[news.announce.conferences] The Toronto Exxperience Conference

krj@csri.toronto.edu (Ken Jackson) (05/01/88)

		   The Toronto Exxperience Conference

		A Conference Celebrating Twenty Years of
		      Computer Science Research
		    at the University of Toronto

			   9-13 May 1988

Twenty years ago, the University of Toronto granted the first Canadian
doctorate in Computer Science.  Toronto's graduates and faculty have made
a great contribution to the discipline of Computer Science, both in Canada
and internationally.  To mark the twentieth anniversary, we are hosting
a conference on the University's St. George (downtown) campus.  As the
conference programme shows, the list of invited speakers reflects the
breadth and depth of research conducted by the Department.

The Conference runs Monday through Friday, 9-13 May 1988, with a reception
and registration on the evening of Sunday, 8 May 1988, at 7 p.m. in the
Koffler Centre (at the corner of College and St. George Streets).

Registration Fee for the Full 5 Days				$250.00 (Cdn)
   (including banquet)

Student/Unemployed/Retired Fee					$75.00 (Cdn)
   (excluding banquet)

Daily Registration Fee						$50.00 (Cdn)
   (excluding special functions)

If you would like more information, please call Jean Gray, Computer Science
Department, University of Toronto, at 416-978-5633.

		The Toronto Exxperience Programme

SUNDAY, May 8.

7:00 	Pre-Conference Reception and Registration 	Koffler Centre

MONDAY, May 9.

8:15	Registration 					Sandford Fleming Atrium
8:30    Coffee						   "        "      "

8:50 	Derek Corneil (Chairman)			Sandford Fleming Rm 1105

MORNING SESSION	-- Computers and Society		Sandford Fleming Rm 1105

9:00	Frank Tompa (Grad '74)
	    Towards a New Oxford English Dictionary
9:25 	Garry Grossman (Grad '77)
	    Computer Law: Protecting Legal Rights in Software
9:50 	Derek Oppen (Grad)
10:15 	Marlene Jones (Grad '80)
	    Curriculum Design:  A Knowledge-Based Approach

10:40 	Coffee Break 					Med Sci Auditorium Lobby

INVITED SPEAKER						Med Sci Auditorium
11:10 	Kelly Gotlieb (Faculty '49-)
	    Global Trends in Computing Seen from a Local Frame of Reference

12:10 	Lunch Break

INVITED SPEAKER						Med Sci Auditorium
2:00 	Bill Reeves (Grad '80)
	    Computer Graphics in the Film Industry

3:00	Coffee Break 					Sandford Fleming Atrium

AFTERNOON SESSION -- Graphics and Interaction 		Sandford Fleming Rm 1105

3:30	Ron Baecker (Faculty '72-'83, '85-)
	    Enhancing Program Readability and Comprehensibility
	    with Tools for Program Visualization
3:55 	Brad Myers (Grad '87)
	    Creating Interaction Techniques by Demonstration
4:20 	Alain Fournier (Faculty '80-)
	    Conformal Texture Mapping and Filtering
4:45 	Avi Naiman (Current Student)
	    The Use of Grayscale for Improved Character Presentation

5:10	End of the Technical Session

6:30	Conference Banquet				Board of Trade
	After Dinner Speaker:  Pat Hume (Faculty '50-)
	    As It Was In The Beginning ...

TUESDAY, May 10.

8:30	Coffee and Registration 			Sandford Fleming Atrium

MORNING SESSION	-- Computability and Complexity		Sandford Fleming Rm 1105

9:00	Les Goldschlager (Grad '77)
	    Determinism and Unpredictability
9:25	Josh Benaloh (Visitor '87-)
	    Generalized Secret Sharing and Monotone Functions
9:50 	Robert Constable (Visitor '75)
	    Computational Foundations for Programming Logics
10:15	Patrick Dymond (Grad '80, Visitor '86-'87)
	    Parallel Complexity of Input-Driven Languages

10:40 	Coffee Break 					Med Sci Auditorium Lobby

INVITED SPEAKER						Med Sci Auditorium
11:10	Steve Cook (Faculty '70-)
	    Complexity Theory and Feasibly Constructed Proofs

12:10	Lunch Break

INVITED SPEAKER						Med Sci Auditorium
2:00	Charlie Colbourn  (Grad '80, Visitor '86)
	    Combinatorial Designs:  Their Role in Computer Science

3:00	Coffee Break 					Sandford Fleming Atrium

AFTERNOON SESSION -- Applied Discrete Mathematics	Sandford Fleming Rm 1105

3:30	David Kirkpatrick (Grad '74)
	    Hierarchical Search Structures and Other Applications in
	    Computational Geometry
3:55 	Daniel Brand (Grad '76)
	    Hill Climbing with Reduced Search Space
4:20 	Erich Kaltofen (Faculty '82-'83)
	    Factoring Into Sparse Polynomials Made Easy
4:45 	Jean Fonlupt (Visitor '87)
	    Decomposition Theory for Perfect Graphs

