heldeib@gmu90x (heldeib) (07/12/88)
************************************************************************ * ADVANCE PROGRAM AND * * REGISTRATION INFO. * * * * THIRD IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM * * ON INTELLIGENT CONTROL * * * * August 24-26, 1988 * * Key Bridge Marriott Hotel * * Arlington, Virginia * ************************************************************************ * Registration Forms are Attached at End of Announcement * ************************************************************************ Sponsored by: IEEE Control Systems Society in cooperation with: IEEE Robotics and Automation Council IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Hosted by: George Mason University General Chairman: Dr. H.E. Stephanou, George Mason University Program Chairmen: Dr. J.Y. S. Luh, Clemson University Dr. A. Meystel, Drexel University Local Arrangements: Dr. H.K. Eldeib, George Mason University ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Symposium will be held at the Key Bridge Marriott Hotel in Arlington, Virginia, which is located across the Potomac river from beautiful Georgetown in Washington, D.C. The hotel has a scenic view of Washington and the Potomac, and is within a very short walking distance to Rosslyn Metro Station. Metro provides an inexpensive, safe, and pleasant access in a few minutes to Washington's National Airport and to the Washington Mall where the White House, the U.S. Capitol, the National Air and Space Museum, the Smithonian Institution, the Vietnam Memorial, and many other national monuments are located. Georgetown is a lively and beautiful area with a great variety of shops, restaurants and night entertainment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Symposium includes six tutorials and 150 contributed and invited papers. A summary description is given below. For detailed information send e-mail to Dr. Hany K. Eldeib at one of the following addresses: Bitnet: heldeib@gmuvax Internet: heldeib@gmuvax.gmu.edu UUCP: uunet!pyrdc!gmu90x!heldeib or write to: Dr. Hany K. Eldeib Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering George Mason University 4400 University Drive Fairfax, VA 22030 U.S.A. or call: (703) 323-3369 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TUTORIALS: WEDNESDAY AUGUST 24, 1988 TUTORIAL A 8:30-17:30 COMMAND AND CONTROL: ARCHITECTURES FOR DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS by Alexander H. Levis (MIT) Guest Lecturers S.K. Andreadakis (MIT) John Brode (Meta Software Corp.) Outline: - Intro to Command and Control - Design and Evaluation of C3 Systems - Petri Net Description of Organizational Structure - Algorithms for Designing Architecture - The Human Decisionmaker Model - Measures of Performance and Effectiveness - Petri Net Software Design and Evaluation - Case Studies TUTORIAL B1 8:30-12:30 INTRODUCTION TO NEURAL NETWORKS by Edouard Philippe (Rice University) Outline: - What are Neural Networks ? - Engineering Intro to Biological Neuron Information processing - Computational Neuron Modelling, Data Encoding, and Net Building Blocks. - Network Architectures and Functions - Neural Network Learning - Application in Computational Vision - Applications to Robotics TUTORIAL B2 8:30-12:30 A UNIFIED BAYESIAN APPROACH FOR COMPUTER VISION by Fernand S. Cohen (Drexel University) David B. Cooper (Brown University) Outline: - 3D Object and Image Models - Overview of General Decision-Theoretic Tools - Segmentation - Shape, Location, and Orientation - Applications TUTORIAL B3 8:30-12:30 MULTI-RESOLUTIONAL CONTROL ALGORITHMS: A REBIRTH OF HIERARCHICAL CONTROL by Alexander Meystel (Drexel University) Outline: - Survey of Hierarchical Models, Hierarchical Algorithms, and Hierarchical Control Structures. - Multiresolutional methods of information and knowledge representation. - Recursive algorithms for Multiresolutional Control. - Applications TUTORIAL C1 13:30-17:30 NEUROCOMPUTING ARCHITECTURES FOR INTELLIGENT CONTROL by Allon Guez and Moshe Kam (Drexel University) Outline: - Intro to Neural Nets - Signal Processing iand Control Applications TUTORIAL C2 13:30-17:30 NETWORKING FOR COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING by Asok Ray and Suk Lee (Pennsylvania State University) Shashi Phoha (IT&T Defense Communications Division) Outline: - Basic Concepts and Architectures of CIM - Discrete-Event Simulation for Network Performance Evaluation - Impact of Network Induced Delays on Control System Stability - Network Management and Control AUGUST 25, 1988 8:15-9:00 Plenary Session (Y.C. Ho, Harvard University) 9:20-10:40 Techincal Sessions: TA1 INTELLIGENT MACHINES TA2 MONITORING SYSTEMS TA3 NEURAL NETWORKS TA4 SENSOR FUSION TA5 GRASPING TA6 INDUSTRIAL PLANTS 11:00-12:20 Technical Sessions: TB1 PLANNING TB2 DIAGNOSIS TB3 LEARNING 1 TB4 SENSOR FUSION II TB5 MANIPULATOR CONTROL I TB6 APPLICATIONS 12:20-14:00 Lunch 14:00-15:30 Technical Sessions: TC1 HIERARCHICAL SYSTEMS TC2 RELIABILITY AND MAINTAINABILITY TC3 LEARNING II TC4 KNOWLEDGE-BASED CONTROL I TC5 MANIPULATOR CONTROL II TC6 