[news.announce.conferences] Announcement: State of the Art in Computer Graphics

sdr@mrmarx.UUCP (Stephen D. Rogers) (02/26/88)

From: "David F. Rogers" <uunet!USNA.MIL!dfr>

Please address all correspondence to "uunet!usna.mil!dfr".




                Crossmead Conference Centre, Exeter, Devon, UK
                            4 - 8 July, 1988

 British Computer Society
 Association for Computing Machinery
 Computer Graphics Society

 Prof David F. Rogers, US Naval Academy, USA
 Dr Rae A. Earnshaw, University of Leeds, UK

 Mrs F. J. Johnson, Mr B. Booker
 Commercial Office, University of Leeds
 Tel: 0532-459944 or 0532 431751 Ext 7234/7268
 International:  44-532-459944
 Telex: 556473  (Response is unilds g)
 Fax: 0532-420090, or 44-532-420090

 Mrs F. J. Johnson, Mr B. Booker, as above

 Prof Jack E. Bresenham (Winthrop College, USA)
 Dr Frank C. Crow (Xerox PARC, USA)
 Mr Roy Hall (Wavefront Technologies Inc, USA)
 Prof Gary Meyer (University of Oregon, USA)
 Mr Michael J. Muuss (Ballistic Research Lab, USA)
 Dr Gunther E. Pfaff (GTS-GRAL, FRG)
 Prof Michael J. Pratt (Cranfield, UK)
 Dr Malcolm A. Sabin (Fegs Ltd, UK)
 Ms Maureen C. Stone (Xerox PARC, USA)
 Prof Brian Wyvill (Calgary University, Canada)

 International Invited Lecturers will present aspects from the leading
 edge of computer graphics, publication systems, modelling and CAD.
 The emphasis will be upon a detailed and systematic survey of the
 background leading up to current research and development in the field,
 together with in-depth coverage of state of the art topics.
 Each lecturer is an acknowledged expert in their particular field
 and will bring to the Institute the latest information on current
 research and developments in their areas.  The Institute is therefore
 important for all those requiring a detailed and comprehensive update
 in the fast moving field of computer graphics and CAD.
 There will be also be an Exhibition comprising some key 'state of
 the art' products in the market place.

 Professor David Rogers will give a pre-Institute Tutorial on 'Fundamental
 Elements of Computer Graphics: A Short Course on Computer Graphics'
 on 2-3 July in the same venue.  Delegates will be able to register
 for either the Tutorial, the Institute, or both.



 Professor Jack E. Bresenham          "Rasterizing Algorithms and
 (Winthrop College, USA)               Attribute Considerations"


 Professor Brian Wyvill               "3D Animation and 3D Soft Objects"
 (University of Calgary, Canada)


 Professor Gary Meyer                 "Image Synthesis and Colour Vision"
 (University of Oregon, USA)


 Ms Maureen C. Stone                  "Digital Printing and Publishing"
 (Xerox PARC, USA)


 Dr Gunther E. Pfaff                  "State of the Art and Trends in
 (GTS-GRAL GmbH, FRG)                  Graphics Standards"


 Dr Frank C. Crow                     "Antialiasing and Texture Mapping"
 (Xerox PARC, USA)

 Mr Roy Hall                          "Algorithms for Realistic
 (Wavefront Technologies Inc, USA)     Image Generation"


 Professor Mike J. Pratt              "Modelling for CAD/CAM/CIM"
 (Cranfield Institute of Tech, UK)

 Dr Malcolm A. Sabin                  "Sculptured Surfaces -
 (Fegs Ltd, UK)                        History, Definitions, Applications"


 Mr Michael J. Muuss                  "Networked Graphics"
 (Ballistic Research Lab, USA)

