hi.jmiller@MCC.COM (Jim Miller) (02/17/88)
============================================================================== The Fourth IEEE Computer Society Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications will be held in San Diego on March 14-18, 1988. The conference will open with two days of tutorials, followed by the technical program, described below. More details on the conference, including registration and hotel reservation forms, are available from the IEEE Computer Society (1730 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington DC, 20036; 202-371-1013). Jim Miller MCC Human Interface CAIA-88 General Chair ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tutorial Program for CAIA-88 MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1988 8:00 - 12:00: Avron Barr: Managing Knowledge System Development Yoh-Han Pao and Steven R. LeClair: AI in Manufacturing 1:30 - 5:00: Eric Mielke and Mary Garrison: Knowledge Structuring Techniques for Knowledge Acquisition Marilyn Stelzner and Allan Cypher: User Interfaces TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1988 8:00 - 12:00: Gary Hendrix: Is Natural Language Processing Useful in My Application? Kurt J. Schmucker: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Concepts 1:30 - 5:00: Jan Aikins and Paul Harmon: Doing it on Mainframes Robert L. Simpson, Jr.: A Survey of DOD Research And Applications in AI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Technical Program for CAIA-88 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1987 9:00 - 10:00 KEYNOTE ADDRESS The Impact of AI on the Corporate Enterprise with special emphasis on Computer Integrated Manufacturing Scott Flaig, Digital Equipment Corp. 10:00 - 10:30 BREAK 10:30 - 12:00 Paper Session 1A: DIAGNOSIS AI-Test : A Real Life Expert System for Electronic Troubleshooting Description and a Case Study). Moshe Ben-Bassat, Dahpna Ben-Arie, Israel Beniaminy, Jonathan Cheifetz, and Mordechai Klinger, Tel Aviv University and Intelligent Electronics Inc. A.I. in the Power Plants: PERF-EXS, a PERFormance Diagnostics EXspert System. A. D'Ambrosio, APERION and A. Servanti and M. Oriati, ANSALDO CONSOLIDATE: Merging Heuristic Classification with Causal Reasoning in Machine Fault Diagnosis. Scott C. Bublin and R.L. Kashyap, Purdue University Paper Session 1B: PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT AIDS A Discourse-Based Consultant for Interactive Environments. Ursula Wolz and Gail E. Kaiser, Columbia University Rapid Prototyping Techniques for Expert Systems. Mildred L. G. Shaw, University of Calgary; Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Brian R. Gaines, and John H. Boose, Boeing Directionality and Stability in System Behaviors. Kaizhi Yue, University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute Paper Session 1C: KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION Representation of Command Language Behavior for an Operating System Consultation Facility. Stephen J. Hegner, University of Vermont Dialog Modeling in M-KRYPTON: A Hybrid Language for Multiple Believers. Alessandro Saffiotti and Fabrizio Sebastiani, University of Pisa Experience with K-Rep: An Object-Centered Knowledge- Representation Language. Eric Mays, Chidanand Apte, James Griesmer, and John Kastner, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center Panel Session Qualitative Modeling Meets Engineering Problem Solving Moderator: Jane T. Malin, NASA Johnson Space Center Panelists: Michael Fehling, Rockwell International; Kenneth D. Forbus, University of Illinois; Kathy H. Abbott, NASA Langley; Thomas P. Hamilton, United Technologies; Steven R. LeClair, Wright-Patterson AFG 12:00 - 1:30 LUNCH 1:00 - 4:00 Poster Session 1 1:30 - 3:30 Paper Session 2A: VISION AND ROBOTICS - 1 A Connectionist Approach to Primitive Shape Recognition in Range Data. Ruud M. Bolle, Daniel Sabbah, and Rick Kjeldsen, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center Cooperative Focus and Stereo Ranging. Eric Krotkov and Ralf Kories, University of Pennsylvania Free Space Modeling and Geometric Motion Planning Under Unexpected Obstacles. Alex C-C Meng, Texas Instruments, Inc. Trajectory