[news.announce.conferences] Conference '88 program

jonathan@alberta (Jonathan Schaeffer) (05/15/88)

Here is the program for Conference '88, consisting of CSCSI '88
(the Canadian artificial intelligence conference), Graphics
Interface '88 (computer graphics), and Vision Interface '88
(computer vision and pattern recognition).  For more information
		Wayne Davis
		Department of Computing Science
		University of Alberta
		Edmonton, Alberta
		Canada T6G 2H1


Monday - 6 June 1988
Tutorial #1.  Object-Oriented Graphics
	Peter Wi'kirchen,
	Institute for Applied Information Technology,
	GMD (German National Research Council for Computer Science) 
Tutorial #2. The Development of Knowledge-Based Systems
	Brian Gaines,
	University of Calgary
Tutorial #3. Computer Animation
	Daniel Thalmann & Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann,
	University de Montreal
Tutorial #4. Computer Vision
	T. Kasvand, Concordia University & NRC
	M. Rioux, NRC
	P. Boulanger, NRC
	A.K.C. Wong, University of Waterloo

Tuesday - 7 June 1988
Tutorial #5. Graphic Design for Computer Graphics
	Aaron Marcus,
	Aaron Marcus and Associates,
	Berkeley, CA
Tutorial #6. Display of 3-D Biomedical Datasets
	Anthony Reynolds,
	Dynamic Digital Displays, Inc.,
	Philadelphia, PA
#7. Autonomous Mobile Robots
	Rodney A. Brooks,
	MIT AI Laboratory,
	Cambridge, MA


Wednesday 8 June 1988 (morning)

08:30 Invited Speaker
	Finding Proofs, Programs & Plans
		W. Bibel, University of British Columbia
10:00 Natural Language
	Expressing Unrestricted Grammars By Extended DCG
		E. Knudsen, SYSLAB, University of Stockholm
	Using Default Logic to Derive Natural Language Presupposition
		R.E. Mercer, University of Western Ontario
	An Evidence Oracle for Argument Understanding
		M.A. Young & R. Cohen, University of Waterloo
	System X:  A Portable Natural Language Interface
		P. McFetridge et al., Simon Fraser University
11:20 Reasoning I
	Time Revisited
		S.A. Miller and L.K. Schubert, University of Alberta
	Reasoning in Temporal Domains:
	Dealing with Independence and Unexpected Results
		S.D. Goodwin, University of Alberta

Graphics Interface
08:30 Animation
	Real-Time 4D Animation on a 3D Graphics Workstation
		C.M. Beshers & S.K. Feiner, Columbia University
	Techniques for Interactive Manipulation of Articulated Bodies
	Using Dynamic Analysis
		D. Forsey & J. Wilhelms, University of Waterloo
	MML: A Language & System for Procedural Modeling & Motion
		M. Green & H. Sun, University of Alberta
	Joint-Dependent Local Deformations for Hand Animation & Object Grasping
		N. Magnenat-Thalmann et al.,  MIRALab, University de Montreal
11:00 Invited Speaker
	A System for Conducting Experiments Concerning Human Factors
	in Interactive Graphics
		K. Booth, University of Waterloo
Vision Interface
08:30 Robot Vision
	Automated Inspection of Surface Mount Assembly Circuit Board Masks
		D. Gauthier et al., McGill University
	IRLM: An Imaging System for Object Recognition,
	Localization & Motion Recovery
		J.J. Wu & T.M. Caelli, University of Alberta
	Processing Single Range Profiles from a Wrist Mounted Laser Range Finder
		C. Archibald, NRC Ottawa
	Segmentation of Range Images By Piecewise Approximation
	with Shape Constraints
		J.-M. Beaulieu, Universit Laval
10:30 Biomedical Imaging
	Geometric Unwarping for Digital Subtraction Mammography
		Z. Zhou & R. Gordon, University of Manitoba
	Computed Radial-Current Topography of the Brain
		Z.J. Koles et al., University of Alberta
	Automated Detection of Breast Tumors
		S.M. Lai et al., University of Alberta

