[news.announce.conferences] CFP: Object-Based Concurrent Programming

agha-gul@YALE.ARPA (gul agha) (02/19/88)

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                         CALL FOR PAPERS

                      San Diego, California 
        25-26 September 1988 (Workshop prior to OOPSLA~'88)

     This  workshop  is concerned  with research  in object-based
     concurrency.  Exploitation of parallelism  using  the notion
     of objects has proved  useful and powerful  in various areas
     of  computer     science   and   artificial    intelligence.
     Unfortunately, new  ideas  and   techniques seems   to  have
     developed independently in  these areas.  The  workshop will
     provide a  forum where  researchers in   different areas can
     convene and exchange their ideas.

     A number of invited speakers will review concepts and issues
     relating to object-based concurrent programming. Participants
     should  submit either  a  position paper (2-3 pages)  or  an 
     extended abstract (5-10 double-spaced pages) describing work 
     relevant to object-based programming  and concurrency to the
     workshop organizers at the address below.  A small number of
     "interested  observers"  will also be invited.  If you would
     like to be an observer,  please submit a written request  to 
     attend, with justification.

     We plan to  allocate  ample  time  for  the presentation  of 
     accepted  papers and for informal discussion.   The workshop
     record is expected to be published, either in SIGPLAN Notices,
     or in a revised form as a book.

     Suggested topics include, but are not necessarily limited to:

         Computational Models of Object-Based Concurrency
         Novel Concurrent Object-Based or Multi-Paradigm Languages
         Transformation for Concurrent Object-Based Programs
         Inheritance in Concurrent Object-Based Systems
         Computational Reflection
         Cooperative Transaction Modeling
         Distributed Database Architectures
         Persistent Concurrent Systems
         Concurrent Debugging Schemes
         Software Design/Development Methodology
         Distributed Simulation
         Distributed Problem Solving
         Applications in Robotics and Office Information Systems
         Architecture and Implementation Techniques

         Gul Agha, Yale University
         Peter Wegner, Brown University
         Akinori Yonezawa, Tokyo Institute of Technology


         Submission Deadline:  June 30, 1988 
         Acceptance Notification:  August 31, 1988

   Please send five (hardcopy) copies of position papers or
   extended abstracts to:

         Gul A. Agha
         Dept. of Computer Science
         51 Prospect Street
         Yale University
         New Haven, CT 06520-2158

         Telephone: (203)432-1278 
         E-mail: agha@yale.arpa

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