[news.announce.conferences] Announcement of 1988 Ordinary Differential Equation meeting

krj@csri.toronto.edu (Ken Jackson) (02/02/88)


                 Final Announcement and Call for Papers for
        The 1988 Conference on the Numerical Solution of IVPs for ODEs
           to be held 20-24 June 1988 at the University of Toronto

                                Organized by
                  Professors Wayne Enright and Ken Jackson,
            Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto,
                      Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 1A4.
              (enright@csri.toronto.edu or krj@csri.toronto.edu)

          This is the final announcement and call for papers for The 1988
     Conference  on  the Numerical Solution of Initial-Value Problems for
     Ordinary Differential Equations to be held  20-24 June 1988  in  the
     Department  of  Computer  Science  at the University of Toronto.  To
     facilitate travel arrangements, the conference will close at noon of
     the final day.  The language of the conference will be English.

          The previous conference in this series was held in  Albuquerque
     in  July  of 1986, and its programme included talks on both Initial-
     Value  Problems  (IVPs)  and  Boundary-Value  Problems  (BVPs)   for
     Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs).  Because of the large number
     of researchers working in these two areas and the modest  number  of
     them  active  in  both  fields,  we  chose  to emphasize IVPs at the
     Toronto meeting, although talks related to BVPs with  a  significant
     IVP content will not be excluded.

          There will be both 50-minute  invited  lectures  and  30-minute
     contributed  talks  at the Toronto meeting.  In addition, there will
     be ample time for  informal  discussion  with  colleagues.   We  are
     pleased  to  announce  that  the following distinguished researchers
     have  accepted  our  invitation  to   speak   at   the   conference:
     J. C. Butcher,    P. Deuflhard,    J. Dormand    and   P. J. Prince,
     C. W. Gear, R. Jeltsch, S. P. Norsett, and L. F. Shampine.  We  hope
     to  attain  a  balance between the practical and theoretical aspects
     associated with the numerical solution of IVPs for ODEs in the talks
     at  this conference.  In part, the invited speakers were chosen with
     this in mind.

          We encourage participants  to  submit  (preferably  with  their
     conference   registration)  a  title,  list  of  authors  and  their
     addresses, and abstract for a  30-minute  contributed  talk.   These
     should  be  written  in  English, single spaced, at most one page in
     length, and suitable for photo-copying onto 8.5 by 11 inch paper for
     distribution  in  the  form  of  a  technical  report  to conference
     participants.  No other form of  publication  is  planned  for  this
     meeting.  To enable us to inform authors by 1 May 1988 whether their
     paper has been accepted for  presentation  at  the  conference,  the
     deadline for receiving titles and abstracts is 18 March 1988.

          By holding the  meeting  on  the  university  campus,  we  have
     attempted  to  keep  the  conference  registration fee to a minimum.
     However, please note that  to  take  advantage  of  this,  you  must
     register  before  13 May  1988.   To  do  so, print and complete the
     enclosed form and mail it together with your registration fee to the
     address  listed  thereon.   (Do  not  e-mail  the form to me without
     payment.) We have reserved a block of reasonably-priced rooms at one
     of  the university residences, a short walk of about 100 meters from
     the conference site.  To reserve a  room,  print  and  complete  the
     enclosed  form  and  mail  it together with your room deposit to the
     address listed thereon.  (Again,  do  not  e-mail  the  form  to  me
     without  payment.)  For those who prefer less Spartan accommodation,
     we have reserved a block of  rooms  at  the  Delta  Chelsea  Inn  in
     downtown  Toronto,  about  one  kilometer  from the conference site.
     Please find enclosed directions for making room reservations at  the
     Inn.  Although we believe that we have booked a sufficient number of
     rooms, please reserve early to avoid disappointment.

          We hope that there will be some funds available to  defray  the
     expenses  of  those with limited or no travel support.  To apply for
     such assistance,  include  a  letter  with  your  registration  form
     detailing  the  amount  of  assistance you require from us, and send
     your completed residence room reservation form  to  us  rather  than
     directly  to  Residence Services.  Preference will be given to those
     applicants who will speak at the conference.  We will hear by  about
     mid  March  how  large  a  grant  we  have been awarded.  As soon as
     possible thereafter, we will inform  you  whether  we  are  able  to
     provide any travel assistance to you.