 Professor David F. Rogers, a pioneer in the field of Computer Graphics
 and CAD/CAM, is presenting an intensive 2-day course on 'Fundamental
 Elements of Computer Graphics: A Short Course on Computer Graphics'
 in connection with the Institute. The course is a unique opportunity
 to develop the fundamental background required to understand and use
 the vast body of material available in Computer Graphics.  The course
 covers the fundamental techniques for creation, manipulation, and
 display of the geometric forms used in Computer Graphics. It
 should be particularly interesting to teachers of Computer Graphics or
 commercial users or developers of Computer Graphics systems. It is
 especially recommended to those who are attending The State of the Art
 in Computer Graphics Institute and are new to the field of Computer
 The Tutorial will be based on the two books: "Mathematical Elements for
 Computer Graphics", D. F. Rogers and J. A. Adams (McGraw-Hill) and
 "Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics", D. F. Rogers (McGraw-Hill)
 and will include an overview of computer graphics, types of graphics
 devices, CRT and video basics, hardware and software.  Representation
 of points and lines, transformations, combined operations.
 Raster scan graphics, line drawing, scan conversion, frame buffers,
 edge fill, seed fill, antialiasing, halftoning.  Three dimensional
 transformations and projections, affine and perspective geometry,
 axonometric projections.  2D and 3D clipping, hidden lines and hidden
 surfaces, Warnock, z-buffer, list priority, and scan line
 algorithms, visible surface ray tracing.  Rendering, illumination
 models, ray tracing.

 The Tutorial will run from 9 am on Saturday 2 July to 5.30 pm on
 Sunday 3 July.  Residential accommodation is available on Friday
 night and Saturday night.  Delegates can register for either
 the Tutorial, the Institute, or both.  In anticipation
 that a number of individuals may already have copies of Professor
 Rogers' books and in an effort to eliminate unnecessary costs to
 the participants, the cost of the course books is not included in
 the course tuition.  These books may be ordered separately as indicated
 on the Booking Form.

 Crossmead Conference Centre is situated in Exeter, two miles from
 the city centre.  In over 6 acres of landscaped grounds it provides
 a uniquely peaceful environment.  Being on a hill it has views
 over the city and cathedral, yet is close to rail and motorway (M5)
 access.  There is a fast rail service (under 2 hours) to London, and
 there is also an airport with flights to British and Continental
 Exeter is in close proximity to the coast and also the superb
 Devon countryside.
 Graceful rooms and comfortable furnishings provide an ideal
 conference environment.  The licensed bars and terrace allow delegates
 to unwind in relaxed surroundings.  All bedrooms are close
 carpeted and furnished as singles but can be converted to twins
 on request.  Fresh vegetables and fruit, grown on the estate,
 are used whenever possible.
 The principal lecture room incorporates Barco computerised
 projection television together with video recorders/monitors and is
 an integral part of the Crossmead Centre.

 This Institute is important for all those requiring a concentrated and
 in-depth update on the current state of the art in this fast-moving field
 and to all those with specialist interests in the topics given above.
 This is a once-only opportunity in Europe to hear leading international
 experts speak on current developments in their field.  Take advantage of
 this unique opportunity NOW!  The fully residential nature of the
 Institute allows ample opportunity for full discussion and
 interaction with the speakers outside the formal lecture sessions.
 Indeed, one of the principal benefits of an Institute such as this
 is the unique opportunity for informal personal and round-table
 discussion, and the establishment of personal and professional
 contacts among scientists from different countries.

 There will be an exhibition of selected state of the art products
 in the area of computer graphics together with exposition of
 the important aspects of these developments.

 Applications are now invited on the Booking Form (or photocopy thereof).
 The number of places is limited, so early application is advised.
 Advance registration is required in order to reserve a place.
 Please note that payment with booking is possible, or you may
 request an Invoice to be issued for the appropriate amount.
 Invoices must be paid before the Institute, and places will only be
 confirmed on receipt of payment.  Note also that Bookings
 received before 1 May 1988 will qualify for the 'Early Bird'
 Registration Fee.  Delegates may register for the Institute
 and/or the Pre-Institute Tutorial.  Cheques should be made
 payable to 'BCS SUMMER INSTITUTE'.  Only cheques or banker's drafts in
 sterling will be accepted.  Delegates from other countries who wish to
 use their own currency are advised to purchase a sterling bank
 draft from a bank in their own country (this will be made out
 in sterling on a UK bank) and forward this with their Booking
 Form.  If you have any queries about payment, please contact the
 Secretariat.  Eurocheques are only accepted up to the value of #200
 for each cheque.  (Please note all monetary amounts are in pounds
 sterling.  The `#' is an attempt to represent the pounds sterling
 currency symbol.)

