Matsumoto, NTT Electrical Communications Laboratories, Kanagawa-ken, Japan A4 Videomatic Switching: Systems and Services C.Crawford, F. Milone, D. Zoppellaro, Italtel Societa Italiana Telecomunicazioni, Castelletto di Settimo Milanese, Italy A5 Security Services in Telecommunications Networks K. Siuda, Hasler AG, Bern, Switzerland Tuesday Afternoon, 14.00-17.30 14.00 Session B: Architectures and Technologies Chairman: A. Kuendig, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland B1 An ISDN Basic Access LSI S. Nakano, N. Nagai, A. Ikeda, NTT Electrical Communications Laboratories, Kanagawa-ken, Japan B2 Eradicating the Central Office with Coherent Optical Technology P. Cochrane, M. Brain, British Telecom Research Laboratories, Ipswich, United Kingdom B3 A Multi-Media Network Architecture for ISDN and Beyond J.B. Terry, Bell Northern Research, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada B4 A Set of Operating System Mechanisms to Support Multimedia Applications W.H. Leung, G.W.R. Luderer, M.J. Morgan, P.R. Roberts, S.-C. Tu, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Naperville, IL, USA B5 BERKOM - A Broadband ISDN Project R. Popescu-Zeletin, P. Egloff, B. Butscher, Deutsche Telepost Consulting GmbH, Berlin, Germany B6 Evolving High Speed Packet Capabilities in a Distributed Switching System G. Barberis*, A. Bovo*, L. Musumeci**, *Italtel Societa Italiana Telecomunicazioni, Castelletto di Settimo Milanese, Italy ** University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy Wednesday Morning, 09.00-12.30 09.00 Session C: Protocol Implementation Chairman: H.Rudin, IBM Research, Switzerland C1 Timers in OSI-Protocols - Specification versus Implementation E. Mumprecht, D. Gantenbein, R. Hauser, IBM Research Zurich Laboratory, Rueschlikon, Switzerland C2 Communication Protocols and Concurrency: An OCCAM Implementation of X.25 J.E. Boillat*, P.K. Goode**, P.G. Kropf*, *Universitaet Bern, Bern, Switzerland **Hasler AG, Bern, Switzerland C3 The Implementation of a Specification Language for OSI Systems J.A. Manas*, T. de Miguel*, H. van Thienen**, *ETSI Telecomunicacion, Madrid, Spain ** University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands 10.30 Session D: Systems Specification and Analysis Chairman: R.H.Bourgonjon, Philips Research Labs, The Netherlands D1 Stepwise Specification of a Sliding Window Protocol by Means of Process Algebra G. Karjoth, IBM Research Zurich Laboratory, Rueschlikon, Switzerland D2 A Method for the Support of Specifying the Requirements of Telecommunication Systems H. Dibold, Forschungsinstitut der DBP beim FTZ, Darmstadt, Germany. D3 A Graphical Tool for the Design and Prototyping of Distributed Systems J. Daehler, P. Gerber, H.P. Gisiger, A. Kuendig ETH Zuerich, Zuerich, Switzerland Wednesday Afternoon, 14.00-18.00 14.00 Session E: OSI Conformance Testing Chairman: J. Atkins, British Telecom, UK E1 MHS Conformance Testing U. Beyschlag*, J. Pitteloud**, *Softlab GmbH, D-8000 Muenchen, Germany ** Generaldirektion PTT, Bern, Switzerland E2 MHS Conformance Testing - Experiences in Designing a Test Suite W. Lange, Siemens-Albis AG, Zuerich, Switzerland E3 ALICE: A Layer Independent Conformance Equipment V. Carchiolo, S. Palazzo, Universita di Catania, Catania, Italy. 16.00 Session F: Performance and Evaluation of Local Networks Chairman: P.J. Kuehn, Universitaet Stuutgart, Germany F1 Modelling and Analysis of a High Speed Token Ring Backbone Network for a Realistic Scenario P. Martini, T. Welzel, RWTH Aachen, Germany F2 Performance Modelling of the Cambridge Fast Ring Protocol M. Zafirovic-Vukotic,I.G. Niemegeers, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands F3 An Investigation of Packetised Voice on the FDDI Token Ring M. Frontini, G. Watson, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Bristol, United Kingdom F4 On the Packet-Switched Channel and its Improved CSMA/CD Protocol of the Integrated Services Terminal Bus H.L.H.M Castermans, Nederlandse Philips Bedrijven B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands Thursday Morning, 09.00-12.30 09.00 Session G: High Speed Switching Chairman: M. Decina, Politecnico di Milano, Italy G1 Evolution of Switch Architecture and Technology R. Vickers, M. Wernik, Bell-Northern Research, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada G2 A Packet Network for BISDN Applications L.T. Wu, E. Arthurs, W.D. Sincoskie, Bell Communications Research, Morristown, N.J., USA G3 Design Options for ATM Networks B. Eklundh*, I. Gard**, *Ericsson Telecom, Lund, Sweden ** Ellemtel Telecommunication Systems Labs, Stockholm, Sweden G4 Multi-Path Routing Techniques For A Class of Multistage Fast Packet Switches G.J. Anido, A.W. Seeto, Overseas Telecommunications Commission Australia, Sydney, Australia G5 Performance Comparison of Multistage Cube-Type Interconnection Networks Z. Hulicki, Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow, Poland G6 Non-Blocking Copy Networks for Multicast Packet Switching T.T. Lee, Bell Communications Research, Morristown, N.J., USA Thursday Afternoon, 14.00-17.00 14.00 Session H: Databases for Communications Chairman: I. Toda, NTT, Japan H1 Control Architecture for Next Generation Communication Network Based on Distributed Databases M. Katoh, K. Murakami, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Kawasaki, Japan H2 A Local Name Server for Organizational Message Handling Systems S. Spahni, J. Harms, Universite de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland H3 Interconnecting Heterogeneous Networks to OSI with a Global Naming Scheme and Gateway Address Mapping S. Zatti, P. Janson, IBM Research Zurich Laboratory, Rueschlikon, Switzerland H4 Integrated Utilization of Heterogeneous Database Systems through a Data Network S. Kawano, O. Takahashi, S. Yoshitake, T. Kawaoka, NTT, Kanagawa-ken, Japan H5 OSIRIDE and Transactions. A. Bondavalli, E. Gregori, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNUCE, Pisa, Italy 17.00 Seminar Closing - - - - -