5:10	End of the Technical Session

7:35	Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Game			Exhibition Stadium
8:00	Informal Gathering 				Massey College


8:30	Coffee and Registration 			Sandford Fleming Atrium

MORNING SESSION	-- Programming Languages and Compilers	Sandford Fleming Rm 1105

9:00	John Guttag (Grad '75)
	    LP:  The Larch Prover
9:25 	Jim Cordy (Faculty '83-'85, Grad '86)
	    The future of I/O for Human Peripherals
9:50 	Nigel Horspool (Grad '76)
	    Mk* -- A Compiler Development Environment
10:15	David Barnard (Grad '81, Visitor '81-'82)
	    Characterizing Parsing Techniques

10:40 	Coffee Break 					Med Sci Auditorium Lobby

INVITED SPEAKER						Med Sci Auditorium
11:10	Ric Holt (Faculty '70-)
	    Turing Prospectus:  1982-1988

12:10	Lunch Break

INVITED SPEAKER						Med Sci Auditorium
2:00	Ed Lazowska (Grad '77)
	    Performance of Parallel Computer Systems

3:00	Coffee Break 					Sandford Fleming Atrium

AFTERNOON SESSION -- Software Engineering		Sandford Fleming Rm 1105

3:30 	John Lipson (Faculty '69-'79)
	    EXCEL:  Structured Programming in a Very Unstructured Language
3:55 	Burton Patkau (Grad '83)
	    Software Standards and Successful Software Engineering
4:20 	Paul Bassett (Grad '70)
	    Frame-Based Software Engineering
4:45 	Gunnar Gotshalks (Grad '68)
	    FlexOr Technology:  A Method for Reusing Program Text at
	    the Source Code Level

5:10	End of the Technical Session


8:30	Coffee and Registration 			Sandford Fleming Atrium

MORNING SESSION	-- Systems and Database			Sandford Fleming Rm 1105

9:00	Scott Graham (Grad '71, Faculty '74-)
	    Virtual Memory in Distributed Operating Systems
9:25 	Rick Bunt (Grad '74)
	    Quantitative Operating Systems:  A Case for Empiricism
9:50	Rudy Schild (Faculty '73-'75)
	    The Test Machine:  a Tool for the Analysis of Realtime Software
10:15	Antonio Furtado (Grad '74)
	    Formal Database Specification

10:40 	Coffee Break 					Med Sci Auditorium Lobby

INVITED SPEAKER						Med Sci Auditorium
11:10	Phil Bernstein (Grad '75)
	    Transaction Processing Monitors

12:10	Lunch Break

INVITED SPEAKER						Med Sci Auditorium
2:00	Tom Hull (Faculty '63-)
	    Programming Language Facilities for Scientific Computing

3:00	Coffee Break 					Sandford Fleming Atrium

AFTERNOON SESSION -- Scientific Computing		Sandford Fleming Rm 1105

3:30 	Pavol Sermer (Grad '77, Faculty '77-'82)
	    Error Analysis of a Channel Power for the Candu Reactor
	    Safety System
3:55 	John Mason (Faculty '67-'73)
	    Knowledge-Based Systems in Numerical Analysis

4:20	End of the Technical Session

5:00	Conference Party				Claude T. Bissell Bldg.
8:00	Informal Gathering 				Massey College

FRIDAY, May 13.

8:30	Coffee and Registration 			Sandford Fleming Atrium

MORNING SESSION	-- Artificial Intelligence		Sandford Fleming Rm 1105

9:00	John Tsotsos (Grad '80, Faculty '80-)
	    Complexity Analysis: Implications for Human
	    and Computer Vision Systems
9:25 	Evangelos Milios (Faculty '86-)
	    Curve Matching:  Past, Present and Future
9:50 	Robin Cohen (Grad '83)
	    Practical Decisions for Analyzing Goal-Oriented Discourse
10:15	Mike Brodie (Grad)

10:40 	Coffee Break 					Med Sci Auditorium Lobby

INVITED SPEAKER						Med Sci Auditorium
11:10	John Mylopoulos (Faculty '70-)
	    A Requirements Modeling Language

12:10	Lunch Break

INVITED SPEAKER						Med Sci Auditorium
2:00	Carl Hamacher (Faculty '68-)
	    Distributed Computation and Networks

CLOSING SESSION						Med Sci Auditorium
3:00	Derek Corneil (Grad '68, Faculty '70-)
	      ... So Is It Now  (The Department Today)

3:30	Coffee Break 					Med Sci Auditorium Lobby

			     T H E   E N D