          This is the final general  announcement  for  this  conference.
     Further information will be sent to registrants only.

         Please circulate this announcement to interested colleagues.

================================  CUT HERE  ===================================

                         Conference Registration Form
        The 1988 Conference on the Numerical Solution of IVPs for ODEs

     To register for the conference, please print this form, complete  it
     and mail it with your remittance to:

          Prof. K. R. Jackson,  Computer  Science  Dept.,  University  of
          Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada  M5S 1A4.

     Registration fee (in Canadian dollars):

          ___  Regular before 13 May 1988 - $50.00          
          ___  Regular after 13 May 1988 - $75.00

          ___  Student before 13 May 1988 - $20.00          
          ___  Student after 13 May 1988 - $30.00

     Please make cheques or bank drafts  payable  to  the  University  of
     Toronto in Canadian funds or the U. S. equivalent.

     Requests for registration fee refunds will be honored until 10  June

     Name: _________________________ Organization: __________________________
     Address: _______________________________________________________________
     City: ______________________ Prov./State. _______________ PC/Zip: ______
     Country: ____________________ Telephone: ____________________

================================  CUT HERE  ===================================

     Residence Accommodation  -  Whitney Hall  -  University of Toronto
        The 1988 Conference on the Numerical Solution of IVPs for ODEs

     To reserve a residence room in Whitney Hall, please print this form,
     complete it and mail it with your remittance to:

          Num. Sol. of IVPs for ODEs Conf., Whitney Hall, 85  St.  George
          St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada  M5S 2E5.

     Please check below the type of room you wish to reserve.  (Rates  in
     Canadian dollars include breakfast and local taxes)

          ___  Single  -  $35.00 / night           
          ___  Twin  (2  single beds)  -  $23.00 / person / night

     Name: _________________________ Organization: ____________________________
     Address: _________________________________________________________________
     City: ______________________ Prov./State. _______________ PC/Zip: ________
     Country: ____________________ Telephone: ______________________
     Arrival Date: ________________ Departure Date: ________________
     Sharing with: _____________________________

     Deposit:  ___  I have enclosed my  deposit  cheque  for  $25.00  per
               person  payable  to  the University of Toronto in Canadian
               funds or U. S. equivalent.

               I prefer to  pay  by  credit  card:   
                 ___  Visa      ___ Mastercard.
                 Card Number: _______________________ Expiry Date: ____________
                 Signature: ____________________________ Date: ________________

     + Reservations must be received in Toronto by 13 May 1988  to  allow
       time for confirmations to be mailed.

     + Refunds of deposits will be made provided notice  of  cancellation
       is received prior to 10 June 1988.

     + Residence facilities:  washrooms are  communal;  bedding,  towels,
       and soap are provided.

     + Parking is available at $6.00 per day at 113 St. George St.

================================  CUT HERE  ===================================

                               Delta Chelsea Inn
             33 Gerrard St. W., Toronto, Ontario, Canada  M5G 1Z4.

     Conference rates (in Canadian dollars):

          +  $88.00  single  occupancy;              
          +  $103.00   double occupancy per room per night;
          + no meals included.

     The hotel recommends that to make reservations you

          + phone toll free 800-268-1133 in Canada or Continental U. S.;

          + others should either phone 416-927-1133 or send  a  Telex  to
            the attention of Annemieke Verheyen at 06218441.

          + The hotel will acknowledge all Telex reservations  by  return

     To attain the special conference rate,

          + quote the "Q#" GDODE when making your reservation, and

          + note that you will attend "The  International  Conference  on
            ODEs sponsored by the University of Toronto".

     Also, be sure to state

          + your full name and address,               
          + type of room required,
          + dates of arrival and departure,              
          + method of payment.

     The hotel will hold reserved rooms until 6 p.m. on the scheduled day
     of  arrival.  They strongly recommend that you "guarantee" your room
     for arrival after 6 p.m. by giving a deposit or credit card number.

     Cancellations must be received prior to 6 p.m. on the scheduled  day
     of arrival to avoid a "no show" charge.
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