Wednesday 8 June 1988 (afternoon)
13:30 Knowledge Representation
	A Syntactic Approach to Mental Correspondence
		A.S. Maida, Penn State University
	Statistically Founded Degrees of Belief
		F. Bacchus, University of Alberta
	A  New Normative Theory of Probabilistic Logic
		R. Aleliunas, Simon Fraser University
	On Using Modal Structures to Represent Extensions to Epistemic Logics
		S.J. Hamilton & J.P. Delgrande, Simon Fraser University
	A Solution to the Paradoxes of Confirmation
		J.P. Delgrande, Simon Fraser University
	Concepts, Analogies and Creativity
		D.R. Hofstadter and M. Mitchell, University of Michigan
16:00 Invited Speaker
	Non-Monotonic Reasoning: Is the Answer Harder than the Question?
		D. Etherington, AT & T Bell Labs

Graphics Interface
13:30 User Interfaces
	Squish: A Graphical Shell for UNIX
		T.R. Henry & S.E. Hudson, University of Arizona
	A Hypertext Environment for UNIX
		P. Prusinkiewicz & J. Hanan, University of Regina
	A Graphical Perspective on Robot Workcell Programming
		P. Freedman et al., McGill University
15:30 Applications
	A Graphical Data Model for CASE & CAD
		A.J. McAllister et al., University of New Brunswick
	Realistic Presentation of Three-Dimensional Medical Datasets
		R.A. Reynolds et al., Dynamic Digital Displays Inc.
	Three-Dimensional Display of Medical Images
		Y.-W. Tam & W.A. Davis, University of Alberta

Vision Interface
13:30 Invited Speaker
	Industrial Machine Vision-  Reflecting on the Past Decade
		J.L. Mundy, General Electric Company
15:00 Remote Sensing & Computational Vision
	Data Fusion & Object Recognition
		D. Goodenough, CCRS Ottawa
	Digital Terrain Models - Remote Sensing Assignments
		M. Lasserre, CCRS Ottawa
	Symbolic Knowledge Representation for Remote Sensing
		G. Plunkett & D. Goodenough, CCRS Ottawa
	On Deriving the 3D Surface of the Earth from SAR
		B. Guindon, CCRS Ottawa
	Spatial Information Extraction with Pixel Swapping
		J. Iisaka, CCRS Ottawa
19:00 - 21:00 Computer Animation Film Show

Thursday 9 June 1988 (morning)
08:30  Reasoning II
	The Complexity of Model-Preference Default Theories
		B. Selman &  H. Kautz, University of Toronto & AT&T Bell Labs
	Instance-based Prediction of Real-valued Attributes
		D. Kibler & D.Aha, University of California, Irvine
	Axiomatizations in the Metatheory of Non-monotonic Inference Systems
		P. Besnard, IRISA
	Probabilistic Causal Reasoning
		T. Dean & K. Kanazawa, Brown University
	Search Strategies for Conspiracy Numbers
		N. Klingbeil & J. Schaeffer, University of Alberta
10:30 Invited Speaker
	Bets, Logic & Monotonicity
		C. Morgan, University of Victoria
11:30 Perception I
	The Co-operative Application of Constraints to the
	Motion Correspondence Problem
		M.R.W. Dawson, University of Alberta
	Structure Recognition By Connectionist Relaxation:  Formal Analysis
		P. Cooper, University of Rochester
Graphics Interface
08:30 Invited Speaker
	Parallelism in Rendering Algorithms
		F. Crow, Xerox PARC
10:00 Interaction Techniques
	D.A.V.O.S.: A Computerized Videodisc Animation with Synchronized Speech
		P.Girard, University du Quebec a Chicoutimi
	Man-Computer Interfaces Combining Graphic & Natural Language
	Interaction (Deixis)
		K.H. Hanne & J. Ph. Hoepelman, Fraunhofer  IAO
	An Evaluation of 3-D Object Pointing Using a Field Sequential
	Stereoscopic Display
		H.Takemura et al., ATR Communications Research Laboratories
	Using the Bat: A Six-Dimensional Mouse for Object Placement
		C. Ware & D.R. Jessome, University of New Brunswick
Vision Interface
08:30 Shape
	Gesture Recognition By Feature Analysis
		J. Kim, IBM Research Centre, Yorktown Heights
	Parametric Approximations of Contours of Digitized Characters
		R. Legault & C.Y. Suen, Concordia University
	Classification of Digitized Contours Represented By Signatures
		A. Krzyzak & H. El-Buaeshi, Concordia University
	On the Definition of Reference Skeletons for Comparing
	Thinning Algorithms
		R. Plamondon & C.Y. Suen, Ecole Polytechnique &Concordia Univ.
11:00 Invited Speaker
	The Image Processing Market Place
		R.C. Gonzales, University of Tennessee & Perceptics Corp.

