(Maureen Searle) (03/01/88)
- - - - - UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO CENTRE FOR THE NEW OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY CALL FOR PAPERS - CALL FOR PANELISTS 4TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE INFORMATION IN TEXT October 27-28, 1988 Waterloo, Canada This year's conference will focus on ways that text stored as electronic data allows information to be restructured and extracted in response to individualized needs. For example, text databases can be used to: - expand the information potential of existing text - create and maintain new information resources - generate new print information Papers presenting original research on theoretical and applied aspects of this theme are being sought. Typical but not exclusive areas of interest include computational lexicology, computational linguistics, syntactic and semantic analysis, lexicography, grammar defined databases, lexical databases and machine-readable dictionaries and reference works. Submissions will be refereed by a program committee. Authors should send seven copies of a detailed abstract (5 to 10 double-spaced pages) by June 10, 1988 to the Committee Chairman, Dr. Gaston Gonnet, at: UW Centre for the New OED University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario Canada, N2L 3G1 Late submissions risk rejection without consideration. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by July 22, 1988. A working draft of the paper, not exceeding 15 pages, will be due by September 6, 1988 for inclusion in proceedings which will be made available at the conference. One conference session will be devoted to a panel discussion entitled MEDIUM AND MESSAGE: THE FUTURE OF THE ELECTRONIC BOOK. The Centre invites individuals who are interested in participating as panel members to submit a brief statement (approximately 150 words) expressing their major position on this topic. Please submit statements not later than June 10, 1988 to the Administrative Director, Donna Lee Berg, at the above address. Selection of panel members will be made by July 22, 1988. The Centre is interested in specialists or generalists in both academic and professional fields (including editors, publishers, software designers and distributors) who have strongly held views on the information potential of the electronic book. PROGRAM COMMITTEE Roy Byrd (IBM Corporation) Michael Lesk (Bell Communications Research) Reinhard Hartmann (Univ. of Exeter) Beth Levin (Northwestern University) Ian Lancashire (Univ. of Toronto) Richard Venezky (Univ. of Delaware) Chairman: Gaston Gonnet (Univ. of Waterloo)