 The Registration Fee for the Institute includes copies of all
 materials distributed prior to, and during the Institute.
 The Registration Fee for the Pre-Institute Tutorial does not
 include printed materials; the two textbooks indicated earlier
 will be used and may be purchased at cost as an extra.  (Please
 note all monetary amounts are in pounds sterling.  The `#' is an
 attempt to represent the pounds sterling currency symbol.)

                   Ordinary    ACM, BCS or    ACM, BCS or   Tutorial
                     Rate      CGS members    CGS Student   2-3 July
 'Early Bird'        #325          #275          #225         #75
 After 1 May         #375          #325          #275         #95

 Delegates who register after 1 June may be asked to join a
 Waiting List.  It is therefore in your interests to apply as
 early as possible.
 Conference Accommodation is residential at Crossmead Centre and
 includes full board, English breakfast, lunch, dinner, and coffees
 and teas from dinner on Sunday (evening) 3 July to breakfast on
 Saturday 9 July.  The rate includes two Receptions and two
 Banquets, and a local sight-seeing visit.  Single Room occupancy
 and full board is #170 plus VAT (i.e. #195.50).  Twin accommodation
 is available on application.
 The Accommodation rate for the Pre-Institute Tutorial includes
 dinner on Friday (evening) 1 July to tea on Sunday (afternoon)
 3 July and is #75 (includes VAT).

 Substitutions can be made at any time.  If you have to cancel
 your registration and accommodation reservation, you may do
 so with full refund (less 10% administration charge) up to
 1 June 1988.  After 1 June, fees are non-returnable, unless
 a substitute can be found from the Waiting List.  The Committee
 reserve the right to make programme changes without notice,
 if required.


 Professor Jack E. Bresenham, Winthrop College, Rock Hill, USA

 Jack Bresenham is Professor of Computer Science at Winthrop
 College in Rock Hill, South Carolina, USA.  His work in computer
 graphics dates from 1962.  His research interest is incremental
 algorithms for raster graphics.  Prior to joining the faculty at
 Winthrop, Dr. Bresenham spent twenty-seven years working at
 various IBM development laboratories and headquarters.  From 1981
 through 1984 he worked on the IBM 3270 PC/GX graphic workstation
 project in Hursley, England.  Since 1985 he has been a member
 of the X3H3.3 CGI graphics standards committee.  He is a member
 of ACM, IEEE, Sigma Xi and Phi Kappa Phi.

 Dr Frank C. Crow, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, USA

 Frank Crow is with the Imaging Area in the Computer Science
 Laboratory at Xerox PARC.  Previously he taught at Ohio State
 University and the University of Texas.  He has spent considerable
 effort on developing algorithms for realistic image synthesis,
 and on systems and architectures for realizing them.  He has a
 longstanding interest in parallel algorithms and architectures
 for computer display.

 Mr Roy Hall, Wavefront Technologies Inc, Santa Barbara, USA

 Roy Hall graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institure
 in 1976 with a B. Architecture and a B.S. Civil Engineering.
 He was introduced to computer graphics as a design tool for
 finite element analysis of large deflection tensile
 and inflated structures.  He graduated from Cornell
 in 1983 with an M.S. from the Program of Computer Graphics
 where he concentrated on realistic image synthesis.
 Mr. Hall has written image generation systems for Robert Abel &
 Associates, Vertigo Computer Imagery, and Wavefront Technologies
 were he is currently Director of Software Development.
 He has published in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications and
 in The Visual Computer, and is a member of ACM and IEEE.
 He has lectured at numerous conferences on the subjects of
 rendering, realism, illumination models, and color science
 as applied to computer graphics.
 He is currently completing a book discussing color and illumination
 in computer graphics.

 Professor Gary W. Meyer, University of Oregon, USA

 Gary Meyer is an assistant professor of computer and information
 science at the University of Oregon.  He is particularly interested in
 the visual perceptual issues that are involved in both the
 interpretation of computer generated displays and the production of
 realistic images.  His research has involved color monitor
 calibration, the reproduction of perceptually uniform color spaces,
 the efficient synthesis of color for realistic images, and the
 perceptual comparison of real scenes with computer generated pictures.
 Professor Meyer has received the Bachelor of Science degree from the
 University of Michigan and the Master of Science degree from Stanford
 University.  He was employed by Bell Telephone Laboratories prior to
 receiving his Ph.D. degree while studying at the Cornell University
 Program of Computer Graphics.  He is a member of ACM, IEEE, SID,
 SMPTE, and OSA.