Thursday 9 June 1988 (afternoon)

13:30 Invited Speaker
	Connectionist Symbol Processing
		G. Hinton,  University of Toronto
15:00 Knowledge Base Systems
	A Multi-paradigm Development System For Exploratory Environments
		A. Bergeron et al., University du Quebec a Montreal
	A Hybrid Approach to Finding Language Errors and Program Equivalence
		X. Huang and G. McCalla, University of Saskatchewan
	Knowledge Acquisition Techniques for Knowledge-Based Systems
		M. Shaw, University of Calgary
	Extracting Rules From Data With Exceptions
		T. Sugawara, NTT Japan
	Search Strategies for Finding Partial Answers in Large Knowledge-Bases
		J. Han et al., Simon Fraser University
	A Rule-Based Framework for Controlling a Robotic Workcell
		M.E. Malowany and A.S. Malowany, McGill University
Graphics Interface
13:30 Modeling
	Local Refinement Editing of B-Spline Surfaces
		D.R. Forsey & R.H. Bartels, University of Waterloo
	A Modeling Testbed
		K. Fleischer & A.Witkin, Schlumberger Palo Alto Research
	From Wire-frames to Furry Animals
		G. Miller, Alias Research Inc.
	Physically-Based Models with Rigid & Deformable Components
		D. Terzopoulos & A. Witkin, Schlumberger Palo Alto Research
16:00 Invited Speaker 
	Graphics Programming & Interactive Environments
		D. Olsen, Brigham Young University
Vision Interface
13:30 Parallel Processing
	Parallel Algorithms for Extracting Shape Features of
	Handwritten Characters
		H.F. Li et al., Concordia University
	Improvements & Systolic Implementations of Hough Trans
	for Straight Line Detection
		H.F. Li et al., Concordia University
	Computation of a Class of Detail Preserving Filters in
	Pipeline Architectures
		A.F. Lochovsky, University of Guelph
	A Vision Based Object Presentation System for Robotic Assembly
		J.P.T. Goguen & E. Petriu, University of Ottawa
15:30 Computational Methods in Vision
	Specularity Removal for Shape from Shading
		F. Tong & B.V. Funt, Simon Fraser University
	Visual Routines: Ingredients, Design, & Control
		M.H.J. Romanycia, University of British Columbia
	Estimating Movement Direction with a Neural Network
		W.C. Treurniet, CRC Ottawa
	A Graphics Package for Simulating the Data of Range Finders
		S.H.Y. Hung, NRC Ottawa

Friday 10 June 1988 (morning)

