[news.announce.conferences] Conference on Law, Computers and Artificial Intelligence

ajit@cs.exeter.ac.uk (Ajit Narayanan) (07/01/88)


Thursday 17th November - Friday 18th November 1988, University of  Exeter,
Crossmead Conference Centre.

		 Preliminary Notice and Call for Papers.

The interactions between the disciplines  of  law,  computer  science  and
artificial  intelligence  are  attracting  increasing attention within the
academic  and  commercial  communities,	 especially  in	  the	areas	of
'intelligent'  computer	 fraud,	 copyright  of	software, data protection,
representing law on  the  computer,  'hacking',	 and  legal  liability	of
producers of intelligent and non-intelligent software. There have been few
opportunities for professionals	 working  in  these  disciplines  to  meet
fellow workers and researchers in this country, and recent developments in
data protection legislation, the computerization of stock  exchanges,  and
AI  approaches to legal reasoning have implications that are important and
timely for participants at the Conference to discuss.

Papers are invited on (but not restricted to) the following areas:

     AI models of legal reasoning and representation

     'intelligent' and 'non-intelligent' computer fraud

     implications and effects of data protection legislation

     legal liability of writers	 of  'intelligent'  and	 'non-intelligent'

     software copyright and intellectual property issues

     social effects and implications of computational law ......

Submissions in the form of short abstracts (less that 500 words) should be
sent  to  either  of  the  local  organizers by 15th July. Authors will be
notified of acceptance by 2nd August.

The Conference will last from lunchtime on Thursday until  late	 afternoon
on  Friday.  Accommodation  at the Conference Centre, plus full board (two
lunches, teas, dinner and breakfast) will be approximately 40 pounds.

Local Organizers:

   Mervyn Bennun			 Ajit Narayanan
   Department of Law			 Department of Computer Science
   Amory Building			 Old Library
   University of Exeter			 University of Exeter
   Exeter EX4 4RJ			 Exeter EX4 4PT
   Tel: 0392 263161			 Tel: 0392 264050

Note:  This  Conference	 benefits  from	 financial  support   from   Ablex
Publishing  Corp. and Society for the study of Artificial Intelligence and
Simulation of Behaviour (AISB).