[news.announce.conferences] CFP: IEEE COMPCON '89

eugene@pioneer.arpa (Eugene N. Miya) (04/10/88)

[Please do not send mail to Eugene on this; see the Program Chair listed below]

                          Your call for participation
                              in COMPCON SPRING 89
                The year's only broad-based computing conference
                    by the world's largest computer society
Start Your Participation in COMPCON SPRING 89 Now!

WHAT IS COMPCON?  Over the years COMPCON has been known for consistently
providing a high quality program covering broad-based updates on
technological progress. Each year, technical people with transnational
contacts from industry, academia and research labs get together and study
the rapid advances being made in the computer field.

EXPAND YOUR PROFESSIONAL GROWTH!  Here is your opportunity to contribute
toward making this major computing conference the best COMPCON ever!
Assist the Program Committee in generating a program which includes topics
in your area of expertise or interest.

1.  Submit an extended abstract, or a full paper, in your area of expertise for
    a proposed COMPCON presentation.  Send four copies and include your phone 

2.  Submit a proposal for a session, panel or tutorial you would like to
    organize or in which you would like to participate.

3.  Suggest topics, sessions, panels or tutorials you would like to have the
    Program Committee develop and present, if possible at COMPCON SPRING '89.

To maintain high quality, the Program Committee reviews all papers and
generally limits sessions to ninety minutes with three speakers.  Papers on
your experience with real systems rather than those with theoretical contacts
are strongly encouraged.


	Dr. Kenichi Miura (COMPCON 89 Program Chair)
	Computational Research Department
	Mail Stop B2-7
	3055 Orchard Drive
	San Jose, CA  95134-2017
	(408) 432-1300 ext 5408 or 5723


The earliest submissions have the most influence.
The submission deadline is June 1, 1988.
Notification of acceptance will be in October, 1988.

Hot Topic Areas

*  Highly Parallel Systems
       Parallel Architectures
       Super Computers and Minisupers
       Parallel Algorithms
       Fault Tolerant Systems
       Data Flow Machines
       Advanced Scientific Computing
       The New Workstation

*  Distributed Systems and Networks
       Distributed Operating Systems
       Local Area Networks
       Wide Area Networks
       Distributed File Systems
       Factory and Office Automation
       Distributed Data Bases
       Data and Voice Digital Networks
       New Network Protocols

*  Knowledge Engineering
      Expert Systems
      Logic Programming and Inference Engines
      AI Architectures
      Computer Vision
      Data Bases

*  Software Engineering
      Managing Software Complexity
      Quality Software: How to get it 
      User Services
      CAD Tools
      Object Oriented Languages, Data Bases and Systems
      Window Systems
      Data Security and Encryption

*  Emerging Technologies
      The 5th Generation Computers
      Optical Computing
      Neural Based Architectures
      New Architectural Controversies
      New Microelectronics Technologies

*  If we missed your topic of interest, please suggest it 

February 27-March 3, 1989
Cathedral Hill Hotel, San Francisco, California
Spring COMPCON '89

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