08:30 Perception II
	Curved Mondrians: A Generalized Approach to Shape from Shading
		W.F. Bischof & M. Ferraro, University of Alberta
	Extended Moment Analysis to Handle Structural Variations in
	Character Recognition
		D.M. McNulty, University of California, Irvine
	Speaker Normalization & Automatic Speech Recognition
		Y. Bengio & R. De Mori, McGill University
09:30 Invited Speaker
	Recognizing Objects with Curved Surfaces & Moving Parts
		D. Lowe, University of British Columbia
11:00 Invited Speaker
	Neural Networks, Markov Models & Programming in Automatic
	Speech Recognition
		R. De Mori, McGill University
Graphics Interface
08:30 User Interface Design
	Telemac: A Remote-controlled User Interface Server
		G. Gagnon & J. Vaucher,  de Montreal
	Eva: An Event Driven Framework for Building User Interfaces in Smalltalk
		J. McAffer & D. Thomas, Carleton University
	Constraint Grammars in User Interface Management Systems
		B.T. Vander Zanden, Cornell University
10:30 User Interface Design II
	Virtual Control Panels
		P. Prusinkiewicz & C. Knelsen, University of Regina
	A Grid-Based Approach to Automating Display Layout
		S. Feiner, Columbia University
	Decoupling Pointer & Image Functions of Cursors in Space,
	Time, & Availability
		M.J. Muller, Bell Communications Research
Vision Interface
08:30 Invited Speaker
	Space Station  -  An Application for Computer Vision
		K.H. Doetsch, NRC, Ottawa
10:00 Applications I
	Unsupervised Segmentation of Textured Images
		A. Khotanzad & J.Y. Chen, Southern Methodist University, Dallas
	A Global System for Matching 3-D Range Data Objects
		N.N. Abdelmalek, NRC Ottawa
	Speech Modeling By Correlation Fitting
		J. Huang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, PRC
	Multiresolution Modeling & Matching Using Salient Features
		Z.N. Li & Q. Song, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Friday 10 June 1988 (afternoon)

13:30 Reasoning III
	Toward the Automated Synthesis of Nondeterministic Plans 
		D. Bahler, North Carolina State University
	Iterative Constructs in Non-Linear Precedence Planners
		S. Steel, University of Essex
	Context Resolution: A Computational Mechanism for Intelligent
		J.H. You & Y. Wang, University of Alberta
	LEW-P: Learning by Watching in the Planning Domain
		P. Constant et al., University of Ottawa
15:30 Applications
	Generic Strategies & Representations for Communications Networks Sales
		I.A. Ferguson & D.R. Zlatin, Bell Northern Research Ltd.
	Qualitative Modeling: Application of a Mechanism for Interpreting
	Graphical Data
		S. McIlraith, Alberta Research Council
	Exploiting Fine-grained Parallelism in Production Systems
		B.T. Smith & D. Middleton, NASA
	An Expert Advisor for Fourth Generation Software
		D. Skuce, University of Ottawa
	Refinement of Scene Interpretation for Object Recognition and Location
		K.D. Rueb and A. Wong, University of Waterloo
Graphics Interface
13:30 Invited Speaker
	The Challenge of Human Figure Animation
		T. Calvert, Simon Fraser University
15:00 Algorithms
	The Application of Area Antialiasing on Raster Image Displays
		Y.-T. Chen & P. D. Fisher, Michigan State University
	Attractors & Repellers of Koch Curves
		P. Prusinkiewicz & G. Sandness, University of Regina
	A General Algorithm for 3-D Shape Interpolation in a
	Facet-Based Representation
		T. M. Hong et al., MIRALab IRO
	Theoretical Results on the Priority Approach to Hidden-Surface Removal
		P. Egyed, McGill University
Vision Interface
13:30 Applications II
	Parallel Algorithms for Image Object Labeling
		E. Leung & X. Li, University of Alberta
	Syntactic Pattern Analysis in Seismic Exploration
		L. Le & E. Nyland, University of Alberta
	Label Relaxation Technique for Stable Estimation of a Topographic
	Primal Sketch
		P. Boulanger, NRC Ottawa
A Low Cost Robot Vision System: Successes & Shortcomings
	E.J. Trost & S. Onyshko, Unisys & University of Manitoba
Feasibility of a Global Description of 3-D Objects in Range Data for Recognition
	S.H.Y. Hung, NRC Ottawa
16:00 Invited Speaker
	Integrating Methodologies in Image Analysis
		T. Pavlidis & Y.T. Liow, SUNY, Stony Brook, New York