(Karl Tombre) (12/10/87)
- - - IAPR INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on STRUCTURAL and SYNTACTICAL PATTERN RECOGNITION Sept 12-14, 1987, Nancy, France. This workshop may be sponsered by NATO. The aim of this workshop is to bring together people involved in structural and syntactical pattern recognition and its application to the classification or interpretation of 1D to 4D signal (speech, image, motion images, ...). This workshop will also put an emphasis on hybrid methods, mixing the structural approach with statistical or knowledge based pattern recognition. A selection of the work presented will be published in a special issue of a journal or in a book. Participant will be limited to 60 people in order to facilitate contact and exchange. Thanks to sponsorship, fee will be less or equal to 1500FF (250$), including three days lodging and local transportation. A few students grants will be also available. deadlines : march 15 : submission of papers (3 copies) june 15 : notification of acceptance august 20 : limit of registration, reception of final papers For information or submitting papers write to local chairman : Roger Mohr CRIN-INRIA Lorraine BP 239 54506 Vandoeuvre Cedex, France uucp : tel: Program committee : Th. Pavlidis chairman H. Bunke R.M. Haralick R. Mohr R. de Mori H. Niemann A. Sanfeliu - - -