[news.announce.conferences] FRONTIERS '88, 2nd Symposium Frontiers / Massively Parallel Computation

eugene@pioneer.arpa (Eugene N. Miya) (04/10/88)

[Please send mail to the Chair below.  Note: They do not have EMail]

The 2nd Symposium on the 
Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation
October 10-12, 1988
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia


Anyone who is involved with parallel computing structures that contain at 
least 1,000 processors-or that can be expanded to this number in the near-
term-is invited to present a paper at this symposium.  The symposium will 
focus on the increasing importance of massively parallel computer systems 
and data parallel programming techniques.  Papers about applications, 
architectures, and theory by users and developers from industry, academia, 
and government are invited.  Selected papers will be published in a dedicated 
issue of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.  Tutorials will 
survey the concepts embodied in massively parallel systems and broad 
application areas.  Exhibits will feature commercial and prototype massively 
parallel systems, relevant journals and newsletters.

Those interested in presenting a paper must submit three copies of a three-
page abstract to the program chairman no later than April 20, 1988.  Complete 
names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all authors (beginning with 
primary author) must accompany the abstract.  Letters of acceptance and 
guidelines for preparing a final paper will be sent to authors by June 15, 1988.
Authors who prefer to present their papers as part of a poster session should 
so indicate.  The program chairman reserves the right to assign authors to a 
poster session in the event of greater than expected response.

Programming Languages
Algorithm Development
Graph Theory
Image Processing
Numerical Modeling
Data Base Management
Interconnection Networks
Hierarchical Structures
Neural Networks
New Technologies

Important Dates

Abstracts Dues:		April 20, 1988
Acceptances sent:	June 15, 1988
Registrations due:	September 15, 1988
Tutorials:		October 10, 1988
Sessions and Exhibits:	October 11-12, 1988
Manuscripts due:	October 12, 1988


Prof. David Schaefer, Chairman
George Mason University

Dr. Ray Arnold
NASA Headquarters

Dr. Ken Batcher
LORAL Defense Systems-Akron

Dr. Jack Dongarra
Argonne National Laboratory

Prof. Michael Duff
University College, London

Dr. Milton Halem
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

Dr. James Hardy
Whitney/Demos Productions

Prof. Dennis Parkinson
Active Memory Technology

Prof. Tomaso Poggio
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Prof. John Reif
Duke University

Prof. Anthony Reeves
University of Illinois

Prof. Azriel Rosenfield
University of Maryland

Dr. Paul Schneck
Supercomputing Research Center

Dr. Steven Squires

Dr. Guy Steele
Thinking Machines Corporation

Prof. Leonard Uhr
University of Wisconsin


To receive an advanced program with registration information, send, 
name, address, and phone number to:
Frontiers '88 Symposium
P.O. Box 334
Greenbelt, MD  20770-0334

Submit abstracts to:
Prof. David H. Schaefer
Department of Electrical and 
 Computer Engineering
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, Virginia  22030

To present an exhibit:
Prof. Samuel Earp
Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, Virginia  22030
(703) 323-4141

Conference Chairman:
Mr. James R. Fischer
Image Analysis Facility, Code 635
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD  20771
(301) 286-9412

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