hamlet@ogcvax.ogc.edu (Dr. Richard Hamlet) (08/15/88)
SIXTH ANNUAL PACIFIC NORTHWEST SOFTWARE QUALITY CONFERENCE September 19-20, 1988, Portland, Oregon TECHNICAL PROGRAM, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 Keynote address by Ed Yourdon: "Software Quality Assurance in the 1990s" Three parallel tracks on Project Management Tools, Testing, Debugging Specification, Design, Documentation (See details below) Special invited presentation by John Musa: "Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, and Application" Vendor exhibits, and a fourth track of vendor presentations WORKSHOP SESSIONS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Object-oriented Programming and Design (Ralph Johnson, University of Illinois) Software Reliability (John Musa, AT&T Bell Labs) The Economics of Software Quality and Productivity (Ed Yourdon) Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling a Software Engineering Project (Rob Breithbarth, Omark Industries) REGISTRATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS (See registration form at end below.) All sessions at Portland Marriott, 1401 S.W. Front, (503) 226-7600. Nearby Portland Inn, 1414 S.W. 6th, (800) 648-6440. For more information call Lawrence & Craig, (503) 222-2606. DETAILS OF TECHNICAL PROGRAM Project Management - Risk Management in Software Engineering Projects, Gerry Luengen, J. Luengen & Assoc. & Ron Swingen, Mentor Graphics - Control Charting in Software Development, Lionel L. Craddock, IBM ABS - Five Components of a Software Quality Assurance Paradigm, Patrick H. Loy, The John Hopkins University - Information Scope and the OVERSEE Configuration Management Environment, Steven Wartik, University of Virginia - Software Construction Project Management, Robert E. Shelton, CASEware, Inc. - Structured Computer Project Management, William H. Roetzheim, MITRE Corp. - Software Developer and Vendor Liability, Nancy E. Willard, Attorney at Law - FI3T: An Evolutionary Approach to Software Development at Mentor Graphics, Rick Combest & Sue Strater, Mentor Graphics - A Methodology for Software Maintenance, John E. Moore, Hercules Aerospace Tools - A Hardware Assistant For Software Testing, Bill Sundermeier, MicroCASE, Inc. - A User Interface Toolkit for the X Window System, Benjamin Ellsworth, Hewlett-Packard Company - Tina: A Facility for Assisting With Unit Testing, Richard D. Sidwell & Gordon W. Blair, Rockwell International Testing - Experimental Results of Automatically Generated Adequate Test Sets, Richard A. DeMillo, Purdue University & Jeff Offutt, Clemson University - Using Data Flow Analysis for Regression Testing, Thomas J. Ostrand, Siemens Laboratories & Elaine J. Weyuker, Courant Institute - Testing Shared-Memory Parallel Programs, Andrew H. Sung, New Mexico Tech Debugging - On the Cost of Back-To-Back Testing, M. A. Vouk, North Carolina State - An Execution Backtracking Approach to Program Debugging, Hiralal Agrawal & Eugene H. Spafford, Software Engineering Research Center Purdue University/University of Florida - A Debugging Assistant for Distributed Systems, Daniel Hernandez, Technische Universitaet Muenchen & Laveen Kanal & James Purtilo, University of Maryland at College Park Specification - Specifying Recoverable Objects, Jeannette M. Wing, Carnegie Mellon - Requirements Specification Understanding and Misinterpretation, Frank A. Cioch, Oakland University - Specifications and Programs: Prospects for Automated Consistency Checking, Albert L. Baker & John T. Rose, Iowa State University Design - Fault-Tolerant Software and Object-Oriented Design, Michel Bidoit & Christophe Dony, Centre de Recherche de la CGE, France - Validation by Pre-reviewing and Justification, Ilkka Tervonen, University of Oulu, Finland - Multi-Person Projects and CASE, Byron Miller, KnowledgeWare, Inc. Documentation - Data On The Use Of Stepwise Refinement Approach, Pierre N. Robillard & Daniel Coupal, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal, Canada - Using Formal Specification as a Documentation Tool: A Case Study, Edward G. Amoroso, Jonathan D. Weiss, AT&T Bell Laboratories CONFERENCE REGISTRATION (MONDAY) Mail this form with check made payable to Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference, $80 before September 5, $90 after, to: PNSQC c/o Lawrence and Craig P.O. Box 40244 Portland, OR 97240 USA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Name ____________________________ Affiliation __________________________ Address ______________________________________________ City ________________________ State _____ Zip ________ Daytime telephone ___________________ Please check one session choice for each time period: 10:00 1:00 3:00 Proj. Management 1___ Proj. Management 2___ Proj. Management 3___ Tools___ Testing___ Debugging___ Specification___ Design___ Documentation/Reliability___