Planning of Robot Manipulators in Noisy Workspaces Using Stochastic Automata. B. J. Oommen, Carleton University, and S. Sitharam Iyengar, Louisiana State University, and Nicte Andrade, Carleton University Paper Session 2B: DESIGN - 1 ENCORE: A Knowledge-Based System for Designing Power Transformers and Inductors. James H. Garrett, Jr., University of Illinois; Arun Jain, Schlumberger Well Services Knowledge-Based Synthesis of Custom VLSI Physical Design Tools. Dorothy E. Setliff and Rob A. Rutenbar, Carnegie Mellon University MES: An Expert System for Reusing Models of Transmission Equipment. S. Roody Rosales and Prem K. Mehrotra, AT&T Bell Laboratories A Coupled Expert System for Optimum Design of Bridges. H. Adeli, M. Asce, and K.V. Balasubramanyam, Ohio State University INVITED TALKS The Process of Knowledge Acquisition Nancy Martin, Softpert Systems Experience with Simulation-Based Training Environments James D. Hollan, MCC 3:30 - 4:00 BREAK 4:00 - 5:30 Paper Session 3A: DIAGNOSTIC REASONING An Application of Qualitative Reasoning to Process Diagnosis: Automatic Rule Generation by Qualitative Simulation. Yoshiteru Ishida, Kyoto University The Application of Differential Logic to Diagnosis. Gilbert B. Porter III, GE Corporate R&D Center Diagnosing Multiple Failures Using Knowledge of Component State. Lester J. Holtzblatt, the MITRE Corporation Paper Session 3B: DESIGN - 2 Argo: A System for Design by Analogy. Michael N. Huhns and Ramon D. Acosta, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation Learning Preference Rules for a VLSI Design Problem-Solver. Steven W. Norton and Kevin M. Kelly, Rutgers University Knowledge-Based System for Relational Normalization of GDBMS Conceptual Schemas. Aime Bayle, Honeywell Information Systems; Esen Ozkarahan, Arizona State University PANEL AI and CASE: Constructive Convergence Moderator: Esther Dyson, EDventure Holdings Panelists: Charles Bachman, Bachman Information Systems; Eric Bush, Language Technology, Inc; John Landry, Cullinet THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1987 9:00 - 10:00 KEYNOTE ADDRESS What's Missing in AI --- Can Massively Parallel Architectures Help? Scott Fahlman, Carnegie-Mellon University 10:00 - 10:30 BREAK 10:30 - 12:30 Paper Session 4A: MANUFACTURING AND PROCESS CONTROL INCA: An Expert System for Process Planning in PCB Assembly Line. P. Cavalloro, E. Cividati, ITALTEL The Dynamic Rescheduler: An AI Based Assistant for Conquering the Changing Production Environment. Mathilde C. Brown, Arthur Andersen & Co. CABPRO: A Rule-Based Expert System for Process Planning of Assembled Multiwire Cables. R. M. Schaefer, J. S. Colmer, and M. Miley, Allied-Signal Inc. Paper Session 4B: LEARNING Learning Control Information in Rule-Based Systems: A Weak Method. Usama M. Fayyad, The University of Michigan; Kristina E. Van Voorhis, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan; Mark D. Wiesmeyer, The University of Michigan Learning Structural Descriptions of Radar Backscatter Images. Mieczyslaw M. Kokar, Subbiah Gopalraman, and Amitabh Shukla, Northeastern University A Learning Model for the Selection of Problem Solving Strategies in Continuous Physical Systems. Xiaodong Xia and Dit-Yan Yeung, University of Southern California Paper Session 4C: KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION AND REASONING Dynamic Assessment of Relevancy in a Case-Based Reasoner. Kevin D. Ashley and Edwina L. Rissland, University of Massachusetts The Automated Symbolic Derivation of State Equations for Dynamic Systems. Jane Macfarlane, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory; Max Donath, University of Minnesota Doing Time without Getting Hurt. J. Scott Penberthy, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center Panel Session AI on Wall Street Moderator: David Leinweber, Integrated Analytics Panelists: Milton Clark, Knowledge-Based Network Systems; Brian Coffey, Security Pacific Financial Strategies; Leo Hoarty, Paine Webber; Ross Miller, Boston University 12:00 - 1:30 LUNCH 1:00 - 4:00 Poster Session 2 1:30 - 3:30 Paper Session 5A: VISION AND ROBOTICS - 2 Model-Based Object Recognition - A Truth Maintenance Approach. Gregory