[news.announce.conferences] Int'l Conference on Computers and Law

kelem@aerospace.aero.org (Steve Kelem ATW) (12/16/87)

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                 International Conference on Computers and Law
                         "ICCL 88" (a non-profit org.)
                         Santa Monica, California, USA 
                             Miramar Sheraton Hotel
                              February 8--10, 1988


    Focusing on the nuts and bolts of computer-related legal problems,
technologists, policy makers, and lawyers have joined forces to put on a
cross-cultural event emphasizing current and emerging issues including
the following:

	Security Problems and Computer-Crime Issues;
	International Computer-Crime Status;
	Standards of Responsibility in Developing and Marketing Systems;
	Software Acceptance;
	Artificial Intelligence;
	Use of Computers in Law Enforcement;
	Selling Software in Latin America;
	International Distribution;
	Import & ITC Problems;
	Updates on U.S. and International Copyright Protection;
	Unique Aspects of Marketing High-Technology Products
	    in Australia and Canada;
	Transborder Data Flow/Privacy Issues;
	Copyright Litigation;
	Civil Liability for Use/Non-Use of Computers;
	Patent Litigation;
	Technology for Lawyers;
	Law for Technologists;
	Criminal & Civil Techniques to Improve Proprietary Rights Enforcement;
	Telecommunicating, Works-for-Hire;
	Problems of Litigating High-Technology Cases;
	Marketing High-Technology Products in the EEC

    The conference is distinguished by its hands-on, real-world approach to
issues of computers and the law; moreover, it is marked by the participation
of not only lawyers but business, policy, and technological professionals.

	IFIP Technical Committee on Computers and Society (TC-9)
	Law and Technology Section, Los Angeles County Bar Association
	Computer Law Section, Bar Association of San Francisco
	International Computer Law Forum
	High Technology Exchange, Inc.
	Irell & Manella, Attorneys at Law
	Laventhol and Horwath, Management Consultants/CPA's
	Pacific Bell - A Pacific Telesis Company
	Peter Norton Computing, Inc.

CONTACT: Michael Krieger, Esq.	(213)208-2461
	 Susan Commins		(213)208-8020

FAX:				(213)824-1930

SNAIL:	 Michael M. Krieger, Chair
	 C.S. ICCL88
	 P.O. Box 24619
	 Los Angeles, CA 90024
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