[news.announce.conferences] COCOMO User's Group Meeting

mrb@sei.cmu.edu (Mario Barbacci) (08/15/88)



			Software Engineering Institute
			  Carnegie Mellon University
			   Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
			      November 2-3, 1988

General Chair:	Clyde Chittister, Carnegie Mellon University

Program Chair:	Richard Fairley, George Mason University

Pgm. Committee: Barry Boehm, TRW
		Karen Pullen, MITRE
		Paul Rook, Software Engineering Consultant
		Dan Ligett, Softstar

The first three annual COCOMO Users' Group meetings provided an opportunity for
COCOMO	 users	and  software  cost  estimation	 researchers  from  government,
industry, and universities to share experiences	 with  COCOMO  and  other  cost
estimation  models,  and  to examine several implementations of cost estimation
tools based on COCOMO.

The fourth Annual COCOMO Users' Group meeting will  be	held  at  the  Software
Engineering  Institute	facility  of  Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania on November 2 & 3, 1988.  One of the major focal  points  will  be
adaptation of COCOMO and other models to estimating the effects of using Ada on
software project effort, schedule, and life-cycle costs, including  experiences
with  the  TRW	Ada  COCOMO model presented at the 1987 meeting.  Another major
focal point will be the adaptation of COCOMO and other	models	to  alternative
software processes:  prototyping, evolutionary development, Ada process models,
and incremental development.

Other topics to be discussed will include alternative cost  estimation	models,
extensions  to	COCOMO,	 and  implementation techniques for COCOMO models.  The
program will include about 12 invited presentations and 10 tool demonstrations.
Attendance will be limited to approximately 90 participants.

Persons	 interested  in	 making	 a  technical  presentation  or demonstrating a
COCOMO-related tool should send a 1 to 2 page abstract to one of the chairmen:

    Professor Richard E. Fairley	Mr. Clyde Chittister
    School of Information Technology	Software Engineering Institute
    George Mason University		Carnegie Mellon University
    Fairfax, VA	 22030			Pittsburgh, PA 15213
    USA					USA
    Tel: +1 703 764 6195		Tel: +1 412 268 7781
					Internet: cc@sei.cmu.edu
					uunet: ...!harvard!sei.cmu.edu!cc
					FAX: +1 412 268 5758

Abstracts due:	1 September 1988
Notification:	1 October 1988

Persons interested in general participation should also contact either	of  the
chairmen by 1 September 1988.