 Mr Michael J. Muuss, Ballistic Research Laboratory, Maryland, USA

 Michael Muuss has 15 years of experience in working with advanced
 computer systems.  Since 1981, he has been leading the Ballistic
 Research Laboratory's (BRL) Advanced Computer Systems Team in research
 projects concerning Networking, Graphics, CAD/CAE, Operating Systems,
 Parallel Architectures, and Command and Control. He is the principal
 architect of BRL's second-generation constructive solid geometry based
 CAD system, which is now in use at over 150 sites, and the primary
 author of the model editor "MGED" and the advanced ray-tracing package
 "RT". He is the architect for both processing and communications within
 BRLNET, BRL's extensive campus network of computers ranging from
 workstations through super-minicomputers up to a Cray X-M/P48 and

 Dr Gunther E. Pfaff, GTS-GRAL GmbH, Federal Republic of Germany

 Gunther Pfaff, Diplom Informatiker, born October 12, 1951
 completed his studies in computer science at the Technical
 University of Darmstadt in 1979 with a diploma degree.  After
 that he worked for five years as a research assistant in the
 area of interactive graphics systems with Prof Encarnacao,
 University of Darmstadt, where in 1984 he received a PhD in
 this subject.
 Dr Pfaff is an active member of the DIN and ISO committees on
 graphics standards as well as a member of Eurographics and
 ACM-SIGGRAPH.  He has co-authored and edited several books and
 published many papers in the area of computer graphics and given
 lectures and tutorials at international level at SIGGRAPH,
 Eurographics, IFIP, BCS, GI, CAMP, CAPE and others.
 Since 1985 Dr Pfaff has been a partner and Managing Director of
 GTS-GRAL GmbH and is in charge of research and development and
 international product marketing.

 Professor Michael J. Pratt, Cranfield Institute of Technology, UK

 Mike Pratt is Professor of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) at
 Cranfield Institute of Technology, U.K.  His specialisation in
 CAE grew out of an interest in applications of geometry in the
 early 1970's.  He has written many research papers and is part
 author of several books including (with I. D. Faux) 'Computational
 Geometry for Design and Manufacture'.  Current research interests
 include curve and surface modelling, engineering applications of
 solid modelling (with particular emphasis on the use of form
 features) and CAD data exchange.  He recently spent six months
 as a Visiting Fellow at the General Electric Corporate R & D
 Center, Schenectady, N.Y. working on representations of form
 features.  He is a member of the Royal Aeronautical Society,
 the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, the British
 Computer Society and the Eurographics Association.

 Dr Malcolm A. Sabin, Fegs Ltd, Cambridge, UK

 Malcolm Sabin has been active in the applications of computer graphics
 since the mid-1960's, when he wrote a sculptured surface software
 system still in use today.  Since then he has been concerned with
 part programming systems and control software
 for numerically controlled machine tools, and with mesh generation
 for finite element analysis.  He has been Chairman of the BCS CAD
 Specialist Group, and a member of IFIP WG 5.2.  He is now on the
 Editorial Boards of CAD, CAGD, and Computer Journal.  He consults
 for SERC and CAE, and retains his technical interests in the
 numerical representation of shape, being particularly interested
 in methods for the interrogation of parametric and recursive-division
 surfaces.  He is Technical Director of Fegs Ltd.

 Ms Maureen A. Stone, Xerox PARC, Palo Alto, USA

 Maureen Stone is a member of the research staff of the Xerox Palo Alto
 Research Center, Palo Alto, California, USA.  Her research interests are
 color, especially color reproduction, interactive graphics and spline
 curves.  She has been an employee of the Xerox Corporation since
 graduating in 1978 with a MS/CS from the California Institute of
 Technology.  Prior to attending Caltech, she was a student and research
 assistant in the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of
 Illinois, Urbana, Illinois.  The projects she is involved in at Xerox
 focus on interactive document creation, digital printing and electronic
 publishing,  She is a member of ACM, and was the SIGGRAPH' 87 Technical
 Program Chair.

