[news.announce.conferences] Conference on Computer Workstations

boykin@encore.UUCP (Joe Boykin) (02/17/88)

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               2nd IEEE Conference on Computer Workstations
                           March 7-10, 1988
		                 at the
             Doubletree Hotel, Santa Clara, near Great America

To register early call Don Fiehmann, IBM  408-927-1895 (or simply show 
up at the Doubletree Hotel, Santa Clara, but it will cost a bit more)

Tutorials (beginning at 9am, March 7)

  Advanced User Interface Design, Aaron Marcus (Aaron Marcus and
  Window Systems,  James Gosling (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)

Conference program (beginning at 8:45, March 8, until 12 noon March 10)

Keynote speaker: Bill Joy, SUN Microsystems, Inc.
                 "The one UNIX system".

 Distributed Systems
 Chair:  R. Rashid
 Carnegie Mellon University

 Parallel Building:  Experience with a CASE System for
 Workstation Networks
 R.P. Chase, Jr., D.B. Leblang, and H. Spilke

 The Design and Implementation of a Decentralized Scheduling
 Facility for a Workstation Cluster
 M. Stumm

 QuickSilver Distributed File Services:  An Architecture for
 Horizontal Growth
 L.F. Cabrera and J. Wyllie

 Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
 Chair:  P. Zellweger
 Xerox PARC

 An Open-Systems Model for Computer-Supported
 J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, E.J. Craighill, and R. Lang

 The Rapport Multimedia Conferencing System:  A Software
 J.R. Ensor, S.R. Ahuja, D.N. Horn, and S.E. Lucco

 Workstation Architecture
 Chair:  L. Stewart
 DEC Systems Research Center

 A Multi-Processor System for Prolog Processing
 H.C. Fu, C. Chen, C.P. Chung, J.J.J. Shann, T.T. Tsai,
 J.C. Chung, R.L. Cheng, S.C. Yang, S.J. Baw,
 and C.C. Chiang

 The ELIS Interpreter-Oriented Lisp-Based Workstation
 K. Watanabe, A. Ishikawa, Y. Yamada, and Y. Hibino

 A Virtual Cache-Based Workstation Architecture
 C.R. Frink and P.J. Roy

 Window Systems
 Chair:  J. Gosling
 Sun Microsystems

 A Dynamic Profile of Window System Usage
 J.C. Dunwoody and M.A. Linton

 Overview of GMW + Wnn System
 M. Hagiya, T. Hattori, A. Morishima, R. Nakajima, N. Niide,
 R. Okazaki, T. Sakuragawa, T. Suzuki, H. Tsuiki, and T. Yuasa

 User Interface Management
 Chair:  M. Laff
 IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

 The Dante Application Interface
 D.R. Kuokka and D. Giuse

 Automatic Strategies in the Siemens RTL Tiled Window
 E.S. Cohen, A.M. Berman, M.R. Biggers, J.C. Camaratta,
 and K.M. Kelly

 Graphics and Image Processing
 Chair:  D. Phillips
 Los Alamos National Laboratory

 Tools for Building Image Processing and Graphics Applications
 in a Workstation Environment
 G.L. Fisher, F.H. Leahy, and L.L. Lasslo

 Workstation-Based Shape Matching Experiments
 E.G. Bosch, R.H. Bartels, K.S. Booth, and P. Jolicoeur

 3-D Graphics Applications in Fluid Flow Simulations
 G. Bancroft and F. Merritt

 Supporting Voice
 Chair:  K. Lantz
 Olivetti Research Center

 An Audio and Telephone Server for Multi-Media
 C. Schmandt and M.A. McKenna

 An Overview of the Etherphone System and Its
 P.T. Zellweger, D.B. Terry, and D.C. Swinehart
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