(Keith Sparacin) (08/05/88)
OBJECT-ORIENTED DATABASE WORKSHOP To be held in conjunction with the OOPSLA '88 Conference on Object-Oriented Programming: Systems, Languages, and Applications 26 September 1988 San Diego, California, U.S.A. Object-oriented database systems combine the strengths of object-oriented programming languages and data models, and database systems. This one-day workshop will expand on the theme and scope of a similar OODB workshop held at OOPSLA '87. The 1988 Workshop will consist of the following four panels: Architectural issues: 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Therice Anota (Graphael), Gordon Landis (Ontologic), Dan Fishman (HP), Patrick O'Brien (DEC), Jacob Stein (Servio Logic), David Wells (TI) Transaction management for cooperative work: 10:30 AM - 12:00 noon Bob Handsaker (Ontologic), Eliot Moss (Univ. of Massachusetts), Tore Risch (HP), Craig Schaffert (DEC), Jacob Stein (Servio Logic), David Wells (TI) Schema evolution and version management: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Gordon Landis (Ontologic), Mike Killian (DEC), Brom Mehbod (HP), Jacob Stein (Servio Logic), Craig Thompson (TI), Stan Zdonik (Brown University) Query processing: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM David Beech (HP), Paul Gloess (Graphael), Bob Strong (Ontologic), Jacob Stein (Servio Logic), Craig Thompson (TI) Each panel member will present his position on the panel topic in 10 minutes. This will be followed by questions from the workshop participants and discussions. To encourage vigorous interactions and exchange of ideas between the participants, the workshop will be limited to 60 qualified participants. If you are interested in attending the workshop, please submit three copies of a single page abstract to the workshop chairman describing your work related to object-oriented database systems. The workshop participants will be selected based on the relevance and significance of their work described in the abstract. Abstracts should be submitted to the workshop chairman by 15 August 1988. Participants selected will be notified by 5 September 1988. Workshop Chairman: Dr. Satish M. Thatte Director, Information Technologies Laboratory Texas Instruments Incorporated P.O. Box 655474, M/S 238 Dallas, TX 75265 Phone: (214)-995-0340 Arpanet: CSNet: