[news.announce.conferences] Program: 2nd ABAKUS Workshop

abakus@uklirb.UUCP (Michael Ryba) (03/24/88)


                                ADVANCE PROGRAM

                              2nd ABAKUS Workshop


                            5. - 7. September 1988

    Program Chairman            Local Chairman          Publicity Chairwomen
    ================            ==============          ====================   

   Prof. Werner Grass       Dr. Bernhard Quatember     K. Lemmert & A. Wodtko
    Passau University        Innsbruck University     Kaiserslautern University
      P.O. Box 2540            Techniker Str. 15           P.O. Box 30 49
      D-8390 Passau            A-6020 Innsbruck         D-6750 Kaiserslautern
         F.R.G.                     Austria                    F.R.G.

ABAKUS  is  the  User Group of the languages KARL and ABL and related tools for
digital hardware design. The goal of ABAKUS  is  to  support  the  exchange  of
information  and  experience  on  the  use  of  these  tools  in  all  possible
application areas.

The  2nd ABAKUS Workshop follows the EUROMICRO Conference in Zurich. Innsbruck-
Igls is host of our 2nd ABAKUS Workshop.


Sunday, September 5th, 1988
18.00 - 20.00   Welcome Cocktail at Hotel 'Schwarzer Adler', Innsbruck,
                Kaiserjaegerstrasse 2

                The "Schwarzer Adler" is one of the oldest guesthouses in
                Innsbruck and belongs to the so-called "Romantik-Hotels". In
                the special atmosphere of the 400 years old cellar-restaurant
                or the original "Tiroler Stuben" you enjoy traditional tyrolian

Monday, September 6th, 1988
09.00 - 10.00   Registration at the Congress Center Igls 
10.00 - 10.20   Official Opening

10.20 - 11.20   Invited Paper : Pawlak, A. ( GMD, Bonn, F.R.G. )
                Standards in design automation vs. KARL/ABL design environment

Session 1 :      Verification 
Chairperson :    B. Quatember, University of Innsbruck

11.20 - 11.50   Grass, W. ( University of Passau, F.R.G. )
                VERENA - A CAD-tool for designing guaranteed correct logic
11.50 - 12.20   Mutz, M. ( University of Passau, F.R.G. )
                Logic Verification based on function graphs
12.20 - 12.50   Jansen, K. ( University of Passau, F.R.G. )
                Transformations of RT-descriptions guided by features of logic
                implementations to be verified

12.20 - 14.00   Lunch

Session 2 :     Synthesis
Chairperson :   W. Grass, University of Passau

14.00 - 14.30   Hartenstein, R./ Lemmert, K.
                ( University of Kaiserslautern, F.R.G. )
                A systolic design system using KARL
14.30 - 15.00   Bonomo, A./ Italiano, M./ Lavagno, L./ Maggiuli, L./
                Melgara, M./ Paolini, M./ Stamelos, I.
                ( CSELT, Torino, Italy )
                Easily testable data part synthesis in the BACH silicon compiler
15.00 - 15.30   Bonomo, A./ Lavagno, L. ( CSELT, Torino, Italy )
                Control part synthesis in the BACH silicon compiler

15.30 - 16.00   Coffee break

Session 3 :     Design Environment and User Interface
Chairperson :   A. Pawlak, GMD, Bonn

16.00 - 16.20   Hartenstein, R./ Joerg, K./ Welters, U.
                ( University of Kaiserslautern, F.R.G. )
                A multiple abstraction level editor for VLSI design
16.20 - 16.40   Bonomo, A./ Girardi, G./ Lecce, A./ Maggiulli, L.
                ( CSELT, Torino, Italy )
                GENMON: a specialized ABL editor for design methodology
16.40 - 17.00   Rust, S. ( University of Stuttgart, F.R.G. )
                An experimental system design environment for chip design

Session 4 :     Short Presentations
Chairperson :   A. Wodtko, University of Kaiserslautern