 Professor Brian Wyvill, University of Calgary, Canada

 Brian Wyvill received his PhD from the University of Bradford
 in 1975 and continued his interest in computer animation as a
 Research Fellow at the Royal College of Art.  He is now an
 Associate Professor at the University of Calgary where he leads
 the Graphicsland animation research team, and has been extensively
 involved in the design of the JADE graphics system and the Ray
 Tracing Machine.  His research interests include hierarchical graphics
 systems, algorithms for synthesizing visual images, animation and
 man-machine interface design.  Current interests include "soft"
 objects, motion control and recursive data structures for computer
 animation.  He is a member of ACM, CGS, SIGGRAPH, and is on the
 Editorial Board of the Visual Computer.


 Professor David F. Rogers, US Naval Academy, Annapolis, USA

 David Rogers is Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the U.S. Naval
 He is the author of three textbooks, including "Mathematical Elements
 for Computer Graphics" and "Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics",
 and an internationally respected teacher and researcher in computer
 He is the founder and former Director of the Computer Aided Design/
 Interactive Graphics Group at the U.S. Naval Academy. He is the editor
 of Computers & Education.   He is a member of the Editorial Board of The
 Visual Computer. Dr. Rogers was co-chairman of both ICCAS '82 and the
 International Program Committee for Computer Graphics Tokyo '85 and '86.
 He regularly serves on the Technical Committees of SIGGRAPH, ICCAS and
 CG International.

 Dr Rae A. Earnshaw, University of Leeds, UK

 Rae Earnshaw is Head of Computer Graphics at the University of Leeds,
 with interests in graphics algorithms, integrated graphics and text,
 display technology, CAD/CAM, and human-computer interface issues.
 He has been a Visiting Professor at IIT, Chicago, USA, Northwestern
 Polytechnical University, China, and George Washington University,
 Washington DC, USA.  He was a Co-Chair of the BCS/ACM International
 Summer Institute on "State of the Art in Computer Graphics"
 held in Scotland in 1986, and a Director of the NATO ASI on
 "Theoretical Foundations of Computer Graphics and CAD" held in
 Italy in 1987.

                             BOOKING FORM

                             4-8 July, 1988
                         Crossmead, Devon, UK

    (Applicants wishing to ensure a place should apply .bd immediately)


 Last Name              Title (Prof/Dr etc)  First Name   M/F

 Mailing Address



 Tel No  Office __________________ Home ______________________

 Institution or Company presently associated with

 Job Title ___________________________________________________

 Please return this form to: (Via AIRMAIL, if outside the UK)
 Mrs F. J. Johnson, Commercial Office,
 University of Leeds, LEEDS LS2 9JT, UK
 Tel: 0532-459944  Telex: 556473

 Please note all monetary amounts are in pounds sterling.  The `#'
 is an attempt to represent the pounds sterling currency symbol.

 a) Registration Fees
 (Tick Box)
             Ordinary   ACM, BCS or   ACM, BCS or  Tutorial
               Rate     CGS members   CGS Student  2-3 July
 'Early Bird'  #325 |_|    #275 |_|     #225 |_|     #75 |_|
 After 1 May   #375 |_|    #325 |_|     #275 |_|     #95 |_|

 If claiming lower rate, please supply Society and Membership
 No _______________

 Text books for Tutorial at cost   #31.45

 Delegates who register late may be asked to join
 a Waiting List.  It is therefore in your interests to
 apply as early as possible.

 b) Accommodation Fee - Institute
 Full board Sunday 3 July (Dinner) to Saturday 9 July (Breakfast)
 and Single Room Accommodation is:  #195.50 (#170 plus #25.50 VAT)
 (This includes 2 Receptions, 2 Banquets, & Tour)

 I require Accommodation and Full Board at the above rate:
 (Tick Box)    |_|
 Any special dietary, or other requirements?

 c) Accommodation Fee - Pre-Institute Tutorial
 Single Room Accommodation & Board is: #75  (includes VAT)
 PAYMENT for required options a) b) c) is enclosed
 Or, PLEASE INVOICE .....................................

 (Please note that Invoices must be paid before the Institute
 for the place to be confirmed)


 SIGNATURE _________________ DATE __________


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