VISION 15:40-17:00 Technical Sessions: TD1 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS TD2 INTELLIGENT COMMAND CENTERS TD3 LEARNING III TD4 KNOWLEDGE BASED CONTROL II TD5 COLLISION DETECTION AND AVOIDANCE TD6 ROBOTICS FRIDAY AUGUST 26, 1988 8:15-9:00 Plenary Session (T. Vamos, Hungarian Academy of Science) 9:20-10:40 Technical Sessions: FA1 REASONING FA2 FAULT DETECTION FA3 BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS FA4 FUZZY CONTROL FA5 PLANNING 11:00-12:20 Technical Sessions: FB1 MOTION ANALYSIS FB2 COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING FB3 ADAPTATION FB4 SIGNALS, SYSTEMS, AND SOFTWARE FB5 MOBIL ROBOTS 12:20-14:00 Lunch 14:00-15;20 Technical Sessions: FC1 CELLULAR ROBOT CONTROLLERS FC2 MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS FC3 IDENTIFICATION AND ADAPTATION FC4 ARCHITECTURES FC5 ROBOT NAVIGATION 15:40-17:00 Panel Discussion Moderator: George Saridis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Panel Members: James Albus, national Bureau of Standards Roger Brockett, Harvard University Arthur Sanderson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Wesley Snyder, North Carolina State University Charles Weisbin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Lotfi Zadeh, University of California at Berkeley ------------------------------------------------------------------------ REGISTRATION FORM ------------------ cut here ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THIRD IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTELLIGENT CONTROL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ August 24-26, 1988 SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION FORM Please return this form with check payable to Intelligent Control to: Dr. Harry Stephanou ECE Dept, Room ST-119 George Mason University Fairfax, Virginia 22030 Name:_______________________________________________________ Institution:________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip/Country:_____________________________________ Telephone:__________________________________________________ IEEE Membership Number:_____________________________________ On-site registration will be accepted during the symposium. Payment may be made in cash or check. For more information, call (703) 323-3451 ------------------------------------------------------------ Please register me as follows (circle appropriate fee): Before August 15: IEEE Member Non-Member Student ----------- ---------- -------- Symposium Only $175 $225 $50 Full Day Tutorial $120 $160 $120 1 Half Day Tutorial $90 $120 $90 2 Half Day Tutorials $170 $220 $170 After August 15: IEEE Member Non-Member Student ----------- ---------- -------- Symposium Only $200 $250 $75 Full Day Tutorial $145 $185 $145 1 Half Day Tutorial $115 $145 $115 2 Half Day Tutorials $195 $245 $195 Total amount enclosed ________________________ Please list the title(s) of the tutorials that you will be attending (please register early as the number of seats will be limited): 1)____________________________________________ 2)____________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- cut here -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIRD IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTELLIGENT CONTROL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 24-26, 1988 HOTEL REGISTRATION FORM A block of rooms for the Symposium is reserved until August 2. Reservations received after this date will be confirmed on an availability basis. Early registration is recommended to take advantage of the reduced hotel rate. The Marriott is within walking distance from the Rosslyn Metrorail Station, serviced by the Orange line and the Blue line. Metro provides inexpensive and safe access from and to Washington's National Airport as well as most of the Washington area. The hotel has a scenic view of Georgetown and the potomac and is within a very short walking distance to the many restaurants and shops of famous M Street. For those driving, free hotel parking will be available. Name:_____________________________________________________________________ Institution:______________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip/Country:___________________________________________________ Telephone:________________________________________________________________ Arrival Date and Time:____________________________________________________ Departure Date:___________________________________________________________ Rooms will be held until 6 PM on specified arrival date, unless otherwise noted. Should you wish to guarantee your accomodation for late arrival, supply the following information: Circle one: American Express Diners Club Visa/Mastercard Card No.:_________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date:__________________________________________________________ Signature:________________________________________________________________ Room Rate Single $76 Double $96 Forward to: Key Bridge Marriott Hotel 1401 Lee Highway Arlington, Virginia 22209 or call: (703) 524-6400 (800) 228-9290 (toll free)