17.00 - 17.15   Maertens, D. ( University of Erlangen, F.R.G. )
                Special Problems of the event driven simulation stragtegy
17.15 - 17.30   Rauscher, R. ( University of Hamburg, F.R.G. )
                Analysis of design methodologies for digital systems

Tuesday, September 6th, 1988

( Excursion day for accompanying persons
  bus trip through the high alpine scenery to the famous health resort Meran )

Session 5 :     RTL Use in Computer Science Education

09.30 - 10.00   ( speaker to be announced ) Introduction 
10.00 - 11.30   short presentations, panel discussion
                ( late submissions are welcome )

11.30 - 13.30   Lunch at a nice place out of workshop site

Session 6 :     CHDL-based Methodologies

13.30 - 14.00   ( speaker to be announced ) Introduction
14.00 - 15.30   short presentations, panel discussion
                ( late submissions are welcome )

15.30 - 16.00   Coffee Break

Session 6 :     ( continue )

16.00 - 17.30   short presentation, panel discussions

19.00 - 23.00   Banquet at Hotel Tuemmlerhof, A-6100 Seefeld

Wednesday, September 7th, 1988

Session 7 :     KARL-4
Chairperson :   A. Patrucco, CSELT, Torino

08.30 - 09.10   Hartenstein, R./ Hauck, R./ Lemmert, K.
                ( University of Kaiserlsautern, F.R.G. )
                Some new features in KARL-4 and superKARL - a survey -
09.10 - 09.40   Hauck, R. (University of Kaiserslautern, F.R.G. )
                KARL-4 - A hardware description language for the design and
                         synthesis of digital hardware
09.40 - 10.10   Alfs, G./ Hartenstein, R./ Riedmueller, M.
                ( University of Kaiserslautern )
                SCIL-III - A language for simulator and tester activation 

10.10 - 10.30   Coffee break

Session 8 :     Functional Testing Tools
Chairperson :   R. Hartenstein, University of Kaiserslautern

10.30 - 11.00   Alfs, G./ Hartenstein, R./ Wodtko, A.
                ( University of Kaiserslautern, F.R.G. )
                The KARATE system - Integrating functional test development
                                    into the KARL design environment
11.00 - 11.30   Jaime, A./ Villar, E. ( University of Cantabria, Spain )
                SECUENTEST: Automatic generation of checking experiments for
                            sequential machines

Session 9 :     Practical Experience in Chip Design
Chairperson :   K. Lemmert,University of Kaiserslautern

11.30 - 12.00   Cecinati, R./ Fossati, R./ Licciardi, L./ Pacchiotti, A./
                Paolini, M. ( CSELT, Torino,   Italy )
                The use of KARL III in the RIPAC chip design
12.00 - 12.30   Donati / Fatini  ( ITALTEL, Settimo Milanese, Italy )
                Experience on CVS-BK use on a signal processor circuit

12.30 - 14.00   Lunch 

14.00 - 16.00   Tutorial on KARL and related software packages

                               Registration Form

            ABAKUS Workshop Innsbruck-Igls, September 5th - 7th 1988

  fee for                        early     late     subtotal    total amount

  ..... workshop participant(s)  DM 250,- DM 300,-  DM ......
  ..... accomp. person(s)        DM 130,- DM 150,-  DM ......   DM ......

  payable to acc. no. 128 014 750 (bank code no. 540 501 10)

  ( )  I'd like to attend the tutorial on KARL and related software packages

  date ____________________________  name __________________________________

  signature________________________  firstname _____________________________ 

                                     title _________________________________ 

     To                              affiliation ___________________________

     ABAKUS                          department ____________________________
     K. Lemmert & A. Wodtko
     Kaiserslautern University       address _______________________________
     P.O. Box 3049
                                     zip, city _____________________________
     D-6750 Kaiserslautern
     F.R.G.                          country _______________________________

                                     phone _________________________________

If you have questions about KARL/ABL or ABAKUS contact

   K. Lemmert & A. Wodtko
   Kaiserslautern University
   P.O. Box 3049
   D-6750 Kaiserslautern, F.R.G.

   e-mail: abakus%uklirb%unido%mcvax@seismo.uucp
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