M. Provan, University of Oxford Self-Organizing Model for Pattern Learning and Its Application to Robot Eyesight. Hisashi Suzuki and Suguru Arimoto, Osaka University An Overview of ANDES: A Knowledge-Based Scene Analysis System. Paulo Ouvera Simoni, Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais A Model for Robotic Perception. S.A. Stansfield, University of Pennsylvania/Sandia National Laboratories Paper Session 5B: TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTATION ALGORITHMS The HICLASS Software System: A Manufacturing Expert System Shell. David Liu, Hughes Aircraft Company A Development Environment for Field Diagnosis Tools. K. P. Lee, John Martin, Paul Rutter, and Richard L. Wexelblat, Philips Laboratories High-Level Language Approach to Parallel Execution of OPS5. Hiroshi G. Okuno and Anoop Gupta, Stanford University Parallel Set Covering Algorithms. Srinivasan Sekar, National Semiconductor Company and James A. Reggia, University of Maryland INVITED TALK (1:30 - 2:30) Blackboard Architectures: Definitions and Applications Barbara Hayes-Roth, Stanford University 3:30 - 4:00 BREAK 4:00 - 5:30 Paper Session 6A: APPLICATIONS OF PLANNING Knowledge-Based Planning and Replanning in Naval Command and Control. J. A. Gadsden, Admiralty Research Establishment An Interactive Planner for Open Systems. Frank v. Martial and Frank Victor, Institute of Applied Information Technology, GMD An Expert System for Alleviating Overloads in Electric Power Systems: General Concepts and Applications. B. Delfino, B. B. Denegri, and M. Invernizzi, Unversity of Genoa, and A. Canonero and P. Forzano, ANSALDO Paper Session 6B: LEARNING AND REASONING A Machine Learning Approach to the Automatic Synthesis of Mechanistic Knowledge for Engineering Decision Making. Kaihu Chen and Stephen C-Y. Lu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Constraint Processing Incorporating Backjumping, Learning, and Cutset Decomposition. Rina Dechter, Hughes Aircraft Company Interactive Induction. Wray Buntine, New South Wales Institute of Technology and David Stirling, BHP PANEL Is There a Future for Lisp Machines? Moderator: Scott Fahlman, Carnegie-Mellon University Panelists: Dave Cardinal, Sun Microsystems; Daryl Robertson, Texas Instruments; Howard Shrobe, Symbolics; Walter Van Roggen, Digital Equipment Corp. FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1987 9:00 - 10:00 KEYNOTE ADDRESS The NASA System's Autonomy Program: Applying AI in Space Henry Lum, NASA 10:00 - 10:30 BREAK 10:30 - 12:30 Paper Session 7A: NATURAL LANGUAGE INTERFACES Hierarchical Multilevel Processing Model for Natural Language Database Interface. H. Jappinen, T. Honkela, A. Lehtola, and K. Valkonen, SITRA Foundation Text Condensation as Knowledge Base Abstraction. Ulrich Reimer, University of Constance; Udo Hahn, University of Passau An Expert/Expert-Locating System Based on Automatic Representation of Semantic Structure. Lynn A. Streeter and Karen E. Lochbaum, Bell Communications Research A Friendly Merger of Conceptual Expectation and Linguistic Analysis in a Text Processing System. Paul S. Jacobs and Lisa F. Rau, GE Company Paper Session 7B: REASONING Cluster-based Representation of Hydraulic Systems. Arthur M. Farley, University of Oregon Solving Dynamic-Input Interpretation Problems Using the Hypothesize- Test-Revise Paradigm. Kathleen D. Cebulka, Sandra Carberry, and Daniel L. Chester, University of Delaware Building Numerical Sensitivity Analysis Systems Using a Knowledge- Based Approach. Chinanand Apte and Robert Dionne, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center Qualitative Measurement Interpretation Using Quantity Spaces. Stephen Todd, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories PANEL (10:30 - 11:30) Integrating AI and Databases: Today's Capabilities, Tomorrow's Goals Moderator: John Kaminski, Bellcore Panelists: Charles Kellogg, MCC; Gio Wiederhold, Stanford; Mike Williams, Intellicorp PANEL (11:30 - 12:30) Software Engineering Applied to Expert Systems Moderator: Jan L. Sun, Bellcore Panelists: Robert Jacob, Naval Research Lab; Lance Miller, SAIC; Rolf Stachowitz, Lockheed AI Center; Jean Zolnowski, Bellcore. - - - -