[ont.events] CS colloq. UWO. March 16, Friday at 2 pm...

ling@ria.ccs.uwo.ca (Charles X. Ling) (03/02/90)

Friday, March 16, 1990. 2:00 pm. Middlesex College, Room 316.

		Dr. Joseph W.H. Liu
	    Department of Computer Science
		    York University 

                   will speak on:

 Parallel Sparse Matrix Computation on a Hypercube

                            A B S T R A C T

The effective use of parallelism in the solution of large sparse
linear systems is an interesting and challenging problem that
has many practical applications.
In this talk, we give an overview of the various issues arising
from the parallel sparse solution on a hypercube, a distributed-memory 
multiprocessor machine. Issues include sparse matrix reorderings 
appropriate for parallel elimination, mapping strategies, and 
parallel numerical factorization schemes. The performance of a 
number of parallel factorization schemes on an Intel iPSC hypercube 
will be presented.

Coffee and cookies will be served after the colloquium in room 300